
Saturday September 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERND PAGE An appreciative thought good Cafiaspirina Vrhorn you seek to Educate. any attempt is made to en CORCPOBOBOBOBOB30. BOHOBORC88088CBOBOBOBS SPORTS Dastardly Act 080880188080880. 88088088088080880808088088088088 wage this. Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches Dear Mr. Editor: ly, but also Racially, econo.
Mr Optimist No. mustmically, financially and Edu Because of protests from labe feeling quite pleased novy cationally and thats vvhat bour organizations against on seenig his suggestion or a is needed here. It is time the pay scale of the Alliance part of it coming to a reali for Negroes to be vvise. But Constructiсn Company of New ty. This is his suggestion in to return to the Conven York, who hold the contract Your Journal for a Confe tion Mr Editor, think that for painting the internal reva little more should have rence among the various enue building, the United BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Societies of the Atlantic been added to tho topic State Secretary of Labour Zone for the future economic «Education» viz. that vvays has decided that the wage for Dort accept any tube or envelope vvelfare of the coloured peoand means should have painters on government jobs BAYER ple.
been planned to improve in Washington should be packets without the According to the report the tvvo coloured nevyspa per day. The officials coming from the Conven pers operating in the pro of the contracting Company BAYER CROSS tion, some real business vvas vince for the Education of say they have no intention of done, done by intelligent the parents of the children paying such a rate and if yuceloving persons. Only one great mistake vvas made, do hope Sir, that this force it, they will place the that is in my opinion the vvill not appear presumptuous matter before the courts.
invitation to the Religious on tie part of a nevvcomer, As is equivalent to bodies. The promoters of but you and your readers nearly 44, we wonder what this Convention seem to vvell Knovy vvhat am would be the Secretary About a fortnight ago a forget, that the coloured saying. am far from being opinion if he were told of the Church men:bers of Costa educated, and vvill admit rates which prevail in these Cricket abroad brutal act vvas committed Kensingston having defeat Rica, unlike those of North have learned much and ga parts for similar labour.
ed Kingston last Saturday. at the bridge at Bearsem It is vvith pleasure vue America, are only interested thered much Knovvledge from makes her second vvith West, known as La Bomba.
in their Svveet Bye and Bye. your papers, so vvould see that the Jamaica team points, but she has to play Mr. George Sawyers, an old resident in that vicinity.
The Rt. Rev. Dr. George Suggest, greater support to in New York, strengthened St. Catherine and Lucas.
Guire, primate of the Keep our Journals alive, so Obituary by Messrs. Geo Headley, vvhat a position of Expec. was on his way home on frican Orthodox Church, it might be a means of helpMalveney, Young, tancy? But vvith Headley foot from Limon. As soon in an address in the Movon ing others even as have We deeply regret to anas he got to the Bridge, at Beckford and Whittingham back it vvill be hard to beat Lucas. We vvill avvait vvith about 45 he was aeLiberty Hall said «it behoves been belped, nounce the death of Mr. from Kingston, have crowned vybat the Old costed by a man and se every Negro to become a Thanking you for space Sir Joseph Mckoy of 28 Miles, themselves with glory: they interest verely beaten with a stick.
member and supporter of Master» is going to do.
the sad event occurred at have played against all sorts After beating him to the the Christiau Church, but Yours Respectfully the hospital, San José, fol of combinations of the otlier ground, the man tried to vhen you have become so, Sydney Montagune lovving an unsuccessful op West India Islands in New Yorkshire has been this throw the old man into the see to it that your Ministers York as also Americans and eration.
not alone lead you religiousMadre de Dios The deceased had lived a have not lost an engage.
year victor in the English river, but his cries brought very respectable life in the ment.
