
Saturday September 26. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Cricket Board of Control Cafiaspirina The Fiestas at Siquirres at 800 880008800008888880288808001308088880OO0OBBS Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches The Presentation Match Le Ray (Crsdr. Tomlinson, Reid, in connection with the Harrison (Contr. Whyte, Johnson, TACK ORANE CUP Roman (M. Pwr. Colville, Lawson, COMPETITION will be Sutton (Xlcr. Leslie, Smith, and played on Monday the Spence (Brtnc. Groves.
28th Inst at the Limon Burke (Matna. It has been arranged BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Oval in front of the Hazel (Penst. for a prize to be given Cuartel between the win Ramsden (Cairo. to the bowler with the ners, The Wanderers and Isaacs (Constr. best average.
Dout accept any tube or envelope BAYER the Rest. The latter team Scott (M. Pwr. Names of players with will be captained by Reserve: Garfield Walker the best averages will packets without the Mr. C. Chambers; Umpires: Messers be given in our next the presentation of the Irons Drummod issue.
BAYER CROSS Cup to the Winners will The Wanderers will be take place at 30 represented by But. Ferris, President 008088OBOB30328O. BBBS 80 OB00080 The presentation will be ler, Capt. Tomlinson, Hayling Secretary made by Mr. Jack Orane.
Three other prizes will An Appeal also be presented. The match commences Mr. Editor can be had at Mr. Jack 10. 30 am. All are invited.
Orane store at a very The Fiestas in Siquir ed a correct line march. crowd for a while.
lovy price.
res just came in the ing off to the spanish Much praise must be giv.
The following selected Please give me space Thanking you for space. nick of time to drive school. At 30 the en to our much esteem.
team has been chosen in your valuable pa. remain yours for jus some of the great des. teachers prepared their ed Secretary of the Jefe to play againt the per to refer to what we tice.
pondency away from the scholars for a con Politico, don Nicolas de «Wanderers in the preterm cur sense of jusRoy Chapman Poor people in and cert at the teatro Peña la Miranda, don Moisentation match for the tice.
Sometime past, a Ex Vice Captain around Siquirres brough accompanied by the Gov. ses Cortes, and his assocup on september 28th. friendly game of cricket about by the laying oſt ernment Band; after this ciates in bringing off Limon. Play starts at was played Litoon, by Construction of working men and cutf performance march this fiesta, which has 10. 30 o clock. Any player the Excelsior and Mo. Limon, Sept. 19th. tiag of wages by ed to the plaza where had the effect of chasing mentioned who is una.
tive Power Cricket Clubs, Co.
the Band gave a rendi. the despcndency of the ble to participate will in which the vvriter Cricket match On Monday 14th the tion and the fireworks moment and giving a kindly notify the secre. took part as one of its Tomorrow 27th. instant Band arrived from He enlivened the hearts of scimulus to the spirit.
tary as soon as possible: umpires, tvvo appeals The authorities are to vvere made and deci the Excelsior C, will redia on the Passengę all. Thousands of peo Chambers Cap. Xlcr. sions vvere given in ac meet the Construction train and was Received ple enjoyed themselves. be complimented in the in a first class fixture by our officials and their on the 16th Sept. at efficient manner in which cordance vvith Rule as arrival celebrated with 30 all prepared they kept ordei, and the Moin Again of Lavvs read in the Book on the Limon val. game bursting of Bombs and for Horse Racing Bull public for their civilized on vivas.
Fights, but only races deportment, in conse. Lavvs Nos. 19 24. but punctually. The JollowThe Municipal Palace were run for the even quence of which there Dramatic performances which were considered ing will represent the very nicely dec. ing. The Bull play was was not an incident to seem very prevalent around unfair and stigmatized Messrs. Was in all colours poor, only one man by be lamented in the whole We are glad to see Mr. interested in the Motive Sutton, Go. Roman, Al and with the Costa Ri the name of Wilson, festivity. Resident stupidly and cruelly shot here Power by some of bert Delpratt, Garfield can flags. All Siquirres could entertain the heavy a vveek ago out among his the narro vv minded Walker, Walker, Amos displa ved the Colours.
family again.
members of the Excel Stewart, Sam Maxwell, The band marched to Mr. Bovven, vvho claims sior and others Johnson, Mc. Coy H, the plaza where all pre JUAN MEZA DENTIST himself to be a Professor in CARTAGO vvho vvould try to force Drummnond. Reserves parations where made COSTA RICA occult knovvledge. seem to Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building have told his people around their Ideas of cricket, being Clayton and to Celebrate the 15 of Central Street 325 Yards East of Market here that no shotgun or dovvn the throats of Geo. Edwards. Scover, Sept. On the Ground was the Band Stand firearm could harm him, no others, forgetting the old Hall and Umpire Mr.
from which point, Fire Preference given patients from Limon and other svvord could injure him. So adage you can not fool Perey Irons.
points of Atlantic Zone.
With these two Strong works in all colours Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed credulous member of the all the people all the Community wishful, ap. time.
