
Saturday October 17. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Beware of CAFIASPIRINA Among the Lodges we Cricket Crities Dispute on Cricket OBOOM008808088080880880. 880838808808088088088 By Roy Chapman Limon, Sept. 28th. 1931. Barbadoes and Panama Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches which places him in the Now that the Orane Editor of the Searchlight. position to judge correct. Cup Competition eason Dear Sir. ly. Now Mr. Chapman is over, Oi. e has tin e to has failed to understand refiect en the different Permit me space in that according to the phases of the game. The Depressing your valuable paper to appeals and his decis. Presentation match was imitations explain myself to the ions that his 35 years heat. a disappointment to mavariou clauses in Mr study has placed him ny who witnessed it.
Dont accept any Roy Chapman writing into that there are other Chambers, captain of entitled «An appeal» in professional men with The Rest. closed his tube or envelope your last issue. Before inore years of study who indigs at 131 runs for gcirg into details. do will not and cannot give wickets. Although havpackets without the not want Mr. Roy Chap such decisions as Mr. ing a variety of bowl.
Sure relief BAYER CROSS 88 man, neither the sport Chapman can give with ers at his command, he loving people to think in two appeals correct. failed to dislodge the that this reply is meant ly Me. Laren de Wanderers batsmen, 080880880830808808808808808088 380 088088CBOS to encourage any unplea cares that some of the ana to stop the long sant feeling between Mr. best umpires will not procession of 6, and 2, Chapman myself; but give a batsiran out before call of time. It is as a means of bringing because they are well for some of us to about a better under not sure of that decision, talk about being mem quarrel among Lod of pocket expenses they hence some of the Cos.
standing between us. Iam vvell Mr. Roy Chapman bers of Junior Cs, in ges and their members have been occasioned for ta Rica Lodges still held doing this in behalf of could your 35 years of our island homes; but was formerly almost un lawyers fees etc. to do on to her, thus all the the Sport Club study put you in such the question of playing beard, of but nowadays fend themselves before trouble.
of which form a part, a position that in the competitive cricket it is of as frequent oc they will treat with the The fight is going to be as a member whom he course of two consecu. matches abroad, is quite currence is any trading District Lodge; failing a stubborn one, because styled narrow minded, tive appeals your study a different matter. groups cavelling over the which they have placed these Lodges claim that know personally that makes you right with word of praise rights of their conces a claim for such expens they are registered under was one who tried to both. You ve got winshould be said about the sions, es before the lawcourts the laws of Costa Riea get at the finding of the derfel eyes. Again y u way in which the Wan Some time ago to recover the unneces. and were so, long before decisions he gavt to the retet us ro Mr. Jack deres. winners of the cup, heard of a dispecte be. sary amounts spent.
the District was incorpo.
appeals he mentions. Mr. Orane, where the books conducted themselves. tween the recently form. In the meantime the rated, hence their goods Chapman refers us to of rules can be had at a The men, under their ed District No. 10 of the Executive Council has and chattels, bought with laws Nos. 19 24 of the low price, am further leader, went forth with Samaritans, when this sent down a suspension their own moneys canM. book and declares reccommending you to a bull og tenacity, with District placed an in order against the Mt. not be taken away froin that these members some good writers such the will to win; and they junction beíore the Law Purity Lodge for claim them; to the contrary try to force things down as Mc. Laren. Jack did. Real leadership has Courts here, against the ing her cost against they are claiming that some body throat, for Hohbs and others who been the outstanding feat. Reorganized Mt. Purity the District with orders from the fact that they getting the old saying will give you a lot more ure in this competition, and the St. Stephens to the District to re. would not be ailowed you cant fool all the study now in one day and any team without Lodges of the Same Or. cover the working pa. to enter the to people all the time. but than you had in your 35 this, can never hope to der forbidding them to raphernalia of such Lod. place their grievances beMr. Chapman has for years.
win. The Wanderer. Con work without being afil. ges and prevent them fore the Council, they gotten that there is ano We as Judges of the struction match on June iated to them.
from tunetioning: at the will decide to secede ther old saying, that the game Mr. Roy, have still 9th, still lingers in cur These Lodges contend same time the District from the Aincrican Jufuather monkey climbs got much to learn about memory. Imagine a cap ed that according to Charts ot Panama, Co risdiction, and revert to the more he exposes cricket and tow it is to tain winning the toss and the Coristitution the Dis lon and Limon have been the British Independent himself. He claims he be played and judged. following it, on a slow trict could not go to recalled for purposes of order; thus it seem as if has got 35 years study drying pitc. From an Law with them until they reterritorializing them. there is going to be a of the game between Drummond amateur point of view, had exhausted every This step now taken great split in the Ranks such a thing is prepos. means of arbitration pos. should have been taken of the National Grand 00000000000 terous!
