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oficine langes EDITOR MANAGER SUSCRIPTION 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 NATION APARTADO 123 CARTA GO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Provi of Limon Costa Rica generall, Labora por los intereses de Costa en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment The achievments of great men are never attained by nervous thoughts, it is not so much your intellect nor your brains that draws good results to you it is your normal nerve centres it is when you get the urge into your feelings, When vour whole Being vibrates to the Need of your ideas that you draw to younself the elements necessary to success by reachingr out with your whole soul to attain the goal desired: YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY OCTOBER 17. 1931 NUM. 96 Christopher Columbus LIMON FREE FREE PORT not was were on COLUMBUS NIGHT 07 Many have been the cheaper being exempt ailed to twenty four mior Cristóbal Colón as is called im spanish calls we have had as to from duties, so would llions, how could such an the intentions of making some favoured companies idea be entertained we Anent the sailing of Christ bu original and legitimate court once again. He reach Limon a «Free Port. there or importers be able to ex are at a loss to immagine.
pher Columbus from Palos, plans.
ed Granada in time to see He soon left Portugal se Spain to disco er Asia are those who are imma tend preferential treatment The idea is to make Lithe surrender of the city in and Japan via the Atlantis, cretly, unknown to the King, January 1492. Negštia gining that the intention to their dependents by mon a Central Port, a sort history recalls that other so that they should tions were resumed and is to have a suspension way of handing out cheap of Deposit Port where all explorers had sailed from know his whereabouts or Columbus, strong in his be of customs duties on goods er destination, whilst it a setoff goods in Transit for the goods as puse, but as their discover said that he left in that demands, he askedhefore the sumption, others think that wages so prevalent among Republics, would be left lief, stuck to his terms and imported for general con against the reduction of other Central American ies were never given publi manner to evade the perse.
city, very little or any cution of his creditors for in all those Islands, seas and certain lines of goods only us now o days. These are by ships that do not touch thing was known to the the debts which he owed. continents that he might will be admitted fre of all very erroneous ideas, on such Ports for which of the western hemisphere south of Spain and imme all the should discoveat and duły, whilst others will and can hardly he expect they are consigned, and maintain the usual imed to even or world. It is said that diately began negoiiations a teath of the precious mebe argued despatched by some other amongst the many explorers with the King of France to tals discovered vvithin his puestos of Customs duties, among any who have an beat that may arrive with who came to the Westero sponsor his adventure in admiralty.
while there are still others inkling of intelligence, cona destination for the Port continent, pas, Leif Erick 1491 though the Duke ol These conditions who miantain that it wil sidering that the Customs of destiny of such intranson, who died shortly after Medina Celi, who was greatly rejected and tenegociations his return, thus there was encouraged about the posbe run on a paralel with Dpt. is the most import sit goods; these cargoes were again interrupted. Fol would be left free of dubut very little to his acheive. sibilities aad soon arranged Ilowed by an interview with the Zone Customs where ant Revenue in the counments in this direction. to finance the trip, prepared Mendoza without a ry results, the merchandise imported try, being estimated this ties or port charges to be Columbus, history tells us the vessels etc. but there ana before the close of Ja. for the maintenance of the year at an aggregate of forwarded by the Agents was born of humble paren came the set back and afcerpuary 1492 he again set out employees of the Canal twelve million colones by the first outgoing boats tage in the town of Genoa further consideration of the for France. At length however be white the estimate of ex Department would for the Ports to which in the year 1446 or 1451, this project it was thought to Continued on page date is not correct accord. toy vast, and consequently able to buy their goods penditure is being curt they belong.
This would be a great ing to the encyclopedia he was not able to go on Británica and supported by this support. Columbus there TE benefit to the labourers tre data the subject upon turned his attentions ofcourse, and as a result from the publishing use the Queen Isabel of Spain.
when the labourers of Las Casas. He was the son The King Queen of Spain of Domenico Colombo and were very much inclined toany country are benefitted, Suzzana Fontanarossa, his wards supporting the prothe Commerce is benefather being a wool comber posals of the mariner and fitted and therefore the of some small means. He tne matter was submitted to Country is.
was schooled in the Univer the care of Alfonso of QuinThis means would serve sity at PE and devoted tapilla, whom Colombus soon admirably the Pacific Coast himself to astronomy, Geo got very enthusiastic over inst.
On Monday 12th.
It is due to Christopher metry of these Central American and caused Cosmography, his plans, and which is the 439th. anni Columbu determination to (the latter a seience which him to give a very favourconutries; because say for versary of the discovery by found this New World, why teaches us of the whole sys able report to their Majes.
instance merchandise was Cristopher Columbus ofArne ties. However at this time, em of the worlds, the figure, America, no doubt, has reach rica; The University Club of ed the standard of vili.
destined for Managua Nicadisposition, or relation of Spain had her hands filled with the conquets of the this town celebrated the occa zation of which it boasts all it parts, and the man.
