
Saturday October 1931 West Indian Emigrants GEORGE BREEDY Set up your Cooperative Stores too era Abolition of Trains our notices Independence Day at Old Harbour NEW STORE Despite the attempts which and made it possible for the beg to announce, to my numerous customers, nationals of some ofthe near nationals to carry on.
that have again established my store in Limon at by Republics have made, Would that it vvere pos the corner of the Market. formerly José Yunis. With a vievv of pointing groups and from those groups You can be assured of the same kind treatment out to our readers vvhat form a sible for some means to be through the press and elsegreat League or found vvhereby our West where, to repudiate the dewhich gave you in the past, when was Manager true cooperation means and chain as is evident in every cidedly vvhat cooperation is doing country; see the example set unfavourable and Indian labour could abstain of the Jamaica Store, for many years which is well from migrating to such pla kuovvn by one and all in Costa Rica.
among other peoples vve prejudiced treatment which in France, vvhere you find their governments and many ces in the future, when works Please give me a call and be convinced of my reproduce the follovving from 500 cooperative small stores of their fellow, countrymen calling for heavy manly en VERY LOVV prices and the best of material, the «Literary Digest of Sept. being ovvned by 500. 000 12th.
small shareholders, you can have been meting out recent durance are undertaken and YOUR FRIEND We are at a stage novv ly to the see that the business is small coloured West so demonstrate to their de and in an Indians, especially Jamaicans, famers what their loss at vvhen the being only 137. 200. 000 dollars Negro must cooperate, must in such places, we every such times means to their of business among 500. 000 unite, if his existence as a now and then come across Country.
shareholders, it shovvs that some bits of information The third is frm the group is not to be vviped each shareholder has spert out. In every country of the 39 dollars per annum ou an which knock the ground Republic of Haiti, where, vvorld, except France, he is average vvith himself, can from under such repudi under the provisions of a ations. Three instances have, Lavy recently instituted, it is Mr. Montague of Madre life, since it was the only being rigidly discriminated vve not do the same here?
de Dios writes of the great means of friend visiting a but recently, come under prohibited for a fore gner against, he taust do the in Supposing therefore that ferior yyork at less vvages or alien to carry on business predicament that the citi friend and getting back to each shareholder buys five as a retailer, being only perFive years ago, it is stated, zens of the Atlantic Zone are his workshop in time for than anyone else, infact in dollars in shares, this is not found, in consequence of the his work on Monday morn.
the labourers in Antilla, mitted to function as a Com most countries, even bere a great fortune to lose; whereing and Panama he must not be mércial Agent or represen suspension of the Limon to Oriente, Cuba, formed a as it is a means of cooperLabour Union; workers of tative of manufacturing hous Guapiles train on Sunday Indeed the suppression of given any vvork at all ex ating in a great league and any nationality were admitcept the Nationals cannot es. There are quite a num mornings and back in the that early Sunday train in bringing closer Unity among ted as members, no laws or ber of West Indians, yve evenings. He argues that it the Province of Limon is a accomplish it, even though he all Negroes. You vvill thus was a great facility in the hard hit to the inhabitants special rules being framed understand, who have been be born here. Shall vve not be commanding the respect in this respect. Quite a mem long established in the retail exchange of opinions and of this neglected Zone equal then cooperate in every vay of the other groups in which line, who are affected, as compliments between Orga ly so to businessmen as ber of Jamaicans joined.
possible? Can vve not forın you live and assuring the and small Chain stores in every At the regular meeting. they will have to close their nizations, Clubs and Asso well as were visitors appreciation of the governvve live ment which protects you.
hovvever, of the Union held establishments, no provision ciations of all kinds, which pleasure seekers, especially vicinity in vvhich the earlier part of August. being made in the Lavy for could not be made possible Limon is the only Province small things on vvhich yve so that yve shall buy the Set yourselves thinking in the President stated that he their continuance, and we the right direction, so that exist from ourselves?
had received instructions contended that it was not which is not accommodatthe mistakes of the past presume leave the country from the government to exShall vve not inaugurate will be the stepping stones eventually, as there yvill be a paying proposition, that ed by the govern ment with chains of Roadway. our oven evvs papers So to your success in the future pel all foreigners and to, in no other means of livelihood the Company might look ten that vve shall be able to The chain store idea is future, restrict membership open to them.
