
SaturdayOctober 17. 1931 DE SIQUIRRES New Charter me great character a a Carlos Manuel Fernandez Muy digna de encomio Es de lamentar que en The New Castle Division Mc Kenzie stepped out and DENTIST recited a fine thought on está siendo la labor agrí todo el año, no haya of the unveiled their new charter on Sun. Africa my mortherland. Specialist in movable bridges of the Akeres or Deefour type cola desplegada por el hecho una visita el con day 11th. inst. There was an The Estrella Representative Director de la Escnela; ferencisia agrícola, pues immense Plates or bridges of Inlay type without crowns and without any gathering weich then treated the audience inconveniences for the patient.
a pesar de la falta de de los consejos de ese filled the Liberty Hall to its to a very refreshing speech, Teeth set in Hecolite, Gold, Porcelain, Aluminum, and Rubber implementos de labran experto empleado, pue. utmost capacity. Friends and and congratulated the New Office in front of the 2nd. Section of Police in Av.
Castle folks on their sinceza, ha convertido lo que den aprovechar mucho representatives came from Hours to 11. 30 and to p.
fue un estéril potrero estos muchachos, que well as from Liverpool Es her choir sung most enthurity of purpose. Mrs. Barret San José. Box 1252 Telephone 4201 en donde está la escue.
han convertido lo que trada and Limon. The Limon siastically the Song «Meet la vieja, en una verda ayer era terreno cultiva choir along with the Secre at Liberia, Mr. Bramdera huerta.
do de pastos, en jardin tary, Lady President Mrs. vvell of Limon in a short Mc. Pherson, the Represer speech congratulated the Invitados gentilmente de jazmines por sólo afitative and other officers of New Castle folks, after which por esos dignos profeso cion natural a la agrithe Division travelled along the chairman gave his clos The very many friends of vvas recalled; sometime ago res, tuvimos oportunidad cultura, es decir sin diwith the representative for ing speech, and thanked all don Ricardo Mora Fernandez hovvever he came at loggerde hacer una visita a la rección técnica, y seguro Liverpool Mr. Arthur Peart who had helped to make in the Province of Limon will heads with the then Minister escuela vieja, encontrán. es que con e auxilio de by Camion to Wesfalia, and the function such a pleasant be extremely proud to know of Finance over the treatment donos con la sorpresa de ésta, así como han co after Crossing the river got and successful one. The Na that he has been for the se of his subordinates in the there by mule Cars; as soon tional Anthem vvas then cond time named as General Customs offices, and as his la huerta del Maestro. menzado a cultivar la as these arrived the function Sung and very pleasing Manager of the Pacific Rail suggestions, re, the remune (así le llaman los niños tiei ra nor espíritu de started, The Chaplain opened and harmonious meeting way and this time he has ration and treatment of the a aquel huerto. y todos sport hoy, mañana serán with a procession around brought to a close; but vve accepted the offer.
officers and guards under his atareados por ser el día los hombres que la pa. the Hall, while the officers dare not close vvithout giv Don Ricardo has been for care vvere not adopted, he agrícola, sábado; al com tria necesitará.
and representatives took their ing high compliments to several years Governor of left the service and went into seats while the hymn Shine the young organist Miss Limon and administrator of business vvith the Commispaz de una amena char Ja de los niños, blancos Se hacen gestiones por after reading the accustomed altro only eleven years of party went out of power he on Eternal Light» was sungAurista McKenzie, vvho the Customs Dept; when his sion house of Roberto Smythe Co. Mr. Smythe being in a.
y negritos, alrededor de pasar el asiento de la passage. he handed over ag, mastered the litile organ left the service and started delicate state of health he aquella escuela vetusta, escuela de Pocora a the meeting to the Presi perfectly. She is a gem of business on his own account, vvas only too glad to have deat Mr. Mc. Farlane who precious value to ber parde amor y de paz, de but it was not long, that even with him such an organizer Germania after a short speech introdu ents home.
though he was not belong as don Ricardo; novy ve resignación y de espe.
ced Mr.
ing to the rank and file of find don Cleto vvho fully reranzas, abren surcos Debido a la numerosa for alurinos y maestro, que población escolar del the entertainment who outlin Sacred Concert ty of purpose and provvess don Ricardo insists that he luego son cultivados por Distrito de Germania, se ed in fitting style the pur Remember the sacred Conas an organizer and adminis should accept the position of ellos mismos de legum hacen gestiones para poses for which ne had the honour to preside, and went tists of the Siquirres Division cert to be staged by the Artrator was recognized and he Administrator of The Railvvay.
bres, verduras, etc.
