
Saturday, October 24 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Big Fuss in Oklahoma City Beware ui imitations CAFIASPIRINA Truth must rise a 080088008808808020880BO 80808088080. 8808808 Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches We take pleasure in repro belongs to the people! Dr. Witt is a chiropractor.
ducing the following, from Murray order of Monday He is a graduate of the the fact that we are convinc diected that Dr. Witt Carver Chiropractic College, ed that Chiropractic and be permitted to treat Mrs. 521 Ninth St. and has Osteopathic treatments are Burgett, 25 years, practiced in Oklahoma City Toothache. níaking wonderful cures by Hollis, a hospi. al patient, for 10 years, he said. The Oklatheir Drugless healing. Sunstroke. The Oklahoma homa News, July 28, 1931.
We cannot see why the City Times, July 28, 1931. Medical Faculty of this or State Hospital School Dont accept any any other civilized counlry City Hospital Staff To Quit Dilema should prohibit a patient to If Rule Holds tube consult any established Extremists will oc envelope contend means of cure, especially after Storm Breaks as Murray Lets that the right or wrong of the Medical healers have Chiropractor Treat Patient the University Hospital and packets without the failed to effect such cure.
Medical School controQuick relief Dr. Long Firm on Stand In this country we know versy may be found on one BAYER CROSS of but two men in this line Governor Says Attitude of or the other side. very of healing Dr. Vargas in San Medical Men All Nonsense unfortunate situation has 0088088088080880808088088088088088 30 OBOBOBOBB Insé and Dr. La Bastile of arisen over the official in Limon who are helping suf Almost wholesale resigna jection of the feud between tering humanity greatly and tion of the staffs of the Uni the regular school of phy.
World there is no reason why the versity of Oklahoma school sicians and the chiropractors.
Medical School of this Re of medicine and University clear headed observer is happenings public Should not include hospital, and reduction in bound to see that the matter this mode of Healing in the ratings of the institutions, is one important beyond the On the 20th Mustafa Faculty. It is included in the probably will occur if Gov inmediate clash and even the Kemal Pasha inaugura.
With regard, to the been the sole support of US gland, Panamá, ernor Murray refuses to res threatened disruption of the ted in his Palace the lying slanderous state my children; for several and other progressive coun. cind his executive order, istries why not here. One must sued Monday, allowing other ralization of the hospital. The second Balkan Confe ments of my wicked, ma years now Mr. Mc. Leod question of the rights of cibe proud of such a Gover than physicians or sureons rence at which 200 del. licious husband Charles does not know whether nor as Governor Murray for in the hospital, officials de tizens and the extent of egates assisted repres. McLeod which apeared in they eat or they wear.
the stand he has taken in clared Monday night. special control which may enting six Balkan States your issues up to the 17th So far as the ring is the freedom of his commu It is simply a matter of be allowed in a state instiinst, beg to say that in concerned, it was he who nity.
equality before the law and tution must be considered Sanchez Cerro was defence of my character pulled it off my finger, the right of the public The incident which brought use Governor Murray their public institutions, he on this big controversy had elected President of Pe and my children rights so in presence of witnesses, declared.
an acute human angle. ru, winning his opponent that the public will know it is a lie that ever Fight for People patient was in a very serious «Haya de la Torre» by the truth, however much took it off and flung it State Licenses Chiropractors condition from paralysis; re. 13. 698 votes. hate such scandal but in his face. am a workUniversity Doctors in Row gular physicians had said With Murray do not think we have there was no hope for her. Te am bound to defend my ing woman, buying my the right to refuse the use husband, concerned as any As homage to the self. The house was prac. goods in Cartago and Protest Order That Chiropractic of the hospital to any prac. normal man would be under electrical genius of the tically bought with my taking them on the lines be Allowed to Attena titioner licensed by the state the circumstances, was in Hospital Patient great wizard, President money, have Witnesses for sale; that is what has to treat the sick.
frame of mind to try any The governor was told expedient or take any Hoover asked that as a that won a thousand supported myself and World Capital Bureau physicians complained the mea mark of respect to Tho sure which offered any hope.
colones and gave it to children latterly.
university hospitalwould lose In this case a chiropractor mas Edison who died my husband in the pur He sold my mare, and Oklahoma City. July 27. The medical staff of Univerits standing with the medical was selected and the husband at 24 on monday 10th chase of the home besides appropriated the money associations sity hospital this evening appealed to the governor inst all lights extin other moneys which all to his own uses. That is all nonsense, he met behind closed doors and replied. Who cares about titioner, The governor, so far against exclusion of the prac guished for one minute worked for, altho he is have enjoyed two named a committee to make at ten clock on the wicked enough only to years standing if it does the work?
a fight against the executive That is just some of tl at old ailable, issued an order for 21st.
of what married as announcements are av.
order of Governor Murray, medical jealousy. The hos On Tuesday all acknowledge 6500 in life should be, but for issued today, directing that admission upon the principle employees of the Cosia his article against me. My fifteen years now have pital is there to care for that the hospital is a chiropractor be allowed to state Rican Telegraph and Te. mother also loaned him been bearing the burden attend Mrs. Burgett titted to the kind of treatment could not make discrimina.
patients and a patient is en institution and that the state lephone system observ. 1300, on account of of my home expenses; after physicians at the hoshe or she desires. The hos tions between faiths and ed one minute silence which he gave her a Pa even in Cuba was froin pital had said there was no pital does not belong to the practiees. The report is at in memory of this great garee only for 750 with the washtub to my machine, hope for her.