upon it as a sort of Dole Immagine the workers closto bern or naturalised Cu Had such a Lavy been to her people whom she has express ourselves and air becoming popular abroad, ed up in the stores and of the caused to be here in her workshops town our dravybacks and our difbans. It concludes the Paris correswas accordingly suggested in many of the agreed that some 25 Jamai West Indian Colonies, there service, and who are always month in month out, veing ficulties in progressive ideas pondent of The Wall Street cans who had been in the would surely have been a to the vvorld? There are glad to be at her service now deprived of the only Tournal means of hopping out into prejudiced vvhile men, but Union from its inauguration great outcry against it, but under all Circumstances. He This observation is first should be expelled unless vvhen it is our people who contends that the with the country to breathe hea there are als. honestminded, provoked by the successful they became naturalised Cu are affected, yve hear of no drawal of that train is like ven free atmosphere and sympathetic vvhite men vvho offering of stock in ban citizens vvithin 15 days protest.
taking away the salt of ones spend a few hours among are disposed to champion Woolworh Company Britfrom that time. The men, their friends and relatives, our causes vvhen they are ish subsidiary. Then the are said to have approached and vice versa, with those properly placed to the vvorld, writer continues: The British vice Consul on in the country having the and in no other vvay can There are sixty Woolworth the matter, but the only adprivilege of visiting their you effectively do so but thro stores in Germany, where vice he could give vvas that relatives in town. It has in your nevyspapers.
the going has been a little they leave the country.
deed been a great consider Mistakes have been made harder than for the itish The second instance comes ation on the part of the ad among us here in the past, company, whose 434 stores in the form of an article ministration of the Company misappropriations have been earned nearly 18, 000, 000 published, in spanish, in ons to her employees, and is much in evidence, but in last year, but prospects in of the nevyspapers in the certainly a pity they should what group of peoples have Germany are promising Panamanian Republic in On Tuesday Sept. 15th. part with a brief Address be deprived of such favours. such things not occurred? The familiar red and white vvhich the writer in the 1931. Independence Day was on Independence Day, SO It might be contended that not be discouraged, be. front is on Berlin busiest plainest and most insulting celebrated. The Children of as to give the children their this train is not a paying cause some fellovy has gilted thoroughfare; it is to be terms expreses his disappro the Govt School, Parents. full chance of shovving what one from the fact that it you, start again and let your seen in Munich and in val of the continued pre Guardians and those concern they had imbibed during might detract passengers experiences of the past, Dresden.
sence of West Indians in ed, assembled in front of their months tuition in the from the regular passenger nerve you to keener vvatch New stores are being addthat republic, and calls on the Office of the Agent of Spanish Language. Fully 30 trains, but it ought also to fulness over your business, ed to the chain, whose his government to send them Police at 30 m, where of them did their best in be conjectured that seven start out again, buy from length is being stretched out the Country. Ti ey being, a synopsis of the intended the rendition of Songs, Reeights of the passengers who yourselves, buy tvvo shares throughout the Republic.
he claims, a reproach to the festivity was given. Under citations and brief talks, then avail themselves of travel of one dollar each in the It seems that «Great Brit vvell being of his Country. command of Miss Ruby the Costa Rican National ling by this train would not Limon Trading Syndicate in ain and Germany are the Thus vve see the true Grant, all marched to the Anthem was exceptionally travel, for the purposes of existence novv six months: only European countries in feelings vvhich exist in these Liberty Hall of the well rendered as also the visiting by the regular trains buy a share in the Liverpool which Woolworth is operaplaces tovvard the men which was tastefully de action songs from the little as they would not have suf. Trading Corporation; form ting. In France, we are vvho have helped particu corated for the occasion, tots from years down. Mr. ficient time at their disposal, a chain store in Estrada, in told, this company functions larly in the case of Panama, headed by senor Francisco Shergold, the ablest therefore the regular trains Matina, in Madre de Dios, only as a buying organizaby their labour in making Estrada Chief of Police Pioneer of Old Harbour, would not benefit much by in Siquirres, in Cairo. in tion. Woolworth merchandpossible those very projects and senor Gregorio Romero. made a fine address which the suppression of the other. Guacimo, and so buy from izing met much opposition which have been the means Actg. Secy. for the cause, was keenly listened to; Mr. There is a persistent ru. yourselves the small things at first in Germany, but of earning large revenues and a retinue of citizens to Romero Actg. Secy. read tha mour that at an early date which you need for exis now relations are amicable, for the governments, but the rear. The rendezvous lists of those who contribu there will only be one pas. tence, later on the large ones and 90 per cent of the goods from vvhich they should now reached, senor Estrada, made ted to make tie days pro senger train instead of the vvill come.
