
Saturday November 14. 1931 Algo de Siquirres BRIEF STORY OF THE LIFE OF CRISTOBAL No obstante la políti. sobre la honorable Junta, COLUMBUS BY MEMBER OF THE UNIVERSITY CLUB a name ernor on JUAN MEZA DENTIST Headaches on Prosperity ca baja, la política de no la hagan variar su odio, que las bellas ideas derrotero y buena inten: The mau of genius who written in that tongue. plore the Atlantic in all di Guanaja, near the gulf of discovered the America was y las mejores intencio ción de terminar esa esIn one of his expeditions rections; in which, the gal. Honduras and Nicaragua, Cristobal Columbus. sail he was shipwrecked off the lant Magallanes discovered and on Sunday, September nes en pro del progreso cuela coutra viento y maor who is said to be from coast of Portugal, where he the Strait that at present 18th, 1502 he cast anchor local, las convierte en rea.
Genova in Italy; but which was married and stablished carries his name. Reaching in Limon Bay, formerly callarmas de venganza, la Esa corporación hace fact cannot be proven un himself; about this time Co the Phillipines Islands some ed Cariary or Cariari by Junta de Educación una labor fecunda, por questionably, as in Spain, lumbus found himself, ser time later, where he lost his the Indians, who gave the pesar de la mala situa lo que es de esperarse documents have been found iously handicaped in his life. Sebastian Elcano, with Island of Uvita the which state that he was a project, and therefore ap the ships of ción, la crisis tan acenMagallanes of Quiribri; which was namque pronto desaparece.
native of Pontevedra, Gali pealed for help from the continued the voyage until ed by Columbus as La tuada en esta villa y la rá la necesidad porque cia. It is further known that reigning King Don Juan IIbe completed the first trip Huerta. Columbus was decrítica implacable por ha venido clamando el he had a knowledge of the (but his project did not find around the world (1519 1522) tained for 17 days making otro lado, lleva muy a. pueblo, desde hace lar italian language; but he spoke favour with this Monarch For the fourth and last repairs to his damaged ships delantados con econo gos años, haciendo ca and wrote Spanish Very and he was refused aid. time Columbus sailed from also resting his sick and He therefore left Portugal Puerto de Cádiz the 11th, exhausted men. During the mía, los trabajos de la so omiso a toda intriga fluently. Very little is known of a reliable nature about and went to Spain whose of May of the year 1502 stay of Columbus at Limon nueva escuela.
que a nada práctico con the life of Columbus before throne was then occuppied with 140 men distributed in Bay, the Indians at first La necesidad de una duce.
the discovery of the Nevv by Fernando, a Catholic king four ships. He arrive at Sancontemplated attacking the escuela en un sitio cénWorld. It is generally believ and here laid anew his plans to Domingo the 20th of Spaniards with their arms, trico que reuna las con Delicado de salud a ed that he was born between before King Fernando and June, but was not permitted but as they saw that the diciones para una nume.
to disembark by the Gov Spaniards had no intention consecuencia de the years of 1435 and 1450, bis gracious Queen Isabel.
una of a very humble family; and This King called a council, orders received of doing them any harm, rosa población escolar fiebre viliosa, ha estado was a navigator from youth. which rejected this seeming from the Catholic King. they became friendly by como lo es la de esta el señor Alcalde, don By his travels through the ly huge dream, and conclud Fighting against heavy storms showing their possssions.
villa, desde hace largos Isauro Briceño. HaceWest of Europe, he was ed that it was merely the in which on many occasions cotton, etc. The Admiral reidea of an audacious sailor his life was in peril; he was años venía siendo sentimos votos por su com persuaded that there were able to reach the Island of dísima y las Juntas de pleta mejoría.
in existence, other undisco which was at its best, abContinued on pag. surd and impossible. Not: Educación atentas al clavered lands. He therefore De plácemes se endecided to launch out to withstanding, some of Col.
mor del vecindario han cuentra el hogar Corde.
explore the unknown oceans, umbus friends were able to venido deliberando so ro. Albertazzi con el arri.
