p. 4


Saturday October 1931 Set up your Cooperative.
SPORT NEWS a The International Lottery From Siquirres Continued from page vvas heralded by a fanfare and one in Algiers, Spain with avidity to such an evi. of advertising in the Paris Belgium, Argentina, and Cricket tion. The seasons activities Braves teams vvhich went tº dence of Americanization American press, and in one Brazil. There are three imThe Wanderers must then closed vvith Cheers for Bluefields to engage the as the chain store, and instance an invitation, pre portant shoe groups, the be congratulated for her de the Donors, Victors. Van Sportsmen there came home The chain store idea is view vvas staged, at which Bizet vvith 24 stores: the termined game against the quished and officers of the vithout a decision, having perhaps a logical develop they do say cocktails yvere Levy, 100, and Ehrlich, 500. Combination of the Rest of League.
tied in the engagements.
ment of the new mass pro served. The small ripples Four department stores Clubs in Costa Rica, bring.
Better anyvvay than losing.
duction in German industry. quickly subsided.
have branches throughouting off a dravvn game in The match played on Sun. They had a glorious time At any rate, there is in There is five and ten the country; these are the fine style.
day 27th, between the Cons however vvith the Nicas.
Berlin a chain of stores ca franc store up in the Latin Bon Marché vvith a chain The only unpleasant inci truction and Excelsior Football tering to would be dressers in Quarter. Its red front and of 8; the Magazins Moder dent was the illtempered re was won by the Cons The Alajuelenses and Liwhat the announcements general interior are strongly nes. 32; Nouvelles Galeries, tirement of Umpire Drum truction, which team scored bertad teams have both decall «true American style. reminiscent of a certain 26; Société Paris France, 74. mond, who on failing to give 56 and the 48. feated the Mexican team in Three prices, 15, 21, Woolvvorth store in upper Felix Potin, the grocer, has out Vernal Isaacs vvho was The Moin will meet their matches. On the 4th.
and 29, are guaranteed to Eighth Avenue, Nevy York. 56 stores, and also sells to bovvled in his second Ball the Eleven Brothers on inst. the Marte (Mexicans)
turn young Germans into It is located on that type of 600 partially controlled de but the bails refused to budge, Sunday 4th. inst and the vvill try conclusions with facsimiles of the broad street, and display of goods pendents. The docks Remois, vvas hissed by the spec Crusaders on Monday the Orion.
shouldered 100 percent. is identical vvith the fami. groceries, has 1, 000 branches tators and angrily he left the 5th.
The end of this month American collegiates which liar Woolvvorth pattern. and is the largest chain in the field. The game was Baseball we shall have the Peruvian are pictured in the Amer vvhich is totally dissimilar France however brought to a close The Costa Rican and crack team with us again.
ican written «ads that are to the French fasbion of Tyvo other grocery chains under the guidance of Umacquainting Germany with shovving goods.
are the Entrepots de Gre pires Gaston y Moore.
the ready to wear wardrobe. There are no chain drug nelle, 233 stures, and La The Rest went in to bat Suits and topcoats are made stores in France, tho a fevy Ruche Meridionale, 265 and made 131 Runs for Lodgings in Cartago with the aid of American important pharmacies have stores. There is a big coffee wickets, Vernal after chan When you come to Cartago ask for Mrs. Doris Falconer machines, each suit consist. branches. Tobacco, is of chain, tyvo dairy chains, and ces came out top scorer Board and Lodging house, its the only one of its kind in the ing of many pieces made course, a government mono. tvvo large chains of vvines with 54 Runs, Mckoy 31, city. large, clean, Airy house of fourteen apartments. Furnished simultaneously, and then as poly: and tobacco and post and spirits vvhose links car and Irons, 21. The Wanapartments rented by the month at very moderate terms.
sembled like Ford cars. agestamps are sold in certain ry to the farthest corners derers then replied with 118 Mrs. DORIS FALCONER It seems hard to think of licensed cafés. Such licenses of the Republic for wickets; Calvin being Cartago.
