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Saturday September 1931 Elocution at Edelweiss Garden Party Guacimo HOSPEDAJE ATLANTICO THE FIREFLY Delegates on the ATLANTIC LODGING Following on the trail of under the Patronage of Sir Wil All Roads will lead to the spacious grounds of the GUACIMO BAPTIST CHURCH Limón, Costa Rica our recent Elocution contest, liam Morrison, in which the 14 promoted by the «Ladies Stan parishes and Port Royal were on Monday 7th September, when you will see what a Garden Party means: meet your friends, and spend a happy time. Lodging of the best accommodation Fine Rooms and Beds dard Club, which was taking part; we await with The IOT SIX will know what selections will most enchant you.
So gallantly won by Miss keen interest the results.
First class attendance given to our clients day and night Come and help us to finish our Church at usual prices of entrance.
Vera Gillings of that Club The Judges will be Mr.
Come up to Guacimo on Sunday evening, Situated 50 yds. North of the Market with Mr. Britton of the Uni Durie of the Jamaica Times, Spend Monday with us and return on Tuesday morning versity Club second and Mr. Dr. Oswald Anderson, Following Juan José León, building.
ALEXANDER REID, Deacon Fraser of the Alpha third, it Revd. Armstrong, Soliis noted that the Directors citor Foster Davis, and MELANIE DE BARRIENTOS of the Edelweiss Amusement Mr. Reginald Seaton, RegisProp.
Co. Jamaica, were listed to trar of the Supreme Court.
Apartments to let stage on Monday 24th. ult. an The contestants are, for Dont forget to call at Atlantic Lodging Islandwide Elocution Contest Port Royal Mr. George Bowen To those who desire a rest or change in the beautiful with Mark Antony; Mr. climate at Cartago, Large cool airy apartments can be had at the Union Hotel of Mrs. Doris Palconer.
Campbell, St. Andrew, with Lodgings or private apartments furnished or otherwise Lockinvar; Miss. Mccan be secured.
Haiti recovering Farlane, St. Catherine; Miss Large house of 14 apartments, in the best locality of Una Marson, Clarendon, with the City 50 yards north of Railway station.
Limón, Costa Rica Boarding and all facilities afforded.
What is regarded as an The Cattle Thief Mr.
Apply to Mrs. FALCONER Se alquilan cuarios y camas. Aseo esmerado y buen important step towards termi Hawes, St. Thomas, with The nating the American occupaTear of Repentance. Miss Apartado 106. Cartago.
servicio a toda hora del día y de la noche tion of Haiti took place on Inez Bowen, St. Mary, with the 5th. ult. when an agree The Leper. Mr. G; FairCalle 50 varas al Norte del Mercado, ment was signed by repre weather, St. James, with The contiguo a la casa de Juan José León sentatives of both govern Legend beautiful. Mr. ments under which Haiti will, Greenidge, Manchester, with MELANIE DE BARRIENTOS on 1st. of October next, be Edinburgh after Flodden. Prop.
given full control of the Dep Mr. Smith, Trelawny, Some months ago the of the ladies of this tovvn, tartment of Public Works, the with The Raven. Mr. Ivan Firefly was weil scolded thru especially those of the StanTechnical Service of Agricul Carson, Westmoreland with the Panama Tribune, but it dard Clud.
ture and Industrial Education The Spanish Champion. Mr.
seems as though he is novv Ths Firefly vvears a man and the Public Health Ser. Blake, St. Ann, with The vvorse than ever.
apparel, but it does not seem vice, which are now controled Three Preachers; Mr.
First, this Firefly, it is ob as if he likes that style, Costa Rica Result of the and operated by the Ameri. Cupidon, Kingston, with served, does not take the prefering that of a lady.
Kylsant cans. As also provided by the Young Cuban Patriot. Mr.