County Cricket Champion help by whom he vvas res. 888 88 89 88 88 89 88 898988 community, and died a pro They played 14 matches, ship. This is the tvvelfth time cued, but theperpetrator ran since 1900 that the County avvay The old man is novv fessed adherent of the of which they won ten and to vvhich Faith he drew 4; they were overwhel has been the champions. She lying in the Hospital, vvith a mingly vvas devoutly attached.
acknowledged in also had the distinction of broken arm and other injuNevy He is survived by his vvife, York, being inter holding it for four consecu ries as the result of his bata brother and a sister, to tained at dinners and other tive years, 1922 to 1925 in terings.
He asserts tirat it vvas a vvhom yve offer our most functions by leading Jamai clusive.
Lancashire had cans in that great metroposincere condolence.
the posiman named Charles Taylor, lis, and a vyonderful reception for last season.
a liver in Limon, vvho did tion vvas arranged for them, Horse racing the cruel deed. Taylor has been arrested and investigaDEAR FRIENDS at the Conversorium, by the The contestants in the vaJamaica Cricket Association tion into the matter is prorious races vvhich yvere run You may be one of the thousands that enter a and their Clubs and friends ceeding Drug Store every few days and purchase some pills that on their return home, over Jamaica Metropolitan Evidence is forth coming are absolutely guaranteed to relieve headache and res.
course on the 19th. ult. vvere proving that Savvyers, vvho tore Vitality, energy, etc. Do you know that lack of apparently so vvell matched is in charge of certain lands pep and headaches are danger signals, and are, to a great The Cup Competition of that «vvinners» could not be Extent, caused by weak eyes or improperly fitted Glasses?
MANZANA 31 Lot at Dundonia, had given this Jamaica is, at this stage, on How many men and women awake in the morneasily spotted, vvith the re Taylor notice to quit the ing with a feeling that although they have slept long tie betyveen the Lucas ult some very good di occupancy of a portion of enough they are not rested; That although they are not Next door to the office and the Railvvay Clubs, vidends being earned at the this land, consequent on the Book Worms or prolific readers, their eyes tire Easily when they read.
of Juan José León (Sucs) with Kensington third with pools by the lucky ones. fact that someone choped a Do late hours make your Eye lids heavy? does points, Lucas and Rail.
The 1st race gave a return Covy of his and he accused looking at bright objects or even at brightly illuminated you will find the Peovyay of 6, the 3rd. 3, Taylor of having done it.
Store display, cause your eyes to tire or Water If your ple Bakery, where you Railvvay and Kensington 10. 19. 0, On the 3rd. 4th. been investigating this matLucas has match to play, the 7th. 129 and the 8th The Agent of Police has eyes water easily or tend to tire at the beginning of the day. you need glasses. will examine your eyes and fit can get, at all times, hence one can readily and sth. events there vvere you properly with a pair of Glasses suited to your type.
Rid your self of that tired feeling over your eyes and Booth Biscuits. Bread understand the fever heat at Combination Pools in adOn the other hand Taylor work with a clear, acheless head.
vvhich the Contest is among and Buns of the best dition, vvhich paid 11 3, Cordially yours.
the different Clubs and their 12. and 57. respecis proving an alibi, he has evidence where he was Dr. Azevedo Bo quality and flavour the Admirers.
seen in Limon Tovvn up to Optometrist. finest in Limon, am The Lucas Club must be The attendance in the complimented on their reGlasses Supplied from 25, 50, 00 50, Stands and on the grounds Continued on page 00. 00 and upwards in prices to suit your pockoffering to the public a cent victory over the Railway is said to have been about et. Examination From p. to p. Save money 88 New Style et Bread ca Clubvvhen they played vvith10 000 persons by buying from me.
lled Pan Pamona made out their best bat, Headley.
for three matches on SunIf they can manage to de Foot ball day last, when they met and 888886 89 88 88 88 89 8888 88 88 88 from the best quality feat Kensington, vvhích is According to presentardefeated the Alajuela boys flour. trial will con.
their last Match, they vvill rangements, the Champion by four goals to two. The Death of famous Gunmen in up probably Keep the tie vince you. Its a size loaivvith Railvvay. Rail vay has Foot ball Team of México, game is said to have been «El Marte» will arrive here particularly fast throughout.
