p. 4


Saturday 28 November. 1931 Notice. Notice! PULLING ME TO.
our conse pres of Waldeck Div. The OUTRAGE AT CAHUITA and the great horse of by that mare de newly called to speak and respondi itorial to give expression the highest and most Mr. Washington Res. Among the Woodmening om morgenommen.
Sie haben das onde Minas Edese cognised as a promotor of and thus complishasame employees obra de becom2 Romagosa they then lurer a Wedding Bells From Madre de Dios Carlos Manuel Fernandez grand installation of the Prepare for the Races Continued from page and unclean hands used to Madre de Dios Div. No. 174 DENTIST at 24 Miles on the 14 think themselves better than of the took place December. This will be erat demonstrandum. other people, so do our ovvn in Liberty Hall on Specialist in movable bridges of the Akeres or Deefour type an immense programme Bantu. Anything more. queried gentile folk.
The greatest Sunday nov, 22. The ritual.
Plates or bridges of Inlay type without crowns and without any of eleven events.
stumbling blocks to thc pivo istic and installation ceremo inconveniences for the patient. If you question. said Horses from Cartago sharply.
gress of the Church, are you ny was masterly handled Teeth set in Hecolite, Gold, Porcelain, Aluminum, and Rubber by Mr. Harrison church going religionists who Office in front of the 2nd. Section of Police in Av.
will compete, there will «Well. he began after a are alvvays taking on, ke one of Africas leading talent, Hours to 11. 30 and to p.
be a thousand (guinea) short pause, you have said the Pharisees of old, assisted by Mr. Joseph Simp also that pharisaic customs San José. Box 1252 Telephone 4201 no colones Race over son ex preso of Cimarrones 1200 yards, betyveen La pleasing acceptance in gèntile vvhu took that adulterous and prejudices have found quential airs. You might vvell knovv that among these folks Div. and Mrs Reid Lady from Cartago society. What do yo mean vvoman to our Saviour yvere installed officers to be found the biggest rascals encircled The Hall several the spot Camaroonian. Simply this. said that and criminals Dear Mr. Editor: am times after which they were are Negro parents (perhoutside the The French pool will vvith all their unsound spots those fellovvs sneakea avvay just as hovy the Pharisees vvalls. Do you knovv Vihy charged with their duties. Soliciting a little space in aps not many) who regard All the new officers were the colunms of your Ed their duty to their childreu be a great feature. Have vyhile Jesus Christ vvas vyrityour breakfast early at ed brilliantly. Those that will «O, no, tell me. cried nr compass the Div. for the to a feeling that weighs sacred and, realizing this taurant and come in full friend eagerly.
next 12 months are Messrs painfully on my mind have striven to perform it to Sport On Sunday last the Well, continued, o O Theophilus Lee pres, Thos and, the reason for this to the best of their abilForesters of Courts Ga Lord simply vyrote on ti Clarke vice pres, Sydney is, because, am a father lity and, that, inspite of The border dispute Montagne Secy, Fargu in this unfortunate race of the lead and Mizpah went in ground Tief. murderer. thousand and, one harson treas, Jas Montagne liar. fornicator. it yvas procession westward from ours therefore, what ever oppositions by which they sistent rumour that trouThere has been a per the centre to The Baptist roll, you see, and as each just his vvay of calling te chap, Chas Sharpe Chairman Trustee Board, Daniel happens to an individual are sorrounded and, in a Johnson, Evans Stegal, and of the race naturally affects land as this where Strict ble has broken out in Church were the Revd. accusing practitioner Savaca name of bis rascally deeds Philip Ricketts, Associate our Panamanian frontier Wm. Forde gave them a me and, this is more so morality is not regarded but there is not truth very inspiring address on vvritten dovun, be ansvverd Trustees (one trustee was when it involves the chil as a thing of me: it. How their 35th. Anniversary, fast as his feet or legs, vv that roll call by going off as absent) also Misses Eugena dren and youths. There ever, we honour those in it.
Brown and Eliza Williams, from where they journey chever of hem, could carrry Lady pres. and Lady vice pres.
parents who in the real SHORTAGES ed Eastward and receiv im.
respectively. Short talks and SCOUTING.
ization of such a sacred ed words of eulogy from addresses were delivered by Oh, ho! laughed out Ban.
