
Saturday August 29. 1931 Será posible que que Limón se convierta en puerto libre?
ATTENTION THE STANDARD va a que se han ser amar Está siendo motivo insistencia sobre la ini blando en toda la Re Los limonenses deben de grandes discusiones ciativa de don Juanito pública; pero debido al de preocuparse para que el proyecto de convertir Romagosa, actual Go desequilibrio mundial, ha estos proyectos de posi a Limón en puerto li bernador de este puerto, sido este factor princi tivo interés, se lleven a bre o mejor dicho en quien ha elaborado el pal para que la vida ac cabo, pues en ellos vepuerto de depósito. proyecto mencionado pa tiva que este puerto lle mos el porvenir de nues.
En la prensa nacional ra hacer en Limón de gó a tener, se trocara en tra provincia. Se ha diIn view of the present economic depression. have se están ocupando con pósito de mercaderías una vida sin actividad, cho por ahí que para decided to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices extranjeras. Es posible sin movimiento comer que esto se realice, se Careful attention will, as usual, be given to all work.
que en las actuales se cial, sin futuro, sin por necesitan muchas cosas, Cuba Cattle Congreso se presente el de estas localidades.
del Soberano venir para los habitantes las cuales sería un im. Nelson, Tailor, Box 64 Limon posible para la Repúbliproyecto en referencia Hoy que se ha lanza. Ca; pero como dije antes; rearing para que sea considera do a la consideración del estas cosas no se hado por el cuerpo legis. Congreso y de la opi. Tían inmediatamente, pe While Costa Rica has lativo, y es el deseo ge nión de la Nación, el pro ro sí se puede ir prepato be importing froin neral que este proyecto yecto de hacer puerto rando todo lo que se reNicaragua fully 50 per obtenga la mejor acogi franco a Limón, no te. laciona con el proyecto Correspondent writes Robe on, so he went to cent of the caitle slaugh da por parte del Con nemos más que apoyar de don Juanito, el cual from Moin that on Sunday his home and secured one, tered for our consump greso.
esta herinosa iniciativa, si se efectúa será la sal last at abont 30 coming back in a long tion, we find Cuba is La idea sobre este pro la cual, para que nues vación de puerto Limóu.
a man called «Caesar was white gown. As soon as seeking outlets for get yecto es de lo mejor, tro puerto del Atlántico nearly burnt to death at he started his Service howting rid of her stock for pues tiende a buscar un resurga de nuevo y vuel.
Estoy seguro que Jas that place, by some young ever these tricky fellows publicaciones slaughter. The price for cambio en la vida coun centro de men of the vicinity; as put the joke on him, by hecho en la prensa en cattle in Cuba is 75 mercial y económica de gran movimiento comerusual «Satan must find misº getting some kerosine oil cents, while in this coun esta provincia, la cual cial ante los ojos del contra este proyecto no chief for idle hands to do. and quietly saturated the try it is 75 cents. on the en los momentos actua mundo entero. Bien sa harán en nada torcer la From what can be gath tail of his gown, and struck hoof.
les es incierta. Todos co bemos que en los actua voluntad de toda la Re.
ered Caesar was at the a match and lit the gown.
pública, para la iniciati. waiting Room Cuba had at the end nocemos la importancia les momentos no será at Moin. Poor Caesar was now in va tan of 1930, 336. 819 head que siempre ha repre posible que las cosas se hermosamente Station with a few friends an awful fix, as it was of cattle on her 45. 983 sentado la vida de Lilleven con toda preciconfeccionada por nues. enjoying the cool seabreez really a question now of tro Gobernador, se reasquare miles of land, and món, comercialmente la sión, pero un deber pa es, up came Messrs Fre Fire María Fire the Costa Rica only 352. 636 triótico nos exige que lice y entonces se habrá derick Cameron, Thomas scene can better be immaon our 23. 000 sq. miles debemos llegado a la meta de las Rawlins, Rupert Thompson, gined than explained, with todas of territory World Gold all nuestras energias y po limonense, el cual no thought that they should fro, bawling at the top of aspiraciones del pueblo and John Noble; Caesar Caesar running too and Cuba is a great meat nerlas al servicio excluconsuming country it is flowing in to the sivo de este pedazo desea otra cosa que un play a Church meeting his voice Fire, Fire, with cambio en vida actual. and he accepted the job his Church members run shown by the statistics de tierra del Caribe y of the Ministerio de Fo United States presentar por doquiera of Priest but on opening ning after him and laugh El Conde de Xolotlán the ceremony he thought ing at the fix their Priest mento that for 1930, nuestra activa y positiva 77, 360. 805 kilos of beef Never before in history gestión para que este it was not serious enough was in; after some few mi.
