
Saturday, November 21. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Toothache. ON Liberty Hall Again SON Property of A.
CAFIASPIRINA Garvey Confers With Sec. Drummond a ion on The alpha call a failure Stret a splendida por Our political and.
reLiberty Hall, at 76 the radio before the The Lord Mayor said King Street, the head Cotton Exchange, at a that he felt that finanquarters of the Kingston luncheon tendered in cial and conomic conQuick relief Division of the Univer his and the Lady Mayor ditions had now reachsal Negro Improvement ess honour, and at a ed a point vvhere they Association, which was dinner given by foreign could only improve.
a subject of much liti news correspondents. In his radio address the gation some time ago At the luncheon gi Lord Mayor declared that and which was sold to ven by the New York his visit to this country GENEVA Among Problem of Negroes in assurances were given the late Mr. Elias Alex Cotton Exchange at had been, for both him the visitors at League of him by the League per ander, tavern keeper, who India House, the Lord and the Lady Mayoress, Nations headquarters to League Mandates manent secretary.
subsequently disposed of Mayor urged the need one of the most pleas day was Marcus Garvey, Discussed at Length Assured that the Leais to Mr. Altamont Dol for greater commerce sant trips of their lives. Commissioner to Europe gue had the petition phy, business and racing between the United William Dovvdell, Representing the Black To Take up in 1932 under consideration and promoter, was bought States and Great Brit vice president of the Cot Peoples of the World.
that it would come on by the organisation a ain, and while he did ton Exchange, presided He called on Sir Eric Trying to Get East Afri the Agenda next year, few weeks ago.
not mention the word at the luncheon. Other Drummond, the League can Territory for Devel Garvey left for London The amount paid was tarift in his speech ne speakers vvere Gerald Secretary General, and 1, 700, and the sale was implied that the bur. Campbell. Consul Gen. conferred with officials opment by on November 3rd for effected through Messrs. den created by it eral at Nevv York; Her of the mandate section Jamaica; where he has Samuel and Samuel, so should be offset by bert Gibson; vice pre concerning the petition which, according to his resided since his expullicitors for Mr. Dolphy increased buying from sident of the Manchester of the Universal Negró petition in 1928, seeks sion from the United while Messrs. Levy. England on the part of Cotton Association, and Improvement Associat: the transfer of the Lea States. He stated that a Thomas Hamilton and United States.
George Miller, ion and the African Com gue mandate over it to Convention of Negroes Williams, Trustees Both in his speech at former president of the munities League for act the Universal Negro Im would be called in Jaof the A. repre India House and over Nevy York Cotton Ex behalt of the provement Association maica early next year sented the division in Station WJZ later in the change.
struggling and oppres for scientific develop to name a delegation to the purchase.
aftero. on, the Lord Ma Last night the couple sed ack people. which ment. The mandate is represent them at the In connection with the yor told of a meeting vvere the gue ts of for. he submitted to the Lea: now held by Great Brit League.
purchase an extraordin he had with Manchester eign correspondents. gue in 1928.
ain. Mr. Garvey did not, Froin The New York ary meeting of the As cotton merchants before They returned to England It was learned that Mr. however, reveal what Times.
sociation will be held he sailed for his ten day on Saturday.
Garvey took up specific on Sunday afternoon at visit to this country.
ally the problem of o clock at Hidalgo Tanganyika territory, piazza in West Queen Aviation School Dear Mr. Editor: who would become in On the 23rd. inst the plane gramme has been arrContinued from page of seeing such a panic as which is intended to operate have been greatly terested in us, but we anged.
In the year 1886 that of these last days, and The Gleaner on behalf of the National impressed with the arti have also failed in that now, pausing in the midst School of Aviation will leave cle «Quod Status Quo respect.
Spurgeon preached a ser of it, it may be as well to California arriving bere about Natio. think if you We have not heard for mon entitled Lesson from look around. What about the 30th Nov. to take up Our people brand us these commercial shakings? service. There are several will remember, my first as «EGOISTS. Their sure, but we are press the then Great Panic. need hardly remind you he How can we account for students of Aviation ready article written in these sons look at us with uming that this suin was was one of the greatest gifts them? Are they not results waiting to take up their pages was. The Politi black eyes. Our Negro realized from the ever given by the great Head of the law of change and studies.
cal, Intellectual and Fi Associations fail to co.
funded amount from the of the Church to this world instability which is stamped There are grades, one of nancial Deficiencies of operate with us, and we case against the Regis we are living in. The sermon upon every created thing? 25 hours tuition of primary the Colored Youths of Li have become to them, trar of Titles, brought refer to, of which now Instead of wondering at pa flights and acrobatic stunts nics, we may well wonder about by the prejudicial give you an extract, could which will cost 500 dollars; mon. Perhaps my ideas «Stagnant Water. So that they do not come of one of 20 hours to cost 300 were premature, but felt can agree with» Miles Misale of the Chief Justice well be a message for our present conditions.
dollars, then there will be the same as «Miles Mil. litante» and all the opproThe Hon, Sir Fiennes Teat great servant of God We may say of conditions hourly lessons costing 25 itante» feels today. One brium he costs at our Lennard Barrett, and said.
around us as Dr. Watts does dollars per hour until they of my reasons for taking com uunity, because if overturned by the full «Every now and then in of our natural body: He says: are fit to pass the Board of «Strange that a harp of a examiners and receive their a stand in the Alpha Li each club had the neces.
