
Saturday August 29. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE A New Discovery Conplimentary rences from them. am great Commodities SO The world consumpDear Mr. Editor.
sex which is still at Zero in this Community Taken from NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE of monday, May 14 th, 1926.
From time to time have Thanking you for space been following Philomela Mr. Editor, Ithaca, May 23. Dr. by actual experiment on Dorland, MD. a member of New York tells the friendly talks with young Henry de Forest, of New living patients and by the the committee on nomenclat. truth about Chiropractic am Yours Respectfully, York City, and Dr. Horace aid of the Ray they have ure and classification of girls and digested the sentiG. Baldwin, of Tannersville, sought for the thing which diseases of the American This is the testimony of a ments expressed in them, DAVID LUKE have been conducting by a slight dislocation of Medical Association, has well known physician of New Especially commendable is researches in the medical the pelvic structure is apt the following definition of York City, as contained in the last part; and though laboratories at Cornell Uni to cause severe sciatic pains Chiropractic, e. a letter to a chiroprator. The belong to the opposite sex versity here to discover the in the leg or any one of a World physician in question, Dr.
anatomical basis for what host of complaints.
Chiropractic. system John Lindsay, studied at bave deduced sane infethey are confident is a cure of adjustment consisting McGill University, Montreal, for various nervous irritations Dr. de Forest has abserved of palpation of the spinal Canada, under William Osler, ly surprised to know that commonly mistaken for and treated more than 1, 000 column to ascertain ver who was later knighted by none of the young women rheumatism series of cases in the last year, and tebral subluxations, follow the King and became Regius The acreage of cotton ailments came foward in the columns thought to be Dr. Baldwin about 2, 000 in ed by the adjustment or Professor of Medicine in cultivation in the rheumatic, but really caused the last three years. Their them by hand, in order to Oxford University. Some of your Journal with comUnited States has been by mechanical nerve irrita results have in practically relieve pressure upon ner time after Dr. Lindsay grad plimentary appreciation to 40. 129. 000 acres with an tion, can be and have been every case substantiated their ves at the intervertebral uated from Bellevue Hospital show their gratitude on be.
cured by these physicians, theory. In one case a seem foramina that nerve and has been a practicing half of the invaluable Ser. average yield of 1858 but they have yet to find ingly hopeless cripple was force may flow freely from physician in New York City vice she has rendered. The pounds per acre. gives a the anatomic substantiation enabled to stand and his the brain to the rest of for over twenty years.
of their method.
pain was eased within eight the body. Palmer. young womenfolk of this production of 15, 584000 hours of treatment. They bales of 500 pounds each Here is the letter: understand country must Among the numerous relate another instance of a Causes Much Comment that Miss Philomela Ser exceeding the yield of diseases which the researchApril 10, 1926.
man afflicted with chronic last year by 1341. 000 vice is a rarity and kind ors feel certain are suscep headache who was almost bales.
ible of cure by their method immediately relieved and The statement coming Dear Doctor Morrow: comments should be made so from Ithaca caused Arthur The prices of the manare nervous prostration, neu cured.
as to intensify her with the Brisbane, the greatest of all As a small token of my ritis, diabetes, Raynaud living American editors, to gratitude for your splendid stimulus for a greater Pub ufactured cotton goods They tell of the cure of a are: disease, sciatica, lumbago, pr intcloths range work in helping me regain lic Service, Honour should neuralgia, angina pectoris man crippled in such a way say in his To Day column in the Chicago Herald Ex my health, am sending you be given to whom honour from 41 to cents per and various forms of painful that he was able to lie in is due and since the femi yard of 38 l, to 37 in.
affections generally classed bed only on his side. The aminer, of Tuesday, May this letter. You may use it as you see fit. Restored to ches width; sheetings, 36 as theumatic. Such ailments, patient had been ill for years. 25, e. health without either drugs nine songbirds will not voto 40 inches, from 12 they say are not really and the cure was effected ciferate the songs of praises, rheumatic, but are caused by in three hours.