ragua, it would be thrown Granada Moors and could sion (which is now called today; he founded the doors ner of representing them on out here, loaded on our among the Spanish group of America for Europeans; the planes) Therefore it can not in justice to the merits Railway, shipped to San The day of th ir Race) by Europeans with noble hearts be seen from the foregoing of the gigantic proposal of keeping what they styled a the Genuese, give the same Jose, transferred to the high ideals came to these that Colombo, was liko BeColumbus night. very pleas shores of Liberty and peace Puntarenas by means of piuses, set from birt to the proper consideration and ant function it was, and and planted the civilization the Government Pacifis have accomplished this sin study which it deserved, many papers were got up which both natives and gular and notorious achieve thus it vvas again postponed Railway, put on the first and read on the subject, foreigners now enjoy. The ment which was not duplic for such time until Spain thus making it an enjoyable English ship calling at Corinto and the Dutch, the ated in the world. According could have vanquished the Literary evening, below are Moors and have tiine to French and the Spanish peoso be discharged in Mathe general history correct the principal papers.
ple all came to the New nagua within five or six authography of the life and adequately conclude the World, settied themselves, days, especially as there activities of this gr at man, proper negotiations.
Columbus day formed colonies and taught it can be realized that Co Columbus, hovvever conis no adequate Portor lumbus, suffered errible conthe peoples their languages tinued to negotiate his plans By Aurelio Bermudez Railway facilities on the and their customs; they consequences and set backs in until he finally left in disgust Atlantic Coast of Nicara.
Today, called by Anglo tro led and governed until the bringing into realization and despair, for in 1491 the Americans, Columbus Day, their own teachings awakengua, and so it would be of his ideas, ambitions an: matter being again referred and, by Latin. Americans, ed native ambition, and infor the conveniences of greatest aspiration, that of to the throne vvas submitted to a Junta, vvho also reject. The Day of the Race. ends tel igenceto obtain their inthe discovery of the westthe other Central Ameri.
the 439th. year of the disco.
dependence and sovereignty.
td tie offer, and all that tern world, though as we can Republics, because may further gather, from the Colombus received vvas a very Costa Rica was among the of this pheno. enal small Coastal boats would said records pertaining to territories discovered by Copromise that after the vvar continent by Christopher Columbus.
lumbus; among the nations soon be placed on vvith the Moors vvas over an it, he sufferred intrigue, atEvery celebration has that were subject to Spanish itinerary from Limon to ter he had presented his they would give his plans its object either to recognize Colonization Rule; and eonsideration and proposals and plans to the further Belize for instance, by John the Second of Portu help him if it vvas merite.
or to rejoice over some unainong the countries that means of which such in usual act lendt their soidiers to pogal, who after considering In dispair, he betook him.
occurrence transit goods would be the same presented it to a self for Huelva, a little Spalitically emancipate the Cenbringing pleasant memories rushed to their ports of commission for study, who nis tovyo in Andalucía, to our minds, joy and cheer tral American States from in a like manner, gave a north vvest of Cadiz, vvith to our hearts.
destination, where direct the shackle of the Spanish decisión adverse, whilst on the intention of taking the America as it is today, is Go:ernment.
communication with heavy bol not the America it was 439 It is in commemoration of Ocean Liners the other hand, intrigue was ship to France.
are not preparing to rob Columbus He is said to have halted at years ago; 439 years ago, the existent.
those incidents related to whole continent was made of his great idea; this intri the monastery of La Rabida, the other hand it is near Huelva and still nearer up of an homogeneous race.
Columbu activities on the gue was especially planned and engineered by the Bishwell known that the Pa.
to Palos, vvere he seemed Today the race is heteroge. Golden Coast» why we find op of Cueta, wno proposed to have made lasting friendceous, made up of a diversity nama Canal will soon be the whole nation testifying that the plau should be exe ship on his arrival in Spain of races, with their different enlarged so as to cope its gratitude and appreciation cuted in secret unknown in 1885 and had enlisted the creeds and customs; but yet with the increasing deto Columbus, and as evi special friendship of the to the memory of the greatest we all participate each year mand of ocean trade, and dence of the fact that right guardian, Juan Pérez, vvas celebrating «Columbus of all navigators and those must have it way and jus introduced to Garcia FerDay. in toker of our gratiduring the operations for who contributed to her protice must prevail, inspite of nandez, a physician and stutude for the hospitality tenimproving her capacity, it all things. the two caravel gress, as a consanguinean of dent of Gorgraphy, vvho vvas dered us by the people of the Latin American race on must be conjectured that whiche were prepared and at the same time, the Queen the continent and to evince Columbus Day. her traffic will be congest.
dispatched on the adventure, confessor and upon hearing our appreciation toward the ed, therefore Limon as returned to rtugal aiter a the prop sals of Columbus, Italian Navigator, Columbus, Limon, Costa Rica, October a Central Port must be brief absence of a few days, vyrote to the Queen on very for his iniciative and his bravery.
12, 1931. 70 bobo the sailors having lost heart urgeut terms, and vvas sumresorted to as a means and refused to ver ture fur monded to her presence and 15ET of transporting by her in OCCO ther, thus the culmination of the money for the expence teroceanic Railways the what would have therwise of Colombus vvas sent that hiyo been, a cheating of Colum he may appear before the Won Continued on page TESTO DE POBTOTASOBITOS as or SA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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