p. 4


Saturday September 26. 1931 The Truth must Rise Happenings in the World An on ests.
In defence of my concerned, it was he Of Vital Importance Messrs. DeLeon Jones; Walking the Seas Another rebel leader Dr.
rights so that the public who pulled it off my will know the truth, how. finger, in presence of Mr. Alejandro Alvarado Qui November. He is gone named Paul Naumestnek been captured, there is only In an intervievy given by he will return on the 15th.
Austrian Teacher Aurelio Hevia has just ever much hate such witnesses, it is a lie that rós to a Reporter of La scandal but am bound ever took it off and Tribuna we note that he and Geneva so as to have walked across the British one said to be out, and.
to defend myself. The flung it in his face. am has touched on two itims a glimpse at whats hap: ter skids canoe shaped, the Editor of La Se house was practically a working woman, buy. we cannot but bring before pening in the League of six feet long and one foot mana. There are over 2000 bought with my money, ing my goods in CarI have witnesses that tago and taking them well known that the United in time to take his seat panied him along the 20 them some very promi our readers. It is already Nations. He will return wide. fishing boat accom prisoners taken and among won a thousand colones the lines for sale; States government has sus in the Council, if he is mile route; at times he nent men and veterans of and gave it to my hus that is what has support pended the idea of Con elected, the success of band in the purchase ed myself and children Structing til indefinite perica which is almost assured. stooping down. He said War. No one is allowed had of the home, besides latterly.
What then don Alejandro other moneys which He sold my mare, and asks is, the reason for Ame Ab del Crim the task was a most diffi to leave Cuba without mil worked for, my mother appropriated the money rican Marines occupying Ni.
cult one. The passage is itary permits from them also loaned him 1300, all to his own uses. caraguan Territory. This is There is a strong ru twenty miles but the sea Military Headquarters.
on account of which he have enjoyed two avery Wide question, but for mour that this great afri was rough and the cu want of space we shall regave her a Pagareé for years of what married turn to the issue.
can Patriot has made his rrent said to be very strong Catholic action clubs 6708 with the house as life should be, but for The other is that a market escape from the Island and drifted him many miThe trouble which exis Security; so anyone pur. fifteen years now have should be opened with France of Reunion on which he les out his course.
chasing same will find been bearing the burden for our Coffee, Cacao was exiled by the French ted between the Italian themselves in trouble.
High Treason of my home expenses; membered that some time is no confirmation of and Bananas. It will be re. Government, but there government and Pope Pius Relative to my leaving even in Cuba was ago France asked for a reKing Alfonso will have IX, State is now all settled his home, the entire from the washtub to my bate in the duties on such the news.
to face a Court Martial for after three months serious district of Siquirres, even machine, whinh he can things as her Champagne High Treason in Spain.
tension. The differences the doctors who attended not gainsay, but as and other wines, Suero de Several high Ex officers arose over the activities me know, that it was refuse now to make my this was refused by our Illiteracy of this regime have been of the Youths of the Cain consequence of the self any longer the Slave Congress, don Alejandro now arrested on charges of irretholic Action Clubs meddblows and illtreatment and the beating post, insists that the matter should In a contry which affords gularities in the Primo de ling in affairs of the state which he gave me that hence my troubles with be taken up and acted on such marvellous facilities Rivera administration great which were considered had to flee for refuge him. Anyway only so that we may be able to for educational opportu. interest has been awaken menacing to Facist interto my mother and want the Public to know get a favoured clause in the nities, it is surprising to ed in this Trial.
aunt home, had not that ths home is mine that France is so powerful find such a large percenThe ban put on their got them to assist me and my five lawful chil. financially, and the lastelinge tage of illiteracy, by the The Cuban revolt movements has been lifted would have died long dren s, and that the has so depreciated.
last census it is found in so far as their Religious ago; my mother and Laws of the country will The Italian Minister, res that there are 283. 573 ment says that the Revo they shall resume their acThe Machado govern endeavours are concerned, Aunt have been the sole not allow us to be turnident in Panama, has asked for a rebate on the products persons in the United Sta lution is squashed, but the tivities, but not to intro support of my children; ed on the Streets.
neither for several years now favoured Nation clause nor write, in 1920 there Mr. McLeod does not Louise Mc. Leod with a reciprocal treatment were 931. 152. being more of insurgents with Ammu they mix in Trade Unions are several consingments and athletics, nor shall know whether they eat.
of our Coffee, Cacao and than four per cent of the nitions yet to be landed. nor such like organizations.
bananas. It is well known or they wear.
