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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED SATURDAYS TE000 Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment Create your own opportunities, find out your own qualifications. Any work that gives you great pleasure in its prosecution is that which is best suited for your opportunities. Follow no work in which you feel yourself a slave to conditions.
We all have a definite mission in life it is for us to find it by our God given Talents, instincts, tendencies and abilities.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY NOVEMBER 21. 1931 Toot NUM. 101 In defence of the British labor NOTIFICATION Government a a a Board of Charity San Jose The pendulum of time and mau has towards the affairs circumstances seemed to had of his Government and that Translation of notice in which his maladies swung towards the demands his King and his country can be remedied, he may of a new generation when may again find it expedient appearing in «La Trifor him to take part promibuna. we saw England, the most as weli give orders that conservative and one of the to extremes in their pret criterion in comiog to nently in such affairs.
The public and the all the infirm be shot or proudest nations of the world entions. The English educat decision has unjustly attri The coming into power of corresponding authori done away with, either giving room on the 9th of ed public felt that innova buted England difficulties the Labor Party brought ca. ties are equally advised, order would be equally June 1929 to a Labour Party tions should be introduced to a lack of experience on pable and distinguished men to hold the reins of its Go in their politics and recog. political iatricacies of the to serve in making up a that with a view of avoid criminal.
vernment for a second time. nized that the labouring Labor Government. However bright page in England ing the absolute cloThis publication is a Those of us who believe man views and ideas should facts have proven that the history. It is not enough that sure of the Institutions disgrace on the integrity that the world should not intermingle and take part greater part of these diffic: England glory should be of the Hospital in San of the Nation, and should be monopolized by a regime in the conducting of the af ulties hade their origine venne attributed only to men of Jose known as Hospital not be taken as lighthtitle and birth. She would San Juan de Dios, as heartedly as it is by those in of opportunity should not keep of which he forms prom ment was installed; but what then be considered and clasbe locked against capable inent feature. The King and postponed the climax which sified by Historians as well as the Asylum for persons who are responon people thus confided and came during the term of the country of class and her the Insane, the Board of sible for the good gove the absence of historica that confidence was kept latter, is the extent of the boasted democracy would Charity has resolved not erment of our people.
birch records had sighed sacred.
Empire resources and her have been sunken on theoryto admit any more sick the present members of with a certain amount of To be acquainted with the unimpeachable credit that satisfaction at this signifi British constitution is to be served to submerge tempor Mc Donald who sacrificed people (patients) in both the Board of Charity cant recognition of inherent aware of the technicalities arily the conditions that the interests of his party for of these establishments in whose hands lie the value.
involved between the Gov. developed recently into a that of his country and in while the economically administration for the The many problems and ob ernment, the Kingdom and phenomenal revelation. The whom the King of Eugland stringent condition of care of our sick and stacles that were brought into the Parliament; then appre difficulties in her commerce, found capacities for untrust this Corporation exists. needy are incapable to the English social and policiate the sobermindedness the unemployment inconveing the steering of the great tical life during the period the spirit of solidarity that niences, the Indian trouble, ship of State in spite of Sgd. HERRERO Cope with the situation of the Labor Government was evinced by persons who the disarmament Entangle, apparent failure in leading The Secretary then it is the Chief Exwere before unexperienced, after having struggled for rent, the European political nis party, are rare. The King ecutive business to disthe theory of precedence was their existence at the early complexities, all existed prior was and is confident of Mc. It is very plain to be miss such a Board and unavailable, as the world and during the major part to the Labor Government Donald preparedness for seen that poor people adopt measures that will has been going through a of their lives, viewing as un term of office. Whether it one of the was intentionally manipulat epoch of his reign and he il now a days must die to say close the doors most crucial who may take seriously meet tlie situation, but process of reorganization just and partial the previous development of aspirations regimes of a strong and ed by able politicians to made no hesitation in acakthat knows no limit; the powerful Gov rnment that shift these responsibilities ing it manifesto on the streets like dogs, of our Hospitals and forming and adjusting of seemed to have had establish on the shoulder of the LaThe press tells us that the if this announcement is Mental Institutions, rennew Governments has broken ed a barrier against their bor Administration to test triumph of Ramsey Mc. Don to be carried out.
ders such Oficials inore all records, and the inven aspirations, that these very its capabilities, or whether ald at the head of the new tions of Institutions the ca persons should have held it might have been that the English Government at the Formerly very poor fit for the Hospitals for pacities of which had scarce ihose identical means of pow. other parties had exhausted recent election is the most patients from the Pro the Insane than most of ly entered the imagination er in their hands and con their means of rescuing the brilliant in the history of vinces were sent up by the Inmates at present of the most talented Europ ducted themselves as the country from this inevitable England. May the question the corresponding Jun io that Institution.
ean diplomat has become a British Labor Party did, has and complicated conditions be asked: Is it ot that the tas de Caridad on recmatter of course, given to the world a very hoping that Labour would English people are satisfied commendations of the lence counts, are there This is where BenevoEngland position in the high standard of National butt upon some means of adthat Me. Donald is the most District Medical officers no benevolent rich men world forced her to main ism.
