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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 বদক PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment The enormity of the crime of murder should not be confined to the mere act comm tted, but should include the harm and injury inflicted on another and extending oftentime to many others.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1931 NUM. 91 The Pruner arrived Politics in Limon Skinning the fly SO may be contrary to his opinions. He The White Fleet being increased Labour of the coaches are now running pleasur to state that the The Limon customs has money to pay our officials; Many people sometimes the fruit have lost their ration On Monday last orators, a blame and criticize Mr. Marsh ing allowance of fiftytwo cents belonging to the Castrista ciency as a public officer certainly gone the li but this seems to be and Mr. Ferris, as being heart per diem, and day labourers party, came down to address hence he demanded that mit according to a custom stretching the tape rather less or desinterested in the have been reduced to 90 cents the adherents of the Parti they should remove to the receipt shown us. tightly; in times like these workmen around them, but per day.
do in their Hall bere. great market square, and so leave these critics have had to change Needless to say that on gathering of the Ricardistas the public vvay poor labourer went when our labourers can clear for to one of the ships in their opinions with respect to Monday and Tuesday last it not find work to feed crowded the sidewalk and passersby even if he had to recent prunings. As is well was as though a great bomb the street in front of the resort, much against his vill. Port, and was given two themselves, customs offiknown, Boston had sent down had dropped in Limon, the Hall, and by noises, vivas to force in the fulfilment of loaves of stale bread, which cers, like all others, ought orders to economize in every consternation was so great; and others gesticulations, at his duties.
otherwise would have been to be charitable, and help department and among all some poor employees who tempted to interrupt the classes; Mr Marsh had insti have been employed all their good order of the meeting, if there vvas going to be a comiog out the wharf, the distress the citizenship.
It looked at one time, as thrown into the sea; on the situation rather than tuted certain retrenchments lives, were cut, some five, but the Police were quite a clash betwveen the turbulent guard on duty conducted Of course the man, being in all branches which were some ten, some fifteen. some match to them and cleared considered most drastic, and twenty dollars, and yet they the thoroughfare which was ones and the police, but the him to the customs offic a Negro and ignorant of more cultured ones savv he was loathe to go any fur have to be glad because it certainly looking a menace the reasonings of our stern er in charge to get a pass, the language, could not ther, having regard to his would have been ever so much to public order, Don Roge. but genial Comandante and but the officer demanded explain himself; but we knowledge of cost of liv. worse had they been dismis lio Gutiérrez himself direct set the good example of re a colon as dnty of impor are sure if he had been.
irg and his experience in pre sed as others have been. ing operations. There has moving into the Mr, Ferris, Superintendent been much comment as to market tation for the loaves. The sensible enough to go to the vailing sufferings around him; but Boston, in view of the of the Motive and Electricity his being in opposition square in front.
man paid the duty and Administrator of Customs marketing condition of the Depts. fought like a Bull for to the Ricardistas party, but Limon must compliment went away with his loaves, explain the case, the offibanana, cacao and sugar busi the retention of his men and it vvould be uncharitable to itself in having such an able and has shown us the cer would have been inness, was not satisfied and succeeded in bringing it off come to such a conclusion, man at the head of its Se, Receipt.
sent down Mr. Pollen, to a ten per cent reduction because by their formed that he was damblocking curity Dept. for yvhile Don well known here, to insist of wages, for which his men the thoroughfare and side. Rogelio is a stern, exacting It is true that the Cus aging the dignity of the that further prunings be done, will greatly appreciate him vvalks, it vvas throvving in chief of Police, yet he is toms estimates for reve Department, for it looks consequently Mr. Marsh had for his protection of them. his face, as Comandante of ready to listen to any com nue has fallen sadly short, like skinning the fly to to go down into the minutest The Surtidora has also come plaint or reasonable argu and we are in need of secure the fat in him.
details of retrenchments, cut in heavily in the pruning, as ment from rich or poor alike, ting and dismissing many we learn that even Mr. Thovery competent employees. mas suffered by a cut of a talented West even though it 66 Every salary, starting from thousand dollars per annum; his own, has been reduced, hence his men can grumble Indian Singer upholds the dignity of his right down to the banana much. His inventory gang is Department to its highest loaders on the dock; those dismissed, and it is supposed who were getting 10 cents that matters will revert to the had the pleasure of mention of him, and feels fortunate In our previous issue we principles; Limon is proud per 1000 now get and a old days of the Seaman Mul. ing certain West Indians in having had in succeeding cing great financial difficulties the most modern type, were While others are experien first two of the six ships, of half, those cents and those lings regime, when the men who got now get per 1000 in charge had to prepare their use of the opportunities af years such men as Don Mi in shipping circles, it is pleas launched in the presence of a stems etc. these who are sent stocks and Mr Bremner would forded them in the United guel and Abel Robles and Fruit Company has not foundering, including high officials out on the lines to pick up run out and check.
