p. 4


Saturday September 12. 1931 The Firefly Responds ECONOMIZE Pan Pomona and even to disman those was laid on Sunday af mest in lifavour. the Municipal Election Mr. Editor.
you vvill note that am The best caption to the cooperating vvith you by Jamaican Proverb. Yu can purchasing at least three Economy is today the order Car avvaiting them. Is this ployers see the frivolous life is at our heels, because this not waste gun powda pon copies weekly.
of the day, and if it is neces not frivolity, especially vvhen that their voorkers lead, the month closes all vvorks of black bud» would be «Ener Now, if the mass of nesary in all governments and the husband is vvorking some happy go lucky life they live, maintenance on the farms.
gy Wasted. Therefore groes in Costa Rica, vvho great Commercial Concerns, where for a meagre forty, they are bound to feel that for the next six months would like to say a fevv are always shouting, reviva.
much more so is it necessary fifty or Sixty dollars per they can economize by a cut there vvill be nothing done.
vvords on this topic in your listic like, vvould guarantee among our labouring people month. Our people are truly of five, ten or fifteen dollars But we have got ourselves to most «Cultural Centre. The you their cooperation, by of this country: immitative, but vvhy not so from their vvages. We do not blame for much of these idiosincrasy of the negroes buying at least one copy of The British labour Cabinet in the right direction? Seldom yet live seriously enough for reductions; vvere vve living is to strain at a needle, and your vveekly, each vveek, has fallen because the mem do vve see the folk vvho our employers of labour to more economically, more pretend to move a mountain, think you vvould be able to bers of that group had not can afford to do such things sympathize vvith our condi seriously, more soberly our and that peculiar trait of archieve your aim, and cir been paying Sufficient at doing such extravagance. We tion of life, and unfortunaly employers vvould sympathize theirs alvvays lead them as culate more than 4000 copies tentation to economy, and see our young men and the fevv vvho do live soberlyvvith us in their mode of tray from the road of nation per vvee then you vould no sooner than the coalition vvomen flocking to the and seriously are guaged by retrenchments rather than hood. For instance, your need a larger paper, and pic or National government, as Theatres every night, most the great majority and must being so drastic.
appeal for cooperation has torals (you would have been they are called, took over the of these girls having to beg suffer vvith them. There is no Novy that economy has appealed to very fevy of us, be able to print the picture reins of government, did Mr.
their friends the value of the picnic train granted may be been forced upon us, because and to prove the fact take of the vvinner of our last Stanley Baldwin annouuce fifty cents admission. We are for Schoolchildren for vvhich naturally if we have nothing a stroll around the tovyn Elocution Contest, vvhich is to his colleagues and the not saying that once in a extra Coaches have not to spend we cannot speud; any time, and ask every ne causing a lot of ill feelings, nation that what is needed vvhile vvhen a real good to be asked and vvhich are hence novy that vve have gro man or woman his or because the Panara Tri is rigid economy in govern picture is on that a diversion alvvays crovvded; there are no been brought to starvation her opinion about your Co bune so gallant! y cooperated mental operations as well as is not necessary, but this dances announeed that the wages, it is to be hoped operative Plans, and see how with us. You would need a in private life, that sacrifices every night seeing practically Halls are not packed vvith that our people vvill think ignorant they would be on larger staff. perhaps would must be made to avoid the the same sort of shovv vvith these gay and expensively seriously and profit by the the subject. Therefore, would then be vvith you. and by disastrous financial catastro the same idea of expression, attired sporting people. Do lesson given us, and study call your appeal Energy now you viould have a press phe which was staring the whether it be romance, cov. vve not realize that our emeconomies in the truest Wasted.
of your own. But this is country in the face. The boy, detective or dramatic ployers observe these wanton can never forget, and also Gun Povvda An Black Co. one of the greatest scenes is a wasteful method vvastes of money? must meaning of the word, so that vvhen better times de will never desist from prais Bud. our young men and trading Concerns in the of spending the last they not come to the coning your young correspon: women only delight in the Western Hemisphere, found dime, and in the morning clusion that these people can come as they are bound to dent, Bas Bleu, on her «Edu «Sarchlite» vvhen there is that with the depressed having to be a bore on their live soberly on less vvages? and something cational Sociology. It has something scandalous writ condition of the happens world friends for a Cigarrette, a cof The Company must ecor by vvhich an amelioration been my ruling philosophy ten by some evil minded in market for her products, fee or an Iced drinke When smoze bine casantas se bave of our sufferings is brought ever since. can quote from fidel. When hovvever, there gid economy is necessary; the vvill our people begin to said of the disastrous depresher. No matter what is Nothing touching on some prospect of ing her sugar think of the seriousness of sion of the world markets, about, we vvill known to do, or hovy you do it, the one of note, or distroying from her great sugar factories the times vvhich surround and as a consequence ve appreciate it by the sease of «people will say something the moral of the community, in Jamaica and Cuba is now us? Certainly vvhen our emlearn that further economy economy forced upon us.
