p. 4


Saturday October 17. 1931 LIMON FREE.
33. 883 83 880:88888888888888 Headaches 888888888888888888888888888888 Manager Collection Dept: Presidencia Cristopher Columbus.
Choir made a fine hit kiepinedesf these intran: New City Pan Pomona on Limon Service Bureau Continued from page in a more favourable si ANDcargoes that would other tuation was given the BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY wise be much delayed in preference of making Port ORGANIZED AND EQUI PED voyages; hence the bene. Limon a Puerto Libre or Often times the various Symptoms of fits to accrue to Limon Intransit Port; hence the Bureau established for the greater convenience, head ache is caused by constant strain of the understanding, satisfaction and protection of the En and Costa Rica generally rejuicings of those who muscles which are conected to the various glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Col by means of increased were in a position comlection Department annexed for the protection of Busnerves of your Eyes. correct the various errors inessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
Labour advantages in her mercially to judge the be of refraction as follows. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conPorts, as well as in the neftis to be derived from Myopia. Hypermetropia. Mix Astigmatism.
fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both augmented activities on such a decision by the Compound. Hyperopic Astigmatism.
now operated under the direction of a Barrister with her Railways is quite evi members of the Pan Ameover twenty five years practical experience. acquired on Compound. Myopic Astigmatism.
the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as dent. The Čubans made a rican Commercial ConfeIrregular Astigmatism. Presbyopia.
Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and bid before the world rence, at which don Feli Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials Hyperopic. Astigmatism. Myopic Astig.
are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and commercial Conferences pe Alvarado and don matism. And the muscular Anomilies of the Counsel.
for this preference for Ha. Luis Anderson represen human Eyes as follows Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore vanna, and so did Pana ted Costa Rica; when the Esophoria. Exophoria. Right Hyperphoria.
Barrister Accountant ma but Costa Rica being news arrived by Cable Left. Hyperphoria. Abduction. Adductica.
Attorney at Law Notary Public that Limon had been conAurelio Bermudez Cyclophoria. Sursumduction, etc.
ceded by the Chambers give Ocular Calistenic treatment to your Investigator Soliciting Manager of Commerce of the Prinmuscles bringing them back to normal con MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE cipal Nations of the world dition.
Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yard. West of the The at Siquirres the acknowledgment as a Dr. Azevedo Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports «Optometrist On Sunday the 11th, Port of Deposit for inand cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and transit Cargoes.
at. 30 Rally of Time payment plan to responsible patients. pay Jamaica, the 14 Parishes of Ja. to be settled to consumThe great question now a part down and y weekly or monthly the balance California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, on vour Glasses until full price is paid.
maica was staged in a mate the idea is who will most beautiful manner by 83 88 88 88 88 88 88 8888 89 construct the Warehouses the Representatives that to accommodate the safewere appointed. Also the that should always be sit goods. It Continued from page able to get Ferdinand the that the wharf would have Second of Spain to carry out remembered. We had Council MANZANA 31 Lot the to be reinforced and exentreaty of the the Crowns end of the con Organists Violinist and Queen confidante, the Next door to the of tended, so as to build Marquess of Moya, of Luis de May of 1506, poor, with out Stewart oi Siq Pre.
tract, he (ied on e 20th of 18 Choristers. Mr.
large Bodegas to stack When the new Cityfice of Juan José León Santangel, receiver of the Council of Kingston and (Sucs) you will find the ecclesiastical revenues of the discovered a new world, as away these goods, as may even knowing that bred has sided as Chairman, Mr, be seen on going to Co St. Andrews meet it will People Bakery, where crown of Aragon, and of he calways beleived that the Jones President made ion and Panama with their be composed of men of you can get, at all times, ot er countries, Isabel was lands discovered by him the opening address and induced to determine or the were belonging to Oriental turned the meeting over ating machinery for stow electric trucks and elev great experience in Mu. Booth Biscuits, Bread expedition, a messenger was India. This ended the life and nicipal matters, the elec and Buns of the best sent after Columbus and wonderiul career of one of overtook, him at a bridge the greatest men that the Anthem by Choir waslet ing. these goods at the ters have returned Messrs quality and flavour. the called «Pinos» miles from world has ever known, and the Gospel Light Shine minimurn of Cost, as well Dr. Penso, former finest in Limonur. the Granada. He returned to as for reembarking them Vice Chairman of the offering to the public a camp at Santa Fe, and on what he bore and risked Miss Williams Misses when the opportunity old Council, New Style of Bread call.
the 17th of April 1492, the his life to unvea to the human Satchwell. 1st. Rearrives.
Simpson, an old Mayor ed Pan Pomona made agreement between him and and Commissioner for from the best quality race for their benefit and teir Catholic Majesties were preseuted was Kingston.
There are those who the Municipal area, and flour. trial will con.
signed and sealed. Polson By Mr. Chas. Mc Loud are thinking that the old ex member of the Legis. vince you. Its a size loaf As his aims including not St. Thouras. By Mrs. Bodegas outside the wharf lative Council, that cannot be had for only the discovery of Ca.
Wynter. Portland by Mr. gates could b: used, but Meeks who pangu or Japan, but also Harris. St. Anos by Mr. these would entail too great chairman of the Munihs heen the price in Limón, the opening of intercourse with the gandkhan of Cathay Abel. Manchester By an expense for loading in cipa! board of St. CathP. BOOTH he received a royal letter. There is a very per Mr. Morgan. St. Ja the Railway Cars, and erine, Marcus Garvey, Limon, May 25th. 1931.
