p. 6


Saturday August 29 1931 WANTS COLUMN Amongour friends at Guacimo British Politics.
was SPORTS last will Continued fron page One colon per insertion of six lines On Sunday 23rd. and emerged in procession which they indulged in a of the Union of Railroad WANTED Monday 24 th. the An for the Baptist Church, family dance each mem men.
cient Order of Mystic for their thanksgiving ber having previously The Marquis of Crewe, To sell tamecats what very tanec. Deates (What: Wanted abielderlmand te speaker Masons, under Deputy Anniversary service, and invited two friends, this has been named as ever is given him.
care of a house on the lines, must Apply to Mrs. Sarah Thorpe, La be able to do a little cooking and District Grand Master such a procession as has lasted until two o clock Secretary of War, he is Confianza, Linea Vieja.
David Howard, carried never been seen in this in the morning, when a also a liberal. nice and comfortable Home for most off a Function here that country; the male mema deserving Party.
sentimental fesThe Community there is no To know that Apply in writing will be hard to forget bers dressed in Imma tivity was brought to a Mr. John Crosby has clo The Searchlight in the history of Friend culate white even white close.
been named Minister Ple thing to break up a cold like a Cafiaspirin tablet taken in a Cup ly Societies movements; Caps, the Ladies also in Ás already stated, the nipotentiary to Central of hot lime juice tea immediately who would like to pass a Those few days of rest and change after having contracted a cold.
without any doubt it is white, with white gloves whole festival was a most America and Panama in a quiet home in the interior by far the best and and a white bonnet and awe inspiring spectre, with Povvers Extraordito know that Nirs. Charlote Big most imposing feature fall over their shoulders the slow timely march nary in Costa Rica; he To sell cheap fcard cash briredine serstaf can accommodate your neces sities at her home in Cartago with that has ever taken place gave a most solemn and with bowed heads of all will arrive here soon, etc. in good condition. Apply clean comfortable quarters. She is in this thriving District. imposing picture. these people dressed in probably he will reside Clunie, apartado 479 Limon or now to be found opposite her old The Searchlight.
The members all met The Church arrived white, the band render here.
in their Temple and at crowded, Mr. ing a March in slow Alex Reid, the Deacon time, certainly gave a Lodge Function of the Church gave a recollection of spiritual Personal very inspiring lecture affinities. Mr. Howard FOR SALE FOR SALE The Ancient Mystic after which the proces. and his officers are cer. It is pleasing to note the Order of Ethiopian Ma fine property in Siquirres. Registered Title, with sion again headed for tainly to be congraluted accomplishments of distin.
two houses of three rooms each in perfect condition, tenthe Lodgerooms.
sons had their Anniveron the beautiful get up guished West Indians in foranted, with bath and necessary outbuildings. Electric Light On Monday night the of their function, they past week or two Jamaica has sary Thanksgiving ser installed: lot well surrounded, beautiful location on Church vice on Sunday. They Street Lodge was beautifully de. have left a lasting im. been visited by some of her For further information and Price apply to the Agent, corated and the mem. pression in Guacimo of sons who have excelled formed a procession to E, JOSEPHS, Pacuarito, or the Baptist Church, where bors and their friends the solemnity of their their different lines in the MCINTOSH, The Market Siquirres.
engaged in what they Order, as the Revd. Wm Forde a result of United States.
ter med a Love Feast all which, they are gaining James Watson, son of the late Two of these are Justice preached an eloquent sipping from the Cup many adherents to the Jaines Watson of Spanish sermon for the occasion; of Brotherly Love, after fold.
Town who was for many years they then marched to connected with the Jamaica the Gobernacion and Govt. Railway, and Dr. Lupaid their respects to cien Brown; both these gen tlemen have made themselDon Juan Romagosa, who received them most graves noted in their professCricket Foot ball The labour govern transitory arrangement ions, one a Judge in one of ciously and gave them ment oí Great Britain which is indispensable the New York Circuits, the an address of apprecia. The game betyveen Motive The All Stars, played has fallen and in its place to confront the present other a visiting plysician of tion, after which they Povver and clubs their second match the Harlem Hospital. They be a provisional situation.
returned to their Lodge. on Sunday last, ended in a Sunday against the Here coalition governmens of went down on the Pastores In this Cabinet there and took up apartinents in On Monday the Re. dravv. Motive Povver von dianos and vvere the victors all the Parties. At 10. 30 will be three Conserva. the Myrtle Bank Hotel staypresentatives from thethe toss and elected to bat vvith a score at tvvo to one. a. of the 24th. Ram tivesí three Liberals and ing in Jamaica for a few different Lodges and So making 74 Runs, Excelsior Game vvas hotly contested say Mc Donald arrived the balance Labourites: weeks. Needless to say how cieties attended the funcat call of time could only throughout andafforded much at Buckingham Palace Baldwin, Chamberlain they were feted by their tion at the Lodge Hall muster 43 for four wickets. speculation as to the result. to acquaint the King that and Hoare will be selec countrymen of note.
Mr. Kitchener, and inspiring speeches Tomorrow game will be his Cabinet had resigned, ted from the Conserva. founder of the Boston of good cheer and good The Jamaica cricketers, against the Alajuela team and advised him to call tives with Sir Herbert Chronicle, and a prominent wishes were offered and who have been playing a and vvhat vvith the Centen Stanley Baldwin, head Samuels and two others citizen of Boston, also visi.
a very pleasant evening series of matches in the ary festivities of Juan Santa of the Conservative oppo from the Liberals.
ted his home, after an abterminated.
