p. 4


PAGE Saturday 21 November. 1931 The Place of Woman Dr. Valverde Vega WOare notification.
the other only of civilized society Rights the time political con er San Jose The years foliovving entry into the field of in regards to divorce and elections, their vote is the Great War of 1914. politics and such like his thousand and one always in the majority. Graduate of the University of Paris 1918 have found the field spheres of activity is due breaches in the marriage In fact, church work up Specialist in affections of the blood and other descases.
allotted to woman very to the fear on the part contract, vvhile he is to now has ceased to Surgical cases given special attention.
largely extended. This of the howlers that man exacting from her the be anything but a Treatments modern. Prices moderate, Patients met on arrival by his interpreter, Mr. Lewis.
conditiou will be for all is far less capable than strictesť cbservance of man affair. if we Further information, if required, can be had of The Searchlight. time, and no honest woman to undertake and its provisions are ample to leave out of account minded man will demur successfully carry proof of this, and he the clergy and few lay to it, During that war, through the multifarious goes so far in his error evangelists and missiowomen not only filled duties of the home; that rising youth vvho naries.
the places in offices and doubtless, no man is so has to see and hear The girl and the young factories. till then held easily prepared for the these things might al woman of today who Continued from pag. Supreme government for sacred only to the op. experience of that game, most believe that God think well and read suf vvil do to suppress it.
a grant in aid to atte.
posite sex. vacated ly the old fellow, who, upon made one law for man ficiently wil not fail to Why not try the Panama to our sick and dismen, who had joined the exchanging, duties with and another law for wo: get inspiration from the System, pay for your tressed. bealthy populfighting forces of the his wife because she mari! We vvonder vvhat heroic achievements of ending and beguining ation is the Asset of any several belligerentna. had nothingin the home dear Mother Eve, vvhose Deborah, who directed numbers, raise the dig. Nation therefore life must tions, but also entered to do. prepared for the equality vvith Adam vvas the victoriou armies of pity of your raffle, make be preserved at all Cost; the firing lines themsel evening meal his own suggested by the loss of Israel; of that little Heb it attractive; a man buys but to advertise the cloves, and in every sphere head and shoulders pret a rib from his side and rew maid whose timely a ticket because he sure of our Hospitals is of activity in which they ty well cooked, he having not a hone from his advice brought new sun vvould like to become sign of such insanity that thrusted themselves, they got himself landed head toes vve vvonder vvhat shine into the life of af comfortably situated in our Officials responsible proved the most brilliant vvise, by an error of she vvould say, vvere fiicted Naaman; of Boa. life, but there is no in for such a deci ion ought successes. The part that judgment, or through she resurrected to the dicea, who led the Bir ducement to buy tvvo certainly to be sent up woman then played was his ovvn incompetency, condition of her daugh. tons against the Roman pieces of your lottery for examination.
not to be regarded as a into the kettle he had ters as it exists today, legions; of Jeanne Arc for tvvo colones vyhen Since vvriting the above matter of mere emer put on the fire! And, under the aegis of a much (Joan of Arc. who re all he can secure at most vve learn that over a gency, it was to bring fortunately, the thing is boasted modern civili. lieved the city of Or. is tvvo thousand colones, hundred insane vvill be out the fact, which must so well known that is, zation and a much talked leans; of Florence Night he buys the Panama turned in the streets in be appreciated by the this disaster and man of social reform system! engale, who reorganised because he can vvith a fevv days as sterner sex, that the rests incompetency as a house But the march towards the system of nursing in tvvo colones vyin four sick people.
many to which she was sub kceper that no house the goal has begun and the British military hos thousand, can the Board mittel fully demonstr. wife will ever trust the will, without doubt, con pitals in the Crimr ea and not see that this is the ted her ability morally, business of the house to tinue till that goal is is today immortalized as game? and if they find Notice intellectually, and physi him again!
reached. The year 1929 the founder of the Bri. they are going to ruin cally, and by so doing We vvill find, upon was able to see England, tish Red Cross Society; by it, vyhy poc change justified a further raising examination, that the the most stubborn of and of Edith Cavell, their tactics, as the ma general meeting of all Shareholders of the of her status in every home is the nucleus, not opponents to Woman who suffered martyrdom riner vvould, by chang Agricultural and particular Buildbattlefields of ing his navigation and ing Corporation of 28 the Men on the whole but also of all well or arena, electing for the France for the cause of altering his calculations Miles, will be called at have long been acting dered government; it is first time a woman as suffering humanity. to avoid the storm.
