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pango EDITOR MANAGER SUSCRIPTION C3 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Provi of Limon Costa Rica generall Labora por los intereses de Costa en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment In the formation of character it is one thoughts that count: a thought good or evil solidifies itself in actions and then formulates in habits which govern one life: as you live in the world of thought, so shall you arrive to live in the objective vvorld of activities. Character is the greatest povver in the world, and force of character gives Povver, and the true povver in all the aspects of life consists in preaching by means of your example.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY OCTOBER 24. 1931 NUM. 97 Dn. Cleto Gonzalez speaks on important matters Variety Concert Elocution Contest On Columbus Night Silver or Gold To all organized Clubs, As. prior to the date sche. which shall Following on the ques ment to cope with the Cross on his shoulders sociations and Societies duled for the function.
Communities and Towns.
it be?
tion of our appropria situation.
faithful to his trust; but All entries are binding tions, it will be remem. If, he says he could this requires the cooper At a regular meeting to make good their ap. Senator Pittman of Nebered that the Excecu bring himself to the con ation of every Costa of the under mentioned pearance, after having vada warns the tive had placed an esti viction that his pre Rican spiritually united Club, it vvas decided to applied and received of the possibility of a colmate of expenditure for sence at the head of the in a supreme national stage a MAMMOTH EL confirmation of their en. lapse of the country the ensuing year before Executive Council had defence, without hatred OČUTION CONTEST, try. No title will be at foreign trade unless the Congress of twenty nine anything to do with the or rancour to any, cri under it auspices, invi risk, nor vvill any be United States acts to remillions of colones, the serious crisis which con. ticising the government ting all organized clubs, assigned vvinners of this duce the wide disparity financial Committee of fronts the country, he wiht all severity but with associations, societies, conte. The function between the value of gold Congress sat and rec. would long ago have an out passion, and with communities and tovuns vvill be a combination and Silver, and advocates commended that this do ticipated the wishes of out placing difficulties in of the Province of the Variety Concert and the call of an Internationcument should de return his political enemies and the way of its Admin Atlantic Zone. The con Elocution Contest. It al Silver Conference, called to The Excecutive abandoned the high ho istration, but rather help. test vvill be an open vvill take place at the ing attention to the fact to be reduced to twenty nour conferred on himing to save it from its one and therefore, all Arrasty Theatre on De. that all nations with the four and a half millions. by his constituents by dangers and so bring persons desiring, are eli cember 21st, proximo. exception of the Don Cleto says it is im vacating the presidency. the Republic into that gible to entry. The club very good programme and France will be off the possible to: him to redu His seat of power car. state of well being which vvill endeavour to raise, vvill be provided, Gold Standard, and will ce the staff which comes ries with it no adula We all desire for it. as may be convenient, oftering some of the best therefore trade where their under the parview of tion, no bed of Roses He fully realizes that the necessary funds, to of our local artists, money has the greatest the Executive Council especially at this time in the principal charge provide the prize vvhich knovvn, and debutantes. value.
any lower, if Cogress the history of the coun against him is «one of may be trophies; vvhich Very moderate prices By going off the Gold will reform the law which try so ull of straitened weakness in the man vvill be allotted accord vvill be charged for ad Standard he says, Great governs the expendi afflictions, never before agement of public affairs, ing to the number se.
mission. This may, there. Britain left the United tures of the Legislature, encountered by any other of want of energy to cured, endeavouring to fore, be accepted as an States and France holding The Judicial and Con ruler; but from his high overcome the obstacles. assign first, second and open invitation, by the Bag, and that is filled gressional Departments sense of patriotic duty, but this is a great error, third prizes, and other which incending contes with gold, and we cannot he might be able, but he is obliged to cons because in his exper prizes subject to condi tants are here by appraisº put it to any use. The as the law new stands he ider well before giving ience, the strong arm or tions.
ed. Enquiries vvelcome.
pressure on Great Britain is not empowered to thought to such a reso dictatorship has not ac No entry fee nor quota Scott, Secretary is relieved and she is no touch them.
lution; first and foremost complished anything by vvill be levied on the UNIVERSITY CLUB, LIMON. longer under the necessity Now comes the point. judging from the actual way of solving the dis entrants or contestants; There are those who are political circumstances, tressing problems con but applications must of sponsoring an InternEGBERT POLSON, ational Silver Conference, President feeling that our presi. his retirement would let fronting the vvorld, In be filed vvith the Secre because she has acomp dent is afraid to tax Ca loose a tempest of dis some countries condit tary of the Club, cot SCOTT, lished the object of such pital but rather seeks to orders that might lead ions have been made later than, fifteen days Secretary. a Conference.
reduce the salaries of the country into civil vvorse rather than better governmentalemployees, disturbances so much to thereby, causing revolts. because as the proposi. be depreciated, because greater suffering among Son of the Law to impose were he to resign in fa. th. people, all this going ra taxation by the vour of his nephew the to prove that the causes dula Personal stands first Vice President Mr. of our world troubles are By Ernest Wright material aid of Queen Isabel Almirante, this great Navithe Catholic who pavyned gator member of University Club the Phalanx proposes to tax capi. Fabio Baudrit, his con not to be found so much her jevvels to assist Columb Indians decked vvith gold al in the gross, which duct in political affairs in the characters of the As was on may way to a us to achieve his aim. ornaments and thus satisfied would certainly not be would naturally be the Rulers, but has a found constitutional walk this morn He undertook his famous him that this precious me.
