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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION C3 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LÀ LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment Truth should, at all times, be the outstanding feature in all our dealings, one with the other.
It is one of the basic principles in all real progress, and should be adhered to regardless of any one or class.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12. 1931 NUM. 92 British Politics LIMON IN FIFTY YEARS 1881. 1931 return a man 15th. of September aspirations in on a to her working people. But earned sufficient experience who arrived in this couutry Swamps of the Cieniguita impossible for native white How few of our Immigrants, mom must have been with the Matters still remain unset(Because it was considered tled among the Political where is the sense of such to Conservative in consequence of the Soto stretching all along the Coast, labour to stand the rigidity of Parties of Old Albion; while argument, when by an open majority into power. The connecting with the waters climatic influences as well the Couservatives are willin: door, through which such Liberals will never again have Keith Concession of fifty years of the Creeks from Puita and the strain of the class of to sacrifice all feelings of countries as Russia and Ger.
a chance of ruling England, ago, are yet alive in and among Party pride for the good of maay, whose price of labour they are divided so badly us; the language of glasting the Arnold lands and the labour to be undergone. the nation, the liberals, hand is lower than our are cons among themseives that today monuments in progressive ideas drainings from the surroundIn mentioning the names of ing Hills; think what the mar ful tho they be, are also tantly dumping the same there are hardly 40 members however, speak out in no our Rulers however, we candetermined to cooperate with goods we produce at a lower of that party clinging touncertain phrases of the suf ket square must have been not pass lightly by that of our with its many rivulets drainthe present coalition Cabinet, cost to the detriment of gether. Tre split in the labour ferings and capabilities of much beloved don Rafael to pull her out of the per our factories and Farms, party against McDonald, be those pioneers who were brave ing from the risings around Iglesias, who took charge of the Cuartel Blocks etc. with the affairs of State in the year plexing situation in which she ruining our industries and cause he has called in a co enough to have ventured here finds herself, we find the throwing our many millions its myriads of Mosquitos, water 1894 and who, during his two alition of all the parties to to tackle the apparent impos lizards and even alligators, terms of office, helped to make great majority of the labour of workers out of employ help to solve the problems sible.
ites, taking the stand of ment.
which he could not do, has Let us take a glimpse back rising to another around the Progressive ideas was due to get across which, from one Limon what it is today. To his pernicious opposition to any Instead of forcing a consideration that may be into the past of fifty years to be a beggar by giving him Continued on page ago, and conjecture what Li be cut and driven, as piles, of the town of Limon, vvith market place, stakes had to the laying out and formation thought out to alleviate the a plate of Soup, a loaf of into the swamps and planks its beautiful. Vargas Park Jistressing situation that has bread and a few shillings to nailed on to the brackets.
been brought about by their take home to his starving (named after our 1st. Governor, mistaken policy.
wife and children, why not Think that there was no don Balvanero Vargas. and wharf until the immortal name Streets. Its formidable Sea It is surprising that it has use those millions of Pounds to draft away these people of Keith been possible for the liberwas sounded in wall, constructed by our keen als to have stood by them to such undeveloped terri On this day, in the year 1821, was signed the treaty Costa Rica; the cayuco had engineer Mr. Fields, to for so long a time, out of tories as British Guiana of Independence of the five Central American Repubto be brought up to the beach protect us from the ravings purely feelings of party Honduras or Africa, alotting lics: Costa Rica, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and and the receding tide waited of monstrous vvaves. The hatred for the conservatives, them lands and giving them Guatemala, which freed them from the bondage of the on for one to jump out, or be Construction of a modern Pier and allowed a labour govern geants of foodstuffs from the demands of the Crovun of Spain; and gave them a place borne on the shoulders of a and its accessories; To him peon.
ment to wreck the highest surplus wheat, sugar, cocoa among the nations of the World This, therefore, is the reacan also be credited our Marprinciples of proud and and other commodities until ket and recreation squares as Think that there was not a son why as each anniversary of this day comes round there dignified governmental they are able to take care our Churches and is so much rejoicing in the hearts of every true Costa path to go in any direction vvell as of themselves by their own Rican; there is so much adoration to the flag of the from the spot chosen for the Schools.