Within the past few duty have striven manour Governor Don Juan tu. That was some corker Mr. Simpson, Mr. Continued from pag. Scharsmidt and Mrs. EdfreAnd so. vvent on, ifour fully to accomplish same days there have been lady and gentleman accusers turned to the Court.
of the religious type vvould were rendered by Mesdames peace and is worthy of any sound foundation whereou pany discharged for alledecent lad joining? vvilt the conscienscious teacher ged defalcations in cash tion was given at their corrupt and evil deeds, so On Monday night a Func just get that bundle of their Reld and Elsy Clarke and Miss Kelseda Doyley, while in my next issue give the readers of the Searchlight, must build. When this is and shortage of stock, Courtrooms in honour of tightly tied on to their backs, Miss Mary Davis useful in some more very interesting the case and, the contrary one from the Cashier their 35 years of life when shifted in front of them, that all literary and musical de.
partments presided at the topics on Scouting and its happens we are righteously office and the other from many friends were invited in the eyes of the vvorld they they might see hovy they look benefits.
Organ. The address of Mr.
pained and, fain would the Commissary Dept.
to hear the Oratory of vvould leave of the business Harrison is never to be «To seek peace and pursue avenge the deed. The laws it is our first and highest of this country have made the representatives from of other people s, vvho are their forgotten one. Onward for the different fraternal Or superiors in every respect, ward and upward are the duty, both of this generation watch words of our division, and those that are yet to it compelling that, the pretty little vvedding ganizations around Limon. and clean up themselves.
Watch us do it for the next children attend the gov took place at Siquirres on At this gathering the Go«It is all a case of meddling come. Leonard Dobson ernment School which, we 12 months.
the 23rd. inst, vvhen Mr. vernor in other people affairs, obwas unavoidably served Bantu. but how can regard a blessing and, a George Anglin a leading absent, but Coronel Ro they help it when it is wirtten MONTAGME, st. Rover mate of thing most desireable and Tailor of that place was join gelio Gutierrez, and Coro Reporter st. Marks Troop in the book of «Romeo» that welcome to the foreign in holy vvedlock vvith Miss nel Yglesias, Coman the shoemaker should meddle population and, in order Estella Hall.
dante of Plaza and Policia with his yard, the tailor with that this dictum result in his last, the fisher with his Notice of business purchase The Social part of it vvas were present: Don Roge. pencil, and the artist with his the blessing it is intended, kept up at The Liberty Hall liow introduced by Mr. nets?
This will notify the public in general that have this day We suggest that the offi vvhere a very pleasant even. Ben Sankey the Charman. Romeo and Juliet is no bought the Lodgings formerly carried on by Mrs. Alvira Williams cials of Schools in appointing was spent and after in San José known by the name of Excelsior House and will very touching authority on morals, said I; hap gave a ing teachers have them piness of the nevviy ved speech on his acquaintance and you are not properly carry on as a Lodging and Boarding House under the name of Portland House in future.
severely tested morally, Dancing vvas indulged in among the coloured fraunderstanding Shakespeare. Special attention, clean and comfortable rooms to my patrons.
and, be satisfied with until the vvee sma, hours. Well, this is enough; lets ternity of Limon he being put it over. remarked Bantu, LEWIS their moral fitness before May their happiness koovy a Master Mason himself. and begin our trip to the abducting them into this no end is the vvish of THE SEARCHLIGHT.
In front of Imprenta Alsina, San José.
After which he bade the Blind Alley. all important office and gathering goodnight amid «I am not so inclined. do not do so in the spirit said and as you are alFoot. Ball showering of the boun ready on the way and may of partiality or, favourties of Bacchus.
itism. The teacher should The cuban footballers need a travelling companion, The meeting continued recommend a Searchlight. be solemnly impressed left Jamaica on the 11th.
amid the flow of flowery «At vvhat price may So you thought me dead, lives that we live, the social that in the work of teachinst won two lost and Speeches interspersed get one. he asked.
eh? Well no, was just circle that we move into, ing he is moulding the drawn one. The All Ja with beautiful Songs and reminding myself of vvhat I paused a vvhile; vvas maica and the half milimaking observations, to re and the way we comport character of the future men Solos whe streets, and women of the land tary half Civilian beat Davidson Choir; and it ness covereth the peoples; by Prof. conceive. that gross dark.
turn with more advices to you ourselves What the aims and are what counts.
and, is, building a nation, them the visit will result was not objects of your girl Clubs? have known of girls, a nation that is, to take in better understandings birds of nature started to until the Song for here vvas a man vio had been so badly covered Are they not to raise the who tell their mothers that its place alongside the betwen both Islands.
social Standard of those immitate them did the im up as not to bave krown of the existence of the Search of our young girls who they are going to club meet most advanced nations of ings, and know that they mense crowd of friends light.