He delights in telling tales: trial trouble to get his nevys coragreement, a decree was is. Roosevelt Williams, Portland, rect for the papers; he Should he visit a lady one sued the same day, by order with The Winecup. Miss Enormous interest in Brivorites anything, vvhether it afternoon, and in the course of the officer in Command Greenidge, St. Elizabeth, be false or true, about any of conversation it should We learn that don Felipe tish financial circles has been of the Marines, repealing the with The Spanish Champerson, club or body of per happen that another lady is Alvarado, Lic, don Luis aroused, it is stated, as a re.
state of Martial Lavy which pion. Miss Beatriee Francis, sons and apparently consireferred to and the forAnderson and don Modesto sult of Lord Kylsant trial; had been in effect since the Hanover, with The Polish ders it vvell done.
me expresses her opinion Martínez have been selected and in consequence of many earlier period of the occupa Boy.
the matter, of a of the statements made durcerNext, it is also observed tion though dormant in recent to represent Costa Rica at the The prizes will be distributed tainty before the sun sets Pan American Conference, ing the progress of the case years.
by The Hon. George Seymour he is the cause of much unthe follovving day the other vvhich takes place in Wash: together with the judge The financial receivership Seymour.
pleasantness between some lady is told all that vvas ington betyveen the 5th, and strong comments, it is be.
and the Marines will be resaid. vyether it be pro or 12th. October lieved there will be much maining, it is said, for about con; then vverse of all, he One of the most important tightening up of the Laws two years longer, although items, for which our represen regulating company opera by the 1915 treaty the latter disdainful remarks on the tions.
tatives vvill endeavour to are entitled to remain till Repatriated Jamaicans tain Home office, disclose former lady, then meet her obtain the approval of the The Stock Exchange is re 1936.
the fact that drunkenness is the day after in the most Congress, is the proposal to ported as favouring a change According to the published on the increase in England friendly manner possible. This recent agreement is create Limon a Free Port. We in the flavimmaking it obli regarded as an effort to give figures 2, 000 Jamaicans have and Wales.
Convictions dur principal trait of Phis is a are expecting that, vvith such gatory for directors to dis close the extent to which resay to a lady. Such a lady made by the Forbes Com during the period 21st. May against 51, 966 in 1929. An (calling her by name) loves experienced gentlemen to handle to 13th. August serves are used to assist the the subject, mission last year.
increase of 1, 114 or 14 per me very much, but do not Country desire should be profit and loss account. The cent. This is the first year Nation of Slaves like her, am only trying general feeling being that the obtained since 1924 that an increase to make a fool of her, sie profits or losses on purely It is estimated that 2000. 000 has been shown.
calls herself a decent girl, trading operations should be of Abyssinia inhabitants are distinctly shown instead of but you should read the To facilitate education letters she has yvritten to being veiled, as they some.
the Emperor, Ras Tafari, has In order to provide acme Then vvould times are, by the use of spe.
informed the anti slavery and commodation for the estima add to the cial credits.
one vvith Aborigenes Protection Socie. ted 70. 000 children who do vyhom he was conversing Continued fron page It is also rumoured that ty, that they will soon be licivil actions are likely to be not now attend school for «Who love is you, and six thnt days whereas berated. Slave traffic has been instituted from several, quarCable advices from New already prohibited lack of space, although edu fevy days follevving he and the vve learn that there are vvitters which may revive some York that on Thursday last necessary legislation towards cation is legally compulsary sends her a love poem; and nesses vvho met him on the in Spain, the Municipal authis in like manner to every of the issues raised by the inform there was another complete freedom being now road tovvards that direction thorities of Madrid have de lady who speaks vvith him trial.
after seven o clock; besides heavy loss, estimated at attended to. The Society will cided to create 200 schools out of mere courtesy.
Savvyers asserts that in the around one thousand mil.
be sending out a representa in that City and its suburbs, As it vvas said some time scuffle his for life, he hit tive to assist in the work.
It is stated that, in the course ago «he is a menace to lion dollars, on the stock Taylor vvith his stick over Prisons and of three months, the MinBritain drunkards every society good or bad.
the eye and cut him, and in ister of Educution has made into everybody truth Taylor bas a recent gash The United States Steel The licensing statistics for provision for the creation of affairs; speaks ill of thoes, over the same brovy indic Industrial Corporation suffered a as issued by Bri nearly 5, 000 new schools. vyhose shoes he is unvvor ated. Taylor asserts that he thy to clean and vvho are drop of points, which got the cut by a fall.