justing them, is a matter for capable man in whom to tain not only a strenous but Could any one dare to history to resolve. But the intrust the fate their in each vicinity, but now, in Costa Rica; It is as delicate equilibrium in criticize any of the acts of fact remains that the Labor country? Still we must say it can not be done any incumbent on the wealthy these conditions of unrecord. Mr. Phillip Spowden during Government has removed that althouh differences of more in face of this to took after caring ed proceedings. Her double bis two terors as Chancellor England from the isolated opinion has forced Mr Mc publication; what then the sick and needy in fold policy of maintaining her of the Exchequer? When it is position to which she was kingdom as well as the de taken into consideration that drifting through former party from his party. kis glory will happen to our very any country as it is on mocratic principles of her the English debt alone is prejudices.
remains as a credit to Labor. sick and indigent people? the government In other Government, her prestige in over 30. 000 000. 000 and If Labor had doled out It proves that capable men is it not a crime that countries we find Hos.
the immediate compliance that her Budget runs over millions of Pounds Sterling are to be found amon those they must die for want pitals of different kinds of obligations with or in 800. 000 000 that she pays to the «unemployed it is wom the world drunken with which monetary interests are of the attention that they being founded endowalne to her army and navoy because Labor like the Go selfishness and vain preten claim from our City ed for its upkeep by involved, and which had es. 400. 000. 000 and that all vernment at preceded it tions has endeavoured contablished her as the world these interests were placed it believes that a Govern tinually to Taboo and to Fathers, our Politicians the charitable, Rich but banker, the confidence and under the management of ments is responsible for the keep under their heels. It and our Statesmen? here in Costa Rica our security that her banking the son of a weaver, there upkeep of its nationals by was left for the Labor Party Does our President not patriotic Rich men are facilities and manipulations must have been sufficient contributing to their cir to escort the right man to had secured for her, the prosee such a publication? willing to stand by and prool of his efficiency when cumstances, just as the na Downing Street and although Does he not realize that see our Hospitals closed, tection of her trade policies the Eoglish people so decid tionals are obligated in the it has fallen in its political the which if altered would ed. It was Mr. Snowden who discharge of their duty in the battle, it leaves in the eyes a most natural conse. do they realize the state revolutionize the whole sys on Succeeding Mr. Wioston upkeep of their Government of the world this VILLAGE quence of a man who of affairs that would tem of British commerce on Churchill as Chancellor, de through the never ending SCHOOLMASTER wielding the cannot find work, with exist, as a result of such which anchors tie entire clared that the Young plan burden of tax payments. If Mr. destinies of a great Empire. which to feed himself and a decision? do they im.
structure of ber Empire; all would have to be changed Henderson and his followers these raust be taken into before he could accept it. refused to accede to a pro his family is Sicknees magine the infamy that consideration by any Govern Then this man of humble posal of reduction on the of mind and body? and would be cast at their rrent upon whose shoulders birth in spite of the doubts «dole policy» this does not Limón, Nov. 1931. if the can find no place names in the generations these responsibilities that bis confreres held or make him or his followers to come.
placed, and which the Labor the seriousness in his pre less patriotic. Mr. HenderGovernment endeavoured to We are in a state of Decline in British Unemployment tentious, fought bitterly at son believes that the «wealmaintain.
the discussions of the Hague thy» have not made enough very depressing Crisis, When one realizes the Reparations Conference to sacrifice for the saving of London Oct. 26. Unem 250. 000 in doles. The but such a thing cannot complications of interests protect the finances of his the precarious situation on ployment figures for oc decrease of unemployment be, because much unknown in many other Government, whom he be. which the country bordered. tober 19 to be issued is attributed largely to in be done; if the Lottery Governments, such as the leves had been giving too He believes that the burden tomorrow are expected to creased manufacturing to Scheme which is the blending of historical ritual many concessions that would is asked to be shouldered isms into the demands of eventually ceplete her Treas by the masses so as to save show a decrease in three meet export demands support of these Institu world civilization, ury and sooner or later dis the classes. These proposals weeks of nearly 90. 000. which have arisen since tions, is not being run and this into the former in establish her traditonal re are inconsistent with the It is estimated that will Great Britain went off the in a manner congeniat such a systematic manner cord for meeting every obli policy of his party, and he result in a saving of Gold Standard.
to raising a sufficien y that the archaisms lends it gation promptly and full. simply translated his policy of tunds to cover the self with an amount of com Cannot this Labor man be by the attitude which he plaisance that softens any placed in the scale with any took, emphasizing firmly a expenses, adopt some pretended obduracy in the of England Chancellors of defense of his convictions Debate! Debate!
other means of running exactions of the latter. fame. be weighed without and those of his constituents.
the Loitery, vv y tie your Never did a people prove to being round wanting? For He like the other leaders of AT THE BURIAL SCHEME HALL self to an old fashiothe world their level headed not alone in this Internation Labour is satisfied that their At pm. monday. november 21, 1931 ned System that vvill ness as did the British when al Conference did Mr. Snow. party has gained their way ALPHA LITERARY vs UNIVERSITY CLUB the Labor Government held den prove his capabilities in by grim determination, prenot give results. Try anall this potent and technic finances, but many of the ponderous opposals, and Resolve: children are obligated to their parents after they other plan; the Panama al mechanism in their hands. domestic financial affairs of great sulferances for the have become of age.
Tickets are much induig.
The conservative public of England has had positive maintenance of their creed.
ALPHA LITERARY CLUB: Affirmative ed in here in spite of England were time and effective reforms intro Nevertheless he realizes that UNIVERSITY CLUB: Negative all that the goveron est afraid of an abuse of power, duced by this able man. his countrymen recognize Silver collection at the door. The public is invited nor did the Labor Party go Persons deviating from a the rights that the Labor Continued to pag. were can current at no Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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