
Saturday November 21. 1931 Necrology Chiclet ADAMS Our political and Financial upheavals was Traube Cerveza merce Revivals begin in 0000000000000 000000000000000000000 British Industry Attention!
London Oct. 30. In us 10. 000 in Prizes trial areas report a definite boom for British trade.
It is with a feeling of profound sorrow that we Ask for Chiclets but say Adams Several hundred Glasgow ANDREW JOHNSON on Monday night last. Mr.
record the demise of so good a man as Mr. DAVID men who had been idle Johnson had been for many years associated with the for months have been re firm of the Keiths, from the inception the of Construction engaged on works where of the Northern Railway in and around Limon, he The only legitimate Chiclets lookout for the coupons with Prizes in the Packages orders for 000 tons of was a leading figure, and has always been keenly intesteel shafts have been rested in every thing that concerns Limon and its ooooooooooooooooooooooo000000000 people.
oncerns Limon and to booked for foreign buyers He died at the post of duty as Agent of the «John and other Clyde Steel Keith Bank» leaving behind him memories of an Changes works report keen inquire affectionate and amiable gentleman in the breasts of of Train Service ies.
The entire world has manpower, he has amassed Four foreign firms have Religious ceremonies of the Episcopal church, amid the last rites of the Masonic Order of which, he was acquired factories in Bira much admired member. May His Soul Rest in Co. has advised the Pub recent times and great such inventions, and now mingham and further Peace. He died leaving an amiable wife and eight lic that from and after panic has arisen in many that the rude awakening applications for sites have children to mourn their irreparable loss, to whon the Monday the 23rd inst. there quarters in consequence of comes to him, he will cot will be no more Sunday the stringency in the dis stop to think that the God English firms, from France, well as to his Bro. Mr. Bob. Johnson our British Vice train from or to Guapiles. tribution of the means of of nature is also an inven.
Germany and Holland.
The regular old line train the purchasing power of tor and must invent a reTentative inquiries have will leave Toro Amarillo the inhabitants of this glo medy for all the erroneous also been received from OBITUARY for Siquirres at 50 oclock be. The wisest heads of commitments of man by fourteen continental Amer.
Departed to his eternal rest at Estrada, on Mondays, Wednesdays the world have been inca his inventions; he has ican firms.
on Nov. 13 1931 and Fridays; returning from pable of solving the sit. thrown millions and millions (Reuter. JOHN BAILEY KELLY Siquirres at 45 on uation and well they might out of employment, thereA native of Jamaica, aged 106 years Tuesday, Thursday and be. Do they not see the fore the very implements Wives must clean May his soul find peace Saturdays.
hand of God in all this he has invented become Mrs. FAIRCLOUGH The Local Trains will consternation? Man has useless to him today; for Husbands shoes Carmen leave Limon at 15 a. been drunken in prosperity the many millions of unBerlín, Sep. 30. Wives and San Jose at 10 a. caused possibly by the suc employed he has been the The Trains for the Monte cesses resultant from the means of keepingidle canmust clean their husband Further Verde Branch will leave world war, he has run not find the means to purshoes, a Berlin court has Co. Salaries Siquirres at the usual hour riot in an era of inventions chase the extra supply which ruled, in granting a divordiscrimination are now paid in on Thursdays and Fridays. to get rid of mankind and his inventions have been ce to a Berlin bank clerk.
The latter proved that he Sterling only Even in the semi civi ogleda the means of producing overwhelmed with lized Black Republic of so he experiences a Crisis, and he squeals and cannot work, trying to make ends Saving in salaries now Life Guarantee Haiti, are Jamaicans being meet, and could not afford figured out at 30. 000 discriminated against. The The surest security for preserving a healthy vigorous body is to drink always understand why the value to keep a servant.
66 of his stocks have fallen, Chief Enginers of Public per annum 99 his goods cannot be sold The court decided that The latest move in the works there, has issued an in view of his labours and and soon he is ruined and made and distributed under the supervision of United Fruit Company econorder that no foreigners finds himself a poor man also in view of his social omy campaign is that all sal and particularly Jamaicans The Florida Ice and Farm Co position he was entitled aries of employees in Jamalca must be employed in puof in desperation he shoots himself, why, because he to expect that his wife will in future be paid in blic vvorks and those does not stop to think on should polish his shoes sterling and not in American the orderings of a Supreme and send him out neat to currency, thus avoiding the now employed must be payment of the bonus» on dismissed.
Carlos Manuel Fernandez Being, he cannot recognize his business.
which a number of the higher The department of Comsalaried employees here realso taken up DENTIST the handwriting on the rceived last month from Wall. Were we all to be a the the matter and issued a Mr. Scott Invention rate of exchange.
Specialist in movable bridges of the Akeres or Deefour type bit more generous, a trifle The new rule will be made decree that Jamaicans who Plates or bridges of Inlay type without crowns and without any more charitable to oneReferring to Mr. effective from the beginning were not registered in their inconveniences for the patient.
another the crisis would Scott invention of the of this month and will be some books of Commerce during Teeth set in Hecolite, Gold, Porcelain, Aluminum, and Rubber not count with us. Let us internal Combustion Motor thing of a disappointment to 1930 1931 could not be Office in front of the 2nd. Section of Police in Av.
