
PAGE Wage equality Beware of imitations 0808080880808 CAFIASPIRINA Chinaman to pay damages as a to recover.
Our Governor ROBBOOBBIOLORIOBIOPIO. BOBBIOPIO BIOPPOBIOPICBIO BORNIORS Neither sex, age nor and the employment of travelling Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches nationality will, for the women and minors in future, interfere with the cabarets and liquor esWe were very pleased scale of wages to be paid tablishments. Employers to see in the Capital. durfor work of the same are required to provide ing the past week, our quantity and quality per. board and lodgings for much esteemed Governor Rheumatic formed in México, if the their domestics, pay of the Province, don Juan pains. terms of the national their medical expenses Romagosa. Among other labour law just promul and burial, in case of things, don Juan went to Dont accept aty gated be carried out. The death, and allow them put his project clearly be.
law further prohibits the time off to attend night fore the government; for tube or envelope some time now he has garnisheeing of salaries, schools.
been thinking out the pos.
packets without the Immediate relief Shipping service change ery in Limon for getting BAYER CROSS Io consequence of cer. a time, the arrival here rosine from Crude Petro 008808808808800308088088082008088093 000 apgais tain chances which have of the usual mails from leum. en place in the United Jamaica. This change It is an established fact Marine programme curtailed Rally Fruit Co shipping ser took effect on the 10th. that there is an apprecia.
vice, the boats which of September and ex ble amount of oil to be Following on the acceptance the part of the Mistress of the and Concert usually left Jamaica for plains the reason why found in the Old Harbour of the Hoover War Debts Seas, it is apparent that Cristobal each Monday the weekly mail from Talamanca regions in which suspension plan, and the pro. Uncle Sam has been forced The Choir of the Siquirwill leave instead on each Jamaica has not been Dr. Velasquez has been a gress which was being made to make a vvholesale change res Division of the Thursday. This change arriving recently as cus. prime factor and which in the world wide disarmament in his elaborate programme will Stage a Rally of will possibly affect, for tornary.
proposal, in which the United for 1932 and 1933 in order would be a great asset States also occupied a pro to try and overtake the the 14 parishes of the toward a refinery, but pend minent position, we observe enormous deficit vvith vvhich Island of Jamaica at Si.
ing the getting out of the that the several larger nations the government budget is quirres on the 11th. instant Machinery necessary for were notwithstanding making faced.
these wells, don Juan is every preparation for streng The number of Cruisers starting at 30 and a Sacred Concert at Liberthening their fighting forces; vvhich, it vvas stated, vvere Alejandro Leon, a chinese he had caused to be issued proposing to import our the United States being one own oil to solve his plans. of the foremost and publicly the to be built in order to assist ty Hall, Limon, on the 18th.
merchant residing at Liverpool, against Bartley banana unemployed has been at 30 Admittance on the Zent Line, shall pay cheques; but John did not He has been consulting stating that in adopting a reduced by one half, and the 60. 50 children half price.
damages amounting to two seem to be in earnest, and with the Directors of the rather heavy two year modernizing of the large ships hundred and fifty colones after he had received the Banco National de Segu naval building programme it has been entirely abandoned. 250. 00) to George William promissory note he insisted was in keeping vvith the ros who are always disWith these changes com On the sick list Bartley, a negro farmer, re that he would not lift the We are pleased to see Mr.
siding in the same vicinity, for embargo, so the retention of posed to help to finance determined policy that their ing about the naval strength having unjustly maintained an Bartley cheques continued. any feasible scheme for none, and that they would belovy those of England and Josiah Fraser vyho has underembargo against his banana Bartley was then forced to the betterment of our work only be guided by their com Japan, vvhone navies are first gone a very serious operation cheques.
seek legal advice at the Limon ingmen.
mitment under existing treaties. and second respectively among in the San Jose Hospital As it appears on the judicial Service Bureau, where he was Whether regarded the naval vvorld povvers.
the scheme This vvas progressing speedily under the records, Bartley was indebted informed that he could recover Thus vve see the general Care of Dr. Valverde, to Leon for a small sum of damages for the chinaman comes out or no is a matter challenge to Britain, but vvithout any move hovvever on economic depression assisting Vega.
money and Leon instituted a misconduct or breach of much to be discussed, be in minimising vvarlike pretensuit and embargo against him contract. Proceedings were cause intricate machinery of sions, thereby helping tovvards Miss Canvpbell of La Africa immediately instituted and the this nature cost hundreds prominent figure missed the world peace; forrso long as has also undergone an operaAs soon as Bartley learned of thousands to instal, the bigger nations are prevent tion under the same Medico of Leon action, he sought and pay 250. 00 damages for not We are extremely sorry to ed by financial reasons from and doing sufficiently viell obtained a compromise with living up to his agreement and in the present condithe chinaman wherein it was with Bartley. Leon was re tion of the money markets find Mr. David Johnson Manager navies, the dreaded likelihood to be out this vveek.
a promissory note for the total Amador and Bartley by Limon tion of conjecture as to the disposed for some days novy.