United States have not yet Maria on Saturday 29th there sition party and Sir Her sence of 31 years.
Io American financial Bro Bougle and the been defeated. On August ought to The progress made by be over bert Samuels, head of the Circles the attitude these talented sons of the Isle officers and menibers of Ist they met a team from whelming crovvd, and great Liberal Party, in the ab displayed by the British of Springs, is further eviThe Tammuz Temple the British Guiana and Nevy things are expected.
sence by illness of Lloyd political groups, for pla dence of the opportunities to and Semmiramis Chap York Sport Club, vvho batt train vvill leave Li George, to discuss the cing aside their party be taken advantage of in the ter must be compli ing first made a total of 67, mon at 45 and leave feasibility and necessity interests, and forming a great Cosmopolitan Repub.
lic referred to in another mented for the very the Jamaicans replying vvith San Jose on the return at of forming a coalition Cabinet of concentration, article, when the citizen has fine functions they ve 129. Headly took vvickets precisely. An Excur. government as a means to grapple with the se. the qualifications and ambrought off.
for 16 runs. Our visiting sion Launeh also arrives from of solving the present rious economic situation bition to bring himself fame.
boys are being royally en Bocas to day, and it is most serious economic has given rise to a most tertained by the Jamaica expected that many of these crisis. Sir Herbert arriv. pleasing impression of trainto the Capital to see the ed at the Palace at mid the patriotism of British the more important recepStrike match.
day and consulted with politicians, and as a contions vvas given by Mr. Bert the King for half an hour, sequence the Federal Re The workers of the shops The Belize, Br. Honduras, Baldwin arriving imme. serve Bank is disposed of the Pacific Railway have man, in the luxurious home Football League has been diately after and consul. to extend to Britain Remember that all roads of Mrs. Stevens, and on the communicating with the Ja. ted for an honr, and de the credits necessary to gone on Strike, in consevvill lead to the 24 miles 8th. inst. the Caribbean maica Football Council with quence of the curtailments clared to His Majesty solve the situation, and Race track on September Union, a political organization regard to a team visiting that himself and his Par the Govercors of the being put in force by the 15th. train vvill run from vvas scheduled to tender Jamaica later on this year.
government by way of eco ty were disposed to assist Banks have conferred so nomizing Limon to Cairo and back, them a dinner of one hundred The matter has not been in the formation of a as to be ready for what so as to bring all vvho vvant covers.
finally settled yet.
Coalition Cabinct, under ever calls may be made to spend a real happy time the leadership of Mc. Don on them.
on our Independence Day.
ald, to tide over the preGambling Aided. Miriads of horses are already Lord Tennyson has ac«Legs» Diamond seit difficulty, because World affairs The pleasure resorts of on the track practising. It cepted the invitation of the he said, the formation vvill certainly be the best Jamaica Cricket Board of sentenced of a national govern American work France are apparently feel races of its kind vvithin the Control to take out a team ment made up by mem.
ing the pinch due no doubt men for Russia The New York authoto the general financial Jast 15 years, dont fail to of English cricketers to that bers of the three parties revive the old sport in all Island next year. It is expect rities have at last suc. will be a guarantee that 6000 American work depression, and this seems to be particularly the case with its glory. Music, simply the ed the team vvill cousist of ceeded in jailing Jack the gravity of the situa men and their families the casinos, which were Chic.
six professionals and eight Legs Diamond, the noted tion is understood and have embarked from The Racing Committee a niateurs.
gangster. This is repor consequently, the neces. New York for Moscow, threatening to close. To obted to have been their viate such a «catastrophe»
sary measures will be where work has been twenty sixth attempt. He taken to place the finan guaranteed them on simhappening, the government, FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. was sentenced on the has, it is stated, agreed to a ces of the country on a ilar teras with the na.
At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small 12th. inst. by «merciless sound basis; as it does tives, these are princiLaw being passed exempting from taxation 25 per cent.
family residence adjoining the Post Office.
Judge Hopkins, from not signify a permanent pally Carpenters, Masons Apply to Sam McIntosh of the gross profits of the SIQUIRRES Kansas, to four years in coalition, but merely a and Railroadmen.
the Atlanta penitentiary casinos. The law will be reand a fine of 2, 200 for trospective from 14th. July.
two violations of the Fe.
How does this conspare with some deral Prohibition Law.
LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN other places Diamond remark after All Roads will lead to the spacious grounds of the where a National Lottery is One milch cow with both horns broken, colour white with Red GUACIMO BAPTIST CHURCH tabooed hearing the sentence was.
Spots, lost on the night of Tuesday the 11th. inst. calf three months «I am all right, what on Monday 7th September, when you will see what a Garden Party means; meet your friends, and spend a happy time.
old left behind.
the use of being any.
The HOT SIX will know what selections will most enchant you. To advertise Anyone giving information leading up to its recovery will be thing else. Come and help us to finish our Church at usual prices of entrance.
Come up to Guacimo on Sunday evening, o suitably rewarded by the oner.
is to double you. CROOKS. Siquirres Spend Monday with us and return on Tuesday morning Printed in Falcó Hermanos ALEXANDER REID, Deacon business an The Races, Colony, it is stated. One of The Races Kennedy, Nevw York business Garden Party Guacimo Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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