Doctors experimenting or surgery is the record of my case. The particulars are, the masculine stones will to 51, cents per yard.
at Cornell say that many mechanical nerve irritation.
as follows: cry «Hossanah. Though Pyjama checkings 361, Scientists are greatly int diseases sciatica, neuritis, inches to cents; Drills, The two doctors have erested in their research work.
am unacquainted with this lumbago, neuralgia, angina had been a sufferer of 37 ins, l, cents; Filling treated thousands of sup Dr. Kerr, secretary of conjecture pectoris and others are the Cornell Medical College, stomach trouble, believe, young lady but posed rheumatic cases with sateens, 37 l, inches ever that her personality manisince was a young really all caused by mechaput his private laboratory at to 71. ceuts, success. We have done it, Carded man. am 68 years of age fests the courage emanating but how did we do it? is the disposal of the physicians, nical nerve irritation.
now. When came to see from the depth of her inner Lawns 531, to cents. The the question they are asking and cooperated with them you was very ill and failing Self for «Unselfish Public profits to importers in themselves in their research in every way.
They discover that injury rapidly. My condition had this country can well be work.
to a small bone at the base Service. beg to tender my been diagnosed by two It is hoped that the treat of the back can cause pres eminent New York stomach gratitude to Miss Philomela realized on such cotton Drs. de Forest and Bald ment, once it is analized and sure on nerves that in one specialists as ulcers of the for her friendly chats, and goods.
win are working upon the its anatomical basis dis man will cause pain in the stomach. In fact, was told trust that they may be the Raw Sugar can only heory that the aflictions covered, may be applied by foot, in enother chronic my only hope lay in an im means of evoking the finer realize lcents per named and other allied small town physicians in all headache and so on, an. so mediate operation, but was pound, refined l, cents, diseases have their seat in cases of the sort.
on. Their remedy is to set sentiments in them which not convinced from my own the sacro iliac joint, at the this bone in place. Chirop experience in surgery that will make them ideal women, tion of Coffee for this base of the back, where the And What is Chiropractic? ractic discovered, or at least this would help me. It was thereby commanding the restwo pelvic bones are joined announced that, long ago, too much like taking a pectability of the opposite year has been 1856. 387 by the small ilium, the dorsal The American Illustrated and regular doctors laughed chance, and determined to bags.
bone of the pelvis. slight Medical Dictionary, by at them.
avoid it, if possible. Several Cacao; warehouse stocks dislocation of this bone, they of my friend knew of my at New York were have proved to their own suffering and recommended altogether to Dr. Morrovv. satisfaction, exerts pressure Dr. Morrow. They told me the greatest faith in his work 227, 090 bags with on nerves passing through that they had been helped have as a thoroughly compet price of i cents per the joint and may cause pain back to health through his ent chiropractor, and can he pound.
in the foot for one man, or health service, when their artily recommend him to you Rubber price fetched chronic headache for another.
if you are ill. It seems to me cents per pound, By setting this bone in place The New British Cabi Phillip Cunliffe Lister, Sec. hopeless. This gave me fresh that it is about time the 51 assumed there were 43658 Tons they have worked seemingly net has been formed as retary of Commerce; Sir hope, and determined to tolerant attitude tovvard the shipped from Malay in So follows: Ramsay McDon John Gilmour, Secty. of frank in stating that felt science of Chiropractic. July.