doctors. It belongs to all the the patient condition soon We will certainly lose our people, Murray declared.
inventor the house as security; so which he cannot gainsay; hospital rating if things go (The Dairy Oklahoma, July became very much better.
anyone purchasing same but as refuse now to When Dr. Leroy Long, as they have started, 1931. dean of the medical school, or religion has the final word will find themselves in make myself any longer said Doctor Reed. The govas to who shall be employed trouble.
the SLAVE AND THE ernor does not realize the resigned, the state lost the Medical School May services of a very valuable by the public in its institu.
facts and fundamental tradiBEATING POST hence my Relative to my leaving Fall In Row tions, who shall practice metions behind the operation man, a citizen and profes. dicine, or other professions his home, the entire dis toubles with him. Anyway sional leader of high rank.
of a hospital. They are older Murray Reveals Plans to only want the Public to That action seems to put in its special domain, or of trict of Siquirres, even than the country itself. When Replace Entire Faculty the governor comes to know the school and hospital in what faith or persuasion of the doctors who attended know that the home is ficials, teachers and students the seriousness of the situa Open To All Healers jeopardy The doctor action me know, that it was in mine and my five lavvful must be. To say that a chirtion we feel that he will alter was prompted by a sense of opractor, or osteopath, or consequence of the blows children s, and that the it. Tulsa Daily World, July Chiropractor Attends Woman as outrage due to an executive Physicians Threaten to Resign order for the admission of any adherent of any branch and illtreatment which he Lavvs of the country vvill not allovy us to be turn28, 1931. a chiropractor upon request except one shall not be regave me that was forced ed out on the Streets.
BULLETIN cognized in a publicly owned of a patient in the state hosHospital Here Claimed Hit to flee for refuge to my By Murray Order Gov. Murray declared pital. The standing of the hospital can just as well be mother and my aunt today that Dr. Long resignastate medical school, which Louise Mc. Leod Collapse of Medical School Held uses the hospital as a base, itself or to the courts or home, and had not got thing. He said he already had is said to be endangered. It anywhere. patient in an them to assist me would Possible If Rantig Is formulated plans to replace the asylum or other state home have died long ago; my To advertise is to Taken Away is allied with an association entire faculty. The world is too would, under the strict con.
to of the regular, ethical sort, mnother and Aunt have double your business Resignations Feared any consideration to Longo and the association objects struction idea, be required to abjure all except the true Further Conferences To be Held Murray reiterated his statement to practitioners from other to Get Withdrawal of faith, whatever at might be that University Hospital would schools to hospitals under Permit to Chiropractor be kept open for anyone to prac. its auspices.
Only the priests or mipistice any branch of healing We do not wish to argue ters of certain churches could Limon Service Bureau Collapse of the University the right or wrong of this under this idea, minister to of Oklahoma school of medi Chiropractors Jubilant stand or the merits of either anyone at any institution un ANDcine and that University school of medicine. We conless approved by some priBUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY hospital as recognized inedi. Meanwhile, chiropractors clude there must be valid vileged board or organization ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED cinal training institutions hailed the governor action as an important victory in reasons for the existence of here or at a distance.
threatened Tuesday as Gov each of these branches, else We wish to be understood Bureau established for the greater convenience, the fight waged for several they could not survive. We understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Enas asserting that we believe ernor Murray declined to glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Col.
withdraw an order offering years to gain admittance to know that the state licenses regular physicians and surlection Department annexed for the protection of Bus.
hospital facilities to a chiro hospitals, especially state in chiropractors osteopaths. geons, chiropractors and os inessmen against unscrupulous debtors, stitutions. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to practor dentists and others. The teopaths, Baptists, Methodist Warned that almost com Dr. S, Witt, 221 Ninth question beconies one of and Catholics are Jose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute congen.
Both plete resignation of members St. visited the sick woman, fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency, privile e or equality.
erally good citizens. They of the medical school facul Mrs. Burgett, 25, Hollis, now operated under the direction of a Barrister with Carried to a logical con are citizens of the state, taxover twenty five years practical experience, acquired on ty, would follow institution at the hospital yesterday clusion, the attitude of Doc payers. We submit that no Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and intellectual or formal distincof such a polic, the governor afternoon, and went into the tor Long means that in th Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials should count in tions replied the hospital does not institution again this morning final analysis some on are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and the doctors, it belong to to attend her.
school of thought, medicin state institution. These insCounsel.
titutions are severely public Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore institutions, broad in their oooooo000000000000000 conceptions and foundations, Barrister Accountant and we do not believe they Attorney at Law Notary Public Manager Collection Dept: Attention!
should be summarily closed Aurelio Bermudez 10. 000 in Prizes to adherects of faiths or Investigator practices other than the one Soliciting Manager which happens to be in conMAIN OFFICE Ask for Chiclets but say Adams BRANCH OFFICE trol at a particular locality Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre Presidencia We do not concede there is express authority or funCorrespondents and Agents at the principal ports daruental reason for specialand cities of Panama Colombia. Nicaragua, Cuba, and Jamaica, ized, exclusive control of a California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, The only legitimate Chiclets lookout for the coupons with Prizes in the Packages state institution. Editorial, de salsa Necasilyde Warteles de tenda de cup OOOC 0000000000000000003 00002 1931. on e a e 10000 San Jose, 50 yards West of the Chiclets ADAMS 0000 000000000


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