
Saturday September 19. 1931 Worthy effort Change in Calendar Give to me only of thy love Cricket enter a The following, copied from year, for it would mean in We are heartily pleased to mately 700 West Indians. The Gleaner. is certainly fact one actual week of eight impart the news of an effort The Corporation is stated the most logical objection days, and this would neceswhich is reported to have to be receiving a generous we have yet seen, on the sitate the shifting of the been launched in Trinidad support and the appeal for Give to me Father of the Love change of the Calendar from Sabbatis or Sundays a day and which, If successful, share sales is being appre. Fill full this cup of mine 12 to 13 months in the year. on. When one remembers should play an important ciatively met.
One writer pointed out that with what respect a large part in the shoe business of The man agement bas Breathe Thou Thy breath within my soul, those people who were born proportion of the human that and the surrounding already acquired a place, as Till my heart thrills to Thine, on the 29th. 30th. 31st. of race regards and keeps these Islands, in addition to ma a going concern for some The thirst that from my soul doth rise the month would have no days one finds it hard to terially assisting the cause thing around 400 and a start Doth ask a drink Divine: birthday in the future, thus believe that they would of the unemployed.
is expected to be made before Historical events would not consent to the change. If Corporation, known as the close of this month.
Give to me only of Thy love or ly be changed but lost. the Sabbath or Sunday are the West Indian Footwear This is but another ex And that will kindle mine.
Landlords Would of course removed once a year from Corporation has been duly ample of what might be done benefit, but in all such their normal positions as the established with an authoriz by our people if only they Thou givest all Love gifts to me, circumstances it is the poorer seventh or first day of the ed share capital of 2, 000 would cooperate.
Fillst brimming full my cup people vvho are sought to be week, they inevitably lose in ordinary shares of sacrificed by such changes. much of the authority with give my all, it is not much, cach, to carry on the business which they are historically of manufacturers of and But Thou will come and sup.
Bishop of Jamaica associated. And am condealers in boots and shoes, The things longed for Thou hast given, vinced that the result would Against Change tanners, and any business give them back to Thee, be loss of regard for that day.
in Calendar which may be conveniently only ask that seeing me Most people would regard carried on by the company: Moin vs. Motive Power this as a misfortune, to say to build up and standardise The world, through me see Thee.
THE EDITOR: the least.
the shoe industry of Trinidad rather good attenAny attempt to move either and other West Indian Islands dance witnessed this MORGAN Sir. regret that hitherto of these days for mere as also to incidentally help match. The Moin Capt.
illness has prevented me from conveniences would certainly unemployment problem by providing work for approxicalled the coin correctly 88 88 89 89 896 088 89 883 88 88 sending you my views regard be resisted by the Christian ing the proposed change in Church and by the Jewish but sent to the the Calendar. am definitely Comn:unity. thiok also that bat, as one of his play CE against any of the changes the Mohamedan world would On the increase ers was absent at work.
that have been put forward. refuse any scheme which We gladly reproduce the made 114 runs, The fact that several alternate juggled with their sacred day, calendars are following from the Gleaner suggested Friday. expect that some Reid and Jones being indicates that the matter is of August 29th: will feel that these religious not so Mr. Stewart, a native responsible for 49 and sin:ple as some opinions ought not to be of Jamaica, who left the 13 respectively. The Moin imagine, and further shews allowed to hold up a plan island thirty yuars ago, and team replied with 89 for that the improvement of the DEAR FRIENDS: that might be of real utility.
has built up one of the wickets of which os arrangements of the weeks But we have to reco nise largest transportation and Thorpe made 21, John You may be one of the thousands that and months is not an easy the fact that religion holds Drug Store every few days and purchase some pills that matter. The more one thinks hotel business in the Philipson 17 and Lewis 18, are absolutely guaranteed to relieve headache and res over this the more is one a strong place in the hearts yine Islands, will be returning tore Vitality, energy, etc. Do you know that lack of and habits of very many, and vvas Jamaica during next when the match pep and headaches are danger signals, and are, to a great convinced that none of the that it is well to think again mont to spend a six months discontinued, as the Extent, caused by weak eyes or improperly fitted Glasses? o alternatives put forward is and yet again. before it is How many women awake in the morn adequate to meet the situa disturbed by legislation.
Philippines, Mr. Stewart sold opinion of the public is enough they are not rested: That although they are not tion. The suggestion of hav. Further, is it not well to his transportation interests Book Worms or prolific readers, their eyes tire Easily ing thirteen months in the remember that sentiment, when they read.
year of 28 days each certainly historica association, and to a railway company, and that the Moin team ie Do late hours make your Eye lids heavy? does would cause great confusion the amount involved vvas regarded the winners.
ancient custom have their looking at bright objects or even at brightly illuminated over 10, 000. Mr. Stevvart Further details for your Store display, cause your eyes to tire or Water. If your in fixing the quarter year and value in the bundle of life?
has left his son in charge of next issue.
eyes water easily or tend to tire at the beginning of the half year. imagine that Are the benefits in the proday, you need glasses. will examine your eyes and fit business houses would find his business interest vvhilst Percy Harris posed changes of the calendar you properly with a pair of Glasses suited to your type.
he is on holiday.
a difficulty in keeping monthly Rid your self of that tired feeling over your eyes and Reporter So obvious that it is worth 88 accounts and adjusting them His departure vvas given work with a clear, acheless head.
while to cause confusion with Cordially yours.
to the quarterly and half the records of the past, to great prominence in the local Sept. 13th.