agreed that Bartley would give presented by Solicitor Rogelio of the world it is a ques. of the John Keith Bank in. of vvar vvill be evaded.
amount of the debt and the Service Bureau.
sreditor release the embargo possibilities, yet don Juan The name of John Keiths Bank Bank closes is to be congratulated on carries a specially fond atSan Antonio reports that Anniversary his inspirations for the tachment in the breasts of Vassell right to Red Hill farm improvement of the Pro. Limonites, and Mr. Johnson Company vvhich handled de Services vince he rules. He is one vvhose absence from that of posits amounting to The rumour circulating Vassell to support his of those men vvho is al. fice is so much felt, has been 11. 000. 000 and had a reserve Very successful Ser.
especially in the vicinity claim are inadmissible and of 25 Miles, to the effect has therefore, annulled the vvays thinking out im associated with Limon from fund of 16. 000. 000 suspend vices in connection with ed operations on September the Limon Baptist Sun28th. It is, hovvever, expectthat Joseph Nathaniel Vas entire decision of first in provements for his country its earliest construction, here.
day, School Anniversary, and vve sincerely hope fore considered a Limonense. ed that the suspension vvill sell, considered as were held on Sunday 25 stance and thereby main: his plans vvill materialize We sincerely hope he will only be temporary.
Miles banana magnate, had tained John and Monday the 20th. 21st. ult. large ap won his suit against Alfred right to continue as depo. so as to immortalize his soon be vvell and be able to name vvith us.
resume his place.
The Sandinistas Barnes and John Campbell, sitor and manager of «Red preciative audience at From Washington the Mato obtain ownership of Hill farm. Vassell is re.
tended on the Sunday rine Department states that «Red Hill» farm owned presented by Attorney Al.
tvvo encounters took place at when the by the former, happens to bino Villalobos and Camb.
betyveen the Nicaraguan Na. children gave recitations be false.
pell and Barnes by Litional Guard and the Sandi songs. On Monday The Civil Bench of the mon Service Bureau.
Sunday night last pected attack on Moffatt is nistas on the 24th. and 25th.
night tiiere was also a ultimo. The rebels are sup: full church.
Appelate Court, after conLillian Smith, a resident of unknown, but he was bat sidering the proceedings San Clemente Estrella but tered on his forearm with killed and 22 injured. The Both the children carefully, found that the To advertise is to who seemed to have been a stick and hit on the shin casualties of the Guards those vvho lielped thein majority of the documenspending a few days in by a stone.
vvere not reported.
are to be the compliment tary evidence offered by double your business Limon, had an altercation ed on the very creditwith another girl in Cieable vvay in vhich they 00:0 0 0 0 0 neguita. While the row was acquitted themselves It going on she got hold of vvas a distinct pleasure Mindful of a duty out of machete belonging to a We were pleased to meet of the country, Mr. Sheehy to hear them especially riendship the most popular friend of hers and attempt in Cartago, don Ricardo job is no bed of Roses, the Little Tots vvho og her opponent off, the girl pleasure and business in one of the thinking men The singing by the choir Has arranged to distribute a value of almost lifted her hand up to ward his few days visit in the of the Concern, it is not vvas enjoyable and so double the former value of the wrappings as a off the blow with the re sublime climate of the in without hope that he will also the music. The chilbenefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before sult that her forearm was terior. Don Ricardo is one solve the problem of meet dren, the members of All No. wrappings have a much greater value nearly severed, Lillian was of the Youths of Limon ing the expenses of his the choir and all vvho than No. and others, arrested and the other in whom we have great Company. Mr. Prince who assisted in making the promise in the administra has been his «locum services so successful are tion of the Civic affairs of tenens» has been out visit to te complimented tor Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be The man Goodwin who our Province and wish him ing the stations handing the good vvork they have exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts is said to have attacked a bright Career.
over his charge.
will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
Charles Moffatt at the CieDistributor in Limon neguita crossing and ran Mr. Frank Sheehy Supt.
Carlos Manuel Fernandez Armando Heilbron away was captured some of Traffic of the Northern days later. Moffatts shin Railway Co. who has been DENTIST Distributors in Turrialba, bone is said to be spint away on vacation has reSpecialist in movable bridges of the Akeres or Deefour type Rojas, Cortés Cía. Cered by the Hospital Doc turned to his post to face tors.
the serious problems of Plates or bridges of Inlay type without crowns and without any inconveniences for the patient.
Goodwin is a native of his Company. What with Teeth set in Hecolite, Gold, Porcelain, Aluminum, and Rubber St. Kitts who left here the curtailment of the pos.
Office in front of the 2nd. Section of Police in Av.
Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 some years ago for Cuba, sibilities of a travelling Hours to 11. 30 and to p.
but returned here recently. public and the lack of move San José. Box 1252 Telephone 4201 00 0 0 0 The reason for this unex ments in the Commerce Imp. Falcó Hnos.
Criminology at Cieniguita to PALMERA SOAP is.
PALMERA SOAP girl taken to Hospital. 0 0 0 0 0 000 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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