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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION G3 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 এক po PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment The climatic and physical forces of nature have made themselves felt in every age and in every clime upon the human race since Adam left the santuary of Eden, and they are the principal factors to be considered when explaining the differences which are manifested in the various races of the earth.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY AUGUST 29. 1931 NUM. 90 Womanhood as it appears to us freat scandal over The Wellare Co.
on Our Politics All contestants are it could only mean that An urgent ence.
over: The Attorney General asked Pollock and Barton, the Thursday eve for the promoters of the great In.
Arrest of Messrs Minton ternational Lottery or The rights of womanhood which shall serve as the basis to the husband; a good cusThe on his way home from his Welfare Co. of Costa Rica; or feminism rightly understood of the instructions which they todian and prudent administra work or business, and conthis was granted by the and well practised, instead of later shall receive from their tor of the goods entrusted to trive to make him forget his Storm in Limon Judge maki the investiga loosening or mitigating the ties teachers; and it is this educa her care; she must be ind worries in the busy world of tions into the existence of of love, or disputing authority tion that creates the sagacity ustrious, diligent, a lover of business affairs by her affecIt wili be remembered this Society. The American Consul however guaranteed in the home, ought rather to to overcome evil temptations, her own home; but an enemy tionate and gay attractions, that some months ago their presence in Court on contribute in fact and deed, to by means of the ambition in to idleness, keeping late hours, then will she be the idol of we warned the Gover Friday to give theit declapervade or intermix her forces thused in them through proper or being a street walker, she that home, and his centre of nor of Limon on the rations, when great things with a view of strengthening education.
must avoid being a bore to her attraction in this giddy world danger to passersby on are anticipated the will to outstretch the cords It has already transpired It is essential therefore that neighbours by frequent visits, of ours. Then and only thus Avenue A, due to the that the Welfare Society of of affection that unite sincerely true womanhood would reject she should abstain from fri will she be living up to the unsightly appearance of Costa Rica, which was forthe man and the woman in the present day false decorous volíties and illicit diversions; Standard of the helpnate and the upper part of the mulated in the family Circle.
ness, this stupid circumspec she should be amiable, of a companion as she was in fencing at the baseball these gentlemen, but was disTo recognize and strengthen tion, this false affectation, she courteous disposition, pious, tended by the Creator to be; ground, it was conse. solved since July 28th of the personality of the woman should look on all these as gentle, charitable and self res thus will she be visioned as quently patched up by this year. These men kad been asking for their pasin the home, is the first aut only a myth; it is neccesary pecting. She must realize the a highsouled woman, on whose those Concerned, but on sports to leave the country hority that the man ought to that they cultivate their under fact that instead of adorning brow will be imprinted Abiding Sunday morning the hed today.
exercise as a nontransferible standings on a paralel with herself with her best things failhfulness and Trust, Truthvy breezes capsized the We understand that right, the rights dictated and the coeval sciences of the day, to make herself presentablefulness and Bravery, and above whole thing in the Street, several tickets of this ordered by God; there would in short, it is necessary that and attractive on the streets, all a generous heart, such an fortunately no one was Lottery have been sold along the lines, hence those pur then be no fear that the dis the twentieth century woman she should keep those attrac one as Ruskin decribed as passing at the time. There chasers had better seek to cipline which ought to be ex should know to lift herself from tions for meeting her husband Love Visible.
is really no reason put get back their monies. There cercised in the home would be this shameful abjection in which ting on this Cap piece are said to be over 6000 let relaxed, if the woman occupies they live until now and elevate so unseemly and danger ters with money for Mr Mia the place which corresponds herself into an exalted womanous, we hope it wont be ton held up the Postal authorities.
to her as mother and a Christian hood, thus creating herself as replaced wife; a natural weakening the megaphone of all that tends would however be sure to to a life of rectitude and honourensue if the woman does not able mention in the Community British Politics value her rights and obligations in which she wields an influ equally persistent in their he would use every in the dignity of the Family.
protestations of As the Cabinet now means, by the ength: Call These should never be forgot.
stands for Britain, there The woman is therefore the to the country and their of his votes, to prevent are seven conservatives, ten by the woman, because on all in all, and above all, the followers. very hot such an occurrence by Referring to our appeal for five liberals and only this depends the rights of her companion of the man in the debate however occurred political strategy, and that legitimate and direct influence home and when her life does on Monday last in Con conse really there was nothing Co operation in securing our five labourites, to be alarmed ovvn printing plant. meet quently the Labour party in the Family Circle and of not warrant being respected in gress causing the chair.
her indirect influence on the this category, arguments and man to hurriedly close the public in the gallery ing vvill be called in Limon on are demanding the resig.
Society in which she moves. contentions will arise in that the session in conse however kicked up such Sunday the 6th. September to nation of Ramsay Mc.
