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San Jose EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 লক PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LÀ LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment It is only when man gets closest to Nature that he gcts closest to God. When the artificialities and selfdeception are cast aside and we see Nature, and all of God manifestations in their pure, undefiled and unpainted glory, that we find ourselves close to Cosmio attunements that will move the very depths of our being, giving us, a new love for every living thing that God has created, and for humanity in all its shades as the highest representation of Gods image.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14. 1931 NUM. 100 PEDAGOGUE one or some ever SO upon a Religionness and Godliness Jamaican Said To By Prof. Henry Hylton BY CYRILLO Have Invented Mr. Chairman, Worthy highest aim of education hosts of the University Club, should be restoration of Religiousness and godliness him to hide away himself cannot, therefore, find enough time and reason to offer to are as separate and distinct (if possible) from the God Lady and gentlemen, Please man to the state of pefection from each other as are right against whom the had sinned. God that service and devoNew Tipe of Engine tude for your very generous This should be the obiec the other is natural. Religion beginnings of religion and would enjoin on him. Who El Telegrafo of Gua.
invitation. feel glad to be can deny that taht recent dis yaquil, Ecuador, publishes here in the company of ding pedagogue. He is to being a man made business, godliness pute over the Stations of the in its issue of the 29th aspiring intellects and to in form as in nomenclature, religiousnes and form in the heart of his West of last month the state.
address you on the impor pupils human and divine it follows that religiousness in the offerings of Cain and Cross in a certain tant theme Pedagogue. cirts; he is to enlighten their is an artificial means to the Abel: Cain religion, as he Indian church was never ini ment that Mr. Scott, The gift of children is intelligence, prepare them desired end, which godliness made it, daughitusom tha think tiated by thofee pure high, a Jamaican, has invented divine and necessitated pa. för a formal and useful life consummates, rents. The maintenance and and thus rear a structure self is a representation of God, so he reserved to him the handmaidens of godliness? a new type of internal protection of the children that will defy the rigour the Deity an association and sell the best of his goods Was it not merely a question combustion engine for and offered to God worthless of religious pride that requir which the inventor claims of the parants but they too is untarnished by time and ideals that are but an ex. sacrifice; Abel s, godliness ed the use or, rather, prea greater amount of pomust undertake a great part whose duration is eternity.
pression of divine attributes.
the acceptance of his offering, in a certain form of worship? wer than is at present of their training. The civil teacher devoted to his And that which is Natural training of the child de profession and virtuous in stands first in the order of but also by his martyrdom. In the preceding paragraph developed by this type der of The Pharisees who lived hinted that there is quite of engine and which, it pends specifically on him demeanour is a valuable existence.
in New Testament times were Godliness existed long bewho specifies for that task asset, and should be protecta large number of religious is claimed, will revolutionthe most religious people sects in the would at the ise the whole motor inand such is the teacher. ed and aided by the State. fore religion, and from it the latter drew material to mainof whom In Latin he is preceptor Personally, he must be a we have heard, present time. now add that these sects are as much dustry.
one who delivers precepts, student so as to fuel and tain and justify its existen but their great show of rece and colour to adorn and ligiousness had nothing real competing one against the Details are not given, or instructs. He is professor refuel himself with the adother as are the contestants as it is stated that these who professes, pu: vances and revelations of beautify itself. Father Adam behind it and only made of blicly preaches or teaches unfo ding sciences.
most contemptible in the olympics.
professed or knew no religion them a are being held back pend Now, wherever there any branch of knowledge. As a man or as a body of at all when he lived a holy lot in the eyes of the humis ing the patenting of the blest and meekest of men competition, there surely must life the God like life in the He is the Jewish Rabbi and professionals, he or they are invention.
that ever lived. Unfortunately, be some degree of self confithe Greek Pedagogue.
Garden of Eden; yet it was sonetimes found res augusta Pharisaic manners and pre dence; self interest. selfishIt is also stated that The etymology of Peda domi that is. in poor fin this irreligious man who gogue is Pais Paidos a boyancial circunstances. then had in judices have gone beyond ness and no small amount of Mr. Scott invented and enough godliness the limits of judaism and that «vaulting ambition which patented some time ago and Agogos a leader. It is etc. should the State see after today find pleasing acceptance overleaps itself. vvhich are It was a common pro him and supply his wants, in Gentile society.
a device for the better never the characteristics of the verb that Money spent on wealthy citizen The Panama Here are the education of Women should take him for his protmany godly attitude. So it is, then, operation of the controls religious sects in the world that vvhile do agree that on the wings of aeroplanes.
was money cast into the sea. egé. It is a shame on our civi.
Mr. Scott was formerly The honour of educating lization and thrice shame Lottery that as religious fervour in order. do say, and vvith a women belongs to the on the immediate commuan organ builder in this Christian nations. Jesus nity to allow a teacher who One piece of the Pancreases the spirit of god great deal of emphasis, too; city, and left here some that any subject on which 14 years ago.
