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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Provi of Limon Costa Rica generall Labora por los intereses de Costa en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment Man destiny is not in the hands of the Gods of Luck or chance, he should never allovy himself to be a slave to conditions like the chaff in a gale of wind His failure or success is contingent on his vyay of thinking. If he awakens his mighty mentel and psychic powers within him, he will be able to project for himself a goal and summon the Will to reach it.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY OCTOBER 1931 NUM. 95 ilan we feed ourselves? Happenings around the World SO Ovvn Each claiming its own THE COMMUNISTIC PARTY From the year 1927 our Why should vve buy so genial and farseeing fellovy much Sugar vvhen by grovvMary and varied have is said to have lost as hin that in consequence of ings, promulgate a single uni.
citizen Mr. Sam Kress, Supting a fevv canes and planting been the opinions and a consequence of the fall his boycotting of English versal plan which would pert of Agriculture, had been a post yon can get the syrup theories as to the con of the value of the Pound goods in India they were mit of the entire abandonmen advising all the men under vvith vvhich to make your sequences of the fall in Sterling, the huge sum suffering, as many Mills the means under which their of all war debts and simplify his command to plant catch crops because, in his own ported teas, vvhen we have the value of the pound of two thousand millions had to be closed down various other obligations might thereby. He informed be met. And it is interesting nevy, but it is going to be herbs, vvhy buy tobacco by the Minister of Fin.
them that their suffering in this respect to note, that like Hell in this country vvhen you may plant a fevvance that if Costa Rica Mons. val Briand, was nothing to be comthis opinion is not being held His advice has been acted on up to a certain degree, get enough for your own use, her British debt, that nister of Foreign Rela countrymen brought Mr. Wells, the well known Toots from which you may had the money to pay Prime Minister and Mipared tthat of his only by political officials, but because had it not been so, if you must smoke. With the the Zone Atlantic vvould present crisis around us Isok she would be saving by tions respectively of about by British discri vvriter has suggested that our long ago have been undering every day more more the fall in the Pound France returned on Tues mination and injustice, rehabilitation can only be obthe Dole system, as it is serious, it behoves us to get Sterling, between four day from Berlin whither and that he could pro tained by the creation of a Universal Dictatorship with persistent vvarning that we of life, and vve can achieve five million pounds as they had been visiting mise no amelioration am metary system com have not actually suffered this in no surer vvay, than per current exchanges; President Hindenburg existing conditions until mon to all nations, the only hunger up to this, but his by Planting all our ovvn supbut the President of the his Cabinet; this has been Britain acted justly to difficulty seen by him for the vvords have not been caught plies, in this vvay of being Republic has reminded the first interchange of his people.
realization of this, is the inup vvith the full ring of sig. self provident, the impending him that while the loan official visits since the nificance as they should have dangers of existence vvould was considered in Pounds Franco Prussian War in to give his people comIf the Conference fails ability of getting the nations to come together and agree been, and in vievy of the on one united action for their insistence of the necessity the outlook seem to portray. Sterling it was also stip 1870. Laval is preparing plete Independence he ovvn salvation, and stave off for acting upon that vvarning. Our earnest advice therefore ulated ai a rate of ex a visit to the United will return immediately the disaster to vvhich the judging from recent hap to each and everyone is to change in American cur. States.
to his country, then May vworld is momently moving.
penings calling for greater begin at once to cultivate rency of 86.
heaven help India be. Hovvever difficult this bringsacrifice and economy ve your own little girden so Calshot, England, 29th. cause nothing will resing of the nations together vvould advise our people, as to supply your The present rate of each and everyone of us to for a united action may be, necessities and meet life as Lieutenant Stainforth exchange to day is 63. 96 tore Peace to India but we feel that it must eventually increase our minor cultiva. bravely and happily as vve or 15. 84 instead of beat his own record by her true independence. materialize, for no single one tions, so as to be able to can. Begin to plan something (1944 as ordinarily.
flying at the rate of.
can, vvith economic conditions feed qurselves.
that you need and never cease In Caracas there has becoming vvorse daily, expect American planting.
According to 390 6110 miles per hour.
The Bank of France 2013 been a serious run on to solve the problem without papers to hand, yve find Mr.
The House of Com that branch of the Roy. It is therefore, the duty of the assistance of the others.
Henry Ford, of automobile fame, insisting upon his mons, approved on Tues al Bank of Canada by those vvho can do so, to employees planting vege.
day last the law for furth the depositors in that strenuously apply their influtables in their home gardens, er economy by, dictato. country. Over a half a ence in bringing such an action infact he has given orders rial means granted the million dollars have been into being if the financial betto hisforemen in every department of his great enterprise, terment of the vvorld be seAs is we! known, for is thatordinarily, it would 297 to 242.