We understand that there States, risen to prominence novv Don Rogelio, an enthuit necessary to, in any man of the United States governwill be further economy in in the different professions siastic and dignified limo ner, curtail the elaborate ment, Latin American diploof their choice.
the running of the Trains as nense, at the helm of our building programme decided mats, and officials of other It is now our additional Public safety.
upon some time ago. We are shipping companies. The ships, informed that on the 15th. named the Talamanca and. ultimo at Newport News, the Love. be only one Passenger and Mme. Alice Fraser, has been the Segovia. were sponsored one Local, each running al spending some time in her by Mrs. Hoover, wife of Presternately, consequently some homeland, British Guiana, Ex President ident Hoover, who broke two This is the very suggestive crews will be out.
For another where her mother still reproductions of ancient Mayan reidea set forward, by one of It seems disastrous, but the vases, specially secured for sides. She travelled out from Tinoco our coloured preachers as his condition of business in the England on the Arithe purpose, across the flag.
reasons, for assisting one of country demands that the guani of the Elders F, ffe monopoly draped prows in the course our young ladies in this town, officials of the Company see line and gave tw recitals We sincerely regret hav.
of the ceremony. These two In their effort to raise ships will be ready for service who applied to him fo: some that their business is run on the voyage, when she was ing to state that, in all guidance in a debate, on a with a minimum loss, if as much revenue as mayin six months time. The presented with a silver van certain subject, in which she there can be no profits.
probability, by the time be possible from all sour Talamanca cost will, it is ity case by the officers and was listed to take part.
a silver napkin ring by the this reaches our readers, ces, so as to enable the stated approximate 705, 000, Now as an educator, as a stewardesses.
guardi of the you hs of.
our Community, what meanordinary current and other Mme. Fraser. we are glad will have passed to the government to meet its and for the new fleet of six to note, states that colour Great Beyond. Though obligations, it is stated the new vessels will exceed In speed, depth and beam, ing shall we place on this prejudice has in no insinuation?
way it was known that the that Don Cleto advisers all the other ships of the Call interfered with her work in We hold a communication England, the English people ex chief of the Republic suggested that a monopoly, Company. Their specifications in our hands, for publication, being «simply wonderful» to had for some time been in favour of the govern provide for a maximum speed in which this supposed of 20 knots, a sea speed of Referring to our appeal for her, she had engagements lying seriously ill in Pa ment, be placed in the 18 and a 60 foot beam. Their protector of the integrity and Cooperation in securing our booked right up to October ris, hopes of his recovery Country Salt trade. tonnage will be 11, 000.
virtucus deportment and ovvo printing plant. meet 1932 and her Secretary, who characters of our young girls, ing vvill be called in Limon on had remained in England, tained by his family and taken to the proposal by were nevertheless enter Much exception is being sends an essay on the subject Sunday the 6th September to was receiving many matter of the debate to be discuss such possibilities, to for 1933 friends. On Thursday how What in a the commercial community.
discussed at the end of which take place at the Office of The Miss Amy Gibbons, a ever, his condition became the matter was referred he very conspicuously places, Limon Service Bureau at 11 talented pianist of Barbados critical and during the to the Chamber of Com Name?
under lined, these four sig. clock, holding the License of the night his family were ad Because he is of the opinnificant words.
All our friends and ReadAssociated Board, will go to merce and the Board of viced by cable that he was Directors has forwarded a ion that the foreign financial ers are cordially invited to England with Mme. Fraser interests of British Honduras labour of love. attend and assist, or send in as her accompanist dying.
letter to His Excellency is being prejudiced, by having their vievvs and offers in Mme. Fraser ieft her home Our deepest simpa Don Cleto strongly pro a name similar to that of the Is the reciprocation of his writing if they cannot be several years ago, and travellove the price to be paid by present, relying that the led extensively with signal thies are extended to the testing against this new neighbouring Republic, having cularly to certain business vvill be in safe for augmenting regard this young girl for the insuccess, and now resides in many sorrowing members scheme losses which foreign capitalists our revenue.
England where her services of the family.
had struction extended to her? hands.
somewhat recently hovy monstruous. Nation cortioue in great demand.
sustained there, the Governor Does this gentleman not of the Colony suggested a knovv he is obligated to give change, but a majority of the such instructions to our TO THE FRONT AGAIN people apparently objected and, on their behalf, a Comvvhat?
mittee met his Excellency who, Does this gentleman not The Baptists will entertain you again on the Lawn of the Bapttst after hearing their objections knovy that it is a criminal San Jose Church, Limon, on Monday 5th. October, when the GARDEN expressed his willingness to offence in this country, for a PARTV (pastponed from 1st. Sept. on account inclement weather)
drop the matter although he Teacher or preacher (especialGraduate of the University of Paris will be staged with a variety of attractions and Amusements such could not find any historical ly if he be a married man)
Specialist in affections of the blood and other descases.
as seldom ever seen. Musical Selections a special feature. Come backing to the present name, to make any advances of Surgical cases given special attention.
and enjoy yourselves and help the cause that needs assistance.
as up to late in the 19th amorous signification to a Treatments modern. Prices moderate.
Usual Prices century the records shewed Patients met on arrival by his interpreter, Lewis.
Revd. Wm FORDE, Pastor that the Colony was generalFurther details in our next Further information, if required, can be had of The Searchligh. ly called This River Mouth.
An urgent more youths? Labour of Love for Dr. Valverde Vega young gir. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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