p. 4


Saturday September 19. 1931 From Firsfly for The Searchlight GEORGE BREEDY. queer contagious desease vvere as PUBLIC WARNING To whom it may Concern This will notify the public that any Sale made or, any mort Alpha Again Rodgers, Leonard Dobson, gage taken, on my property at Siquirres in front of the Mechanics and Loxley Henry. Praise NEW STORE Progressive Lodge, by my husband Charles Me. Leod, without my The Alpha held a must be given to Miss Aikens sanction and signature, will be null and void. beg to announce, to my numerous customers, miniature Elocution Contest, for her excellent rendition Be it known that apart from my claim on the premises as wife that have again established my store in Limon at with five legitimate children; it was my thousand colones which on Sat. Sept. 12th. at their of Horatius. Her memory the corner of the Market. formerly José Yunis. won off the Lottery that bought and secured us the property: hence clubroom, in honor of their vvas perfect, and she demonsYou can be assured of the same kind treatment all money lenders or intending purchasers will be advised to see me chairlady. Miss Vera Gillings.
trated that she perhaps vvill first before doing any transactions on that property: which gave you in the past, when was Manager am now to be found at Cartago Box 80 where am re The follovving gentlemen be the next Elocution Cham of the Jamaica Store, for many years which is well kuovvn by one and all in Costa Rica.
siding for the benefit of my health.
contested, Messrs Cleveland pion of Limon. Boys be (Sgd. LOUISE MC. LEOD Clarke, Ivan Covvan, Amos careful and practice deligentPlease give me a call and be convinced of my Hall, Eric Forbes, Ferdie ly. VERY LOVV prices and the best of material, Bryan, and Locksley Henry, The prizes vvere presented YOUR FRIEND The contest was promoted by Miss Forbes to tine by Mr. Dolores Joseph, the vvinners of the Pir Pong Literary Director. The followtournament. Mr. Agusto Cuza ing were the judges, Messrs. being champion with Leo Non payment of Back from vacation Harriot, Williams and pold Forbes second.
Taxes The relatives and friends of ng up the body to avoid thei Egbert Polson. The clubroom The many adheren Mr. Mety Campbell, late Ser possibility of calling another vvas filled vvith the gentler The Debate While in some coun to the Anglican Fai geant of the Salvation Army surgeon to inspect the work. sex, predominant amongst at Liverpool, are very much Whatever may be the them being the aje delighted to rei Hope or Memory, vvhich tries the delinquent Tax interested to know why Doc. cause, there would seem to girls. Miss Leonie Aiken, in gives more pleasurable payer is brought before in the Community agai tor Salsbury refused to give be something doubtful, from the her persuasive and eloquent moments vvas the topic pf the Courts to give rea their much admired Spi up the corpse of this unfor fact that there was no iso vvay, gave a touching talk the debate, betyveen the tunate man for burial under lation from sons why they have not ritual Comforter, the Ven on the Poets. Certainly SC. and the MP. Club. paid unto Caesar those erable other patients, Archdeacor the accustomed practice. and no restriction of visitors Miss Aiken deserves praise The Misses Lydia Hines, Eva This man was admitted on to the bedside of the patient for her delivery. The Litera. Dugins and Iris Bruc at ly things which be Caesar s, Austín Oakley. Recto Monday 31st. ultmo. suffering One is tempted to ask vyhat ry Director is grateful to her defended Hope, and gained here we see Mr. Daviel in charge of the Sain from severe pains in the lower contagious desease could this for having ran to his as 90 point, Miss Hines gaining Zeledon, Municipal Attor Marks Church, who hac abdomen, he vvas operated have been?
sistance, in making this little 45 out of fifty. Messrs. Isaac ney, has been levying on been away on vacatior on, on Tuesday 1st. inst. it Was it reported to Dr. affair vvhat it came off to. Nevyton, Jl. Samuels, and several properties in Li along with his muci is said that the diagnosis of Umaña, the chief Health officer as she was the life of the Forbes defended Memory, the doctor in charge. as ex mon for such nonpay. esteemed wife.
of the Province? Was it «La evening.
and could only muster 80 pressed to the relatives vvho «The Searchlight» bog: Grippe or Cholera? If so cer Miss Inez Gilling Last points. Mr. Forbes being ment of the Impuestos accompanied) vvas, that the tainly an operation vvould Rose of Summer. Mr. Her top scorer. We must say falling due to the Mun to tender the warmes pains caused from not be necessary, or vvas it bert Jackson Hawaian fevy vvords in favor of Mr. icipal Board.