Coloured Doctor that cannot be had for to play one more match New York The attendance was again on 22nd, instant to play a with Melbourne vvhich It is series of three matches. large and all manifester the the price in Limón.
expected they will vvin, The first game will be greatest interest at the vari. Dr. Daniel Williams, fortnight ago a battle Booth thus making them both played on Sunday the 26th. ous stages of the play.
nationally famous Negro sur. occurred in the streets of each if Lucas defeats Kensinstant. It has not yet been We understand that angeon, who for twentyeight years New York, when over a thou Limon, May 25th. 1931 ington, decided which of the local other game has been arrang.
had been an associate sur sand Bullets were exchanged teams will be meeting the ed against the «Gimnásticos geon on the staff of St. Luke between the New York Povisitors for tomorrow. We are hopHospital in Chicago, is lice and the Gunmen; as a ing that in this combination reported to have died on the result of which two police.
The «Hakoah, All Stars Csta Rica will be able to 4th. August at his summer men and three gunmen were completed their engagement record a «win. home in Idlewild, Mich. He shot dead and several paswas 73 years old. Dr. Williams sersby wounded.
first claim to fame came when The Editor carried through Mr. HarriThe King of Sports Mr. Wensley, Chier he perfomed in 1894 the delison in a very humorous cate operation of stitching the Constable of Scotland Yard, Dear Sir: speech, spoke of the Talents There will be a great day of racing at 24 miles on the 15th likening the Europeans to day of September, on the new Rare Track, the best in the heart of a living person. He has been offered the job to Please permit me space in Province.
those who received th: was then credited with being clean up the gunmen of fine day sport is in store for all lovers of the sport of the first surgeon to accom Nevv York and the United your valuable columns for the Asiatics the two and the kings: all turfites are cordially invited, fine accommodation plish this feat. The patient, States, He says he vvill ac. publication of the following: Africans te one. Mr. How will be afforded visitors so as to enable you to spend a real who had received cept the job if he is given The Pacuarito Division of lett impressed on parents day of enjoyment. fine Silver Cup the A. staged a very the Race for the wound in the heart during a vide povvers and Supreme lively meeting on Sundaying their children to school Bred horses, will the prime necessity of sendbe among the prizes to be competed for. Do not miss the occasion of this meeting.
fight, recovered, and lived for Control of his men as vvas afternoon, 23rd. August. Ex while Mr. Moulton remind Watch for Programmes soon to appear giving full details, a number of years.
done in England.
president Josephs acted as ed us the of that gratitude The Racing Club 25 Miles Chaplain and called the meet which we, at all times, owed ing to order with the usual to Jehovah. PUBLIC WARNING devotional exercises. Mr. Da The meeting closed at 30 To whom it may Concern vid Fancy, who is acting pm. with the Doxology.
This will notify the public that any Sale made or, any mortPresident of the Division, welcomed all present and Aug. Wilson gage taken, on my property at Siquirres in front of the Mechanics Progressive Lodre, by my husband Charles Me. Leod, without my introduced Mr, Thomas Asst. Secy.
CARTAGO COSTA RICA sanction and signature, will be null and void.
Be it known that apart from my claim on the premises as wife the popular schoclmaster of Pacuarito, August 1931.
Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building with five legitimate children; it was my thousand colones which our school as chairman for Central Street 325 Yards East of Market won off the Lottery that bought and secured us the property; hence the evening, he was accordall money lenders or intending purchasers will be advised to see me ed a hearty reception.
To advertise Preference given patients from Limon and other first before doing any transactions on that property. am now to be found at Cartago Box 80 where am re The programme, consisting points of Atlantic Zone.
siding for the benefit of my health.
of Sacred Songs, Recitations is to double your Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed (Sgd. LOUISE MC. LEOD and discourses on interest.
ing topics, was spendidly business 83 88 888 888 88 Pan Pomona a pleasant function a JUAN MEZA DENTIST 0Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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