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Sau you EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 03 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Lahora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment In times of much distress remember! Not sparrow falls to the ground wuthoi the will of your Father. There are depths of joy to be found in the Secret place with God, which we do not fathom.
There is no happiness, this world can give, in any way comparable to that depth of joy to be found in quiet contemplation of the unsearchable goodness of Christ when he is made a personal experience of, through daily Coramunion with Him in Your «Secret place, YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY NOVEMBER 28 1931 NUM. 102 Pulling me to pieces a Scouting not military sanne is only through an unders must return to the explana Great News for us torian voice uttering tam was a Where are your children MURDER ATTEMPTED Unlike in ancient days, It is regretable Dastardly attempt on the ed to chop him vvith his ma.
your children have no shame that our parents life of Mr. Stephen Daley, the chete it is said, but Daly avertBy CYRILO part in your life, Whilst either treat nonuhalantly at 141, miles near Svvamp. vuhich got completely cut it vvas evening. vvas in snap, and rubbing my eyes mothers are scandalous, or else, their ignorance mouth was made on the 16th up and as Federico Quesada a very contemplative mood. vigorously.
ly gossiping with their is too rife to give any inst by a man named Ezekiel another man named Miguelvvas thinking on all the Well. he began.
neighbours, or otherwise, heed to it, that so many Shavv.
vvho hapened to be nearby various changes that are at «Hum. grunted.
employed; whilst fathers of our young men are There seem to have been ran in and held on the ag present going on around me «Well. he cleaned his are indeed ocupied enjoy destructive agents. repre.
and other mortals that are gresor further action vvas throat. Well, have come some mis understanding existprivileged to see them: of hovy here to pull you to pieces. ing drinks of stimulants sentative of licencious ing for some years novy bet avoided. The vvould be asassin escaped in the vvoods, hav. as one day is gone another he continued.
in some filthy corner, ness, sloth, and crimes, vveen Mr. Daly and this man is come; of hovv every eighth «A very fatal operation. then after exchangig a There must be lacking Shawv vvho cultivates a ba ing previously, it is said left all his belongings with Mr. day bears exactly the same observed. have heard it few hours thoughtless something why we hadr ovves the fee for the use of his Powvell of La Oliva. name, but carries not the said that vvhen Humpy Dumpy ideas with their associa ly possess any grit to Tramvvay in bringing out his The police vvas communic same experiences; of hovy vvent to pieces, not all the ated vvith and they started men have got so very vvell king horses and all the tes, whilst they spend perform the right things fruit, vvhen on the date mentired of this presumably un king men could put Humpy profitles shours over so at any cost.
tioned on alighting from the to hunt for the attacker but he vvas train this man grabbed hold Saturday 21st at Estrada and not arrested until lovely cycle of things that Dumpy together again ine chess or draft board, TO BE CONTINUED of his adversary and attempt brought to Limon on Sunday: they are now deciding upon «Yes, but you are no fovyl with boys, their interiors; a change of the calendar so egg as he vvas. remarked their children are left to He vvas taken before the 1st as to provide vvork for the my friend.
Alcalde on Monday evening unemployed, or some of them. Perhaps so. said l; but the mercy of ravenous to declare, but by the time the at any rate. Then, behold may be a compact arrangewolves, that are ever reavvitnesses had arrived by train had a vision, but not the vis ment of several thousand dy to destroy them.