chain stores in France, the are allotted to ex service As these figures indicate, top Scorer with 46 Runs, country of small businesses, men only. These in turn may for all the friendliness and Tomlinson 25, and yet, we read in The Wall sell them. old timeyness of the Pari Groves 14. After which the Street Journal. the chain There is one chain of stores sian boutique, vvhich seems Cup was presented to Capt.
store is not new to France, specializing in automo so rooted in neighborhood Stanley Butler of the Wanand the city of Paris is the bile supplies, the Mestre et soil, France is already en derers by Mr. Jack Orane the best customer of a chain of Blatge Cie. capitalized at meshed in the chain store donor, in a few well chosen wine shops, which is 106 10. 000. 000 francs, and oper idea.
remarks of congratulation. The Bailbond of Mr. prove the Commission of years old. But as a matter ating five stores in France Mr, Aubrey Spyer; President Minton has been reduc. a delito (misdemeanour)
of fact, it is only since the of the Cricket League also ed from 20. 000 to.
war that the chain store has congratulated the Winners which merits corporal come to occupy an importof the Cup to which Mr. 500 and as a conse punishment, or at least ant position in the econoJUAN MEZA DENTIST Butler suitably replied. quence he has been set circumstances should be mic structure of France, There were CARTAGO three other at liberty, but what we he cliaracteristic French COSTA RICA made to appear in the prizes awarded, one given by admire in the case is store is the neighborhood Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building Mr. Stanley Lindo and pre: the firmness and cour process which give solid shop, which is a family affair, Central Street 325 Yards East of Market sented by Mr. Harold grounds to believe that with wife and daughter, Smith to the batsman who age of one of the Ma such was committed. He perhaps grand mother, work Preference given patients from Limon and other scored the most runs during gistrates of the Supreme argued that none of the ing along with the proprie. points of Atlantic Zone.
the Season, who happened Court, Justice Tomás Fere arguments in the warrant tor. These stores are the Painless Extraction All work guaranteed to be Mr. Daly of the nández Bolandi, in deal to arrest proved that any standard small stores of Penshurst C: Messrs Ben France, and, as they indi Scoltock and Prager of the ing with the request for such circumstances exist cate, all conditions of retail Exportation Dept also pre his freedom under the ed that would give grave trade in this country would sented a bat to the batsman Habeas Corpus act, reasons to believe that seem diametrically opposed who made the higbest in The twelve Judges sat, the misdemeanour attri.
to the chain store, yet fig.
dividual score during the eight voted against the buted was commited, be.
ures affirm that it is on the This town has been face, but before the perway. And the writer for to be Mr. Daly. Mr. request four in favour, cause it was not proven The Wall Street Journal much aroused by the formance was over, a Spence President of the and this Judge gave his that any of the Tickets proceeds to give us some of personal attack made by crowd of friends ran in Construction also pre reasons for being in fa. have been offered here in those figures: the Medical Officer of and prevented any fur sented to Mr. Smith (Tas) vour in writing basing as circulation, thereby asser.
THERE ARE 7, 600 COOP this District on the Cor ther mishap.
a gold medal given by the his reasons for the stand ting acts or false circumERATIVE STORES SELrespondent of La Tribuna petition has been officers of the Board of he had taken the follow stances relative to the LING SMALL MERCHANDISEIN FRANCE. THESE while shaving in a barber sent in to the Supt. Control for his prowess as a bowler, having gained the ing: He cites that accordvalues offered. On these ARE OWNED BY SOME shop on Sunday last Medical Officer, asking best average and most wicking to article 307 of the grounds therefore he was 500. 000 STOCKHOLD An article appeared in the withdrawal of Dr. ets. Mr. Charlie Hayling Code of Penal Procedures bound to come to the ERS. THE ESTIMATED La Tribuna of last week Portocarrero from the Secty, of the Board of Con in order to dictate or opinion that the Order BUSINESS IS 137. 200. 000. complaining that the District, as he is seldom trol and Mr. Bertie Barrett, President of the Motive move the detention of a for the arrest of the Doctor refused to attend in the District when Recently in Paris five and ten Povver also identified person it is necessary appellant was illegal, and franc store (20 and 40 cents) to a poor patient, and needed.