Christ the Master of mas has served them wiht earn ama lottery was fafsified concentrates on religion and men have been so divided, ters gave such prominence estness and efficiency, to two weeks ago and Ma keeps on tending this pet but on vvhich there should THE GLEANER wornan that raised her suffer privation in his niper dame Camprubi was the product of his inventive ge have been general, and even xcellence wheron she reigns in neglect. The pedagogue victim, she cashed it and nius, he becomes more and universal, agreement, there is oday. a queen is the maker of men and when she sent it to Pan, more centred in himself, very soon reached a stage more and more elated over vvhereat all human actions Current News chrone, the most dignified the moulder of the destiny ama for Cash it was his ephemeral triumphs. and become purposeless vvorthpartner of her noble spouse of the State. He needs and merits and ought to have dealers have got to be The man who assumes less.
proven a talsification. So The government is now The Christian Church is all this vocation must be one Universal support.
of intrinsic worth and na And now my friends, for very careful now.
the vvorse for this state of getting sanction from ConA Cargo lost affairs, vvhich it seems incapTen thousand dcllars gress to issue Bills to the tional recognition. All ci the marked appreciation and able of remedying. can con tune of two and a half vilized peoples use the tea repeated kindnes and cour of this Lottery was held cher and esteem him a pri tesies of the University Club, By the Panama Star and ceive. then that «man vvalketh millions of colones which mary necessity. He is there. give a Te Deum, and for up in the Mails this week Herald, we find that a steam in a vain shadovv and disa are called Certificates of fore precious aud confiscated. Invest and must parting work. Vestigia er the «Genevieve Lykes» quieteth himself in vain. and be dignified io bearing, train pulla retrorsum Not a step igations are proceeding with more than a thousand that «darkness still covereth Silver, but some financiers ed in arts and sciences are calling the attention of backward. Advance!
before the Courts.
head of cattle contracted the earth and gross darkness and cultured in manners.
for by the Canal Commis the people. And aver that the Excecutive that there ion from Cuba net heavy the only true Reformation that will be no guarantee for Preceptor nasiour non fit, seas on the voyage, and al ever can be is that which these new Bills therefore is only partially true of the teacher or pedagogue.
THE LADIES most the entire cargo Was vould transform this religious our exchange will be bound lost. By the rolling of the age into one imbued vvith a His natal genius must be ship the cattle broke loose far higher percentage of god to rise.
trained, his intellectual flame must be fuelled and BA Leonie Aiken few things that men can do from the pens in wich they ness. Till then our religionists fanned. Mulcaster, were nailed up and stamp will have been heading only and women cannot.
an EuIn consequence of the tovvard a blind alley.
eded, trampling Mr. Chaiman, Guest of glish Professur, writing in read a humör some time other to death; rushing the continuous rains There the 16th Century said «And honor and gentlemen: To ago of a farmer wife who, Armistice Day has been enormous hatchways; these broke in why should not these men night esteem it a privilege while busy milking t:er cows and the animals dropped in slide in the Panama Canal have both this sufficiency to speak on this illustrious and churning her butter, to Although last year of over a hundred thousin learning, and such room subject. The Ladies. Since and fro from the dairy to the holds breaking backs and there was a suggestion and cubic yards of Rock to rest in, thence to be Limon has launched out on the kitchen stove, she was legs, on arrival at Cristobal out there were over 800 dead thrown that we consequently the Chagres chosen and set forth for the field of literature and is interrupted by a gentleman and dying; the ship was or.
should all try to forget has risen over twenty feet the communion service? now becoming a literatury who asked her if she wished dered out 75 miles at sea Armistice Day and carry beyond her usual flood The Athenium at Athens, centre, almost every other to vote Her reply was «I to dump them amid a aweColisseum of Rome subjeet has been mentioned will tell you now sir, there ful stench. The crew refusthe on as if no world war borders. Over sixty ships functioned in this capacity with the exception of «The is one little thing that men ever had occurred yet have been waiting to pass in the near past, the Uni Ladies. can do alone, for heaven ing to work under such inwe see that in all parts the Canal. On Thursday versities of all modern ci have waited patiently saka let «em do it, sanitary conditions.
of the world even vilized countries have CO and anxiously to hear the You will find them in polleges for the training of gentlemen, especially the litics, in industry, in litera.
far off Costa Rica that twenty two managed to pedagogues.
Üniversity Club, even breat ture, in peace and in war.
do not think so.
memorial Services have get by, the bigger ships He ought to be and is are awaiting the clearing he upon the name of «Wo Who was braver and more poet whose name can been kept up on Wedn.
not recoliect said that «Wo: esday last 11th November.
of these slides.
most reasonably expected men. but my patience is patriotic than Joan of Arc?
to be a virtuous man, whose exhausted. Therefore. have is there a lovilier piece of man is heaven best gift moral life is above thought it best to remind poetry than that entitled and guardian angel of man. The Pacific Railway you all that we, the ladies, Solitude written by Ella proach. Better for our na.
There are some of you Steamer wrecked slides have been cleared tion if he is a christian. are still here.
Wheeler Wilcox? Who was gentlemen here who know As a result possibly of up and all trains are now The christian pedagogue The phases of womanly more gentle and encourag the affection of a wife and the bad weather raging running on time.
exercises an excellent art, nature are infinite in their ing than Florence Nightin some of a mother so will the most excellent of all variety. Take any type of gale was to the wounded trequest that you do not en along the Colombian and arts the training of the woman and you will find it soldiers? We have also ertain that Greek proverb. Panamanian Coasts: the New Itinerary minds and bodies of the something to love, some Queen Victoria as a peacewhich says that «Money Steamer Baden Baden of youth so that he turns out thing to admire and some maker, whom, the Boer War spent on the education of Costa Rican Registry has Our Timetables on the men physically and inte thing to respect.
helped to hasten her demise.
llectually fit to fill their There are very few places. Is there a love more ardent the sea, cand do not forget been wrecked near Čarta Northern Railway Co. will places as good citizens.
than that of a mother to her, because you cannot live gena and five lives lost be subject to a further Milton asserts that the women are notte ddbere esarfedalera sholda korshildren? gón WifdeWithoutiche de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud. Costa Rica.
including the owners.
Continued to pag a one an an re

    World War

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