p. 4


Saturday October 24. 1931 Patriotism?
Notices Books! Books! Books! Strange us Dr. Raul Orozco Casorla Dental Surgeon The follovving Tele. and Torres. one The is Races! Races!
of the Royal College of Surgeons England gram from a Mr. Lucia tempted to ask, in a poor Financial members of the Owners of horses, turfites ro Arias of Turrialba to country, instead of re.
Modern Dental Clinic Limon Division of the and lovers of sports will do. will do well to remember that well to remember that the «La Tribuna» tickles us pairing the existing East of Imprenta Alsina. Apartado 1300. San José the Annual nomination and «Races at Oxford Park 24 so that yve feel compel: Roadvvay and opening Patient met at Station by his Representative election of Officers to serve for miles on the 14th. December led to translate it for up nevy macadamized the ensuing term of 1931 32 will afford you opportunities Mr LEWIS the thoughts of our read roads into the vast areas will take place on Monday never before met with at any ers; it runs. The of uncultivated lands; English Spoken 26th inst.
other Race meeting. Horses French vvomen of 1870 vyhy employ importMake yourself financial at from San Jose, Cartago and vwith incredible patrio ed Engineers earning once so as to avail yourself Turrialba will compete, so the use of your franchise. make your savings to meet tism filled the Cupon of greater salaries than the War demanded by the President to make an 28 miles Corporation the Pari Mutuel. French Pool.
There will be eleven Races Gerrnans by subscribing ordinary Bridge or a Stop talking Nosense ing Parliamentary Shareholdrs of the above fancy, starting at twelve óclock.
even their Jevvels along road deviation? why make and Read Good Books. Practise for Lodges and corporation are advised that Excursion trains from Limon vvith their ready Cash high flown offices vvhere Place your orders with History of the World; be called to unravel some an extraordinary meeting will and Cairo as usual. Girls galore. Best Music in the to save the sovereignty of there is not the neProvince. Fail not Sir, at your Glorious France vvhich cessity; and borrovving the Selling Agent Etiquette Letter Wri very important matters on Peril. Programmes out artie is today the brain cf money to pay for all Delevante. for whatever ter; Bibles of all kinds; Sunday 8th of November.
Books you need such Catholic Bible in English; defray many incidental small the intellectual vvorld. this.
Why is it that in Costa When an Advisory as, The Business guide: Horse and Stock Books; accounts pending, as Rica the Capitalists nor Board of experienced New Modern Webster Cook Books; Ideal Speak administration has been de the women do not assist men is called into being Dictionary; and Pocket er entertainer; Books prived of the means of collectwith their moneys and to advise the Executive Dietrichacornia Smithes NBI ang aslewars and world is, Renhense and other mange vent coincidence shareholdrs is solicited to put country from this econ and Fomento then may dern Safe Counsel: The men Books for all con: Progress of a Race; Mo Young men and wothe Society on a good footing. don José María Soto Alfaro, a Consequent on the death of Remember coming from omical ruin. Que difter one be expected to co Key to Culture; The ditions of life.
Eastern points we can only Bernardo Soto, and a very brother of our Expresident don operate.
Mysteries of Life; Pilhave the 10. 30 train from LiThen he gives the If half the money grims Progress; Shake0. Delevante mon, and from Western points highly and beloved member cause himself by adding spent in Congress vyere only the o clock train from of our aristocracy. His chaufGuapiles, so many of feur a Negro by the name that the opprobious con reserved as it could be, peare, complete in one Siquires.
will have to arrive on Saturday been his Coachman, chaufof Amos Brown who had duct of our politicians it vvould employ 400 volume 1183 pages; Cushevening, please be advised.
