
Saturday August 29. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE As it concerns our Bananas Cafiaspirina RESIDBIAS TROPIOBOBBIORIOR um DW Patrol BOBOBOBOB808808088080880808088088OBOBOBOB service car Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches GG The Jamaica Automobile Association has imLast week the Jamaica but the tailend did a ported a New Austin Car ileaner published a little damage as will be to replace the Motor Cy.
espatch received by air Seen by the following. cle side Car formerly in BEWARE OF IMITATIONS jail from Baltimore, tbat use on the Patrol service ananas were such a glut Loss of Over 300. 000 for the assistance in Dort accept any tube or envelope the market of that Banana Trees Case of accidents along.
BAYER merican city that they packets without the ere being sold at 17 per the Gleaner, the rough In Saturday issue of the highway of its members. This car carries art load, while a ship BAYER CROSS sufficient stores for run estimate given of the dam roceeded to sea to dump to ning repairs, petrol, oil 000 stems which she result of the storm that and a first aid outfit in COBOBOBOBOBOBOBO 20BOBOBCHOD on The despatch was passed us on Thursday, case of accidents. It is over in charge of the Jam. Gasoline ublished in all the bac was put down at 200. 000 trees. It can easAutomobile Association ana producing countries Public Warning Scout, Bruce Monopoly this part of the world, ily be put down at over 300, 000 as a result of furThis Car is always at Be it known that my wife Francella Goulbourne nd, commenting on it, ther enquiries.
the service of the inemIn view of the much has left my home and protection since the 11 th.
ccording to the Panama inst. without my consent.
bers of the Association discussed monopoly of The prices in America This therefore advises tar and Herald of the the public that am therefore no longer responsible have 1th instant, Mr. Paul so dropped that to assist them in break. Gasoline to bring this downs etc. and protect government a revenue of for any debts which she may create.
prove Vest of the United Fruit the loss will not (sgd. Josiah Goulbourne a million colones mpany, declared that very material at present them from rash perseper cutions by the Police annum by the adoption Liverpool, July 28 th 1931 ough he had received Dept.
of a law to be framed for 10 news of the disposal of bananas in the man. Banana the purpose. The followjer described, he was ing information on the Great Railroad Remembrance prices of gasoline for the not a bit surprised conflict settled Yet another considering reports that year 1930 in the principal achievement To the charitable countries of the world is had been reaching him as to the condition of The deadlock which Flag useful.
disposed friends, you are occurred The dream of Cecil hereby reminded that the some weeks he market.
In the list it shows Rhodes has at last been 31st inst. is the day fixed ago between the banaAnother flag was on the that in the United Sta realized; for the first time by the officers of The He remarked that.
fruit had come out of tricts along the shores already long list of those of 3, 78 cents per gallon run across the continent emever 30, 000 car loads of citrus na growers in the dis. Sth. inst. added to the tes where there is a Tax in history a train was Universal Negro Improv Florida in the last three of Lake Gatun, Panama, which have come into it is sold at 19. cents Association to of Africa from East to and the buyers who sup existence since the World per gallon; Puerto Rico give a dinner to the poor months and that such a comes next and Noway West in the early days (f Limon hence those was bound to affect the ted Fruit and Standard dian Nationalists unfurled at 22 cents with a tax of of July.
bumper domestic crop ply the fruit to the Uni War, On that day the Inwho are willing to donate Cos. as a result of the and saluted their new flag cents per gallon; Ca This has been made will be guided.
to this charitable offering foreign market.
Me West added that latter dropping their pri throughout the larger cities nada comes next at 23. possible by the foresight United Fruit Com ces to 0, 40, 0, 20 and of India. The colours are with a tax of cents per and ingenuity of Mr.