This department has been conseguir que el asiento into the very lengthy pro in the Limon Liberty Hall on going into ruin and disrepute Da gusto ver el amor de la escuela de Pocora, gramme, which was banded Sunday 18th at 30 Hostile conduct for lack of proper management conque los niños cuidan sed en Germania him.
due to the continual bickersus cultivos de lechuga, Little Miss Golden Me.
El señor Inspector de of Japain ings among the many chiefs, rábanos, colitlor, emoPherson gave the recitation Races at 24 Miles hence don Ricardo vvill have Escuela reconsidera esta of Welcome, follovved by a lacha y flores, lo que justificada gestión a fin Solo by Miss Campbell of The Oxford Park Racing practically at war with each Japan and China have been no easy time to place matters in shape, but relying on his demuestra que el maes de complacer a los soli. the Limon Choir, which was Club will repeat the meeting other now for some time; in efficiency, if his reccommend tio tiene cultivado en el indeed beutifully rendered, on the 14th December.
citantes, por lo que es ations vvill only be adhered corazón de esos alum.
the modulation of her strong spite of the efforts of the PoHorses expected to join in voice was perfection, Miss the sports from Turrialba and wers to put an end to the to, vve are sure that he vvill nos, el amor a la agri de esperarse de que em.
warlike preparations of each save this important branch of cultura.
papado el señor Brenes, Eulalie Cole then rendered Cartago.
country and to the many acts the government service from an appropriate recitation en Look out for programmes Este esfuerzo del pro de la justicia que asiste titled «Right Time. Mr. in the coming week.
of aggression advanced by disaster, and of this don Cleto and his Minister of Public fesor Conejo, debiera ser a los petentes, abogará Peart from Liverpool gave Last Races were good, but Japan. China has appealed to the League of Nations, Japan Works are quite avvare.
imitado por los demás porque el asiento de di an address with much appre this meet will be better yet.
wants private settlements with The roadbed of the Pacific maestros rurales de esta cha escuela sea en Ger ciation of the good vvork done. Miss Elfreda Miller China but this is refused by Railvvay is in such a condi.
Provincia, donde hay tie mania.
Excursionists China, and now at a meeting tion of disrepair that the trains now gave the audience rras fertilísimas y de tá.
cannot be run vvithout grave fine Solo, but the item that of the Advisory Council of Colaborador Corresponsal cil limpieza.
risks to life and property, it brought down the house to Limon life alvvays being the League of Nations on the chered up somehovy or other, 15th the representative for Ja mated that to put it in any is gone so far that it is estiits knees was an Anthem something is alvvays happen pan Mr. Yoshizawa says his «How Beautiful» by the Li ing to dispel the davr clouds Lodgings in Cartago mon choir assisted by the hovering around. This vveek country refuses to sit in Coun thing like safety vvill cost Local Element, which was cil so long as the United approximately nine millions of When you come to Cartago ask for Mrs. Doris Falconer well trained by the choir bringing Tourists from Colon vve have another Launch States sits in the Chamber, colones, insomuch that certain Board and Lodging house, its the only one of its kind in the even as an observer, this has members of our Chamber of city. large, clean, Airy house of fourteen apartments. Furnished master and Mrs. Barrett the and Bocas del Toro to spend thrown the Council of the Commerce, have been suggestapartments rented by the month at very moderate terms. Soprano voice of Miss Camp.
a few days among us. This League in a panic. The cable ing to the government that the Mrs. DORIS FALCONER time it is the Free Gardeners reads.
rails should be taken up and bell, the Contralto another Cartago.
of the sister Republic Pana Geneva 15th a lamentable a highvvay constructed thereon harmonious voice from the instead. With the experience Limon choir the blended that is bringing good and truly sensational stage Deep basso of Mr. Johnson cheer from across the seas occurred this morning, during hovvever of don Ricardo on considerate with the great tenor voice to enliven us. May they have an exchange of conversations the Atlantic Zone as to vvhat of Limon was a good time in our midst and more or less favourable to can be done by vvay of repairs as good as reduction could be met anywhere. Se.
take avvay pleasant memories arrangement of a favourable to Road beds it is assured that of Limon and her people as ending to the Chinese Japan if given a free hand he vvill veral other recitations and There is expected to be a of former days.
ese dispute, when the JapanSongs vvere vvell rendered soon economically and pervery brisk trade in the Tourist By mere curiosity yve ese delegate Mr. Yoshizawa business in the coming season strolled into the model fancy Jeannie Mc. Farlane «A Gar. Murderous attack his government to reject any but particularly one by Miss received definite orders from manently reconstruct this Confor Kingston. The season starts store of Mrs. Jack Depass veyite cern on a safe footing.