Dr. Azevedo 89 yearly statements, seeing that trample upon sentimen nevyspapers, one journal put.
and lishing the follovving: Optometrist the latter periods would to run the risk of creating Stewart, pioneer in The Editor: contain three months and a a kind of passive resistance Glasses Supplied from 25, 50, 00 50, fraction of a month. The among a large section of the the transportation business 00. 00 and upwards in prices to suit your pockbetween Bauang and Baguic, oot er suggestion that each human race? do do not Referring to my pre et. Examination From p. to p. Save money has started on a well earned by buying from me.
e quarter would contain one think it is, and fail to see vacation. He sailed July on vious letter, the Presi 18 month of 31 days and two any commensurate gain in SS. Derfflinger of the Nord dent of the Wanderers 83 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 of 30 days, while equalising any of the new Calendars deutscher loyd for Europe Mr. Sankey the quarterly and half yearly that have been put before us.
periods still leaves the and Havana, uba, on his has novv been officially It rather looks as though way to his old home, Morant informed by the Com awkward figures in the Nature, which provides 365 months which it sought to Bay, Jamaica, British West days (and a fraction of a day)
Indies. After spending six petition Cominittee, that avoid. The change does not in the year a number which months there Mr. Stewart his Club is the Season Dear Mr. Editor. The reason, we ar: told, seem worth while if it simply refuses to be evenly divided expects to return to the Champion, and that he for such devillish deed equalises the longer divisions into onths and weeks were of the year.
Philippines by way of New may make the necessary bidding us mortals learn from York.
Sunday the 6th. inst is, because, the wounded There is a serious objection the world in which we live, Several months ago Mr. arragements for the pre witnessed the cominit.
Stewart sold his trucks and sentation match. Monday tance of a brutal act on woman had taken away to having an odd day to be and not to be too mechanical the man whom she (the fitted in at the end of the in our living lest we cease to other equipment to the Sept. 28th. has accorda woman who had just murderess) loves; and, value music, art and beauty, Manila Railroad Company, ingly been fixed for the they arrived in town, and was when she found The Nicaragua sentiment, association and which are now being opera match.
religion. For after all we are standing in a yard, mak were leaving that vicinity te dby the Benguet Auto Line Canal men born to livein an environ Percy Harris between Bauang and Baguio.
ing request for permis for another, she dogged ment throbbing with life, and He retained, however, the sion of aman to do some them all the way till they It is reported that in con are not machines which only hotel at Bauang, his recent NOTICE cookingfor herself and arrived here. She then sequence of the economic require to be wound up that ly completed bathing resort at Long Beach near Bauang, Wanted able deromand to take world crisis, the Uniten States they may keep going.
company, when she telt siezed her opportunity; government has decided to the infliction of a terrible There is all likelihood abandon temporarily, the consthe Royal Garage and the am, etc. care of a house on the lines, must Royal Apartments on Burnslash from behind her that the unfortunate truction, of the Nicaraguan be able to do a little cooking and ham Park boulevard, Baguio. washing.
and before she could woman will die as she is Waterway.
WILLIAM JAMAICA In his absence his son Claude nice and comfortable Home for turn to see who had a delicate state. It was Stewart will be in charge a deserving Party.
Apply in writing dealt the wound, there fortunate that a Launch00 0 0 0 0 of these properties.
clo The Searchlight were others of equal was in Port that day intensity it, not more (which was unusual) on Mindful of a duty out of intense following as fast which the Agent of Pofriendship the most popular over her face, neck, and Limon.
San Jose breast till, she was satuHas arranged to distribute a value of almost rated all through with Wynter double the former value of the wrappings as a Graduate of the University of Paris benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you her own ood She might can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before Specialist in affections of the blood and other deseases.
have died on the spot, Cahuila 12 Sept. 1931 All No. wrappings have a much greater value than No. and others.
Surgical cases given special attention.
by the infliction of more Treatments modern. Prices moderate.
wounds, but for the inter.
Patients met on arrival by his interpreter, Lewis.
Further information, if required, can be had of «The Searchligh»
Death vention of those persons who were standing by.
We are grieved to an Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts rounce the sad death of 00 SUBOO 000 soooooooooo0000000. 00 Miss Lucille Browo, our will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
Distributor in Limon Attention!
former agent at Madre de Dios. We beg to 10. 000 in Prizes Armando Heilbron tender our sincere sym Distributors in Turrialba, Ask for Chiclets but say Adams pathy to the friends and relatives of the youthful Rojas, Cortés Cía. deceased. May her soul INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
The on ly legitimate Chic ets lookout for the coupons with Prizes in the Packages To advertise ins to Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 soc0000000000000000 o COQOOOO000000 double your business 2000 documento es propiedad de la Bibliote Wigueiret Llzano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y suverit Brutal Act Dr. Valverde Vega as if by electricity and licence took them on to PALMERA SOAP PALMERA SOAPS 0 0 0 0 0 OOOO000 Chiclets ADAMS find peace.
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