welcome to Archdeacor olos Mr.
another case of mistaken diag: guitar some puss accumulation in George Forbes, he surprised Under these conditions and Mrs. Oakley back to Frazer nosis? Poor Limonenses.
the abdomen. The patient died Mark Anthony everyone vvith his boldness on Saturday 5th. from the Oration, all helped to lend and eloquence. This proves the great majority of their sphere of useful.
effects of the operation, and pleasure to the occasion. that practice helps a great properties will soon pass ness amorg us, and hope the body was refused his The School One of ray eccentricities.
from the ownership of that their continued as friends and relatives, for inter of Pharmacy vvas displayed, vvhen read the poor labouring man sociation here will be ment, on the plea that the my poem. YW. vs. MotL, into the hands of a group intermixed with muca man suffered from a conta According to La Tribuna ive Povver, in their debate, of Capitali ts, who will pleasure.
gious desease and must be we note the following resolu Memory vs. Hope (That vvas Mr. Leopold Forbes consent avvay at once from the tions at the last meeting of a screau. The resuit of the frame the law bereafter ceived the idea of controling Hospital to the Cemetery; the Board of Directors of the contest vvas as foliovus, Carke, first vvith Regulus vvhen the different Literary Clubs to govern such things, Hope or Memory but that they could meet the College of Pharmacists.
he invited the and possibly relinquish Corpse at the Cieniguita cross That Mr Jose Antonio Grau before the Roman Senate: following to the MP. club the very heavy taxes now In the debate which ing at p. on its vvay to was ordered to be inscribed the prize being a room on Friday 11th at 30 imposed for Pavimentcame off a week ago be.
the Cemetery.
as a member of the faculty Pocket Dictionary: donated The University Club, ation.
tween the Ladies StanThe Salvation Army conby the Rev. Siley. Ivan without the necessity, of an the the St. Marks dard Club and the Motive gregation were much annoyed examination, as he had proven Cowan second, with the BuL. and Club, the Garvey over the doctor decision as himself a Druggist, having rial of Napoleon, prize, a Bible, donated by the Literary and the Alpha Herbert Charles is Power Club on the subthey claim the patient had been graduated in Spain.
Mr. SC. Britton vvas elected Spliced ject matter; Hope or a very faithful officer of the That in the absence of Mr. Rev. Pitt, and third, Provisional President, and Memory which gives Army, hence they wanted to Mc. Crae propietor of Amos Hall, vvith The Mr. Joseph. Prov. Sec.
Mr. Herbert Charles, son greatest pleasure. Thi give a display of their fune the Modern Drugstore, on sick Curfevv must not ring tonight (More Nevvs later. of Mrs. Charles of Jamaica Judges again award.
ral rites, vvliich they were leave, Mr. Eugenio Garron has prize a novel, Eve Apple, donated by Doctor Maximo Bonny Girl Tovvn, vvas joined in holyed the victory to the debarred from doing in con been approved as Regente or matrimony to Miss Annie Ladies Starcard.
sequence of the doctor or Qualified Drnggist in charge. Gamboa.
Clark, sister of Miss Clarice ders, so the man had to be That the Attorney of the bonny girlie arrived to Ir. Newton in charge dumped.
Clark of Jamaica vyn, by School Board be instructed to Vs. S Mr. and Mrs. Britton.
the Rev. Fr. Albert Wool of the matter on memory They argue that the deci investigate into the illegal openMother and babe are doing garten, on Friday Sept. 10th. seemed again to have sion of contagion is a strange ingof a Drugstore in the Provin Mr. Walter Logan certainly well in the Limon Hospi at 00 The couple left been incapable to make one, because for the vveek ce of Limón by one Elkanah Mc. got things going, vvhen he tal.
on the passenger for San headway against the Lope he patient was being atten Cleodd; and to investigate into held a functi in his Club Jose, to spend their honey. ful defense of the ladies.
ded to, and visited by his the personality of this Mr.
room, on Sept. 10th. The Cup to be given club moon. The Ladies Auxiliary people, there was no restric Mc. Leod, whether it is the function vvas divided into presented her vvith a love He will in future have tions as should have been same gentleman who has pre four pa ts: Musical, literadone vvhen a malady is con sented himself before this bouquet. Atta boy Charlesie. to change his course and ry, Prize giving, and Debate. Miss Vera Gillings is plantagious, hence to develop con Board on repeated occasions, strengthen his tactics.
