
Saturday November 28. 1931 404 ERO100 Contestando al Jefe The opinion of a negro Político de Guápiles Woman Variety Concert Elocution Contest ino él. To all organized Clubs, As.
Atraídos por la cele corresponsal de «La Trisociations and Societies bridad mordaz y escan buna. se echó por el was asleep for a very long time Communities and Towns. dalosa que fija en pocos camino del atajo des. But now awake with a jolly good mind, With a loving heart must really say trazos el sordo perfil del conociendo de antema. That we all should live in an upright way, At a regular meeting of the under ment.
autor de una rectific a. no, para que no se le And rally to the cause, make no delay, ioned Club, it vvas decided to stage a MAMMOTH EL OCUTION CONTEST, under ción hija (le la fantasía, cobre nunca su ignoran. For it is the only salvation for the negroes today.
del Jefe Político de Guá. cia ni su descabellada it auspices, inviting all organized clubs, aspiles, don Alberto Piza, rectificación, que los Despite the hatred, leave those alone, sociations, societies, communities and towns And look forward to the land of Sierra Leone, of the Province of the Atlantic Zone. The para eclipsar la voz de gentes de periódicos y Where some of you negroes used to go.
los corresponsales de la difusores de noticias, no And let the white man fix you all in a row contest vvill be an open one and, theretore, prensa, que a niodo de se les puede cobrar na. To fight your black brothers like a bitter foe, all persons desiring, are eligible to entry.
discurso callejero de pla da personalmente por Your danger that time you did not know.
The club vvill endeavour to raise, as may za pública, se jala una falta de valor para afron Now God choose Garvey from among the race be convenient, the necessary funds, to protorpe ingen:sidad propia tar las consecuencias. To lead negroes again back to their place, vide the prize, vvhich may be trophies; de personas carentes de Yo conociendo la in While he is trying to gather us in vvhich vvill be allotted according to the sus cinco sentidos, co dole, el temperamento y The foes are planing to rebel against him number secured, endeavouring to assign la honorabilidad del coBelieve me this work is no simple thing first, second and third prizes, and other Some want him to lose but he is determined to win.
Yo conio algún día rresponsal de La Tribuprizes subject to conditions.
ine ocurrirá lo ocurrido na, que en estos momen. Though his name some negroes dont want to hear No entry fee nor quotavvill be levied on con mi colega de «La tos estará esperando la So they speak against him in the open thoroughfare the entrants or contestants; but applications Tribuna. con conoci oportunidad para cobrar But what does he care about any one must be filed vvith the Secretary of the iniento de causa, me re. la ofensa que veladamen Who is speaking against him with so many wrongs Club, rot later than, fifteen days prior to God has given to him this wonderful plan fiero al hecho que mo. te le han lanzado, le digo To direct us the way to our promised land.
the date scheduled for the function.
All tivó al Jete Político en al señor Piza que cuientries are binding to inake good their ap.
cuestión, a perder su don dado resulta pidiéndole The land where many nations like to be pearance, after having applied and received cle caballero, que antes cacao el día menos penTo make themselves rich, happy and free confirmation of their entry. No title vvill be (le concretar pruebas en sado después de ui for. And not even the natives can do what they like at risk, nor vvill any be assigned vvinners midable. botellazo como They are compelled to walk certain hours at night of this contet.
su descargo, lo ataca con The function vvill be a acritud e involucra car ocurrió a cierto doctor And give unto them their former birthright.
Oh God! Deliver the poor from the rod of the whites combination Variety Concert and Elocution gos que no vienen al de esta villa por igual Contest. It vvill take place at the Arrasty osadía. Lo dicho por el That their land was the glory where blessing bestow Our ancesters, were dark they did not know caso Theatre on December 21st. proximo.
Es conocido de todos mencionado correspon. So they took them from there and send them astray very good programme vvill be prov.
que el Jefe Político don sal está fuera de duda y And robbed all they had in the worst sort of way ided, oftering some of the bestof our local Alberto Piza, dejó aban yo repito también que But the new born negroe is the light of today artists, knovyn, and debutantes. Very mod.
donado en la estación, el Cantón de Pococi por Through tempest and storm they shall carry the fway. erate prices vvill be charged for admission.
sufriendo los rigores del la indolencia de las au Garvey is pioneering the way for his race This may, therefore, be accepted as an open sol, al mordido de vívora toridades de allá, es una people be nighted among the white race invitation, byvvhich incending contestants a que se refirió «La Tri carga pesada para Siqui Now the wheels are turning tovvards the great light are here by appraised. Enquiries vvelcome.
buna. así lo reconoce el rres, pues no se preocu.
So be courageous negroes it is coming in sight Soon or late vve shall conquer in right Scott, Secretary UNIVERSITY CLUB, Liseñor Piza; es cierto que pan cuando menos de For Jesus the Almighty is ruling the fight.
MON. EGBERT POLSON, como principal autori transportar sus enfermos President: dad administrativa del a los hospitales ni llevar That the honour Marcus Garvey vvill give some relief The natives at home still hold a belief SCOTT, Cantón de Pococí, no los reos provenientes de in Cape Tovun, South Africa they are having hard task Secretary ON le diera el pase para ser allá al lugar de donde learned from report that they ve burried up their past trasladado ni ecomen son pedidos; creen que And demanding their land care not what it cost dación para ningún hos. con sólo dejarlos en Si. They ve determined to fight for their country at last.
Hylton elected Literary Director pital; es cierto que el quirres, está su deber So negroes avvake speak your mind then.