It is only by her christianlike home, much to the detriment quence of exceptions a rompus that the chair discuss such possibilities, to Donald from the Party man had to abruptly take place at the Office of The to place another in his and dignified deportment, will of the harmony and tranquility taken by the Ricardis.
Limon Service Bureau at 11 stead, and putting Henshe be able to demand from of domestic life, and breaks tas; representatives Vi bring the session to a o clock.
derson as Head of the the man the rightful place to that peace and concord which lialobos and Saborio close.
Dr. Francisco Corde All our friends and Read. Party to lead the oppowhich she belongs, because, forms the perfume for the protested to certain re the moment she descends from ro bas proposed to all ers are cordially invited to sition. There are hardly correct and appropriate educ marks made by don Ma.
such pedestal she ceases to be ation of the children, who will nuel Castro Quesada to candidates that they attend and assist, or send in 40 members of the par the companion of her partner most assuredly adopt the ex the effect that he would retire from the campaign their vievvs and offers in ty who are still along but rather converts herself into amples set them in the parental see that don Ricardo Ji. so that the populace vvriting if they cannot be side of Mc. Donald. Thohis slave.
mode of life. She must by her menez does not get the could nominate a Popu present, relying that the mas, Secty for the Coseat, for he wili Therefore as soon as woman sympathetic love to the man use lar Candidate, this idea business vvill safe lonies, is also being asked hood falls away from the idea overlook his foibles, she must every means at his dis is however not ассер: hands.
to resign as Secretary Nation for which God created her console him, try to make him posal to avoid this, they table.
Continued on page by a depreciation of her happy when the misfortunes claimed it was a threat by immoral thoughts or actions, him resentful, or dismantle his order and that the pre Great as a pretext of what she may good humour, remembering sident, if he is really Rich in the curreney many parts of the world. How envy her woa.
deem a betterment in merely that it is compassionate to neutral, ought to call on of the learned, Sir ch. but was regretfully decl. derful facilities for rematerial raalizations, she in console her neighbour, much him for an explanation drasekhara Ranian, hold ined because of lack of search» he says. have vites reproach on herself and more so is it incumbent on her of the threat.
er of the Nobel prize funds.
little or no 13eans cf ought to be shunned as one so to do for her helpmate. It Representatives Perez, tor Physics, says he is Honoured by a dozen continuing my own stu would a plague.
is equally the duty of the Loria and Urbina felt too poor to carry the countries with medals dies and unhappily there There are those woman to study closely the however that this dis fruits of his research to and degrees, he lives in is no realization in the likes and dis pute should not be minded men who assert that wishes, the West which honour comparative poverty and my own country of the there is no necessity for educat likes of her husband in so far brought into the Congress ed him.
as they do not conflict with the Hall, but was a politirelative obscurity in the importance of research, ing the girl as they would the laws of God or exceed the cal matter to be settled poorest quarter of Cal although it is remark boy An invitation to go to cutta. He has no lavor able that the greatest sity as a requirement to sus limits, of prudency; and if they in the pubic squares, California and lecture atory at all, and his li. contributions to Science tain the many battles of his transgress these limits, her persisting that there about his discoveries in brary is limited to a in India have been made finer sentiments of compassion was no threat as insir life; but far should it be from light, took its place to few chosen treatises. by Indians, who had us to oppose the higher culture will roprove him with affection uated in the remarks, day among others from o foreign training.
not with austerity, remembering Raman is 43 years old, of the woman, who has been that the supreme authority of selle tall and broadshoulder created by God to be the India regards him as ed, with a slight stoop.
a scientific Magi and companion, the helpmate the home has been vested in him by Divine wisdom. TO THE FRONT AGAIN not the slave of man; she is He dresses in European the «Einstein of the Above all it is acceptable endowed with a highly intelligclothes topped with an East) but he hiinseif ent soul, with a higher inst and beneficial to womanhood, The Baptists will entertain you again on the Lawn of the Bapttst Indian turban. Like Dr. gives most of the credit inctive than man for knowing when th emarried woman (and Church Limon on Tuesday 1st. of September wohen a GARDEN Albert Einstein he is a for his discoveries to the Truth and for loving it; it those who propose to adopt PARTY will be staged with a variety of attractions and Amusements great devotce of the vi.
the students who labour.
such as seldom exer seen. Musicai Selections a special feature. Come is most convenient therefore themselves to married life)
olin, te which he atri ed with him in a rooin and enjoy yourselves and help the cause that needs assistance.
that the woman should be well adorn themselves with all the butes his original inter wth a stone floor, bare educated, for she in turn will virtues that the estate of matrie:t in Pliysics, Amerihave to instruct her children, mony enjoins; among which, Revd. Wm FORDE, Pastor often occupies his walls and a leaky ceilgiving them that first education first and foremost is fidelity thoughts.
ing gifts revealed to Babes narrow Usual Prices ca Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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