Clubs playing a friendly were shot off. In the day parently, to test the pro My thirty. five years game on Sunday and the foot ball games, nicely tessor impregnability loaded study of the game in Prize giving match on arranged, a Greace pole with values on the top To whom it may concern his shotgun vvith pieces of Barbadoes and Panama Monday betwen the Wan nevy file and locating the bed head of the professor, places me in a position derers and the Rest, cric. in Colon bills, and other In reply to the article pub prise signs herself Louise Mc.
fortunately the sclanting for advise these players enjoy themselves immense Building all officials met Louise Mc. Leod in Phe Search protection to carry home with shot off his charge, but to judge it, and vvould ket Enthusiasts ought to games in Puzzles.
the brace of the Corner post and lovers of the good ly this week.
took off the heavy charge, old game to study its Tuesday morning, light. would like to make other men; she is now away where Speeches were the following statements, to and so only a fevv half spent from me a year and three thus save pieces of the shot entered lavvs, and delivered in great elo clarify the matter and to give months living openly with a lot of uninto his shoulder and neck. umpires a man, which she acknowledges quence by Dr. Shaw and public may know the truth of also does her mother acknowHad it not been for this necessary criticism and others; the declaration our lives.
ledge, therefore legally do piece of brace on the inside abuse, and which vvould of Independence of Cos infortnnately married her, not hold myself responsible of the boardin up most asInterest ta Rica was read. The Louis Sampson, in 1910 in to her for any claim suredly professor Bovven help to improve cricket on my vvould have been sent off in Costa Rica.
Band playing the Na this country at the age of 17. property as she has taken off in his long sleep.
The Books my ring and thrown in my tional Anthem of home to my relatives they face, saying in life of death Banana exports Our very energetic Agent of Lavus Cricket, Thousand of people pay. showing her a life of respectman and of Police Mr. Angel Cruz, has In consequence of he ing rap attention, with ability that she never seemed wife.
been doing all he could to heavy damages which the school children from the to have anticipated. left her should therefore like the capture the vvould be murd.
public to know that acknowerer. It seems as if a man Very Peace.
cultivations of the United spanish school and of there for Cuba returned to in the vicinity had a rovv vith Mr. Bovven over Continued from page the recent hurricanes and teacher Cornifte all in again took her home to my children, because if sell the floods in British Honduras lines with flags to an Brother residence, while there property it is to be used on property vvhich he bought here as vvell as a COWv. Railvvay lines from the and the neighbouring Repub. swer by the call singing her mother arrived from Cos them if it is not sold it reta Rica and induced us to mains theirs, therefore any vvhich culminated in the French frontier to Berlin; lic, there was a noticeable patriotic songs of Cos.
increase in the quanlity of ta Rican love and liber did, alas fatally, to my life buy or mortgage my properreturn to Costa Rica which criminal act.
besides the French govern persons who may want to It is hoped that the perpefruit exported from this ment has put several de ty. Banners flags wav of respectability. Soon after ty will have nothing to fear Country during the past trator vvill be brought to tectives, who Speak the week. This increased demand ed, Bugles sounded chil we arrived here bought the as shall fulfil from the Justice aod Mr. Bovven vvill soon be yvell and strong German language, to ac.
has giving the planters, par dren brought to attention property in question at Siquir. amount of sale or mortgage ticularly the smaller ones from both schools formres. She did invest 500 of my full responsibility to her again.
an impetus, so needed at a piece of the 2nd. prize of and my children.
this time, to give greater the Lottery Ticket in the purattention to their farms so chase of the spot, and her got from her 1000, but she She lyingly asserts that GEORGE BREEDY that rejections may be mi estimated 000. 000 will be mother loaned me in all nimised.
only handed in 500, which reached.
6700, also arising from a NEW STORE similar piece of Ticket which claim as having been paid to her, by her expenses caused beg to announce, to my numerous customers, National Liquor Factory The Keith Corporation her aunt won and paid over to her mother and for which me for doctors and other that have again established my store in Limon at the corner of the Market. formerly José Yunis. The Administrator of our extended a pagaré, on which fees caused by her own Mr. Jose Ulloa, who has You can be assured of the same kind treatment National Factory states that been long connected with have already repaid over misconduct.
which gave you in the past, when was Manager while the sale of Liquor the Keith Costa Rica Cor. two hundred colones, and shall of the Jamaica Store, for many years which is well has, to the end of last month, poration, has been appointed settle this the only debt on Charles Mc. Leod kuovyn by one and all in Costa Rica.
fallen short of the estimated the Agent for the Corpor my property.
Please give me a call and be convinced of my sales by nearly 266. 000, ation in place of don Ma Now with regards to our VERY LOVV prices and the best of material.
he is confident that with the nuel Montejo, who lives, the public of Siquirres increased sales which usual pied the position for many know full well that this is YOUR FRIEND To advertise ins to ly take place during the year, and recently left for the third time that this wo.
last quarter of the years, the the United States.
man who to my great sur double your business on Of Local on we are 110 more a company them.
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