on Monday evening to deion glorious! It vvas to see eggs belonging to some mamUnlike days of yore, the entire system of this vvorld mal. Dear Readers, due to some time, and his wonderful abil. clare the Jugde had put transformed into your children no longer idle talk by disinterested peo ity and energy to the Scout Shavv at liberty; the friends one great «Mammals do not lay eggs vvheel a grindstone. vvith. they carry them for a walk beside you going ple of Limon claiming that the Movement of which he was of Mr. Daly are much con all the stronger men pressing time, interrupted. they are to church, or Sunday Boy Scout movement is the founder and of which he cerned to knovvvvhy the dovyn on it the noses of the the only creatures that do Schol, now you stay military one and riveting same still continues to be the ins man should have been libervveaker men to grind them not. my friend continued; in the heads of the younger piration and ideal. He was at home, and trust to to nothingness. Upon feeling «hovvever, will not labour boys, that means that the proclaimed chief Scout of all ateá even before the evidence about my face, being one of the point, for am no mamluck that that child went Boy scouts are a young troop the world by representative for the prosecution should to service. The early to of reserved soldiers, at the Scouts of 26 nations, on Sa the vveaker men, and finding malist or zoologist zoology have been all taken; conse that my own fleshy prom being a subject that vvoud rise slogan has taken a British government dispo turday 7th of August 1920, quently it is felt that the life inence vvas still intact, began never touch with either a complete elovutionary sal in case of war. Ihereby during the closing of the great of Daly is at stake in the vi to sing aloud so that all men long or a short stick. am a course, and children are could hear: have an axe religionist and cause there no truth in it at Olimpic London. Now cinity. The strange thing is no longer washed up with my explanation thus. have given to you clearly, that they are of the to grind; have an axe (not «You look it from head to and given their last according to good books on a nose) to grind; vvho ll turn foot, again interrupted.
how the boy scout movement Craft, Foresters.
the stone for me? Just then. And, he continued. goodnight kiss.
scouting which read. Scout was formed and the intentions, thought heard, as coming have come here this evening Where are your chil. ing teaches patriotism but it of our Cheif Scout, now from a great depth, a sten for you to accompany me to dren at this present mo that Blind Alley to vvhich you ment? He or she is un tandingable appreciation and tion, showing where scouting bien. vvas about to fall, or said, in an article a week or own Country is not a military movement.
must have been falling, into managable, dont know that one can hope to come two ago, that all religionists The war more over proposition has been the great conclave that vvas were heading.
what to do. We oftimes to an understanding and ap disgrace to our boasted civi placed before the Executive before me, vvhen realized «Take the lead. requested.
hear you say; such a preciation of other countries lization, and to Cristianity. If by the Standard Oil Co by myself to be Cyrillo the real. Yes, he replied. but bedemostration of your fee.
as well. The love of a well we have profited by the les which this great concern ist again and that was still fore doing so, my friend. we ordered home begets a well son and realy mean to avoid proposes, if the government occupying on the upper floor must have a preliminary bout blemindness as parents. ordered country, the love of its repetition it is up to us to vvill allovy them the monoof my cottage the fevy cubic or two. Are you really accepting a well ordered world. Scout persue a difinite training of poly of her gasolene alone feet of space that Nature «Lead off, said 1, cmy that obligation, and per ing was started by Sir Ro young minds in peaceful good in the country for rvventy permits me.
knuckles are in fine form. forming it rightly, since bert Stephenson Smyth Ba will and cooperation. See years, the company vvill That voice had come from then began to roll up my construct den Powell, Scouting for boys. 307)
you have taken upon who was born on the 22nd There is no military meaning 1500 kilometers the foot of the stairvvay, and sleeves.
about 960 miles of Roadyourself that burden of of February 1857. In may 1910 as peeped over the railing My friend paid no attention attached to Scouting, peace vvays throughont the counto see vvhose it vvas, my to what was doing and so parenthood? Or are you he retired from the army, for Scouting comprises the atri try vvherever the government eyes encountered the stalvvart continued. How do you make indifferent to the bringing saking his career for the butes of colonial frontiersmen may direct the survveys. form of Bantu, vvhose small up of your children? At purpose of devoting all of his in the way of resourcefulnes It is knovvn that Mr. Hy. conoid head vvas fast makout that religion is artificial. This vvas not the passage and self reliance and the many Ford made a similar propo this moment, take a walk ing its ascent as quicky fosal before the Ricardo Jimé lowed, of course, by the lovver of arms vvas expecting; howother qualities which make around the movies and. how many of your little News of the World is no intention ng making the said that abstra tikricardo dia appendage of the corporeal up, replied, because it is man made; and one illustraoys are fouly smelling, lads into soldiers or of not deem the moment opor What do you knovv. he tion will suffice: all systems and shamefully attired, The Sign of the Times teaching then blood thirsty tuae and so did not bring it immediately addressed me as of worship are denominated Any man vvho to the consideration of his shouting and clapping he came up.