and Miss Anita on December 13th. and will in Limon indeed as its name Culvin «Take time to pray, There is one thing vve vvould end some where about the implies a Little Paris and Another display of what participation on the part of The United States Mr. James the composer of women will do when Council even in the character his sleepers for the Railvvay on the remind don Ricardo that all 14th of April.
to our agreeable surprise vve Bananito and his wife then The Empress of Australia found that this considerate rendered a Duet go and worked up by jealousy of an observer. Immediately can be had here, if only Conwill be the first boat on the caterer for the fanciful deli tell them. Mr. Simpson of occurred on Wednesday the Council suspended its derun and will be followed by cacies in dresses of the fairer Limon then rendered a Solo 7th at the Ice factory in liberations truly surprised over tracts be put in the hands 52 other boats calling at Kingsthe attitude adopted by the of all contractors vvho can sex, had reduced her former in Basso Profundo «Whom Limon. Caroline Samuels ton, away from those who will prices to suit the fallen value Serve. Japanese government, which living in front of the visit on the regular steamers of the Pound. It must be is attributed to the declara supply them not in the hands of the United Fruit Company. remembered that the value or The Unveilin was then Cuartel, seem to have tions made yesterday by the of a special fevy. The Northern The Canadian liners and boats carried out under the ins entertained ideas of amo Secretary of State Stimson Railvvay paid a dollar for the Sterling is only a little tructions of Mr. Wm Pearof The Jamaica Producers over fifteen colones today, urous relations existing which are considered very every tie used formerly on the Association which now make by little the usual trips.
hence English and French Mc. Farlane and Anita Cal between her husband and greatest consternation reigned Roadway of good quality and Rachel Stewart, who but later on the members of the same can be done here, Costa Rica being a country good are very much cheaper vin, after which the chairof great scenery it is surpris. than American ones, and of man declared New Castle lives in front of the Cath the Big Five with the exto ing that greater attractions by way of Highways and Hotel superior, and this princess of Sterring Anthem vvas then course always acknowledged Divisioner del Channstituted olic Church; immediately ceptisn of those for Japan possible of the money to be as Samuels met Stewart met at four o clock in the af ternoon to resume accomodations are not prespent on the Railvvay in the transacmodes in Limon has been rendered at the ice factory where tions, to realize what were the country.
by the Limon pared by those in authority so as to entice these million quick to give her clients choir «I Was Glad and She seein to have come real motives that induced the Don Ricardo has identified spending people to come and the benefit of the fall in another by the New Castle for the purpose of buying Mikado to reject the presence himself vvith every move that see the beauty spots of this prices. It therefore be hoves choir Press on. The Repre. ice, she attacked her with of the United States whose had any relationship tovvard lovely country.
the pleasure loving public to sentative of the Limon Di: blows in quick succs personality there, was only the betterment of Limon, such Some time ago Mr. Lawsion, before Stewart could recognized as a friendly corence the builder of the Hotel drop in at Mrs. Depass fairy then delivered in fine ora.
as Agricultural Societies, tory his message of good defend herself, she was Great anxiety exists to Costa Rica made propositions store and see hovy much Roads building, Canalization, cheer from the Mother Difor building a Roadway to the more cheaply they can secure know what was the result on the ground, her nose et. etc. And he recognizes the Poas Volcano and an up to vision and a brief talk on was smashed in and her of the evening Session, with value of the coloured people their dainty dresses and date Hotel there for tourists, the necessity of closer rela head broken. The Police regard to the latest instrucundervvear, as vvell as Chilif as Colonizers, therefore he is an agreeable Concession tions and Unity among the tions received by delegate dren light vvear.
coloured people in Costa was quickly on the scene Yoshizawa from his governcould be obtained, but what much beloved and respected ever became of the proposition Rica. The Collections which and prevented what ment. An understanding has by them, and his successes only God knovys and he vvas a very encouraging one might have ended in Mur however been given by Japan are follovved vvith much intevvant tell us. Is this another allowed in free of duty for of 63. 00 vvas then taken der. The result was, Sam that she has no intention of rests by all on the Atlantic case of shelving as vvas twenty five years? Tourists vvhile the Anthem «Giving uels to the jail under going to war with China, her side. We vvish him unbound done vvith the proposal of invest millions of dollars some vvith vvilling hearts actions are only with the idea a criminal charge and ed successes and of protecting her citizens doHenry Ford for building times in a country, is it not heartily and appropriately progress Roads throughout the country worth while catering to haev rendered, vvhen the youth. Stewart to the Hospital miciled in the Manchurian tovvard the Chair of the Chief them?
so long as his Cars would be ful organist Miss Aurista under the Doctors Care. Territory.
of State.
ma Our Tourists vvas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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