After all arrangements sistent rumour that one mes Mr. Ellis, St. Éli unloading outside with a member of the old were concluded and Columof our passenger trains zabeth. Mr. Petgrave. the same process bus with great difficulty was ove Council, Durie a Conductor hit furnished men for the equipwill soon be suppressed, Trelawny Mr. Muir again when a ship offers; widely experienced jour.
ment of his ships etc. etc. but judging from the fact Westmoriand. Phin. therefore to economize in nalist, Dillon sailed out of the town of that the Executives are ikin. Clarendon Mr. Tnos. the costs to the merRev. Mc Laughlin, It is an old and well acceptPalos with three ships, the calling on the Adminis Golden of Limon Dir. chants who own these also a memb:r of the axiom established by Santa Maria, The Niña and tration of the Northern Speakers Chief Subject goods, Warehouses and fa old board, Duval, Jesus himself and so, much the Pinta, with a crew com to be relied on. He vvho prising a total of altogether Railway to reinstitute the was on the Production cilities must be construc also a former City Coun lives by the Sword vvill die 88 souls on Friday the 3rd. service of the trains of the Parishes, bound ted and provided on the cillor; associated with by it»
of August 1492 at o clock which were suspended ries. Educational, Com. Piers, even if these have Mr. John Souletle and Conductor Fenix has been in the morning, betwen Cartago and mercial, population, and got to be extended for the Mr. Feurtado an at all times acknovyledged He first reached the Caas the fighting Conductor; Alajuela it can hardly be Spiritual. The deliveries purposes; hence our worknary Islands, were he stopped and from thence he proceed thought possible that of the Representatives men must be benefitted experienced Engineer he is said to be a pugilist and so has alvvays been government sanction were much applauded by by the transaction. The blic works Department taking the advantage of persighted the first land of the would be obtained for the audience; anthems, only draw back is that, in several high positions, sons on the company trains new world or an island called such a move. The mid Solos. quartetts. Trios the government being in not as vvell educated in the Guanabani which he after even as Asst: Director, day train leaving San and Djets. were rend straitened financial condiart as he is, vvell he seem wards named, San Salvador these latter two to have got his desserts on This island is now generally Jose for Cartago and ered intera ediarily. tion at this moment, elected by the Council. Monday last vvhen he boxed identified with the Watliog return has been a great The Chairman. Mr. the construction of these lors as Aldermen. The up a young fellovy from Islands, ther he discovered facility to the travelling Stewart delivered an His. accommodations may be toss up now is who will vvhom he is said to have Cuba, Puerto Rico, and San public hence its resump. torical address. Meeting delayed, except some pow tried to collect his Ticket a to Domingo. He settled here he elected by them as tion is being demanded was brougnt to a close by erful commercial Concern their Chairman hence second time on the Siquifrom some time and then he rres. Parismina the returned to Spain taking by the populace.
the National Anthem. will undertake the respon Mayor of Kingstoa. Spec. youngman insisted that he Indians, animals, peices of sability of the structures, ulation is rife that Hou. had already handed him his gold etc.
however we know that Seymour who as Repre ensued in vwhich he beat up In 1493 he discovered Jaour energetic Governor sentative for St. Andrews the young fellovy Chisholm maica and other islands of don Juan Romagosa has a seat on this body by name, whose brother on NEW STORE the lesser antilies, and again returned to Spain. In a beg to announce, to my numerous customers, through whose fertile brain will be the choice of his seeing his brother illtreated fourth and last trip he dis that have again established my store in Limon at the matter has been ini associates; some think unjustly, and judging, that covered Cabo Gracias, Hon. the corner of the Market. formerly José Yunis. tiated and brought to its Mr. Simpson he would not be able to duras, after he had called up You can be assured of the salue kind treatment present stand will devise will again be elected to. on this trip to Santo Do which gave you in the past, when was Manager the means and ways of the high post.
ing discretion the better mingo, and refused landing, of the Jamaica Store, for many years which is well part of valour, waited till because of trouble waged kuovyn by one and all in Costa Rica.
overcoming this difficulty the train got into the staon him and which caused Please give me a call and be convinced of my and so help to make Lition at Siquirres, got hold the appointment of another VERY LOVV prices and the best of material.
mon the prosperous Port of a Rock and throvving it Governor. Etc.
To advertise is to YOUR FRIEND she has been in days at the conductor head, hit On the 18 of September gone by.
double your business him on the cheekbone, this in the year 1502 he anchored threvv the champion in an of Cariay bay of Limon and avvful temper had he caught disembarked on the island the perpetrator he would quay of La Uvita, he stayed Life Guarantee JUAN MEZA DENTIST certainly have ended his here for 17 days, whilst he CARTAGO stone throvving activities but COSTA RICA The surest security for preserving a healthy vigorous body is to drink always repaired his vessels which 2010 Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building the Police intervened and go: Out or order, during this GS Central Street 325 Yards East of Market prevente: further troubles time he made exchanges or by arresting young Chisholm, merchandise with the indians made and distributed under the supervision of vvho vvas soon bailed by for curios and other goods Preference given patients from Limon and other his friends and relatives.
and novelties. He returned The Florida Ice and Farm Co. points of Atlantic Zone.
Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed to Spain in 1504 and soon after died with out. He ns Printed in Falcó Hermanos cur Railways ed or were run, GEORGE BREEDY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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