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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION G3 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 55 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Phrase of the moment Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LÀ LINTERNA)
The tongue of a slanderer is a devouring fire; which tarnishes whatever it touches: exercises its fury on the good grain, equally as on the chaff: on the profane as on the sacred: leaving wherever it passes only desolation and ruin.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 19. 1931 NUM. 93 About Bananas City of Belize destroyed The Races at 24 miles which at over was por the islands her to ranged 15th. September in Limon Siquirres enAt 30 a terrible water from five to nine Some three months ago the Co. it was feared that there hurricane and tidal wave feet deep. The American spent among friends at the most enjoyable day vvas ferent sports, some enjoying: United Fruit Company had to would develop a Banana war, the associations of their discontinue exporting bananas but the officials of the Stan destroyed the town of Consul Mr. R. Taggart, Race track at La Joya on frienus vvhom they had not from Colombia for the English dard are reported as ridiculing Belize, British Honduras is among the dead; there the 15th. inst. There were met for some time others market, on account of the such an eventuality. There are on the 11th. inst. and are about 174 resident ten races listed but some of enjoyed their dancing, others poor quality of the fruit those, however, who, from the horses fell sick and their svveat tables, others which was being produced and their knowledge of the trade another distinctly anart, white American citizens could not work, hovvever the Races. The most vvant.
could not compete and the conditions exsisting according to the Mete and about 500 English seven races vvere run, of ing item on the ground vvas with the better frult grown in on that side, are of the opi orological Bureau of New men and women in the these, three vvere very excit the French Pool.
Jamaica. In fact, it is stated nion that, in so far as Boston York, did corsiderable city which has a popu.
that, the cargoes shipped for is concerned, the entry of the dariage in Porto Rico at lation of about 13. 000 Armstrong French Lad, Mr. not be omitted, vvhen the At the next meeting, in The 1st. vvas betyveen Mr. December, hovvever this vvill a few weeks prior to the Standard is bound to cause cessation were sold at a con a reduction in price to the same time. The leaths souls.
the much All the churches, in Mr. Warren Colorado. Wee better Farquharson Weepet and days sport will be siderable loss, some having consumer; as that port had are said to be over 000 outlined and the to be diverted elsewhere at been held, by the United Fruit, and the wounded over cluding St John College, pet made the pace for lite course made a 1000 yard still greater loss to the grow as a closed preserve for more thousand, and about 70 have been destroyed and but the superior form and run. The horses vvill be beters and shippers.
ier mated so that the conWith a view to improving course, enabled the Company per cent of the City is catholic priests and 18 riding of Armstrong French ruined.
tests vvill be more intense.
the quality of the fruit Messrs. to charge very high prices students for priest hood Lad brought him to the a neck the ly exciting, Elders and Fyffe Ltd. sent for their fruit. Again, with a The majority of deaths dead. Supplies were Judge stand.
We cannot but compliout two Plant Experts and drop in price consumption was occurred by drowning in rushed to the rescue in The next in excitement ment Mr. Littleton for his Chemists, who made inves sure to increase resulting ben consequence of the aerplanes by the Amer vvas betvveen Mr. Dunn fine selection in his purchase tigations of a technical and eficially to the planters both heavy wave that washed ican Red Cross Society Viena, The Lady Crisnie of Cameronian from Mr.
agricultural nature. As a re.
many from all points, Managua, race Viena came in the vvinDenuis in vvhose hands sult of these investigations rica, as it was from the latter inland, leaving he vvas foaled, he is certain important changes were made place all the United fruit houses covered with Pana na and Washner vvith Papa second. ly the best years old in on the farms, particularly for Boston was being shipped.
ington The last race vvas also the country today.
with regard to the treatment Since purchassing the busvery good betyveen Mr. War Much praise must be givof the plant in its early iness, in Jamaica, of the Atlanren Colorado, Mr. Arms.
stage. The grade of fruit now en to Messrs Damian, Littic, the Standard had acquirAmong great spiritualists trong Wolf and another; tleton and Clarke vvho being obtained has so impro ed 12 ships for use in their Sir Oliver Lodge, not friends after his death. but after a hard struggle vvas Wolf vvas prime favourite vvorked vvith heart and soul ved that the Company was American trade.
to make such a pleasant able to resume shipments, and With regard to the English content with his com By giving details, after beaten by Warren Colora meet a possibility.
the first one left Santa Marta market, we note it is stated munications with those death of sealed docu do.
There vvas a gathering of on the 15th. ult.
by one who had been there who have entered the ments which he will deli. The mate race was also old turfites, among vvhom In consequence of the sus recently, that there was a distinct propaganda on great beyond, wants a vvere to be observed Messrs.
in pension, the labour situation ver to the Society of psy. interesting Mr. Littleton Cameronian Johnson, Sankey, Daly, Na.
developed into a rather diffi England in favour of Empire greater perfection of chicinvestigations before came in easy vvinner tion, Williams, Dennis, Lee, cult position and necessitated bananas and the desire of identity, he is now con he dies he f:els he will his brother Path Telfer, Edgar, Mc, Dermott, Mr. Pollen going down. adopting some means by sidering how he wi! clarify solve the great problem finder. both being sons of Tully, Reggie James, Cham.
He satisfactorily arranged vvhich the Jamaica fruit could the question of his iden of identity.
Mr. Norton imported stud bers, Our Judge Bougle of matters by allowing advances be distinguished from that tification among bis Philantrophist.