Court subsequently;since our commerce, God gives a serious sha eto our fiairs. thousand strings should keep diplomas as Pilots. Students terary Club was to fos sary co operation from the arrival of Mr. Cama Men usually have a degree istuce so long. Is it any won will be taught, besides their ter that feeling of Na our community, we would cho the new attorney of confidence in their fellow der that the machine of ordinary exercises in flights. tionalism in the minds become a strong factor General for Jamaica, he men, and on the strength commerce sometimes gets Theory of flights, aerodyna of our youths, because, politically.
has recommended the of this legitimate confidecce out of order? The wonder is that wth so much diet of vigation, aeroplanes and mo honestly we really should But there is one thing settling (out of Courts) business flourishes, but on a sudden, as though seized trickery, deceit and covettors for aviation.
have a national status.
of this claim against with madness, they say in ousness, it goes on at all, an not agree with my Passengers will be carried First of all, we formed friend Militante. andtbat Mr. Mellish by the Trus their haste with David All Considering the depravity of on these flights to Limon tees of the men are liars. and forthwith the heart of man, it is pern and Puntarenas passengers ing the patron of this Rege Dances. He ought a constitutional law, mak is, casting remarks at our for iladvisedly transferring the title of the boat is quite able to ferry governments are so stable Irazu aad Poas Volcanos club, any governmental to know that that is the ten dollars each and flights dignitary, that would be greatest means of reveproperty before the ap fi they will have patience, so smoothly. We can only around the City at five do able to give us the neces. nue for those who make peal was heard, hence but they are carried away attribute it to the presiding llars, with conventional prices sary protection, thus them. Rege dances are this re purchase.
with the notion that it will providence of God that there for other trips, soon be swamped, and there are not more crashes and guaranteeing for us na a neccessity. For ins.
fore they push and fight disasters.
Depression is Near End, quiet tional privileges. We sent lance our Improvement to get on board all at once, But still, what of these out our siren call all Associations make them Says Mr. Titt and so bring to pass the shakings, if they must come, Lodging House over the town, infact over to help pay lights and Mr. Lewis is to be the country to see whe rents, and infact, they are Lord Mayor of Man had they but a little patience Why this much that ultimately they are among the congratulated on the up to ther our youths would not in favor of nationachester Urges Ameri. and a little forbearance, were date manner he is endeavour be awakened to the rea lism, as their future is they much less greedy, and greatest blessings which God ing to put his Hotel. The ca To Trade More much more considerate of sends us, for with all their With Britain. the others; but selfishness takes attendant calamities they of The Imprenta Alsina, which tance. We even tried to us ever hoped to reach.
Gran Portland house in front lization of their impor in a land that none of fire at the least suspicion, shake only the things which he recently bought out from get them to meet descent New York, october 16. blazes into mistrust and set may be shaken, while the certainly agree and New World Oeconomic ting its neighbor headelen. teine se waich cand te mhaith in place basa certainly powisitors them every opportunity ideas, although they are Mrs Alvira Williams. The people. We have given sympathise with your depression has reached soon finds its own dwelling a healthier state because the to San Jose from the lines to lift themselves from not of today birth, and the end of the lane in flames too. Greed is so unsound and rotten things will do well to drop in and that slime that they are cavassure you that you and better times may be afraid lest one brick of its lave been discovered and satisfy themselves.
accustomed to, but we have my Co operation expected, according to house should be stolen that removed Patients coming to San is are sorry to say, our whenever you need it.
George Frank Titt, Lord it pulls out the corner stone to keep it safe under the perly rooted in the prova Jose to consultthe doctor attempt is a hopeless We all cannot be leaders, Mayor of Manchester, bed, and the whole building idential care of an. Allwise fortable home at the one, so far. We make someof us must follow so England, who in a busy tumbles about its ears. Father, we shall not be disPortland House of periodical functions, and will follow your ideas, day yesterday spoke over Few of us ever dreamed mayed for we shall find him as. Lewis.
invite those of our people with a little advice, DO NOT DESIST.
Our help in every need DOLORES JOSEPH CLINICA FIGUERES For He shall our every hunger feed. Notice of business purchase Among the Sick All sick and infirm persons from the distressing, Malarial Zones of the Atlantic This will notify the public in general that have this day and Pacific Regious, who require doctors attention and up to date nursing, will do To obtain results bought the Lodgings formerly carried on by Mrs. Alvira Williams We are very pleased to well to go straight to the SANITARIUM of DOCTOR FIGUERES.
in San José known by the name of Excelsior House and will meet Mr. Josiah Frazer who Very moderate charges. Confortable, airy dormitories, coupled with sympathetic carry on as a Lodging and Boarding House under the name of has been for several weeks and efficient Nurses, as well as tbe skilful aid of some of the best doctors in in your business, Portland House in future.
and San Jose, whose pleasant and affable dispositions lend inspiration and confidence Special attention, clean and comfortable rooms to my patrons.
in the San Juan de Dios to the patient. His agent Mr. Lewis will meet all patients by appointment at bu how OBUS Hospital under the direct the Stations, and conduct then direct to the Clinic.
Ya advertise in THE LEWIS care of Dr. Carlos Valverde.
address LEWIS He is convalescing very faLa Gondola, Frente Imprenta Alsina, San Jose In front of Imprenta Alsina, San José.
vourably after three distinct operations.
tener preted at www. Few 100 YARDS TO THE NORTH OF IMPRENTA ALSINA Mes progledad deya bidlioteca Nacional Wildet Obregórt Litano de Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y luventud Costa Rica WWWWWWWWW


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