themselves in the presenta that this order should thus vote in favour of were opened in various con as a consequence Dr. Citing an accident the recourse taken under gested districts. The opening Shaw had to be called which happened to a Habe:s Corpus as being in his usual charitable which his skull got characteristics; The doc fractured but the doctor lished by my supposed wife know full well that this is In reply to the article pub lives, the public of Siquirres tor in question, Mr. Ar Was in the Capital, again Louise Mc. Leod in The SearchWANTS TITLE CHANGED the third time that this woMANZANA 31, LOT turo Portocarrero, got Mr. Fernando Lopez of light. would like to make man «who to my great surAnother change in the Next door to the of angered about this report Parismina reports calling the following statements, to prise signs herself Louise Mc. title of the English Sofice of Juan José León and attacked Mr. Nicolas on him for a patient but clarify the matter and to give Leod» has left my home and vereign is once more (Sucs) you will find the Miranda with the result he could not be found the lie in her face that the protection to carry on with being sought. On this People Bakery, where that the Correspondent therefore first aid had publicy may know the truth of other men; she is now away occasion it comes from you can get, at all times, performed an operation to be called in for such unfortnnately married her, months living openly with a South Africa. The supBooth Biscuits, Bread on the doctor by swingine cases by the Druggists Louis Sampson, in 1910 in man, which she acknowledges porters of the movement and Buns of the best a Lotion bottle in his around.
this country at the age of 17. also does her mother acknow claim that South Africa After our marriage took her ledge, therefore legally do is an independent nation.
quality and flavour. the home to my relatives they not hold myself responsible and that, therefore, the finest in Limon, am showing her a life of respect. to her for any claim on my offering to the public a property as she has taken off title of the present So.
to have anticipated. left her my ring and thrown in my vereign should be King ed Pan Pomona made there for Cuba returned to face, saying in life or death George of South Afrifrom the best quality San Jose Jamaica for her soon after; we are no more man and ca.
again took her home to my wife.
flour. trial will con Graduate of the University of Paris Brother residence, while there should therefore like the vince you. Its a size loat her mother arrived from Cos public to know that acknow 150. 000 Revolvers that cannot be had for Specialist in affections of the blood and other deseases. ta Rica and induced us to ledge my responsibility to my Surgical cases given special attention.
return to Costa Rica which children, because if sell the Police Commissioner, the price in Limón.
Treatments modern. Prices moderate.
Patients met on arrival by his interpreter, Mr. Lewis.
did, alas fatally, to my life property it is to be used on Mulrooney, of New BOOTH Further information, if required, can be had of «The Searchligh. of respectability. Soon after them if it is not sold it re York, estimates that there we arrived here bought the main theirs, therefore any Limon, May 25th. 1931.
are 150. 000 Revolvers in property in question at Siquir. persons who may want to res. She did invest 500 of buy or mortgage my properthe hands of gangsters 000000000000000000000000000000 a piece of the 2nd. prize of ty will have nothing to fear operating in that City, the Lottery Ticket in the pur as shall fulfil from the this estimate does not Attention!
chase of the spot, and her amount of sale or mortgage include machine guns. 10. 000 in Prizes mother loaned me in all my full responsibility to her and sawed off shot guns. 700, also arising from a and my children.
In an effort to restrict Ask for Chiclets but say Adams similar piece of Ticket which She lyingly asserts that her aunt won and paid over got from her 61000, but she the possession of guns to her mother and for which only handed in 500, which by criminals, the Police extended a pagaré, on which claim as having been paid to were urging that much have already repaid over her, by her expenses caused heavier sentences be imtwo hundred colones, and shall me for doctors and other posed by the Courts on The only legitimate Chiclets lookout for the coupons with Prizes in the Packages settle this the only debton fees caused by her own misconduct.
criminals found in pos.
my property 5000ooooooooooooooooooooo Now with regards to our Charles Mc. Leod session of them.
asis very frequently done man in a luacimo bý To whom it may concern quite in Cordless Pan Pomona New Style of Bread cale Dr. Valverde Vega dela in se presented tyto her 00000000000 Chiclets ADAMS 00000 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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