So far as the ring is Printed in Falcó Hermanos that bananas have not been allowed in Italy heretofore, with this exchange we shall Death of doctor soon be having another mar FOR SALE FOR SALE ket for our frui Anderson Limon Service Bureau fine property in Siquirres. Registered Title, with Municipal elections Died in Panama recent two houses of three rooms each in perfect condition, ten ANDly Joshua Fitsbert Ananted, with bath and necessary outbuildings. Electric Light installed: lot well surrounded, beautiful location on Church The election to select derson Medical Doctor, a Street BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY meinbers of the Kingston native of Trelawny, Jamai For further information and Price apply to the Agent, ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED and St. Andrew Corpo: ca and a graduate of How E, JOSEPHS, Pacuarito, or Bureau established for the greater convenience, understanding, satisfaction and protection ration Council was ard, University, Washing. MCINTOSH, The Market Siquirres.
glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Col booked for the 23rd. inst. ton. He carried on a lulection Department annexed for the protection of Bus.
inessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
The nomination took crative practice in the StaA that does not encourage litigation to place on the 16th, inst. tes and Panama. He was lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute con but in consequence of also associated with Dr. Vocal Contest now operated under the direction of a Barrister with the change of the sailings Vine in Jamaica.
the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as over twenty five years practical experience. acquired on of the United Fruit Coy He was known in Li Under the auspices of Another Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and boats from ſamaica formon where he also prac the Ethiopean Masonic Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Colon we have not been tised for a few years. Lodge arrangements are An Islandwide vocal Counsel.
able to get the informaHis very many friends being made to carry out a cotest was also to have Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore tion.
off at Edelweiss in Costa Rica will mourn Singing and Elocution Con come Accountant Mr. Marcus Garvey to hear this sad intelligentests among all school Park on the 14th and 15th Attorney at Law Notary Publle was nominated among ce.
children of the different inst. in Jamaica. We are Aurelio Bermudez the Candidates and left He leaves a Widow a private schools of Limon also in great expectancy Investigator Soliciting Manager the same night tor Eng. native of Washington Teachers of Schools will to see who would be the MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE land, leaving his cam to whom the Search do well to communicate victor in the elocution Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre paign in the hands of light tenders its sincere with Mrs Sarah Foote de contest for first place betcondolence.
Abel on this matter.
ween Miss Marson and Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports Mr. Cupidon, which should and cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and and Master Campbell come off on Jamaica, L: California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, in «Introduction, 00 000 0 0 0 have The school children were evening of the th inst.
not the least in the perfor Mindful of a duty out of mances and were encored seriendship the most popular On the Sick List veral times for both recita tions and songs.
Miss Easy fter deliverWe are pleased to find ing the message of the Has arranged to distribute a value of almost our sincere friend and school, received a thunderous double the former value of the wrappings as a benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you fellow citizen, Mr. Josiah grand dramatical con the progressive few of the applause, and Miss White can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before Fraser, convalescing in cert was successfully staged grown up moved the house to dance the other wrappings have much greater value at cimarrones under the aus. The stars of the evening as she sang with expression, the San José Hospital than No. and others.
pices of the N, on Were: Mr. Satchwell, act. Summer Morning. The after his operation by the 14th. inst. in honour of ing as «Fusiman» in a play «Quarrelling Song by Mrs. PALMERA SOAP Dr. Valverde Vega.
Independence Day. Lady Party. Esco and others was anMr. Fraser had been Under the strict manageother big hit.
Miss Bryan, as Fatima The able vvay in vvhich Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be ment of the officers of the suffering for many and Mr. Gilmore, as «Blue exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts Division, the intertainment.
months now in Limon, the pieces were presented beard in Bluebeard. was given the unusual comspeaks highly for the prowill be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
and decided to go up Misses White, Whyn. gress of the section, educapliment in the district of Distributor in Limon to see Dr. Valverde Vega exemplary behaviour. The and Masters Campbell, tionally, and we hope to Armando Heilbron in whose hands he seem Scarlett, Sharpe and lose no time in the further Chief of police was present and was given a hearty greet Francis in the school play to be doing well; we wish ance of our onvvard march Distributors in Turrialba. The Teacher and his Pupils. in intelligence. Mr. Satchhe will soon be out again ing of welcome.
The programme was very Mr. Brown, as Tom and vvell, The Teacher. The OffiRojas, Cortés Cía.
among his friends.
lengthy and lasted till 12 30 Misses Sharpe, as Louise, cers and members of the a. There was an overwhel. and Jones as Jane, in the Division and all concerned INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
To advertise ming pleasure on all sides play «Courting Jane» Mr. in the get up of this enterfor being intertained with Francis, as «Old Will. Mas. tainment must be highly Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 is to double your Such appreciable pieces acted ters Campbell and Francis complimented.
so ably by the school chil in the play. Old Thief. and dren on one hand, and by Misses Esco White Con Adj Howlitt 0 00 0 0 business Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema of the En LAW Firm Barrister Manager Collection Dept: San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia the Function in Cimarrones PALMERA SOAP on 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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