They went in on a ticket productions; at the same time Country, which, raised aloft on every staff is mute evi town of Limon Bay, until Mr.
Thus in our strides, in proof nonemployment allevia. finding them work by open dence of the nation freedom; so much reveilles by the Minor Cooper Keith opened gressive ideas, we can only tion, but what have they ing up Roads, Railroads etc. National Bands in all tovvns, vvhere such exists, at the up his right of way through look back on tvvo great men done? only aggravated tre for the development of the davvn of this memorable 15th. so much processionings dense forest Swamps towards as our real bcnefactors, don distressing humiliation of the coloniee in which they are by the younger ones to instill in their youthful hearts his first Camp one, today the Tomas Guardia and don Ra.
dole system, inereasing the placed, and thereby help to the meaning of True Liberty. All combine to call to beautiful Cementery of Li fael Yglesias; vve must feel numbers of the nonemployed expand the Empire.
remembrance that on this day the Independence of mon.
real pride for the existence year by year, until now it is The Labour government has Costa Rica vvas an accomplished fact, even though, Conjecture for yourselves, of these two great leaders in on the verge of three mil fallen and we are glad of it; fortunately by a bloodless revolution. Yet is vvas by no Roads, no Railways, no our retrospective comparilion; while they budget con for, in our opinion, no labour concerted action of a determined cooperative stand vvith means of crossing from one sons of Limon Bay of 1881 tinually for doling out the government can rule the des. her four sister Republics to demand at all hazards, her side to another of such Rivers and the Province of Limon on Nations resources to encour. tinies of any couotry in the Bill of Rights, to be able to manage her ovvn affairs as as the Moin, the Matina, the the 15th. September 1931.
age laziness and lack of march of competitive pro they best thought fit in the interests of themselves and Pacuare, the Reventazon, etc. Unfortunately don Cleto Gonself respect among the inhab gress Today, they are not their prosterity.
and immagine the Chaos then zález has allowed the opporitants of the country. ir. sufficiently prepared in world They felt it a duty to die if needs be in proclaiming existing in this richly pictur tunity of one great improverespective of the dignity of economics and other techto the Spanish overlords, that in the Judgment of Heaven esque country of Costa Rica. ment to have passed without the Standing of the country niques of goveramental ad there is no superiority among men, other than the su Think for yourselves of the a recognition of his name on among the Powers of the ministrative abilities. They periority in wisdom and virtue.
obstacles and dangers which the list of immortals in the world. As a consequence of haveruined the Sugar Indus.
They felt that they could no longer bovv the knee, the early West Indian labour onward march of Limon, that continual borrowings, the try of the Colonies, by refucing and encourage their prosterity to bovu their knees and ers and settlers brought here is, the Construction of the United States has had to to give us a small preference supplicate the friendship of men who had let loose their in the years 1880 and 1881 Moin Canal. The construction refuse any futher credits. Tariff which would place us in dogs of vvar to hunt them dovvn and riot in their blood. under the Soto Keith Contract of this waterway vvould have except some sort of economy a position to compete with They could no longer plovv, sovv and reap from this for the Construction of the immortalized his name be observed in coping with German and Russian Beet soil, to glut the avarice of a debauchered band of aris Ferrocarril de Costa Rica from along with the aforementionthe situation of nonemploy root sugar, which are grown tocrats, vvhose only ambition vvas to enslave the less Limon to Cartago had to und ed two, because this work is ment, hence the downfall of by a subsidized grant from fortunate, and so they struck the blovv, and sounded the fergo. Think o the thousands looked upon by those who the Cabinet. It will clearly those governments, conse Clarionnote of Liberty so that each citizen of the Re of lives which must have been are capable of judging, as be seen, therefore, how quently the manufacturers public vvould feel it his duty, his pride and his pleasure taken from accidents, pernithe only partial means of relamentably they have failed. can afford to dump and to share in the common dangers and in the common cious fevers, Snake bites, ef suscitating the prosperity of Immagine how humiliating flood Britain with a bounty glories of his country; hence the reasons for our shar fects of duinking contaminated Limon; we however live in it would be for a merchant fed Sugar in opposition to ing in the rejoicings of this glorious day of the inde. waters and various other hope that his successor yvill to be told by his creditors ours which has no protec pendence, the thought of which brings a Harmony in causes, in the clearing up of see the vvisdom of carrying and Bankers we refuse to tion. Cane has therefore the reccollection of the true meaning of the vvord Liberty: these Swamps, for the pos ont this necessary improveextend you any more credits died out, and bananas put the exemption from restraint of any kind. May we all sibilities which today mark ment; coupled with the sugor Stock until you shall in its place, which need less bless the Creator of the Universe for this the greatest our Civilization in having an gested idea ot a roadvvay change your tacties of Ad labour to produce und which blessing, our freedom, in uplifting thoughts, vvords and express train running to San from Limon to Siquirres and ministering your business af now cannot be sold in conse. Deeds Jose at 45 miles an hour, to from Siquirres to Peralta.