London, 25. The Com has any heart in him is anlireligion. Under this heading Congress; vve sincerely hope «That my friend Bantu is we have those forms that are dirty paws at some inmittee on Imperial Defeu war. The boy scout training that Don Cleto shall have just novy standing before me decent incident at to ses has decided to convert called pagan and those other is definitely for peace (see benefitted by the mistake of yvith his «invisible» axe to forms that are made by their night picture? Are you the island of Cyprus into a Scouting book sat Mr. Jack Don Ricardo and will take grind. said coolly.
devotees. and so they are interested in their future? first Class Fortress as Gi. Orane Store. Dear readers, vvery opportunity of putting He coughed, and very viol you could be perfectly right; braltar Building now a foundadont you see the Boy Scout this scheme into execution. ently, too, as it he had tried you would be equally right The construction of a po movement is one to be re What a glory this vvould be tion, that a well equip. werful system of fortifications to svvallovy much more than for the agricultural exploita. vvhat had said.
to say the same thing of the christian religious systems; ped being may be fitted will be commenced at once Continued to pag tion of Costa Rica. Any thing more that you therefore, are they both artifor the ruling of this and mines will be placed at might vvish to knovv from ficial; and if the parts standuniverse?
the entrance of the ports me. asked.
THE EXHIBITION SHIP ing separately are artificial, and enormous Canons will Sisters, where are your be mounted as well as airBantu sneezed. felt like therefore is the vvhole artifi.
brother? Why are they plane guns will be erected for As being dramatic myself, so cial; that is to say, religion as vvas announced any of these goods but mer.
gave a distinctly loud yavvn.
these columns, the British chants vvill make their choica vyhole is artificlal quod not filling the ranks of the protection of the Coasts.
Ed. note. This is very sig.
Chambers of Commerce had soie auspicious and es and orders through the closing my mouth vvith a Continued on page decided to send out an Ex the expert salesmen attending, uplifting movemení, and nificant as to what Britain hibition Ship to exhibit Bri of vvhich there will be 150 to be to you, a rock wall is expecting in the East, in tish manufactured goods in response to the call of the to vvait on customers. noble act of Charity to guard the garden of nations for Peace and dis the West Indies, Central and Britishers vvili certainiy your purity, against in armament. It is plain that South Amercan markets, to be proud to vvelcome this Following up the laudable step taken by the vading arnies Brothers, she anticipates trouble from follow up the good work ship among tersanite is ex pelis Spanish Colony of Starting up a Subscription in aid of Wales in his British Ex. great Exhibition vvill be by of the funds of the Hospital and Asylum we shall that precious gift God broglio and her Indian unrest.
position held in Buenos fickets through His Bri ask our Readers and all our fraternal and other Or.
placed upon earth, to Aires.
tannic Majesty Consul at ganizations to start up also a fund in aid of this. live for him, and to love The Soviet government is The ship left England on Limon, vve are suggesting very deserving cause. We did our part in the Mahim, and to be the ge fearing the outbreak, and or November 1st. and is sup. that a small fee of a Colon nagua catastrophy. why should we not donate to nerators of a progeny ganization of an Independent posed to arrive in Port Li. be charged to be placed to mon about the 15th. Decemthe assistance of the suf. help our sick and distressed.
that would be blessed government in Siberia, which would ofcourse Weaken So ber, exhibiting an immense ferers of the Belize disaster; Send in your Subscriptions to Don Filadelfo Grat upon the face of this viet Russia to the delight of assortment of British maas a fund from Limon. nados and your names will he published weekly in the Powers of the World. nufacture, they vvill not Sell «The Searchlight. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
ness in were are earth.


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