is depreciating to our men on roadmaking into feur and confidential servant NATION prestige and reputation. el general» from vvhich GIBBS for many many years was What Capitalist does vve could get all the President so much distressed over his Secretary master death that he collapsed Mr. Arias think would sleepers for our Pacific sacrifice himselt to suf. Pailvvay repairs, vvhica His holiness the Pope Pius the prevailing in humanity by of heart failure while driving XI has published an Ency observing the First Com new Cricket his master car in the funefice all the mismanage. vvork vvoudd give em mandment of God vyhich ral procession on Thursday Club ment last. All attentions were paid going, spending ployment to another clical, which is intended to excite the whole world.
is by.
to the Stricken servant but millions on Roadvvays 1000. The great errors of huCharity Mr. Bernard as Cap he could not be saved. He to suit the Caprices of Why should a smail manity have provoked to an Catholic tain and some associates died in his faithfulness to one a fevy? What has been country like this spend extreme point of view, so that even the culpable themselves have formulated a new gained by the deviation approx. 800 monthly on who was good to him. May his have observed their guilt. good Cricket Club in Limon soul tind Rest.
to Cartago. the Piris a Legation in Panama?
Why shouid vve spend Charity as the first rremedy Churchman dead named «The Eleven Broth ers» and beg to inform the In the Field of depression opposes the inhuA considerate Washington Legation? man temptation that coun Jamaica churchmen lovers of the good old Honour reduction Why not name Consu sels them to reduce even particulary Montego. gentlemanly sport that he more the mass of labourers. nians will ad honciem? Can it be mourn the is ready to receive challen By mere curiosity The Pope reaches out in vve loss of the Ven. sense of honour calls one Ar. ges from all recognized strolled into the model fancy considered the high hona very pious manner to the at times to risk his life with store of Mrs. Jack Depass our it is to represnt hearts of the world in his most chdeacon Massiah Clubs of the Republic.
pleasure and satisfaction. On statement He engaged the Saturday morning last at seven in Limon indeed as its name diplomatically before the beautiful from who died at Montego in a first Class fix oclock two shots simultaneous implies a Little Paris and povvers of the viorld? Rome in the first week of Bay on 21st ultmo.
October to our agreeable surprise vve The Revd Massiah was ture on Sunday last and ly were heard in a field of found that this considerate be glad to accept such Any vvealthy firm vvould profound blow is given born in Barbadoes and succeeded in drawing his level pasture land near the caterer for the fanciful delito the hearts of men of the cacies in dresses of the fairer an honour. Such are the world. Such has been the educated at Codrington maiden game. Excelsior Alto on the way to San Jose sex, had reduced her former things that Mr. Arias powerful impression at the and Harrison Colleges. putting up 130 Runs and from Cartago, and what was prices to suit the fallen value ought to suggest and appearance of an astounding He came early to Jamai. the Brothers 93 for wick. professor Salomon de la Sel of the Pound. It must be press into execution.
ca and worked as Asst. ets at call of time.
va seem to have offended each which His Holiness Pius XI Master at Jamaica High remembered that the value or other by some publication and the Sterling is only a little has sent to all the Heads of Sudden Death the glove was thrown down was much beloved by and accepted; each one took School while being Cuover fifteen colones today, the Catholic Church, under rate at the Parish Church; his people of St. James his twenty paces away from hence English and French well known personage, the title of «NOVA IMP good are very much cheaper known as Eustace Wignall ENDET. and is not without he served as Rector at and of the Country in the other and turned, presented, than American ones, and of was found dead in this San a pious excitement for urging Port Royai, and in 1905 which he laboured and aimed and fired one shot as course always acknowledged itary Convenience at Freeman in favour of the classes of became Rector at Mon will be much mis ed in was agreed on by the Judge superior, and this priacess of 3, Farn on the 20th. Mr. Wig familiese afflictedicobayi baru mentego Bay and was creat Churh Matters of Ja pened, both shots missing its modes in Limon has been nall was an old employee of misery.
quick to give her clients the Co. as timekeeper and aforesaid as victims in cons.
ed Archdeacon in 1916. maica.