Dr. Oswald Anderson crave after a live of aspi have NOT gone there. What the world. If this had been deem it fit to disperse for «Oh, very cheap. inforr guarantee can your parents the case, the late teacher has been coopted an Altheir individual homes; ed him; foster a better understanding make for you, when you to Cahuita would not have derman in the Kingston after o fine «you may night was one for just 25 cents to encourage them to practice such a life of de been appointed and, thus and St. Andrews Corp.
nes, and as your journe obtain higher educational ception? How do you want commit the most baneful Council. much satisfac spent among our Forester may spread over a couple of possibilities, and finally to the boys to respect you, and immoral act on a poor, friends.
be years (for he looked as if he tion is felt by his election.
prepare themselves to when you lack that selfrevvould live, vvith good care, mothers that legitimate spect that makes you a lady? unfortunate girl who was a tvventy years more. you children would crave for?
Why is Leprosy. Small placed under his tuition training of our children Cricket at Mte. Verde may provide yourself vvith Well, if these are the aims Pox, and other such and care and, that, by the and, youths and, are keenly agood supply by advancing and objects of your clubs, deseases insolated because law of the land.
watchful over them and, On Monday Novembel Nation, vvho keeps a fairly a 00 or so to Mr.
are your clubs practising these precepts? have heard they are infections, and a We are exceedingly pain are truly concerned as to 16th. the Germania large stock for all blind vyhole nation can become second cho bishemongers. ly innoculated by them. Well, ed and grieved over such whose hand and, influence journeyed to Monte Verde alles aspiranter and, devilish they come under. We sin Branch and engaged the Bantu bovved in Thaukful was cerely hope that, this, foul at the latter acceptance of my advice, many promising girls, for Social infections, shun them act from one who and pick the true and noble made «care taker» of the blot will not be repeated ground at Cultivation. The vvhile I, unlike the fabled reasons that are ridiculous.
rooster vvho did not rememYou legislate against a girl traits to your companions, children of this unfortun in any of the Institutes homesters won the toss; ber to roll down the foot of and do not endanger your ate place. It is reported where who bas not been the social our youths and, but sent the visitors to bat his pants, vvhich has ever constellation that you are, your all to be robbed by that the teacher in ques. children are compelled to who having batted stub since remained at his knees, who is not as intelligent as such infections.
tion is not the first who attend but, that, the homes bornly until 00 for put down my sleeves, feeling you are, who is unable to know that this article corrupts this girl and, how and, schools will cooper 42 runs all out.
quite happy to find myself dress as you can, but who not pulled to pieces, but will GOING Will jarr on your perves, did he know if he had ate and, thus, obtain the The homesters in their perfectly intact vvith all my but am writing them for not had illegal intercourse best and, most desirable turn mustered 29 runs various parts and parcels Our actions as a group the good of those whom with her? And, if, by legal results the building of the for the loss of wickets, functioning in comfortable of young girls, striving for means the discovery was nation which, will make having batted from 1:40 agreement one vvith am pointing out the vveak.
such a social atmosphere, tte as ness in your lives, so that made his business are not at all praise worthy, our civilization a bulwark until P. the time not at all examples, you may better them, mak Master of the school was of lasting good.
agreed upon for drawing that ought to be followed ing this toyvn better and to expel the unworthy Thanking you Mr. Editor stumps.
by our less fortunate sisters. cleaner by your good exam War with China and Japan forthwith from the school for space conceded am Going to club meetings, ple. vvill be back next very enjoyable day and, not to have allowed very truly yours.
was spent by both players An understanding has giving fine speeches, and vveek.
PHILOMELA her to remain to contamreciting at function 3, Wynter and spectators, who all been arrived at between not all the traits of ladies.
inate the other pupils. We wished to have seen the Japan and China throug in But the clean unpretentious Imprenta Falcó Hermanos have great regard for the Cahuita, 18th 11 31. game played to a finish. the efforts of the League Philomela talk with Girls on PLACES ABHOR YOU GO.
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