quence of the three millions bring a doctor to the bedside Had these latter vvorks been Instead of using these unemployed in England and of some notable individual. effected, then vve the Lihundreds of millions of seven millions in the United Shall we not look back monenses Antiguous would pounds to open up new indus States, all through the lack with great satisfaction, on, have been vvell satisfied vvith tries and strengthen the ex of vision of these balf edu the wise Administration of our march of progression, in isting ones in the country cated men.
As may well be immagin again take the opportunity Don Tomas Guardia, for the 50 years of our existence andin her colonies, by placing provisional national gov ed, the retrenchments as re of calling on our present making all these improvements in this much neglected Zone, a protection Tariff on articles ernment has now been placed cently carried out by the subscribers to assist us to possible, by importing all these brought about firstly by the produced by our own indust in the stead of labourites and United Fruit Co. and as keep alive, bv a propaganda West Indian labourers here, vision of don Tomas Guardia ries and her colonies, to this will not be dissolved until consequence by all employ, each one to induce another and making grants of lands to and his colleageus, secondly guard against dumping of a very definite change takes ers of labour, has had friend to subscribe.
all who cared to settle down such articles from countries place in England in her ex terrible effect on the circu Those who are in arrears and cultivate?
Continued on page who can produce cheaper in ternal trade, and a marked ation of our journal; and in their payments are also consequence of the lower improvement in the con notwithstanding the fact of asked to make an effort to cost of production by forced ditions of her home markets. the curteilment of our in pay up and help to push labour or any other circum All this will of course take comings, our printers have the programme forward.
stance, and arranging recip. some time to come about by surprised us again with Failing an early and aprocal treaties with those nat. mutual agreement between rise in the price of our print preciative response to this Our subscribers in and around Kimón will ions with whom we trade te elements of the three polit. ing.
appeal, the continued exisbe notified that The agent for «The Searchlight»
most intensely, as a ical parties. It is only when We are therefore craving tence of our journal may be in Limon is Mr. Burrow to whom all subof exchanging commodities. Britain will have been con the clemency of our readers affected.
they foolis ly stick at this sidered to have mastered her in our necessity of reducing Those who are willing to scriptions will in future be paid, and from whom old wornout exploded idea of financial tempest will this to four pages, pending the take a share in The «Search copies of the paper can be had at the office of free trade, on the plea that National government he dis urgent realizations of our light Printery» will do us Mr. Harold Srnith near by the Railway preferential trading with her solved and an appeal made hopes of having your own the goodness of so inform Station, colonies and reciprocal treat to the people for the return printing plant, through the ing us by a letter so that Copies of «The Searchlight can also be jes and protection Tariffs for to power of a Party gov cooperation of our Patrons, a Prospectus may be sent her own productions will ernment. It is hoped that as requested in a former them.
bought at the shop of the Limon Trading Synmean higher cost of living the people by then will have issue. At the same time we dicate, building.
To our Patrons a a To our Subscribers a means Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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