sible, and so complained three years ago, then Lodge Jurisdiction again, These are a few of to their High Executive there wouid have been Mindful of a duty out of the ſwany proofs, which the National Grand no dispute, because the The Gardeners riendship the most popular point directly to the Council of the Panama District Lodge PALMERA SOAP question of leadership. This Council in turn di No. was given in the While the Siquirres It is the opinion of the rected the District Grand old days territorial Juris branch of Free Gardiners Has arranged to distribute a value of almost writer, that the failure of Lodge No. 10 to with diction over Lodges in are seceding from the double the former value of the wrappings as a o some of the competing draw the lawsuit it had Panama, Costa Rica and body by becoming benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before clubs to take at least, instituted agaiost these Nicaragua, then the No. Scotch Mechanics. The All No. wrappings have a much greater value second place, is due to Lodges; this has been 10 District of Costa Ri order in Limon is more the inabi. ity of their done, but the Lodges ca was instituted with zealous than ever before; PALMERA SOAP on leaders.
now claim that they must out curtailing the Rights under the guidance of be reimbursed the out of the Panama No. Bro Allan Howard the Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be Gardeners will have a exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts Reduction of our great demonstration in will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
Distributor in Limon Expenditure and Armando Heilbron San Jose 19th inst in the celebra As is well known the tion of their AnniversaDistributors in Turrialba, appropiations which. have Graduate of the University of Paris ry. Two sister Lodges been put by the Executive Rojas, Cortés Cía.
will arrive from Bocas before Congress for the fiscal Specialist in affections of the blood and other deseases.
year 1932 33 has reached the Surgical cases given special attention.
del Toro on a Tourist Treatments modern. Prices moderate.
INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co. enormous sum of 29. 000. 000 Patients met on arrival by his interpreter, Mr. Lewis.
trip on the 16th inst to Congress has returned the Further information, if required, can be had of «The Searchligh. take part in the CeleApartado 271 Teléfono 3103 documents to the Presidential brations here which will Palace with a recommendation that this should be redube apparently a most ced to 24, 000, 000. so as to Our Picnic Trains again inspiring function. We quadrate with the Eatimated beg to thank the officers On Monday last The An. There were one Books! Books! Books! Revenue for the correspon glican Church took out an of the Rose of Ardath ding period seraps on the vvay but did The President now finds excursion train to Guapiles not result in any thing seri.
for the very kind invito give a days outing to the it not only inconvenient but Stop talking Nosense ing Parliamentary ous. One fellovv had a Ma tation extended to us.
and Read Good Books. Practise for Lodges and impossible to him from the Sunday School children, and chete exhibited on the train fact that he cannot reduce along with it the parents and claiming to be a police, but To advertise other Associations; Atlas the salaries which guardians; as usual the six Conductor Weeks in his Place your orders with History of the World; under his authority any lower Coaches taken the Selling Agent Etiquette Letter Wri to equalize his Revenue and erowded by the pleasure made him put it avvay rather is to double your seekers, vvith hardly standing than appear a menace to the Delevante, for whatever ter; Bibles of all kinds: Expenditure.
business or the steps.
As there are certain items passengers.
Books you need such Catholic Bible in English; provided by Law such as the as, The Business guide: Horse and Stock Books; Judicial. Parliamentary etc. ooooo 3000000 New Modern Webster Cook Books; Ideal Speak which the Executive cannot Dictionary; and Pocket er entertainer: Books touch except Congress will Attention!
Dictionary: Smith Bi on all wars and world frame an amendment to the 10. 000 in Prizes ble Dictionary: The New disasters; existing Statutes. He therefore calls upon Congress to Progress of a Race; Mo.
Young men and wo modify the Law by which Ask for Chiclets but say Adams dern Safe Counsel; Themen Books for all con their own salaries, those of Key to Culture; The ditions of life.
the Judges of the Supreme Chiclets ADAMS Mysteries of Life; PilCourts and other functionagrims Progress; Shake0. Delevante ries may be adjusted. We are all therefore anxiously awaitThe only legitimate Chiclets lookout for the coupons with Prizes in the Packages peare, complete in ing to see the outcome of his volume 1183 pages; Cush Siquures.
uggestions QOQOOQ0 OoooaoooOOOXQQOQO Q000 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
than No. and others. Dr. Valverde Vega Limon on Sunday ar. or tvvo room even OOOOOOOOOOO one 35


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