The Administration 15 has been settled, saffron, white and green; gallon In Britain it is Cecil Rhodes and Sir any will continue to after a prolonged confe saffron as emblematic of 28. cents uy contract fruit even per gallon Robert Williams, who rence was held in the courage sacrifice, white with a tax of cents; felt that as the great if it has to throw it in the ADVERTISE bay. He expressed the office of the Governor. for peace and green for in France it is 32. cents; Diamond mines made belief that this action Under the agreement, faith and chivalry. In the Colombia, Bolivia and possible the project of marks the peak of the which was signed by all centre is displayed a spin Costa Rica are the dear; a Railroad from Cape South to Bulawayo mak groups ning wheel on a field of est of all 47. 57 and town to Kimberley so ing slump and that things another junction the buyers are to pay 55 white symbolizing the la. 45 get better from cents may cents per stem of hands, bour and hope of India what it will be here if into the Rand, so would across Rhodesia on to respectively, the gold mines drew it there and going East now on 40 cents, per stem of millions of toilers. the monopoly is adopted, the coppermines be cap the Eastern Port of Beira hands and 20 cents per ENQUIRIES HERE God Knows stem of hands. all pay.
able of drawing Railroads in the Indian Ocean, into the heart of Central making the run across To advertise ins to ments to be made on a On Saturday repres Africa, consequently. Mr. the Continent 2949 miles.
double your business entatives of the Gleaner cash basis.
The International Cecil Rhodes felt it a While this Roadway sought to get from the necessity of having an runs through Portuguese, various shipping com «The West Indian Legal Aid Lottery outlet on both Oceans; Belgian, Italian and Bripanies in Jamaica, a thus the accomplishment tish territories the entstatement as to the pre and Information Bureau contract was signed of a Railroad from Lobito erprise is with the Minister of Haci.
essentially sent position of affairs AN ESTABLISHMENT, under the guidance of a trained enda by a Mr. Minton for on the Atlantic Coast of British. As an evidence as indicated by the Baltlawyer of many years experience in British Courts, for the the purpose of running a Benguela to the Juncticn of the enormity of the imore story, but the benefit and assistance of all West Indians resident in the Sweep Stake Lottery on of the Cape to Cairo African Copper mines, country. Advice given regarding the laws of all British Coheads or representatives lonies. The preparation of Deeds, Wills and other Instru Races to take place in Bal project at Tenke across last year the output of of the companies who ments of Title a specialty. Debts collected on reasonable timore the government was the heart of Central Copper exported was.
commission to get a million colones per Africa, then running 260, 000, 000.
were seen were noncom.
Further particulars on application to Edwin Orane, Bazar Griego. Limon or Harold Smith Apartado 104 annum for the concession, mittal. Mr. Lindsay Down.
Limon besides, the Junta Caridad ner, nevertheless, assurshould get twenty per cent ed the pressman that of the Tickets Sold in Costa the bananas that were Rica. The prizes amounted ATLANTIC LODGING to one millon two hundred sold for per cart load and sixty thousand dollars: Mindful of a duty out of did not belong to his there were to be four incLimón, Costa Rica company, friendship the most popular ipal pr zes and 000 minor Lodging of the best accommodation Fine Rooms and Beds prizes of 400 each. The Tickets were to be two millFirst class attendance given to our clients day and night bananas being sold ions at two dollars each.
for that in ordinary Has arranged to distribute a value of almost Situated 50 yds. North of the Market circumstances, Mr.
double the former value of the wrappings as a Congress however turned benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you Following Juan José León, building.
it down on the grounds that Downer said. Forty can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before there was no guarantee All No. wrappings have a much greater value MELANIE DE BARRIENTOS one cents per count than No. and others.
behind it.
bunch is as low as Prop have heard of and The Syndicate occupied 21 Post office Boxes for the Dont forget to call at Atlantic Lodging that has been the price recently. Of distribution of the Tickets Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be course, the invoice exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts there are supposed to have HOSPEDAJE ATLANTICO from Jamaica shows will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
left this Country 300, 000 75 cents per bunch, Distributor in Limon letters with these Tickets; but Limón, Costa Rica so that there is a loss Armando Heilbron on each apartado was in a sepSe alquilan cuartos y camas erate name, and the Tickets Aseo esmerado y buen of 34 cents and that is without takin into Distributors in Turrialba, did not bear the name of servicio a toda hora del día y de la noche account freight or the Rojas, Cortés Cía. the Cessionario: hence it Calle 50 varas al Norte del Mercado, handling abroad.
was considered by Congress contiguo a la casa de Juan José León On Thursday last a INDUSTRIAL SOAP CO. a fake and declared Cancel Storm passed just a led. Congress has asked the MELANIE DE BARRIENTOS hundred miles South of Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 o Minister of Gobernacion of Prop.
Jamaica travelling in a investigate the affair whic northwesterly direction 3 0 0 0 is now before the Courts. can imagine o PALMERA SOAP 000000000000 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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