mark so they made friends and the benefit of the fall in foreman on several farms, and equence of the great errors He was one of the He enthroned his Lord both men with their padrinos prices. It therefore be hoves was much respected in the of humanity which have agit outstanding figures in ship Bishop Hardie on and Juez de Campo returned the pleasure loving public to vicinities in which he laboured. ated to a great extent, even Churchwork of the An the 8th, and died on the to San Jose, while the police drop in at Mrs. Depass fairy He left a sorrowing wife and imaginable by themselves.
were guarding the entrances store and see hovy much children resident in Limon, to His Holiness called the at glican Community and 21st. Sept.
to «La Savanna» they chivalmore cheaply they can secure whom the Searchlight begs to rously escaped to «Ochomontheir dainty dresses and tender its sincere condolence tice of the Ist. Command 1989 89 8808388888889 88 90 where Christ is King of undervvear, as vvell as Chil in their sad hour of extreme dren light vvear.
the only remedy standing saved two valient and useful before Economical depreslives.
00 0 0 0 0 sion. The High Pontiff points out that especially are the 88 In San Jose in the mid Mindful of a duty out of children the most innocent riendship the most popular Street something similar victims of such inhumanity.
Often times the various Symptoms of This latest Encyclical refers head ache is caused by constant strain of the occurred on Thursday to the PALMERA SOAP to the Economical crisis of muscles which are conected to the various East of the Congress Palace, the erbe, by which nerves of your Eyes. correct the various errors only that no challenge of Has arranged to distribute a value of almost numbers of people are witbof refraction as follows.
Chivalry was sent by Padrinos, double the former value of the wrappings as a out labour without salary. 18 Myopia. Hyperinetropia. Mix Astigmatism. Mr. Vidaurre felt that an The Minister for San Salvador benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you Thereby resulting with a can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before possible scenery of suffering Compound. Hyperopic Astigmatism.
All No. wrappings have a much greater value than No. and others.
in the future, on occasion of Compound. Myopic Astigmatism.
insult was offered his govvhich it shall become neces 88 vernment by one Mr. Lacayo Irregular Astigmatism. Presbyopia.
sary that men of all classes vvithout distinction of races Hyperopic. Astigmatism. Myopic Astig.
a Nicaraguan who has lived 88 here for some time went in or colours have to revolt matism. And the muscular Anomilies of the Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be against the above extreme human Eyes as follows Search of him and met him exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts injustice.
Esophoria. Exophoria. Right. Hyperphoria.
at the spot indicated, Lacayo will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
The Vicar of Christ consLeft Hyperphoria. Abduction. Adductic seem to have anticipated the Distributor in Limon iders that the foundation Cyclophoria. Sursumduction, etc.
attack and fired first but Armando Heilbron the object of this Encyclical give Ocular Calistenic treatment to your missed, the Minister Mr. An constitutes a document most muscles bringing them back to normal con tonio Alvarez Vidaurre reDistributors in Turrialba, important to be promulgated to all the Heads of the Cat.
dition, plied wounding Mr. Guillermo Rojas, Cortés Cía. Oholic Apostolic Church, so Br. Azevedo Lacays in the leg; the police that these vvorthy Heads of and friends intervened and «Optometrist INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
Christianity may touch the the fray ended, but it is said hearts of the vvorld in an Time payment plan to responsible patients. pay that a duel has been offered Teléfono 3103 impressive pious maner: 98 Apartado 271 a part down and pay weekly or monthly the balance to induce them to act in 89 by the Nephevy of Mr. Lacaon your Glasses until full price is paid.
conformity vvith this impor.
yo vvho is Consul Genl. for 0 800 0 0 0 tant Encyclical. to root out 89 B8 88 88 89 88 88 88 88 86 Nicaragua.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica Headaches vast PALMERA SOAP 00000 00 0 0 0 B8 88 8888 89 08 0 0 0 000 83 988 83 89 88


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