Engine in Ecuador. An those employees who are thus employed by any of the Hours to 11. 30 and to p.
adopt ourselves to condiSan José. Box 1252 Telephone 4201 tions. Let us realize that article in a journal in that moved off the gold standard»
on which they were getting large firms. What ingrati our Father knows what is country refers to Mr. Scott a nice little increase of pay tude. in Cuba as was as in best for us, and must find work as a triumph, a amounting to 20 to 35 per Haiti during their revolutions wonder, as being the fruit cent of their salaries.
us raiment, shelter from and troubles with storms and food, do not be of many years labour. Mr. Some further discharges have spain and France, Jamaica Scott values his work as taken place in the last couple impatient and rush into de Juan Bta. Ortiz Farmacist of days as a consequense of was the only Home of Redebts, to cope with the sibeing worth over a million the economy compaign, and fuge to save the necks of Avenue de las Damas, from the Atlantic Station tuation, but be calm and dollars.
the total saving effected in some of the best brains oposite corner of the Imprenta Alsina get into reasoning with He was born in Kings overhead in Jamaica by the who are ruling Haiti and Makes a specialty in the despatch of Prescriptions, Pharmaceutical your Inner am, realize ton, and is son of Mr. Company in this last cut, now Cuba today, and yet this preparations, and Patent Medicines of all kinds. Attends all orders by Post. The direction can be shown by his Agent along the lines that the Birds of the air, Alfred Theophilus Scott, amounts to about 30. 000 is the recompense.
Mr. LEWIS Cash Deposits and the beasts of the forests who won a bronze MusThe Gleaner Is it any surprise that Apartado 510, San José, Telefone 2106 are fed; how much greater grave Medal, the highest our thinking men are adare ye than these?
award for Arts Crafts To advertise vocating Nationalization in Panics of this nature are in Jamaica also a Gold any country where colour The Tourist Trade not uncommon they have Medal in the Crystal Pal is to double your ed Britishers may find come before and have been ace Exhibition of London themselves because unforThis coming season will Dec. for Miami, Havanna, tided over and ours will some years ago.
business tunately Britain can do or be a specially bright one. Kingston, Panama, San be tided too but only by is doing nothing for them. By the Daily Gleaner we Francisco and back to a firm trust in the charita.
Remember if you see find that the United Fruit New York. This boat is ble disposition of an Al.
Dr. Raul Orozco Casorla your neighbour beard get Co. will open up the season one the new steamers wise Father. He must Dental Surgeon afire, quickly wet yours by one of their new Ships, recently ordered, she is an provide, and how? by a.
with saltwater to keep it the Talamanca leav 11000 ton boat with her wakening in mankind a of the Royal College of Surgeons England cool. Naturalize and learn ing New York on the 23rd. promenade decks enclosed charitable inclination in our Modern Dental Clinic 00 the Spanish language so by glass, with constant hearts one toward another.
you may not be discrimi.
East of Imprenta Alsina. Apartado 1300. San José Ghandi again swimming pools and nu Continued on page nated against here. 150 merous other pastimes. In Patient met at Station by his Representative London, 18. Mahatma all there are over 60 special Japanese chinese Mr LEWIS Tourist boats expected to English Spoken Limits with Panama Ghandi has given an ulti matum to the British Gov. call at Kingston this seas.
conflict The Accion Commun of ernment, announcing that on away from the regular Japan has throvvn the Panama are urging the if the government does sailings. com mere gauntlett in the face of The Panamanian government to not do Something for In There has been formed League of Nations, proving Occulistic Clinic take immediate action to dia by 1st. of December, a Tourist Association of Nations. She has given the the inutility of this Assembly clear the Costa Rican Set he will embark on the formed in this country at note of vvarning to the Soof Doctor Jose Corvetti tlers and authorities out of 4th for Bombay to direct the head of which we find viet government that any help GRADUATE OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY Specialist on deseases and afflictions of the eyes what they call Panamanian a new and more intense Mr. Ricardo Villafranca but extended to China vvill result Surgical cases given special attention Territory, but in reality movement of civil disobe until now we have not heard in very serious consequences.
PRICES MODERATE UNDER MODERN TREATMENTS Glasses of all kinds fitted to suit the vision according to the White dience, it is said he will of the programme for these taken the City of Tsisithar Apartado 1123 English Spoken boundary decision, is cer start up a new Boycott. parts away from the sailings and occupied the Railroads The Clinic and Sanitarium of Dr. Figueres Patients met on arrival and directed by his Agent Mr. Teofilo Lewis tainly Costa Rican lands. unders which no Indian of the United Fruit Co. as East and West of the captWe are therefore expecting Servant, office clerk or usual. DE ured Territory. The Chinese that this government will workmen will work for forces are entirely routed and disbanded.
take steps immediately to the English people whether To advertise is to China is Official settle this long pending in a private or soliciting the aid of the League under arBoundary question. capacity.
double your business ticle 15.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceGermanyItalySpainWorld War

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