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EDITOR MANAGER SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 S. NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment The good intentions of creation if put into execution would serve to make a happier world; rather than merely prolonging untold agonies, but we spend so much tſme in looking after the perishable pleasures of life, that we fail to grasp the immortal: hence the world will ever be the same for man seldom heeds the warning note untsi too late.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 26 1931 NUM. 94 Britain financial difficulties Brutal Crime a a In 1929 the Revenue of cies, whil, will provide a increasing that surplus by The Bank of England a In connection vvith the pulp of the cranium; so that murder of the Chinaman vyhen the Shop vvas ignited Britain was 233. 971. 000 prop to the exchange. This raising our competitive effi few weeks ago abandoned while 1930 only fetched. sort of corrective, however, ciency in the vvorld mar its control of the money Choc King Loy and the he vvas already dead. On 203. 123 000 meantime her is of strictly limited applic kets. The task involves ad market. It is not yet clear burning dovyn of his Shop Saturday morning vvhen the estimated expenditure for. ation. For the time being it justments in costs of living what interpretation is to be at The Hospital gate in Li body vvas found among the 1931 has swung into. may offer a breathing space and production, which so mon, a black man named placed upon this action. The debris and taken to the 293. 822. 000 therefore the during which the more fund far vve have not been prep Bank may have decided that Alfred Davis, Duncan, born Morgue, it vyas discovered necessity of retrenching in amental necessary adjust ared to accept. The result has it had gone as far as in San Juan del Norte, Ni that it cirvvas not the incenevery department of private ments can be devised and been a considerable pres cumstances warranted in caragua, has been arrested diarism that caused his death and public life as advised put into operations, but it sure on sterling.
on suspicion many decla but guarding against the inherthe younds vyhich by Mr. Stanley Baldwin. can never be a permanent In order to maintain the rations leading up to prove ent weakness of sterling. It vvere inflicted on him prior The money values has fal substitute for these adjust stability of sterling the Bank may have concluded on the his guilt, have been taken. to the fire.
len, ocassioning a loss in ments. For continous bor of England has had to resort other hand that the process The crime yvas committed Don Rogelio Gutierrez, our values of 30 million pounds. Bowing, without creation of to the temporary expedient of adjustment to the underon Friday night 18th, inst. energetic Comandante of The pound sterling has drop. the means for liquidating the of creating an artificial de lying factors in the position The doctors say that the Police, is personally, along ped in comparison with the amounts borrowed, eventual mand for it. This, in fact, was substantially complete stantaneously by the blovv Rojas and Cartin, workign up Chinaman vvas killed in vvith his detectives señores dollar from 91 to 32. The ly destroys the credit of the is what has happene dur or that adverse developmeats standard mint value has been borrower.
vvhich he received in the this case, and the public is ing the last six months. In in other countries had lesback of his head, by a heavy suspended for six months, What has all this to do with January and at intervals sened the urgency of those is anxious that the crime as a consequence of which the present position of sterl afterwards the Bank succes adjustments. Its action is bar or stick, vvhich made a should be clear up and the value of gold in bars ing? This. The stability of fully intervened in the money too recent to permit definite the murderer brought to Jushas risen from 17. per sterling is largely a result of market to raise and main test of its intentions. The tice, as the vicinity is horri.
ounce to 11.
the second of these remedies, tain Banana Powder shorterm money and weight of present evidences fied over this occurrence; the France and the United not the first. To that extent discount rates above those suggests a combination or dwellers in the neighbour.
States are disposed to do it is somewhat artificial. The prevailing in other centres. the first and last factors, The Northjohn Cor. hood should therefore give everything in their to intrinsie position of the The effect was to attract an but London short. term poration of New Jer every assistance to the Posave tae situation of Eng pound is much weaker than it money rates are still above sey, has in lice to bring the guilty land and to stabilize the at first sight appears. Influx for foreign funds those ruling in New York, formed the Jamaica Agri party for parties to justice, Sterling.
The world wide depression Paris and other centres. Po cultural Society that it occurred to this Chinaman world slump of the has placed this country in At ths same time the Bank litical considerations are still character of what has oc an unsatisfactory export po inetrvened to curtail the vol causing a transfer of credits contemplates erecting a may happen to some one curred during the past two sition, and confronted her as ume of sales of sterling a from Europe to this country. factory in that Island in else tomorrovy. The Moin years, must inevitably place a nation with the necessity gainst foreign currencies by In the circumstances the the near future and would case is one also that demands a strain on the soundest of of making certain funda discouraging the issue of intrinsic position of sterling be requiring some 12, 000 the help of the residents, so currencies. On the raw mat mental adjustments in her further foreign loans. The is hidden.
that the Police may be able stems of bananas weekly.
erial countries, the strain costs of production. Other prop was effective. Sterling, To safeguard the crushing This will, afford to clarify these crimes, they has been very severe in con countries are faced with the which at the beginning of effects of this overlending, the are getting much too fre.
sequence of the deflation of same problem but not in the the year was weak, recover private Bankers of France planters a splendid op quent novv; vvhat vvith the commodity prices. In the same degree, partly because ed; the Bank which in Ja and the United States have portunity of profitably attempt on the life of old manufacturing countries other countries are not so nuary was losing gold, began agreed to hand over to the disposing of their rejected Bridge, not a month yet, the where the trade slump has dependent to receive gold. As we have Bank of England the huge fruit, The Corporation Shooting in his bed of Mr.
