
Saturday September 12. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Monopoly and more monopolies Cafiaspirina BRO. PROBOBBIOBOROBIOPICS Not so old these. 89088080880880880. 88088080880880808030380308088 From Rouen, France, Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches comes the information that a Batard, aged 85, recently got married to a widowed lady of This is a country of ing consequence, higher 87, the marriage cere. Monopolies; the latest is cost of living. is this a mony being witnessed by to be a monopoly on time then for the govern two who were 80 and Salt. Who will be the nient to create further 83 years respectively.
Gandhi of Costa Rica? monopolies?
BEWARE OF IMITATIONS It would seem as if We have had a GovWould it not be more В the ladies of Rouen have ernment monopoly on Doi accept any tube or envelope BAYER no reason to complain the manufacture of Rum reasonable that the Minpackets without the regarding the possibi and its bye products. The isterio of Public Health send an Inspector to suR lities ofsecuring husbands sale of this article is also BAYER CROSS pervise the manufacture after they may have a monopoly. We are arrived at matured years. having the monopoly on than take this means of 0080808088088088080808088088CBOOBROB0808808 and sale of Salt, rather Tobacco, on Gasoline, on Matches, on Lotteries, on existence out of the Life and Fire Insurances, Miser Hoard hands of the poor labour THAT UN JUST BAN on Bananas, Sugar, Elec. ing people who make couple of issues ago, in some recompense be made not only to the members of Charles Nash, aged tricity, and now a project this commodity on the Pacific?
our article on our local pol them for their services. the Negro Race but also to 80, who resided alone, is being developed for the itics, and more particularly Among the many toings we the nation because of his near Winchester, Eng. manufacture of salt by We are proud to see with reference to the activ. mentioned they should bring sound philosophy and good lanıl, was believed by which the government is that our Deputies in Con ities of the adherents of the foward was a request for will for all; his neighbours to be so to realize a considerable gress do not agree with several partidos among the Whereas, Marcus Garpoor, that they supplied income.
the Executives in the voters of West Indian origen, had been injustifiably placed vey affairs in regards to the in an effort to secure their against Mr. Garvey entering Organization he represented him with food regular It is well known that project of this monopoly belp for their particular Costa Rica. It is therefore, were left in ly. When however, he all Monopolies carry and will hope that it presidential candidate, we we feel, of much interest to a deplorable condition due to the fact of had to be removed to with them the correspond will not be carried, but enquired if any of these col note that, thinking along his sudden removal from the an institution, 339 that the necessary hyge gured citizens of the Republic similar lines, the manage: nic had thought of asking that including 200 in gold, measures will be ment of the Negro World Whereas, as a result of has initiated a movement to was found in of the government action house. China suffers further adopted instead.
Mangoes to Canadá pakicepresentation to the the welfare of the member.
ship is being affected; The inhabitants of In a recent issue of States and the members of Congress with a view to enWhereas, Marcus GarTrain suspension China are certainly pas World to end The Canadian Gazette abling Mr. Garvey return vey return, in the belief of sing through most try it is stated that a single to America.
the undersigned will bring 1935 The travelling Public ing times. Just a short new hope and prosperity to The following is a shipment of over 800 copy the Negro as well as the will be warned that from while ago, heavy flood of the document woich will Nation through the working mangoes, the largest yet the 9th. inst. the Admin rains, described as un Chicago, Aug. Wil to reach Canada, was be sent to the President and the Congress America on of his courageous economic istration of the North paralleled in the Coun bur Glenn Voliva, over unloaded at Montreal behalf of Mr. Garvey.
and industrial philosophy: ern Ry, has given notice try history, inundated seer of Zion and chier from the West Indies.
I, the undersigned, beg you TO THE PRESIDENT AND in all earnestness to allow of the suspension of the a large section causing advocate of the theory The sluipment was an THE CONGRESS OF Ma cus Garvey to return to train which formerly left deaths and injuries to that the world is flat, experimental one induTHE UNITED STATES our shores.