ten o clock at Madre de under a very misleading the central fount from a cabinet minister, Great If little has been men. Another thing vvhy not Dios in the usual place, idea. the idea that wom which society and gov thing will happen. tioned in history of the institute a fevy paying on Sunday 22nd Noveman should have no other ernment take their rise. And the girls who will achievements of woman; vvards vvhere patients ber for the purpose of conspehre in which to func If woman, then bas be the woman of the it is only because histor could be admitted vvhosidering the appointment.
begin since are not exactly, paupers and duties of an Agent apd in a very subordinate sort therein, why can look about themselves it has for the most part by paying dovyn a fotr. gerente) and other very position there too! Sure she not be his copartner by placing a higher pre been writen by, men: nights or a months fee important matters of in ly such a view is by in those various depart: mivin on their charact Her claims for higher for attention as is done terest, such as the reno means a degrading ments of activity that er and abilities and sur recognition are ju tifia. in some other countries. demption of Receipts for one, but the very fact constitute government? rendering not their wills ble. Her place today is We have private clinics Regular Scripts of Stock, that there is such a uni. And since she has proven to the unruly passions no longer that of a hand which are intended for the matter of Inscription versality of opinion on intellectually fit for any of men. There is much maid to man: it is that the vvealthy at vvhich they of the Corporation, and her ability in the proper avocation that man has to encourage them: in of being his consort and pay 15 colones per day, the property which was caring of so complex a yet entered, why should church, the greatest of co worker in those fields there is the Co. arbitrarily occupied bey machinery as the home, there be any question all organizations, girls of human activity where Clinic at vvhich there is is a clear admission of about her entering the and women Mr. Shaw being registfar out not merely muscle, but a charge of per day ered in the name of the her capabilities in direc field of the learned pro number the boys and moral force and brain for private patients vvho Corporation.
tions other than that fession on a much gran men; theirs are the lead power are the sine qua do not vvork for the Co.
The Directors will proof household manage der scale than has been ing voices in the church non.
or do not com in on ceed as deemed best by ment, and that, there. the case up to now? choirs, and in the church Cyrilo Charity vvly cannot the the presence of those fore, she might not be The true place of wo Junta Caridad charge Shareholders found preconfined vvihin the nar man has long been ho 0 00 060 080900 on such patients say sent at this meeting.
rov precincts of the vyled out of reasonable per day, lodging dovyn Mindful of a duty out of house, like a piece of consideration by the a nonths fee on admis. GIBBS riendship the most popular antique furniture or a strong voice of man who sion, returning the difSecretary marble statue. And wrongly thought that PALMERA SOAPference if the patient is rather think that all this she was not his equal: cured vyithin the month, NATION hue and cry over woinan his legislative enactments Why not call on the President double the former value of the wrappings as a benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you 88 89 89 88 89 8808789 8289 89 83 can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before AAAAA All No. wrappings have a much greater value than No. and others.
Limon Service Bureau PALMERA SOAP BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY Often times the various Symptoms of Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED head ache is caused by constant strain of the will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose. Bureau established for the greater convenience, muscles which are conected to the various understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnDistributor in Limon glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Colnerves of your Eyes. correct the various errors Armando Heilbron lection Department annexed for the protection of Busof refraction as follows.
inessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
does not encourage litigation to Myopia. Hypermetropia. Mix Astigmatism.
Distributors in Turrialba, lose; Collection Agency fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency.
Compound. Hyperopic Astigmatism, Rojas, Cortés Cía. now operated under the direction of Compound. Myopic Astigmatism.
Barrister with over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on Irregular Astigmatism. Presbyopia.
the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Hyperopic. Astigmatism. Myopic Astig.
Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials matism. And the muscular Anomilies of the are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 Counsel.
human Eyes as follows Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore Esophoria. Exophoria. Right Hyperphoria.
Left. Hyperphoria. Abduction. Adduction.
Cyclophoria. Sursumduction, etc.
Aurelio Bermudez give Ocular Calistepic treatment to your Investigator muscles bringing them back to normal con JUAN MEZA DENTIST dition.
CARTAGO COSTA RICA MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Dr. Azevedo Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre «Optometrist Central Street 325 Yards East of Market Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports 险國 and cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua. Cuba and Time payment plan to responsible patients. pay Preference given patients from Limon and other a part down and pay weekly or monthly the balance California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, on vour Glasses until full price is paid.
Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed 88 88 88 88 88 83 88 B8 88 89 Has arranged to distribute a value of almost ol Headaches. ANDa enjoys the absolute conBoth Barrister Attorney at Law Notary Publie Accountant Manager Collection Dept: Sollelting Manager San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia Jamaica, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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