called for a different sort of seen however, this sort of sum of 80. 000. 000 with regulation the strain has not UPON FOREIGN TRADE remedy, which in substance which it is hoped tãat the has also intimated Bovven tvvo vveeks ago and been so sudden or intense, novy this brutal murder, is as we are nor aim at being is merely borrowing on value of the Monetary Stand willingness to form yet the effects while resisted the world bankers; partly short term, is strictly ard will be stabilized: it is local Company and to something that the residents for a considerable time will because, even before the pre limited in application. The left now to be seen how offer 49 per cent of the in these vicinities should cerbreak through such resistsent slump, Great Britain flow of international short the National Cabinet which shares to investors in tainly help the Police Departance and manifest the interm funds is extremely susment to unearth; if not, Life competitive position in the has recentely been formed evitable crash which must the Island world export market was will manipulate the suggesceptible to all kinds of inaud property vvould not be come if quick and permaThe erection of the vvorth any thing in the near not as strong as it might fluences. The presence of tions of Stanley Baldwin on nent adjustment is not have been. The figures of our large foreign balances liable drastic economy in the pri factory will take place Future. With regards to the brought to bear. As the fiinternational balance of payto sudden withrawal cont. vate and public life of the as soon as the Corpora understand that there are nancial trade circular of the ments estimated annually by ains an ever present threat Nation.
tion secures contracts Royal Bank of Scotland some people vvho met the the Board of Trade illustrate to exchange stability, says. Superficially, the sterlfor a weekly sale of. man ip underclothes coming the nature of our special ing has shown a successful problem. Last year we had a 100, 000 pounds of the tovvards Limon but vvho are resistance against the Amercredit balance on internationpowder; so far 50, 000 afraid to declare, because ican dollar. altlo this superal account of 39 millions. Ireland troublesome again they may belong to the same pounds have been conficial appearance of strength In 1929 the comparable fiAssociation.
tracted in New York cieties do not teach their Fraternal Sois deceptive.
gure vvas 138 millions, in It will be convenient at the The Republicans are with. The authorities have city alone.
members to cover up such outset to draw a line between figures are the net result of again in turmoil in the come to the decision to dastardly acts; and fear the temporary and fundaour transactions vvith the land of the dear litle suppress them at all should not permit citizens mental factors which may rest of the vvorld in comShamrock.
Echos of the to encourage such crimes.
hazards. The movement affect the exchange between modities, of vvhich vve regul Murder Gangs are seem backed by comcountries the international arly import more than vve again set loose. The munism.
Convention movement of short term funds, and the balance of exports and ship large invisible Irish Republican Army Kidnapping Following on the decision of the Convention which was and other services. They is secretly drilling their As an echo of the San influences, a serious falling measure roughly the surplus recruits in secluded thirsty land held in Limon in August, being equal, may be expected for lending abroad. They may clash at times in open fering from excessive rains, es vvhich vve have available mountain passes. They we are asked by the Com Ramon revolt, It has been While some places are suf. mittee of the Million Ten divulged that a Plot was to set up an adverse exchange be contrasted vvith the actual vvarfare vvith the Police, cents drive for building a made to kidnap the Pretendency, since the demand annual a nount of our loans news come from Madrid that Reformatory School for the sident of the Republic. of vvho of late have un at Lorca near Murcia waifs and strays on the Don Cleto Gonzalez says porting country in order to a millions in 1929 and earthed several Ammu the Meclitarrean Coast there streets and an old age bome that he knew about it been no PAY FOR ITS EXPORTS 143 millions in 1928. The nition Dumps in vvhich has comparison is instructive. It have been met Machine over seven years.
No less the cooperation of all the but took no notice of it.
will be smaller. The corrective will be seen that last year Guns, Rifles and Am had to abandon their homes than 20. 000 families have Lodges and all branches of The matter has been placof such a position is, in effect, vve lent to overseas borrovvU. A, to state that two ed for investigation be.
economy in the exporting munition of all Kinds. for happier regions.
ers 70 millions more than modes of collecting have fore the Courts.
country. If the inhabitants vve had available to lend. In The Superintendent of been agreed upon. First a desire t) continue to enjoy other vvords vve had a debit Police has been shot book with ten cents Tickets their usual mode of living, all on our account vvith the dovyn vvith some of will be in the hands of the they can do ultimately is to rest of the vvorld. Lending his men, and leaflets collectors; apy sympathizers Very peaceful contract their imports, so in any form tends to react on giving a donation will dereducing their demands on unfavourably on a country have been distributed in This great bootlegging fi mand a ticket for every ten outside currencies, or ta exchange. Over lending the area under surveil nancier has offered, through cent donated. The second restimulate external demands lance reading Let this his friend Pisano, to buy out will be a punching Card, on Following on the visit for domestic currency by Increases the strain be a vvarning that no a wine making stablishment which a hole will be punch of Messrs Laval and increased productivity. All considerably. Here then is Police officer vvill be in one million dollars. The ed for every ten cent given Briand of France, to Berproduct of the grape is said to the collector. We there lin, the German Governtion of costs of production the necessity of lending allovved to stand in the to be in concentrated form. tore solicit the charity of In the short run they have abroad (a ny internativaal vvay of The There The essence is set out in our friends worthy ment has taken extreme indeed another remedy. By monetary centre must be are supposed to be. Brick shape, and one has cause.
preaution for the safely borrowing abroad on short prepared to do that. but we 20. 000 men under drill, only to put this brick shape The names of three gentle of these two Ministers by term, they may set up a are not accumulating by our but concentrated substance into vyitnesses own efforts a large surplus men will be given as Trust putting on 5000 Special cannot temporary demand for the a pail of water and you have ees, in vvhose names these Policemen to guard the domestic currency against out of which to lend. We be induced to declare for your wine according to the collections vvill be lodged the sale of external curren are faced vvith the task of fear of bein done avvay strenght required.
in the John Keith Bank, Continued on page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
on Al Capone Relations. to a


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