
Saturday November 28. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Individual Criticism in Cricket To Run the Asylum and Hospital Hi Rheumatic noil pains. CAFIASPIRINA. Civil Marriages the on BOTICA CENTRAL Traube Cerveza So as to be able to keep the doors of these insti.
tutions open, a Commission Dear Mr. Editor.
men has lived up to their from the Junta Caridad reputation as cricketers here. Board of Charity. comPermit me space in your in these days. can plainly posed of Mr. Alberto Echanvaluable. aper to say a few say that most or some of di its President Mr. Andres words along the lines of them Mr. Roy Chapron has Venegas and Mr. José JoaImmediate relief what aopeare in your two never seen in action, then quin Alfaro waited on Don previous issues. One written how can Mr. Roy Chapman Cleto Gonzales Viquez the by «Off Brake» and the ot raise such a argument on Presideut of the Republic, her by Mr. Roy Chapman. something he knows nothing with a view of formulating For what can gather from about, can that account for some plans, for coutinuing the writing of «Off Brake» his 25 years experience in usefulness of these th gentleman in question cricket? am saying this old public facilities and among sio, y meant to coinment saying that «when the fox the propositions there is the There have been from time Secretaría de Goberna two hundred colones to get on the difference of Ortodox cant get after the grape he idea of placing an increas to time serious complaints ción. San José, de agosto his marriage through. One Cricket and merely going at says it is sour. am one ed duty on Flour, of a dollar made by many of our readers de 1928. los Registrado Mr. Walker was charged the game as it is taught to of the individual that has per bale of this article, of the impositions taken of res Auxiliares del Estado 150 for the same thing us out here. He mentioned said and will ever say that Half of this extra tax them in public functions in Civil: but he refused to pay it.
sereral persons to whom Mr. Roy Chapman is one of wil be dedicated to the some of our public offices Tiene notícia esta Secre Mr. Henry Knowles Ro.
praises was due, he made our ortodox batsman in Cos Hospitals and a half to the and especially in the efforts taría de que suele exigirse binson of 27 miles paid 50 special note on Mr. Leon on ta Rica and up to this prespayments of the Teachers to get mark of our people en algunas oficinas públicas to get his marriage through his ortodox cricket which he ent time of our knowing him of our Schools. It is ex ried who do not speak the emolumentos 110 autoriza since 22 june last and up to píayed on the Sunday before, with us he has not showed pected that this new im spanish language nor kaow dos por la ley, por la inter now he has not been able then on Monday game he us his true mettle, now is puesto will be passed by the laws on these matters, vención en los matrimonios to get his marriage certifimentioned Mr. A: Sutton this meant that when Mr.
Congress immediately, not and as a correction we civiles que se verifican. cate.
whose brilliancy was in his Roy has perform his best only on flour to be im reproduce a notification with Como esta exacción es de There are many such comortodox style in which it was that some of us who feel to ported but that also its translation for the benefit todo punto indebida, espero plaints all about the Province. done, that simply meant to do so could not give to the now in their Stock so as of our many subscribers.
que no se incurra en ella and it is well that the Gover.
give encouragement to the public their opinion? Now to relieve the pressing en lo sucesivo.
nor should be acquainted other young generations who am closing this little letter situation.
GOBERNACION De Ud, atentamente, of these irregularities when would like to follow along asking Mr. Roy to leave off We note that the Benevo.
they are brought to bear. the same example and pretty individual criticism, and lets lent Society of Spain has CIRCULAR LUIS CASTRO UREÑA it the parties would only soon they too may appear help to put cricket to the started up a public subscripSrio. de Gobernación. meet our Governor and retheir names in big head lines stand of other places where tion to aid the funds of the Gaceta número 180 de port such charges and point in some daily news papers, cricket is played in its true Hospital.
de agosto de 1928. 11. TRANSLATION out the clerk who is trading that iswhat think Off Brake form. And asking you Mr.
on their ignorance of the meant. But we turn to the Editor not to publish nothing CIRCULAR Law we know such practises criticism or Mr. Roy Chap more so individual especially would soon cease.
man. This gentleman in ques. when it comes to cricket, Gazette 180 del de Another thing is, there are tion is bent on doing more because it does more harm de Juan Bta. Ortiz Farmacist august, 192 11.
all sorts of charges being harm to cricket than good, than good.
made by some of our Judges Avenue de las Damas, from the Atlantic Station Secretaria de Verbatim Goberna It seems to me that this Mr.
in the courts office for making ción, San José, 7th august, Embargoes: the Law We unoposite corner of the Imprenta Alsina Roy Chapman has got an 1928. To the Auxiliary Reindividual criticism for Mr. Drummond Makes a specialty in the despatch of Prescriptions, Pharmaceutical derstand provides a payment W: Suttons cricket away preparations, and Patent Medicines of all kinds. Attends all orders gistrars of the Civil State: of five colones per hour as by Post. The direction can be shown by his Agent along the lines This office has been in from any bodys else he did ED. NOTE: the fees for making an emformed that unauthorized not mention nothing of Mr.