Cabinet, by a vote of paid out and the Bank riously desired.
that any employee of his is dispcsed to meet vvho may have an available several years now the be the Municipal Board plot of land around his house Limon Trading Com; of Limon or of Pococi every emergency demanand does not plant foodstuffs pany has been conduct from which that of Si. In consequence of their ded of her.
thereon must be dismissed ing its privileges of ex quirres would have to participation in the Na.
from service. What are yve The health of the great clusive rights to fish for claim against and not tional Goverament, the Wizard on Electricity Edison doing here? Have our labouring men here got enough to Turtle along the coasts against the Traco. If the labourite Party has ex has been causing his friends feed themselves? do ve not of the Province of Limon, former City fathers of pelled from its ranks and medical men some alarm try. to the ideals and princi see the necessity of doing The firm of Maduro and Siquirres have been short Messrs kevvise? The labourers on Sons were the first to sighted as to permit Thomas, Snowden, Lord of bettering it is gettiag more ples of Communism, are vve the docks are only working purchase those rights, those of Limon or Po. Sankey, Lord Amubree, serious day by day accord presume, bitterly disappointed as a result of both the Exeing to the bulletins issued at most quarter time, those for which they paid a cocí to have leased out Malcolm Mc. Donald cutive and Congress refusing by his doctors, it is announcto recognize their claim to better, some not at all the considerable íee to the and received payment Mr. Jowitt.
ed now that he has lost all vvorkmen in the vvorkshops, Central Government at for their pot of porridge, operate legally as an indeinterest in worldly affairs.
pendent Party under the Elecvvho are not dismissed from first, but latterly the Mu it would hardly be fair The value of the Pound tion Lavys of the Republic.
Whereas at this same seanow to ask the Trading Steriing is slowly reco The members of the Legis.
yvorking four days at reduced nicipality of Limon claim son of last year, tliere was lative Committee of Congress, hours, vvhat shall vve do ed that this Tax was Co. to pay a second time vering from its low drop a surplus in the fiscal returns to vyhom the Party applivvith our spare hours? shall belonging to her, and for what they must have of 32 it is now at 96 of the United States of Ame cation vvas referred after being yve not plant such crops as not to the Supreme gov. already paid to these and it is expected soon rica of three hundred mil refused by the Minister of Corn, beans, rice, Canes, ernment so this was ac others.
to stabilize for some lions, this year shows a defi. State, in submitting them rePlantains potatoes, yucas, cit of four hundreci millions.
ceded to Limon; later Much credit however time at 00 port state that they accept Yams, tomatoes, cabbages, and adopt the reasons given tobacco etc. vvhy depend on came the claim of is due to the progressive Mons. Etienne Fugeres, the by the Executive for denying upon buying from your neigh. the Municipality of Po. gentlemen who now In consequence of a economic adviser to the go to those citizens of the counbour vvith the ten dollars cocí (or the District of compose the Board of supposed threat of frus vernment of Premier Laval of try, vvho have banded themyou may earn vvhich is not Parism. ina to Guápiles) the Siquirres Municipal trating the aims of the France, has said the last word selves together under Comeven enough to pay the claiming the beach along ity who have awakened Constitution by armed on the possibility of amelio munistic principles, the right ration of the Crisis, he gave to inscribe their motto under It may be argued vvhere the Tortuguero to Colo to the fact that their resistance in case Don an exclusive declaration to the provisions of the Election shall vve get the land from rado Bar, this also had birthright is being ap Ricardo Jiménez carries the United Press as follows: Lavvs; that they completely on vvhich to plant, to this to be considered and the propriated by some one the election for Presi. The simultaneous suppression approve the refusal to recog.
vve vvill say that the United Company pay that Mu. else apparently all these dency by a majority of of war debts and Reparations nize them as a national entity Fruit Co, has thousands upon nicipality what was their years, and who are cour votes, Mr. Stimson is said would be the first step to because the movement is inward an economic restoration tended to unsettle the peace abandoned lands and there share; cow at a recent agous enough to tackle to have expressed hin of world affairs, thus France ful life of Costa Rica; that are none of her Superinten meeting of the Municipal the question and demand self in advance as being and the United States might Communism approves and dents, vvho if properly ap Board of Siquirres it their rights; we are feel opposed to the recogni. induce the other nations to a practices principles vvhich proached, vvould prevent was decided to claim ing quite sure that if it tion of any government progressive reduction of their undermine the stability of the such facilities, they have payment for its share of corresponds to the Limon which comes to power other debts. French public op. Family, the State and Religion alvvays permitted this even vvhen your labour vvas the impuestos on Turtle Trading Co. to pay, they in the Central American inion is more and more unneeded, let alone novy that it fishing along the coast will readily do so, but it Republics by force of der the conviction of the neces: ple on all human rights; that sity of condoning all war debts Communism is under the dicis considered that if a man comprising its territory can hardly be supposed arms according to the and reparations.
tates or comands of a foreign is not permitted to feed from the Parismina boca that this Company would dicision of the GovernWhen, therefore, we come authority, and that finally himself he must steal and to the Pacuare, or in the have been permitted to ment of the United to finally consider just how having regard to the destruc commit crimes; besides any this intricate and extremely tion which their pernicious event of its nonpayment, exploit, in her fishing States.
property ovvner vvill cede a difficult position will eventual principles had brought in working man a plot ofground to declare that stretch business, the entire coast ly be overcome, we other Countries vvhere the to plant vegetables and. give of Coast free to anyone line if she was not pay. The Cotton spinners inclined to agree with those party had obtained a footing it up in guinea, elephantto fish on.
ing for it. We shall refer of Birmingham Lanca.
who are of the opinion that they did not consider it vvould peragrass or some fruit trees that would be of value to his know how the conces. ly in our next when we Of course we do not to this point more lenthi shire interviewing Ghan. a readjustment can only, in be to the vvell being of dhi on his visit to Eng. the main, be secured by the our social and political inter.
ests ta recognize them.
have all and give nothing in sion to the Traco reads, shall be in possession land re the India Round gether and, abandoning perbut it would appear to The application was accorof more details.
Table Conference told sonal interests and party feel dingly refused.
are return.
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