The follovving artists contri ning to present the Search tagion after death seem amu using a different name on buted to the programme: light Elocution Cup, vvhich The 15th.
sing The current feeling each occasion, and whether instrumental, Mossrs. Stan vvas won by her recently to among the parties concerned this is the same Mc. Leod ley Lettmann, Grisville DaThe Races.
her club, the She in Miss Ena Duggios took is a presumption that the who was expelled from this cesta, John Rodgers, Ste: tends to do so in a formal her friends to Westfalia, and Continued from page operation was a wrong one, country as a «pernicious for phen Robotham, Allan Hyl style, and has invited the had quite an enjoyable time.
hence the the fear of deliver? eigner. ton, Saunders, Marcus Alpha Young men to be Firefly, Covvan and Clarke to bring off a meet in CarCuza; Vocalists, Messrs Cyril witnessess thereof. This ran in for a time; meanvvhile tago at an early date.
Hunter and Albert Delpratt, function vvill take place in Miss Cordelia Elridge vvas The only unfortunate thing and Literary, Miss Leonie the Alpha Club Room. entertaining her friends at vvas an incident at the close Aikens, and Messrs, John Hilton Park, in Cieneguita. of the day betvveen a black The Firefly and Co. cycled policeman and a half drunkMr. Emilio de Mezerville ting his surgical needle in in somevvhat crazily, and en Nicaraguan, vvho tripped had been suffering acute his patient, hence the AAA helped create a good time.
the Negro and yvas about pains in his abdomen for wonderful diagnosis of Dr.
The cream vvas fine.
stabbing him on the ground over 21 years now, and Zumbado followed by the Limon Service Bureau but the police in self defense on his back on the ground on Ray examination by marvellously successful ANDLodge Celebration gave him a marksman skot Dr. Frederick Zumbado it operation of Dr. Castro BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY The Rose of Ardath the machete. both wvere arwas found that there was Cervantes, both of which ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED a foreign substance in his have crowned the Medical Lodige No. 468 of The rested. Bureau established for the greater convenience. Free Gardeners Orrer, Liver, Dr. Vicente Castro Faculty of Costa Rica and The trains, one for Limón understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnCervantes undertook the their prowess with wreaths glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Col.
will celebrate their 21st, and one for Siquirres, steamoperation on Monday last of golden flowers. Until lection Department annexed for the protection of Bus Anniversary on the 18th. ed off at 30 pm. That for inessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
Siquirres ve it to finish October in presence of 12 of his now the patient is lying Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to the day in the three days colleagues in the San Jose undisturbed by any pains lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute con They will be assisted fiesta vvhich vvas in prothe public for honesty and efficiency Both Hospital, when to the whatever.
now operated under the direction of a Barrister with and accompanied by the gress at the place, so vve over twenty five years practical experience. acquired on surprise of all present he Winter all left to revel in the nocthe Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Magnolia and encountered a curved surJudge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Flower Lodges of the turnal festivities.
gical needle, which he No Nationality Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials same order from Bocas are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and extracted from the Liver Counsel.
del Toro, who will arrive Peter Russell a new store seaman, of the patient.
Emiliano Odio Mendez here hy ar vyhose birth vvas accidenEdmund Moore Excursion is said that Mr. Me tally not registered, has new Launch on the 16th. próBarrister Accountant In another column will zerville had an operation nn Nationality, he claims to Attorney at Law Notary Publie Manager Collection Dept: ximo.
be noted that our much done in Rochester have been born in Scotland, Aurelio Bermudez They will march to esteemed friend Mr. George in May 1910 but soon after bat has been vvorking for Investigator the Baptist Church at Breedy has returned in the he started feeling intense American flag. The British years as a fireman under the Soliciting Manager p, sharp when they Commercial life of Limon; MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE pains all over his body, authorities say he is an will listen to a sermon having opened up in the Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the travelling to Guatemala and American, bat the Americans on Fraternity by the Rev. old site of Mr. Jose Yunis.
the United States to be vvont allovy him to land Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports Wm. Forde, Pastor in His many friends we and cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and relieved of these pains but with out his Passport, which charge.
Jamaica, he cannot secure.
are sure will be glad to no purpose, which were There are very many peo.
California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, R. Samuels know, so as to contin caused evidently by the ple in a similar plight right trading with him as for doctor mistake in forge. here today.
Secretary erly.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The essence of Surgery fidence of the Presidencia


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