Mr. LEWIS We see nothing in the arCash Deposits bargo plus the travelling Leon cricket which «Otticle refered for emolumeats are being de censure, Apartado 510, San José, Telefone 2106 manded, in some of the public expenses if he has to go out Brake» spoke about, he did every one is entitled to his offices, for services rendered of town; some of the lawyers not mention nothing about views, hence we cannot see of sale of do not object as they are in connection with civil Mr. Walker cricket, then why the Writer should object afraid to incur the Judge marriages. This is contrary why raust it be that pretty to criticism on the playing Life Guarantee to law.
wrath against them and so near a whoie page of your of any particular member.
decide against him in his As this mode of procedure The surest security for preserving a healthy vigorous body is to drink always valuable paper must be writ This is done in all countries.
cases before him, so the poor is incorrect, from every point client is sacrificed. The writer 99 ten on Mr. Sutton cric. Free speech without abuse ket. think as have said on any subject is our aim of view, it is hoped that it will not o cur in future.
once aad a case in which before Mr. Roy Chapman is and is the opportunity grant made and distributed under the supervision of the Judge had to visit the De Ud. atentamente, a bit two individual, a the ed in these columns to any The Florida Ice and Farm Co Locus en quo, and his charghead line of this subject says one, even though the majorLUIS CASTRO UREÑA es were sixty colones, this «Individual Criticism in cricity of our contributors are Srio, de Gobernación.
was objected to and forty ket help us to go no where of no financial help to the colones paid, with the result There is no fee attached in that he vvas decided against, civil marriages; the law debut on appeal to the ligher Limon surely those gentle. butors.
mands court, gone a five colon stamp the Judges of the In consequence of the paper on which the ceremony appeal court supported his serious illness of Mahatma is written up, and a ten colon contentions, so it is seen hovy 0000 0 0 0 Ghaudi in England. The Jamaica Town was timbre or stamp, then there lustice is dispensed here, OL: house of Lords is arranging thrown in consternation is two publications to be is betwveen «Hell and the Mindful of a duty out of his deportation back home, riendship the most popular as his absence will bring on Tuesday morning made in the official gazette deep blues. naturally it one even vvins his case, vvhen when the news went at 2 50 per publication and 65. 00 for the certificate.
the Bill of costs comes up.
of arriving at a convenient around that nurse Swart.
There have been practises if the opposing solicitor arrangement of Indian affairs on was dead.
Has arranged to distribute a value of almost at the Round Table Confein the Limon Gobernacion by knows and will do his duty Mrs. Sarah Swarton a clerk there who keeps the the cost are brought to its double the former value of the wrappings as a rence among the other la took in ill at about the applicants from seeing Lavy, so all the exórbitant minimum according to the benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you dian Delegates.
can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before the Governor or his Secreóclock on Tuesday morni All No. wrappings have a much greater value tary until after office hours, charges are never recovered, than No. and others.
Phillip Snowden has ing with a sort of pneu and as soon as these are being so much money throwa been made a Viscount by monia and by half past gone out of office he chargaway.
the King for his marvellous three she s dead. Mrs. es these poor people all sorts of moneys for writing Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be financial matters. He will Swarton was a very use To advertise his ful member of the Com: up the papers and pntting exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts there House of Lords. As munity. She had practis: well for cur congenial Go is to double your them through. It would be will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
Viscount of Ickornsham. ed as an acknowledged vernor to make investigations Distributor in Limon This being the county in midwife for many years into these matters.
Armando Heilbron woich he was born.
business and was looked upon as It has come to our knowDistributors in Turrialba, There is a movement be. a great benefactor among ledge that it cost our friend fore the House of Com the poorer people of the Day Adventist school about Printed in Falco Hnos.
Rojas, Cortés Cía.
mons to block the export vicinity who could not ation of Arms to Japan afford a doctor at partur INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
Donald the Premier, threw Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 the project out Saying that recent death of Mother Japan had ordered a great Sanchez another mid amount of Motors for Aero wife a few mouths ago, San Jose planes and other neces. and now Mother Swart Graduate of the University of Paris saries and he could not on, there will be great think of adopting Mr. LandsSpecialist in affections of the blood and other deseases.
bury movement of block suffering felt in this dirSurgical cases given special attention.
ing British trade under ection by the people Treatments modern. Prices moderate.
present circumstances. needing their services.
Patients met on arrival by his interpreter, Mr. Lewis.
Further information, if required, can be had of «The Searchligh. She is survived by a oooo0000000000000000000000005 0000 husi and and dau :hter to who we beg to tender Attention!
our condolence.
CLINICA FIGUERES 10. 000 in Prizes 100 YARDS TO THE NORTH OF IMPRENTA ALSINA All sick and infirm persons from the distressing, Malarial Zones of the Atlantic Ask for Chiclets but say Adams To obtain results and Pacific Regious, who require doctors attention and up to date nursing, will do well to go straight to the SANITARIUM of DOCTOR FIGUERES.
99 Very moderate charges. Confortable, airy dormitories, coupled with sympathetic in your business, and efficient Nurses, as well as tbe skilful aid of some of the best doctors in San Jose, whose pleasant and affable dispositions lend inspiration and confidence to the patient. His agent Mr. Lewis will meet all patients by appointment advertise in THE the Stations, and conduct then direct to the Clinic. I he only legitimate Chiclets lookout for the coupons with Prizes in the Packages address LEWIS La Gondola, Frente Imprenta Alsina, San Jose wwwwwwww Www of some cricketers fame in the opinions of our contri. Ghandi Deportation Useful landmark PALMERA SOAP o about van betere opportunity PALMERA SOAP dem Buserade this matblity in and china bhut Mr Marition; what with the Dr. Valverde Vega Advertise OOOOOOOOOOOO Chiclet ADAMS wwwwwww 0000000000000000000 ooow00000000000 SEARCHLIGHT Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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