Estrada Black Prince fame to be made the men on their from foreign countries, It vvas dissappointing that and many others. We also usual wages pending the re being freely expressed. Prices Mr. Damian Headliglit got noted some Ladies vvhom sumption of work. This arranger post left so could not con vve knovy are great ment was also come to around 21. 10 per ton.
test his race vith Mr. Clarks thusiasts in the King of with the 800 men who handle All these activities lead us the fruit od the dock.
to feel that the BIG ONES in The Teachers and pupils guration of the days Satprise, and Mr. Facey Sports, like Mrs. Harrison from Germania, and others The Standard Fruit Com the fruit trade are sanguine of all the Schools, along Fiestas of Independence Mr. Clark Surprise did vvho may soon be induced pany has, we understand, secur of the near approach of better with the Boy Scouts and ince Sunday evening to a fine run in vvisning his to ovn Stables vve refer to ed contracts for 4, 000, 000 conditions, all round; and in Units of the gave wednesday. There were first engagement in the Un Mrs. Sankey Mrs. Usher.
stems of fruit in Jamaica in this connection it is our tried.
addition to the quantity produc further» pleasure to state that a most enthusiastic parade many attractions but prinThere vvere many absenThe arrangements vvere tees vvho had not the id :a ed on its own properties and the Jamaica Producers Asso and procession throughout cipally the Bullfights, horse not as they might have been that the meet vvould have intends sending the fruit to ciation has ordered another the town, down to the races, the fireworks and as Mr. Damian Committee been such a success, but in Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia vessel to be built for their Governor office, where the performances of the did not give him the neces the December meeting vve and New York. As all these trade. This will be the second they were received and school children. Mr. Cyrilsary assistance, anyway guarantee much keener sport points are already being entirely ovvned vessel of the congratulated by His Excel Corniffe and his pupils by all parties in their difvery pleasant day was spenting. trial is being made served by the United Fruit Association.
Continued on page lency the Governor Don were particularly applauded Juan Romagosa. After which for their efficiencies in they retired to Park Vargas their performances re In where patriotic Speeches dependence Day. Mr.
and Songs were indulged Shaw gave a most inspirSo many requests, for prove the statements in in; othervise Limon was ing Speech befitting the While other nations are insistence against a delay in information as to this the application. pho in quiet reverence of the occasion especially, on the discussing seriously the concluding matters of Armamatter, have been made tographs are to accomgreat day.
adaptability of freedom question of disarmament as ments were taken very skepof intercourse between the suggested by Uncle Sammy. tically, from the fact that he to us that we wish to pany the solicitud.
he, with his coffers overflow made no allusion to the state for the guidance of We would gladly place in revelry due to the inauSiquirres was wrapped West Indians and the nati our readers the following with the world gold is urgent calls of Grandi of our. ervices at the disves which so gralefying.
planning larger ships of War, Italy and Lord Cecil of ing: Warlike posal of any one wishAeroplanes and England on the question; one more disastrous gases and paper is wondering whether applicatioa must be made Rican citizenship. who truction; he says he must armament or armement, it in spanish on a fifty can furnish the neces. The Legal experts of The rejection by Mex. not be second to any in goes on to say that while cent stamped paper ad. sary requisites as out the League of Nations icw of the terms of the efficiency of Armaments, Europe is in a state of dedressed to the Ministe lined.
Assembly have inter Monroe Doctrine does which of course is a direct composition, while Germany, slap in the Face of Britain, England and Italy are venrio of Foreign Relations, The approximate cost preted the intentions of not constitute a reserve but as the labour govern tilating the grave problem, as giving one age, nation for obtaining all these the Monroe Doctrine as nor an obstacle to her ment has so impoverished to how their poor people are ality, profession and the Certificates presenta binding, only on those admission in the League her, she has got to take it going to pass the winter length of residence in tion to the Government, Nations of the western of Nations. It will be nd keep quiet months and worrying how the country, asking for for their approval, would Hemisphere, who care to remembered that accorBriand speaking in the to salve their domestic troucitizenship; this must be in the region of about adopt its terms.
ding to the interpretation Friday last, that the coming by bringing to light the bles, Briand novv comes up League of Nations said. on be accompanied by a twenty colones.
Mexico bas rejected given by the Assembly Conference on disarmament skeleton of the Gineva ProCertificate from the Se Anyone however who it as being nonappli of the Society of Nations, is the next great step toward tocol novy buried for seven cret information Bureau is born in Costa Rica able her territory, in the case of Costa Rica, Universal Peace, and that years by emphasizing Fran ot this Country as well has only to present hence the question was the Monroe Doctrine is France is opposed to its ce vievvpoint vyhich springs as one from that of the proofs of his Birth be raised whether or not, merely a unilateral decla postponement; because the up from past history.
success of the realization of Denmark, Norvvay, Syve.
applicant own country fore the governor and in consequence of such racion, which only binds the Disarmament Conference, den, Holland and Switzerland proving that he has never ask for hi: Ceriificate rejection, would she be those who accept its is the most interesting duty are pressing for an immediate been incriminate of citizenship on a fifty eligible for admission to terms, and does not aug. of the League of Nations and cessation in Construction of The namr. es ot three cent stamped paper. the League to which the ment nor diminish the whatever signs of weakness vvarlike implements, even if influential gentlemen in There is no government it is to be throvvn out to the following reply has been obligations of the League displayed in this matter will your vicinity must be al fee attached to this. given: cause the dissolution of this public opinion of the vvorld, under existing regula great body.
given for reference, to Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del SieronNadonal de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y dwyn er manicy however, his ably received.
vvhich idea is being favour.
a Naturalization Disarmament to


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