about you, If you should ridiculing Rev. Gentlemen. impossible, no market can happen to speak to John etc. Harmful And Malicious) be found for the maay Brovvn, and be a little nice your Searchlight is not ap trousands of tons of Cocoa with him, some dirty insin. preciated. Energy wasted) which she has stored away Another LIMON IN.
uating remarks are passed. This might not be her exact Personally, think your in the warehouses of America and England, and ba Continued fron page words, but her sentiments) plan is a very good one, as Corner stone nanas vvhich have been, until Therefore, my we really need such intellecMANZANA 31 Lot by the determination of don conclusion Rafael Iglesias and lastly by would be, Do as you DAM tual food, to strengthen their recently, her main business mentality. Have you ever cannot realize even the cost Laid well please.
Next door to the of that never to be forgotten In one of your issues, you taken a keen study of the of production and transport American market; fice of Juan José León name of Minor Keith with asked for the opinion of the Phrase of the Moment» of in the hence she is bound to econo In the presence of a (Sucs) you will find the the advent of the United Fruit your last issue? vvould ad reading public vvith regard mize rigidly in every depart very large gathering, the People Bakery, where attainments in the progressive to your Cooperative Plans, vise you not to publish such ment of her transactions: corner stone of the Pen you can get, at all times, colonization of Limon could and here is my opinion of philosophies, because one therefore there had been no cooperation. It is my habit. good or bad. to send a See Phrase of the moment. remedy but to reduce the ticostal Church on the Booth Biscuits, Bread not have been made possible vvages paid her employees, Camp One Road, Limon, and Buns of the best vveekly copy of your loval Sep. 6th) vvould like to uable Weekly to Trinidad, submit vveekly jottings in vvho are not actually neces.
finest LimonI so that my relatives may your greatly improved week.
sary. Today vve find man; Beckford of Limon offering to the public a see vvhat is vvhat in Limón. ly, so that the Firefly may Again, send a weekly copy It is a shame that the Pabe heard over Limon Too of her employees doing vvhat and Mrs. Radchiffe of New Style of Bread call.
formerly it took three men to Colon to a girl friend, the ed Pan Pomona made nama people should hear so to undergo, at less vvages Pacuarito. During vvho passes it around to than theyvvere fo merly unavoidable absence of from the best quality er. His Excellency the GoAccording to «The Gleanher girl friends, and comment much from him. think that can read your invitation, paid. Captain» George Davis, flour. trial will con vernor of Jamaica has fixed about the doings of Limon.
Does it not behove our have been avvaiting it ere who had to conduct a vince you. Its a size loaf Wednesday the 16 th. inst.
Novy aud then vvould send burial, the ceremony was that cannot be had for as the date for holding the a copy to Jamaica, to my this) Kindly let me know if labouring men and women you can take care of a Love to adopt a similar mode so school friends. And also election of members to serve presided over by Mr. the price in Limón.
Story, titled, as to subject themselves to keep a weekly copy for my «Labor Of in the nevy council of the the existing circumstances Millener assisted by Mr. BOOTH Kingston and St. Andrew further reference. Therefore, Love. It will be a fiction stoD. Beckford. Mr. Sam ry with a local background, around us? We have been Corporation.
portraying the life of our harping on this one theme of uels gave a very inter: Limon, May 25th. 1931.
There are eight vacancies people in Limon, and featur.
greater economy continually esting discourse and to be filled, four for Kingston, through these columns, some two for the Lower St. Andrew the plot. think it vvould and tvvo for the rural disContinued from page been annoyed. but members be very interesting, as intricts of that parish, and as novy that the staggering The attendance at the Dear Sir.
there vvil be contests in aroused the anger of the tend to publish some of my blovy has been thrust upon love and other poems in the service held at night was Now that all the fixtures in each area the polls vvill be who have great majority story. am sure our people us, it is evident that those avowed themselves an enemy encouraging to the Orane Cricket Cup Com taken on the 23 rd. inst.