Schools is stated to be the lowest Philomela Hints to Young Men ignorant of the exi nce of Public sympathy is greatly such an animal; then he extended to old man Savvsince 1929. Other heavy Dear Mr. Editor, There is no splendour, no had the impertinence to say yers, vyhile the other man According to the report of losers were the railroads. Grant me space in your elevation, neither is there any to a lady vvho vvas repri.
is much denounced the Director recently published, priceless weekly, first to thank gain in looking downward; manding him about some for the atrocious act vvith the cost of maintaining the Mr. Luke for his compli endeavour alvvays to reach thing he had said of her, vvhich he has been charged. Prisons of Jamaica amounted mentary remarks, and his the zenith of everything you «that he should be left a.
In the meantime investiga. to 51, 348, during last 884 admissions as against demonstration of apprecia attempt so that your efforts lone to say anything about tions by the criminal Judge year; this sum was, however, 265 the previous year, and tion of my feeble efforts. can might triumph.
anyore just as le felt, are proceeding and the pub. reduced to the net amount the net cost per prisoner was see that Mr. Luke has an There are many vvays in Ladies, vvarn you, be be.
lic is vvatching the out. of. 37, 677. as the de 30. 1 compared with appreciative soul, so lack which you can indulge in vvare of is gossiper; those come of this vvould be partment had earned 29. 3 for the year 1929. ing in most of our people; the pleasures of life, but there of you vyro do not yet kuovv murder case. 13, 670. 17. 7; There were Twelve prisoners are stated and secondly, to say am is only one true vvay vvhich vyno he is try to find out, to have died while, three exe starting a nevv series of leads to social heights there and then keep clear of him; remarks, this time to our 生路 cutions took place as the re fore seek it. drinking spree, and those who regard them sult of convictions on capital boys, especially those who or a licenscious lark vvill selves as ladies and are tryFOR SALE FOR SALE charges.
are preaching social uplift only stain the beauty of your ing to live up to the princiWith regard to the Indus ment.
soul, and the recollection of ples of such, should not entrial Schools, the Superinten Young men, to start on such a night vvill be alvvays tertain this type of bumanity, fine property in Siquirres. Registered Title, with two houses of three rooms each in perfect condition, tendent reported 358 inmates your mission of social aspi bitter: vvould assure you especially one vvho lacks anted, with bath and necessary outbuildings. Electric Light (boys and girls) on 1st. Jan ration, your lives should be ihat if you are to find the all the cardioal principles of installed; lot well surrounded, beautiful location on Church uary 1930. Admissions during dignified, so that your deeds true joys of this life it vvill good culture.
Street the year were 66; died may shine on those young not be found by leading a For further information and Price apply to the Agent, and 53 were discharged, lea men, vvho have hardly en.
AN OBSERVER life of vvastefulness. You can E, JOSEPHS, Pacuarito, or ving 369 in the institution at tertained the thought of make yourself great in your MCINTOSH, The Market Siquirres. the close of the year. The attempting to climb the so own sphere by dooning the To advertise number of inmates according cial ladde. so as to arrest cloak of determination. Disto age, ranged from under their dovvoyvard course play the very best that is in is to double your 10 years to 19 over 16, 119 vvhich vvill lead eventually you.
betvveen 10 and 13, and 223 to social damnation.
To be continued business betyveen 13 and 16 years. Diligence is the mother The gross expenditure was of success, therefore in every LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN 8592. 17, 11 white the reve thing you do, be diligent NOTICES One milch cow with both horns broken, colour white with Red nue from sales and labour, and persistent. The most deSpots, lost on the night of Tuesday the 11th. inst. call three months refund of duties and re im sirable things in the world Wanted abielderlmand respecti Those who would like to pass a bursements from various par are not to be found in our old left behind.
care of a house on the lir. es, must in a quiet home in the interior ishes amounting to 4, 3, 967. immediate surroundings but be able to do a little cooking and to know that Mrs. Charlote Big Anyone giving information leading up to its recovery will be left the net amount of in the direction to vvhich vve washing.
Berstaf can accommodate your neces suitably rewarded by the oner. 4, 625. 16. 10 as nice and comfortable Home for sities at her home in Cartago with a charge aim, therefore aim high, think CROOKS Siquirres a deserving Party.
clean comfortable quarters She is against the general revenue aright, act correctly, and be Apply in writing now to be found opposite her old.
of the Island.
lavvabiding in all your acts.
clo The Searchlight home.
Stock Exchange living he lives of heavens, and suffers loss He Dastardly. He prys last year, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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