Limón at 45 a. on some 10. 000. 000 persons has told his followers ced by the fact that Mon OF AMERICA This action on behalf of Sundays. There will be and damages estimated to prepare for «the begin. treal had been experien Whereas, Marcus Garvey, the coloured people of Amonly the train which at 2. 200. 000.
ning of the millenium ciug hotter weather than the founder and President. erica should certainly act leaves Guápiles at six as an incentive to our peoFollowing on the above and the coming of Christ even in the Islands them General of the Universal a. on Sunday mornnow informed in 1935. Mr. Voliva said selves. As it is an ill Negro Improvement Associa ple here, to make a similar tion, has been unjustly, in appeal especially now that ings arriving at Limón that on August 25th. one he based his prophecy wind which blows no our opinion, barred from their assistance is being at 1015 and from Limon of the worst typhoons on a measuring rod good to any one we returning to America; sought politically by those, to Guápiles at 30 since the year 1905. which he had devised trust that as a result of Whereas, Marcus Gar with one of whom the matter from biblical dates and the struck Shanghai flooding heat wave, the vey services were invaluable will finally rest.
portions of the City and phrases.
importation of this lus We are in the ti. ne cious fruit will become LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN damage.
of the end. Mr. Voliva a regular one, for, as is One milch cow with both horns broken, colour white with Red said. Conditions have well known there are Spots, lost on the night of Tuesday the 11th. inst. calf three months PUBLIC WARNING been gradually getting thousands thousands old left behind.
To whom it may Concern worse and will lead up being wasted yearly in Anyone giving information leading up to its recovery will be This will notify the public that any Sale made or, any mort.
to a great war on the the West Indies.
suitably rewarded by the oner.
gage taken, on my property at Siquirres in front of the Mechanics plains of Esdraelon, CROOKS Siquirres Progressive Lodge, by my husband Charles Me. Lood, without my where 200 million soldiers sanction and signature, will be null and void.
Postponement Be it known that apart from my claim on the premises as wife will gather. The war will with five legitimate children: It was my thousand colones which end in the coming of WAS WRONG MAN HANGED. won off the Lottery that bought and secured us the property, hence We are asked to an all money lenders or intending purchasers will be advised to see me Christ.
nounce that the Garden Notwithstanding the punished; according to first before doing any transactions on that property am now to be found at Cartago Box 80 where am re The overseer also pro. Party which was staged scrupulous care which the «Gleaner» it appears siding for the benefit of my health.
phesied a period of great by the Baptist in Li it is known those who as if such a case has (Sgd. LOUISE MC. LEOD tribulation soon, when món has been postpon are charged with the occurred in Jamaica. true Christians will dised for Monday 5th. Oct. duty of dispensing Brit bout three years ago, a appear from the face of That which was to ish Justice take in order District Constable was the earth to escape its have been held at Gua to avoid wrong doing, seriously stabbed by one Limon Service Bureau horrors.
cimo on the 7th. inst. still we find history re of two men whom he has also been postpon cording instances when had arrested and was ANDMr. Voliva predic.
the innocent have been conducting to the jail ed until the 5th. Oct.
tion recalled his mesBUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY in Spanish Town. He ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED sages of the past when died shortly after. One from time to time he Bureau established for the greater convenience, of the men escaped, but understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Enthe other. Cyril Rigg, glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Colwould end in 1923, in lection Department annexed for the protection of Buswas held and subse.
inessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
1927 and in 1930.
San Jose Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to quentiy charged with the lose: a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute con murder. After the usuafidence of Public for honection and efficiency.
Graduate of the University of Paris a Barrister with trial he was found guilty over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on Races, Races.
Specialist in affections of the blood and other deseases.
and hanged. The princiSurgical cases given special attention.
Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Treatments modern. Prices moderate.
pal witness against him, Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials All roads lead to the Patients met on arrival by his interpreter, Lewis.
at the trial, was the man are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and 24 miles Race Track on Further information, if required, can be had of The Searchligh. Counsel.
who was accompanying Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore the 15th, September. No Rigg at the time. This less than ten Races for Barrister Accountant man is now alleged to Manager Collection Dept: the day, starting at two have confessed that it Aurelio Bermudez o clock sharp, do not fail FOR SALE FOR SALE was he, not Rigg, who Inrestigator to spend Independence commited the crime.
Soliciting Manager Day in a happy meet fine property in Siquirres. Registered Title, with It is said that Rigg MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE with all your old friends.
two houses of three rooms each in perfect condition, tenanted, with bath and necessary outbuildings. Electric Light esternly denied commit.
Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre day that will long beauty installed: lot well surrounded, beautiful location on Church ting the murder, and at Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports remembered in the raStreet.
the last moment, on the For further information and Price apply to the Agent, and cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua. Cuba and Jamaica, cing history of Costa gallows, prayed that the E, JOSEPHS, Pacuarito, or Rica.
California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, S. MCINTOSH, The Market Siquirrest known some day. Is his real murderer might be Special Trains from East and West.
prayer beiog answered?
we are Imp. Falcó Hnos. causing a great deal of declared that the world Dr. Valverde Vega the Attorney at Law Notary Publle San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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