sold by the chain in Gerbe driven novv We have been fooled, vve that they a brief talk introducing ceedings a success and The double service, because ther many are purchased in Gerhave completed the harder, Miss Grant as the Principal Chief of Police señor Estra. is really not that abundance have been robbed, but surely many. For one thing, postthe dirtier and the more for the afternoon. Miss da made an oration which of the travelling public mak. You vvill find a Daniel in war Germany has taken intricate portions of the work, Grant then made good her went home to the hearts of ing use of the trains now all Israel, Set yourselves in Continued on page the hearers like steel bullets, adays. Anyone taking a daily WWWXXXXXXXXXXXXXX not rending or destroying, observation of the empty 888886 088 89 88888888888 but to clear vut and make seats on these trains, will a better space for the next come to the conclusion that Limon Service Bureau Independence Day should indeed the Company would we live to see it. Ilus Topic be justified in the suppres ANDbeing. Peace sion of one of these trains, BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY He said irrespective of co. but on the contrary it will lour, class or creed we are be observd that the Sunday Often times the various Symptoms of ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED met to share in a National early trains, in spite of the head ache is caused by constant strain of the Bureau established for the greater convenience, Holiday, and the Sons of great depression existing, are muscles which are conected to the various understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnCosta Rica who savy the always crowded, therefore it glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Col.
nerves of your Eyes. correct the various errors lection Department annexed for the protection of Bus fitness of her independence, may be considered a paying of refraction as follows.
inessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
vvent about same loyally and accommodation to the ser 18 Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to peacefully, and vve, by the vants of the Company. We Myopia. Hypermetropia. Mix Astigmatism.
lose: a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conhelp of God, are novy show say servants, because name Compound. Hyperopic Astigmatism, fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency.
now operated under the direction of a Barrister with ing our love of loyalty and us twentyfive men in the Compound. Myopic Astigmatism.
over twenty five years practical experience. acquired on peace. May God bless Costa province Linson who are Irregular Astigmatism. Presbyopia.
the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Rica. Long live her Leaders not directly or indirectly Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and true.
dependent on the Company Hyperopic Astigmatism. Myopic Astig.
Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials matism. And the muscular Anomilies of the are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Thus ended the programme for the successful manipuCounsel.
and the children repaired lation of their business.
88 human Eyes as follows to the feast vvhich vvas In voicing, therefore, by Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore Esophoria. Exophoria. Right Hyperphoria.
spread for them in the same these means, the sentiments Barrister Accountant Left. Hyperphoria. Abduction. Adduction.
Hall hann after a litle dance of the general public, it is 88 Attorney at Law Notary Public Manager Collection Dept: hoped that the management Cyclophoria. Sursumduction, etc.
Aurelio Bermudez for the digestion of the repast, Parents, Guardians give Ocular Calistenic treatment to your of the Northern Railway 89 Investigator Children and Friends left Company will reconsider its muscles bringing them back to normal conSoltelting Manager the scene at p. all brim decision and reinstitute this dition, MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE ful of joy and peace, great accommodation, the Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the Dr. Azevedo Buchanan early Sunday train to Guapiles, considering it a sorteo «Optometrist»
Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and of holiday to that class of Time payment plan to responsible patients. pay Jamaica, To advertise the deserving general public a part down and y weekly or monthly the balance 99 California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, is to double your tion who would not be in a posi on vour Glasses until full price is paid.
to take outing business othewise.
88888888888888888888 Headaches Both Presidencia on Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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