persons, vvho felt that our ad most laye By the latest advices, there of the present regime, will would appreciate it, and it vices vvere only those of the those who are interested petition have all been the public is anxious to know are likely to be about 22 be a lesson to the few liber: would help to sell your paalarmist, vvill feel that vve and who are ably assis the decision of the Committee, Candidates nominated. The als, who will still obper.
vvere right. Even now there ting Capt Davis to com and what, if any, are the Gleaner has been running tain a place in the House of As say. Do not waste are certain observations that plete the building. Mr. arrangements respecting a Stravy Voters poll and Commons at the next elec Gun povvder on black bird, have been brouglat to the presentation match as is cus the latest returns received tion, to place themselves along because it vvould be wasting notice which make one feel David Baugh is with the conservatives. It is valuable energy, which could that our people, particularly Constructor with don Jotomary in such competitions. here shevy that the follovv.
also a serious lesson to all be put to good use, remain. our ladies, do not yet realize sé Zúñiga Solano the distribution. The various Clubs favoured ones so far: Mr.
non extre nists against the hovy imperatively necessary Mason assisted by and cricketers generally also dangers of again returning The FIREFLY Wilks, 1401 votes: Mr.
economy is to us. There are Messrs P, Harris and wish to have some official Fernandez 1214: Mr.
a labour government into yet many of our people vvho information as to whether the Durie, 1208; Mr. Coleman.
power headed by such a Copy to be sent to Pana still indulge in frivolities. Benjamin Hart Wanderers has been Beecher, 1207; Mr.
leader as Mr. Arthur Hender ma Tribune together vvith they buy unnecessary articles credited with five points. Duval, 1117; Mr. Chisholm; son, heuse it is certain that PERCY HARRIS of diet and dress; vve do attack on Firefly, and also the Conservatives will be Thanking you for publication. 965; Dr. Penso, 928; Mr.
not vvish it to be thought attack on «Labor of Love, that vve mean to infer that Reporter Yours for Cricket, given an apportunity to show Garvey, 844.
Mr. Fernandez, vvho figur.
their capabilities for solving showing the literary taste our vvives, sisters and daughPercy Harris ed so prominantly in the the many difficulties con of the Limon public.
ters must not dress and investigation of the Comfronting the nation.
look attractive, but vve do mission on vvhose report the With the Conservatives in vvish that they should be Can marry Aunts late Council vvas dissolved, power, the West Indies will more careful; vve see our has certainly be better looked novy risen to second NOTICE vvomenfolk going to the New Charter London, July. Men may position, vyhile Messrs. Simpafter, because they have al.
markets as if they were marry their aunts and woson, Mc. Laughlin and Drevv ways advocated better treatmen their uncles when a ments, by preference Teriffs, Wanted an elderlmand respecte an elderly and respect going to a fairy shovy, in Silks and Satin dresses; vve The officers and members nevv lavv comes into force 12th. and 17th. places respec.
have dropped to the 10th.
for our products by giving care of a house on the liries, must see them endeavouring to of the New Castle Division shortly.
lower duties on some things be able to do a little cooking and tively. We avvait the results outdo, in dress and diet, their No. 661 of the take In a fevy days time Royal of the real election to see and free entry to some of our washing employers and people vvhose this opportunity to remind all Assent will be given to a Empire grown stuffs. Therethe feelings of the populace nice and comfortable Home for income can afford them to friends and well wishers that Bill to unable on this matter.
fore the West Indis, which a deserving Party.
be Parisian in style. vvith the unveiling of their New marry his aunt by marriage are famed as the most Apply in writing hundred and tyvo hundred Charter will take place on or his piece by marriage.
loyal Colonies of the Crown, controversial stage in the clo The Searchlight colones dresses and fifty dol Sunday October 11 th. 1931.
It vvill similarly allovy a Lords.
cannot but hail with pleasure larsſheadvvear. Is it not a time cordial invitation is exten vvoman to marry her uncleIt has had no serious opthe happenings, however disto stop and consider? We ded to all. Those going from by marriage or nephevy by position, and although the tressing they may at present To advertise see them feeling it a disgrace Limon will take motor to marriage.
appear, as they tend to dispel Archbishop of Canterbury to vvalk, from the Railvvay Westphalia where there will It is knovyn as the marsurrounding give a o the Hall. he disliked it, he vvould to the silvery ray behind the hands in a small tovyn like business dark cloud.
already passed through the go so far as to vote against Limon, but must have a Mc. Farlane Commons and through its The Gleaner BRITISH POL. lng myself as line wiliamua harven zeered us, some hawe wished the veffic success. Request a Unveiling of a man to Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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