This is the mechanical end nald Prime Minister and Agriculture; Sir Austen considerable relief after the There plenty of room of their knowledge. The first Lord of The Treasu Chamberlain, first Lord of first adjustment you gave me.
this great state for both. The anatomic substantiation of My stomach felt better. was people vvant Chiropractic the method they are ta a loss ry; Stanley Baldwin Presi the Admiralty; Lord Lon anyvvay suffering humanexplain. They have procur. dent of the King Privy dondery, Secty of Labour; stronger as well. However, ity needs it. Chiropractic has Political trouble your work also made possible legal recognitin in about ed the use of the Cornell Council; Phillip Snowden, Lord Lothian, high Chanin Colon anatomy laboratory and Minister of Finance; Sir cellor of the Duchy of Lan joined forces to attempt a Herbert Samuels Minister caster; Lord Amulree, Sec (and know thoroughly well thirty states of the Union.
Why not the Empire State?
the symptoms of hepatic solution of the question. for War and Police; Lord ty. of Aviation; Mr. Mc. colic. which caused me some In consequence of difSincerely yours, ferences Lean, Secty. of Education; pain, of course, but at this over political the whole hearted Sankey Lord High Chan With attachments in Colon, cooperation of the staff of cellor y Privy Seal; Lord Sir Archibald Sinclair, time am convinced vvas John Lindoay, in great measure responsible the Municipal Judge Mr.
the Cornell Medical College, Reading Min. of Foreign Secty. for Scotland.
for my poor state of health.
289 Manhattan Avenue, Ramon Amestica Shot the paysicians have been Affairs; Sir Samuel Hoare Premier Mc. Donald made Diagnosed not by one but New York City. at Dr. Anulfo Arias bro.
delving for the connecting link which they are certain Min. Internal Affairs; an appeal to the nation by several doctors, who ther of one of the Carexists in relationship be. Thomas Min. for the Do for support of the Minis ulcers of the stomach. am Subscribed and sworn to before didates for Presidency of ween the sympathetic nerv.
minions and Colonies; Ne try of this coalition gov. entirely vvell today, and. me this 10th day. April. 1926.
Panama Mr. Harmodio ous system and the sacroSOLOMON MATTHYSSE, iliac joint. By dissection, by ville Chamberlain, Secre ernment formed of four conscientiously feel that Commissioner of Deeds.
Arias, wounding him in can, vvith out any hesitation County, No. 201.
study of the human skeleton, tary of public health; Sir labourites, four conservathe neck and the fleshty tive and two liberal memvvhatsoever, give the credit Register No. 27068.
part of his abdomen.
0000000000000000og bers to cope with the present economic difficul0040000. Amestica is in favour Poo00 of the other candidate ties, in consequence of Mr. Francisco Arias Pa.
which his government had redes.
To endeavour to improve this paper we are ask. fallen chiefly in not being Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see how Much commotion has ing all those subscribers who are backward by three able to provide for the marvelously interested Eduardo is to make you and four months payments, to send in their subscripbeen caused, the Police unemployed, due to the comfortable at ridiculous prices tions at once a Representative will be along the lines have been armed and from 29th. inst to the 3rd. Sept. for collections.
pressure put by American write to Eduardo Escarré Bankers in refusing to kept in readiness. It will ooooooooo0000000000000 finance the labour scheme 150 YARDS SOUTH OF MARKET GATE be remembered it was CO 000. 000 Harmodio Arias who for unemployment. He called attention to the nebrought about the overthrow of President Aro.
Aida Lunchroom cessity of a general Nasemena. An estica tional economy as well as es.
caped and hid himself the necessity of increased To visit once means always a come back CARTAGO COSTA RICA buthe has been found Gee wiss nowhere in Limon can you be served a taxation to remedy the siLower floor Chamber of Commerce Building wholesome luscious meal as at Aida She satisfies the and arrested.
tuation. The Independent Central Street 325 Yards East of Market most fastidious taste.
Everything Spic and Span.
Labourites, criticized him Dinner parties a Specialty. Drop in at the A.
Preference given patients from Limon and other severely and demanded building. Private and Cosy.
points of Atlantic Zone.
his withdrawal from the Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed To advertise ins to. est ufo Party.
double your business Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
a Labour Cabinet falls men a ia To our Patrons 00 JUAN MEZA DENTIST 光步步


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