Limón, Costa besides 147. 599 kilos of has there been such an proyecto se convierta en Rica, to be a Priest without a nutes of this display, Cae.
Pork and 376. 970 kilos of influx of Gold into the una realidad segura. Agto. de 1931.
sar managed to get the Mutton were consumed. coffers of the United Sta: lames put out, but not This heavy increase in tes as at present the pre 100 The Lawyers until he was pretty well the cattle rearing indus sent stocks of Gold is 58 81 scorched. As a consequence try of Cuba is due to 955. 000. 000 and what For Sale. Banana Farm Profit Mr. Cruz the Agent of the ruinous price of Su. with the shipment from Police, had to send Cae.
gar, on account of which Japan to San Francisco of 10 Hectáreas completely cultivated in Bananas just coming into production.
sar to the doctor and the At times some people perpetrators of this huge many cane planters had a week ago of 500. 000 Plenty of land for extension. Situate in Pandora, are led to believe that Judg. joke into Limon calaboose to launch out into some and the shipment from Estrella. Owner realizing as leaving the Country es have little or nothing to await what don Jose other industry; so it will Argentine Republic of.
For further particulars and price to do, but from the followbe here too, for with the 50. 000. 000 in September Vivo would have to say of to Alexander Powell, Limon or ing statistics to hand by the Sunday evening slumps of bananas, being to settle her loan falling APPLY THE SEARCHLIGHT the latest Gleaner report, Church meeting, and the dumped in the sea up due on Oct 1st. will it is alarming to see the North as is being done, bring up the total gold amount of Cases disposed rifice in the shape of an idea of having a living sac it is evident that banana reserves to to something a vese land sidering that theandorld Cosmopolitan United States Colony for the digree months unworthy Priest offered up ending to the goddess Bachus.
30th June: as the banana fields at total gold stock at ford good pasture lands, 000. 000. 000 it will The government of the officers and 14. 000 men of Kingston 5932 cases. St.
it is evident that Cattle readily be seen that. Un United States of America alien races on the roll of Andrew 1115, St. Thomas duel rearing is the most fea. cle Sam controls the gold may well be termed truly the Army, Navy and 1398, Portland 1634, St.
Mary 1857, St. Ann 1325, must findemear to feed with France second with gress of this greate Repub officers in the Regular 1509, Hanover 854, West Cespedes invited Jose Ro. St.
ourselves rather than be 000. 000. 000 the other lic is due to the diver importing an article of one thonsand million being sity of intellects which Army 220 in the Navy, 56 moreland 1027, St. Eliza cha to go for a duel con the beach, but Jose refus.
diet that can easilybe divided up among the other compose its population, as Marines Naval reserve beth 1050, Manchester.
produced here.
Nations of the world.
well as to the liberality of men all of alien born 1407, Clarendon 1527, St. ed, but Cespedes insisted her government; all for citizens.
Catherine 1975, in this and went to his home and eigners are equally eligible Even the British West parish there were in this secured two machetes, giv REVISTA to any post or advantages, Indies boast of officers number of cases 727 cases ing Jose one and reserv. Escuela de Agricultura» provided they have the in the Army and in the tor nonpayment of Taxes; ing the longer one for Director: Luis Cruz capabilities to make good Navy.
hence the total of suits himself, and both set out in the positions in which of this great quantity fried by the Judges in the for the beach, but as soon Empresa puramente particular.
they find themselves; as a of alien soldiers and sail 14 Parishes of the Island as the spot chosen was La subscripción a esta Revista só.
proof it might not be well ors, the make up is from was 23657. It can readily rea. hed he attacked Rocha, lo vale cuatro colones, sea un dólar known that aliens even 37 countries of the world, be seen the Army of So with the result that he got por año.
have equal chances in the hence it will be seen how licitors needed to cope the worse of the affray, Pida su suscripción.
Army and Navy of the truly cosmopolitan this with teal of this work every and had to beat a hasty Escriba al DIRECTOR the.
great Country of Liberty. great country is.
retreat, his right thumb was There are no less than 600 0000000000000000000000 severed and could not handle his sword. Don 0000000000000000000 Wanted Angel Cruz our active Attention!
Agent of Police rounded 500 new subscribers to make this paper the 10. 000 in Prizes pride of the English speaking people of the country.
them both up and sent Remember it is the mounthpiece of particularly the them into Limon, both men Ask for Chiclets but say Adams Coloured people and the only upto date English Journal being under the influence in Costa Rica.
of Chiclets ADAMS guaro.
00000000000000000 The only legitimate Chiclets lookout for the coupons with Prizes in the Packages 200000 ooOOOOO0000000000000 over 00000000 Advertise Imp. FalcóHnos.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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