Jefe Político de Siquirres cumplido sin detenerse Join hands and heart and vvork to the end of University Club Obey your leader for he holds the true creed de su propio bolsillo, a pensar que este MuKeep in the line for then vve ll succeed sumioistró el pase al nicipio ha agotado sus Professor Henry Hyl. consideration.
Without faith and love no one can lead ton, the Dean of the Peda We are anticipating that paciente para Limón.
partidas pre upuestadas So the vvarning is on for us novu to take heed.
gogues of Limon, was una Professor Hylton will bring Estos cargos ciertos para esos servicio 3, y que It time for negroes unite up novu strong nimously elected, at the last to bear his potential talent son los que inovieron al con rectificaciones furi And let the vvhite man know vve vvant back our land business meeting of the Uni and culture to promote the señor Piza a intentar for. bundas está arreglado For the days are too bright to keep out abroad versity Club, Literary Direc Literary standard of Univer.
mular su protesta? Qué todo. Yo creo que no; And still take the whites to be our earthly Lord tor of this organization. The sity Club; that his presence su queria? Seguramente que como también creo que So He is warning the world about their defrauds.
election was made following and efforts in the behalf of his nomination by Mr. Aure the individual members of the el pacientë muriera sin el irresponsable de sus lio Bermudez, and was in society will serve them as ser oído ni visto por na actos por escasés de un The oppressors knovv vvell that the time is at hand mediately welcomed by every stimulus to devote their spai dic, sentido es el rectificante When all nations shall turn back to their land member present.
time to the studies of sul El señor Piza, sordo a que me refiero.
For Ethiopia is calling for her sons and daughters The entire member jects which will be signifi To come from the dungeons and leave those dark corners ship of University Club fee cant factors in the crowning físicamente y sordo ante Colaborador Corresponsal To join in the ranks as sisters and brothers a sense of grandeur, sincel of their aspirations, and that la verdad, antes de des.
To rule our guin country the same as the others. ce Prof. Hylton was installed they, the members of Univervirtuar los tres cargos Africa is redeemed see the king on his throne in office, last night; and the sity Club, will realize the nedichos que es lo que en To advertise is to Novo Ethiopia royal state has come to it tur spirit of optimism which bas cessity of reciprocating his el fondo quiso decir el double your business So by the povver of God The Holy Divine always preva led among the invaluable services. VESWhen the king see vvith us the agreement he ll sign constituents of the Club has TIGIA NULLA RETRORBy a vvord from our ruler have made up my mind grown to a greater degree, in SUM» is assured so much that the matter of establishing an Academy for Aurelio Bermúd Novv negroes unite for the harvest is near special instructions is under Editor the Searchlight here but that they have stood Dont be discouraged, dont be dispaired firmly behind the formation Bind vvith your leader till the vvork done.
Dear Sir: of a «National Republic, in beg you a little space in China; how far would his So stand like brave soldiers till victory is vvon He is fighting a battle while God is the gun your most valuable Journal Nationalism count in his Re. For the negroes must have a fairshare of the sun, Limon Service Bureau to enlighten Miss or Mr. public? think that Mr. JosDolores Joseph regarding eph is thinking rightly of Composed and recited by ANDhis attack upon the Impro. himself when he said, that MARIA CRAIGIE BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY vement Association in your the Negro Associations considers him,«Stagnant Water. Limón issue of the 21st inst in ORGANIZED AND EQUI PED which he said that the. Rege No progressive Negro Club Bureau established for the greater convenience, dances are the greatest means or organization would stop understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Ento think of a club with such Dr. Raul Orozco Casorla of revenue to such Associaglish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of Bustion for we are aiming at a a leadership. With the leadDental Surgeon inessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
Nationhood that he cannotgoership that Mr. or Miss Do. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to gentleman fe, inine lores (for the name is femiof the Royal College of Surgeons England a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conip name and (inost obviously) nine) is able to give, the Alpha fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the direction more so in brain, has not a Barrister with must be a failure.
Modern Dental Clinic over twenty five years practical experience. acquired on the knowledge to knou hat This letier Sir is not in the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as East of Imprenta Alsina. Apartado 1300. San José it takes only the people tended to mar the Alpha but and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and who are intelligent to invent no true hearted member of Patient met at Station by his Representative ways and means by which our Organization will stand are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Mr LEWIS Counsel.
their business may be kept for such mud Singing. Such persons like Mr. Joseph and English Spoken Emiliano Odio Mendez alive. If Mr. Joseph wanted Edmund Moore Barrister his Siren Call to be heard myself should leave writing Accountant if he wanted to do something in the press to gentlemen Attorney at Law Notary Public Manager Collection Dept great that may be admired liken miles militanten and Aurelio Bermudez by the youths and their paF. Harrison. The press is JUAN MEZA DENTIST Investigator rents, if he l:ad wanted the too Valuable not for nonSoliciting Manager CARTAGO COSTA RICA MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE cooperation of he Negro sense, Associations, if he had not If Mr. Joseph likes to have Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the wanted to be branded,«Egois a personal talk with me let Central Street 325 Yards East of Market ta. he would have first stu him drop a fevy lines to. Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports died the method of proper and cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Yours respectfully Preference given patients from Limon and other leadership. beg to enligthen points of Atlantic Zone.
Jamaica, L: SYDNEY MONTAGUE Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, Mr. oseph that thousands of Chinese bave naturalized Madre de Dios.
In defense of the I. Go Garvery with your people precieve it times to. lose Presidencia Este documento es propiedad


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