fair, because if a mer same as outlined by his ation in affairs much ing of oct. 12th on the pleasant voyage from the Port of tal vvas to be found in chant stock stood at government, he befingo deeper and original than shore of Cieneguita, iny Palos on the 3rd of August Veragua, the en memory reflected on to the 1492 with three ships: the Costa Rica.
say 100. 000, half of the sam: idea as his, as the vvisest heads of the days of the World greatest «Niña. Pinta and janta Weighing anchor from this that amount might be evidenced by his man vvorld have bein able Navigator, Christopher Co Maria» furnished with a rich Coast our hero vvent foreign capital invested ner of conducting his to disentangle.
lu nbus. He was born in crew of about seventy three South vvard and discovered Genova in 1436, although here, and if taxei would department of Minister Lastly he says if Conmen. Discovering San Salº Trinidad, then sailed up the other cities and Countries have the tendency of of interior affairs, hence gress rejects his provador on the 12th Oct. of Orinoco in Venezuela Port have claimed the glory of which the Capital of Spain of e mainland of South keeping foreign investors the mere changing of posal of reducing the sa being the place of his birth.
carried on its monumental America, and returned to out of the country; what names would not give Taries of government em When only a boy he became lion, the non plus Ultra, Spain would be just would be any satisfaction in the ployees, that is, he pro a sailor and in studyng the vvhich means no land be jealous Governor of Juato arrive at the earnings minds of those who may poses to pay in Cash voyages of the great sea yond Spain; the success of na novy, Cuba sent him to Captains of that age, he of that investment and be feeling that a change sixty per cent of the conceived the idea that the Columbus was greeted with Spain in criminal chains, a triumph on his return to but those shackels vvere soon place the Tax of Income in Administration might vvages, and in promis world was round and that Spain. This achievement removed.
on that amount.
be a means of amelior sory notes the other by travelling through the slew the giant of cowardice Columbus the Viceroy of ating our present ills. toity per cent vvhen seas of the occident he and brushed avvay the age the West Indies deserved not could discover new routes Io consequence of what Were he to vacate in able «then he vvill only hardened scales of ignorance such humiliation, and navy unknovvn lands. His he terms the difficul favour of the second or be able to pay accord ideas were laughed at and and conceit. The once fright vve have him embarking on fut boson of the Atlantic his last voyage through the ties which Congress is third vice presidents ing as the incoming treated as foolish, until some novv became the play ground valley of death in 1506 vvithplacing in the way of Messrs Ross or Venegas, Revenue makes it pos. of the great men of that of adventurers and the Nevy out kaovving that he had the administration, it whose political inclina sible. The financial con time began to take interest World as born e gigan discovered a nevy VVorld, gives rise to a feeling that tions are well defined dition of the country in his ideas and promised tic daughter of her illustrious but today all America hontheir assistance that the cause of all our de and acknowledged, he can therefore be readily Mother, the old.
our bim, vvhose name to these might be realized.
In his second voyage in history is heroic and impressing circumstances would certainly be con immagined.
Through the influence and 1494. Columbus discovered mortal.
has arisen from weak demned of partiality in Jamaica, Guadalupe, Puerto ness in his government his political promises of The march of auto trcde Rico and the lesser Antilles.
causing loss of confi neutrality, were he to res, In his third voyage in 1502 Pugilistic Feats dence therefore lack of ort to the constitutional The New York automo 25. 000. 000 in this Lux he discovered our land of cooperation, but this he provisions by calling on bile club gave out a re ury? Most of it caused by adoption Costa Rica. He The lovers of the manly came directly to the preseut does not consider true Congress to elect a suc. port that up to the 1st. the former laxity of our Port Limon, then named art on the Atlantic Coast from the fact that Cos cessor to him, it is well January 1931, there were government Banks, who Cariari and had business will be happy to know ta Rica is not the only known to what political in use in the United States would, instead of aiding intercourse with the Carib that Boxing is now toleracountry which is passing inclination the mayority 23. 042. 840 automobiles as agriculture make loans to Indians vvho in a peaceful ted here. At the Club through this depression, of the Deputies are lean against 20. 098. 059 Teleph anyone owning a small manner approached him in their inaking it therefore a ing therefore it is well ones. One statistician gave property, immediately this mouth Canoes from the rooms of the «Fronton Jai of the Cieneguita Alai» the Nacional champ world wide suffering, known what would hap out that there were in money was got, in most River. He stayed here for ion Pedro Alegrìa beat the needing only the calm pen in such an election, Little Costa Rica with cases an auto would be three weeks and calked and Argentinan, Edward del and serene deliberation therefore in the great practically no Roads, about bought, and within a few carreened his ship at La Rio, and Claudio Mora, and cooperation of Con dilemma confronting him, 5000 autos with an aver months that borrower bayta as far as Zorobarro went down before the End gress and every depart. he shall only continue age value of 65000, thus would have no home and vvhich novv honours the glish fighter William Freer; ment of his govern in his pathway with his giving an expenditure of no Auto.
brave vvith the Caption of before an immense crowd.
met name of and SO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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