but before doing so, he stud persuade Queen Isabel to bre este asunto hasta boa a este mundo de ied with earnestness the help the sailor in this proCARTAGO COSTA RICA que por fin logró la que un robusto varoncito. works of ancient geography ject, which she did; and Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building actúa actualmente, inte Muestras felicitaciones noting every interesting item throuh her influence a conCentral Street 325 Yards East of Market tract draft and designed by that would be of benefit to resar de verdad al señor a los esposos don Ma. his intended explorations. Columbus and the Catholic Presidente de la Repú nuel y su señora, doña Preference given patients from Limon and other He was also compelled to King for the discovery of points of Atlantic Zone.
blica, al señor Ministro, Celia.
equip himself with the latin lands on the West of EurPainless Extraction. All work guaranteed ope (with the means that y al señor Inspector Prolanguage as nearly all litervincial escolar. Diez se Corresponsal. Colaborador taure of that Epoch were the consequence would require. manas escasas hace que On August 3rd in the year esos trabajos fueron ini. 88 89 880:8888888888888888888 The 23rd Psalm Revised 1402 Cristobal Columbus ciados bajo la dirección sailed from Puerto de Palos del competente construct 88 with three Caravels and 120 men at his command, maktor, señor Rogelio Mono ing scales by the Canaries tero y de la vigilancia 88 and Gomera Islands, and on The Lord is My Banker del Delegado de la Se.
Often times the various Symptoms of the 12ih October 1492 at two My credit is good cretaría de Educación o clock in the morning, he He maketh me to lie down into, head ache is caused by constant strain of the Pública, señor Ignacio discovered the first American The consciousness of omnipresnt abundance; muscles which are conected to the various Cruz, y hoy se encuen 88 oland, the Island called Guan. He giveth me the Key to His strong Box nerves of your Eyes. correct the various errors ahani which is now named tra la escuela a la mitad of refraction as follows.
San Salvador. Guanahani as He restoreth my faith, in His riches y es de esperarse que stated by many Authors, is Myopia. Hypermetropia. Mix Astigmatism.
He Leadeth me in the way of «prosperity dentro de un término one of the lakes called Walt For His name Sake.
Compound. Hyperopic Astigmatism, igual, podrá prestar ser. 88 Ding; but according to recent Compound. Myopic Astigmatism.
vicio para comenzar en 89 studies it is possible to be Yea though walk into Irregular Astigmatism. Presbyopia.
the island Mariguana perella el próximo curso The very shadow of debt, Hyperopic. Astigmatism. Myopic Astig. taing to a group of the Ba shall fear mo harm lectivo, siempre que la o o hamas. On this said voyage matism. And the muscular Anomilies of the For Thou art with me; violencia de la política, Columbus discovered some los odios personales que 88 human Eyes as follows 83 more íslands, Cuba and Hai Thy silver Thy Gold they secure me.
Esophoria. Exophoria. Right Hyperphoria.
tí or Spanish Island, where Thou preparest a path for me por envidia se ciernen Left. Hyperphoria. Abduction. Adduction. is now founded the Colony In the presence of the Collector Cyclophoria. Sursumduction, etc.
of Santo Domingo, On the Thou fillest my wallet with plenty give Ocular Calistenic treatment to your return of Columbus to Spain My Measure runneth over.
Gratitude he took with him Indians, muscles bringing them back to normal conanimals. golden objects and Surely goodness and plenty, will follow me dition. beg to thank my 88 other things. He was given Dr. Azevedo a triumphant reception by All the days of my life many friends and sym«Optometrist the city. Various honours And shall do business; path zers through the me 88 were conferred on him by Into the name of the dear Lord, dium of the Search Light rain Time payment plan to responsible patients. pay the Catholic King which in for ever and ever.
for the care and syma part down and pay weekly or monthly the balance 88 cluded that of Admiral, Viceon vour Glasses until full price is paid.
pathy bestowed to me foy, and Governor also were THOS G. SMITH during my sufferings oc 88 8988 88 88 888 888 given him, that of «Don Siquirres.
distinguishing hin from casioned by the sad ca.
other nobles, tastrophe that under.
The Price of Bread In the year 1493, Columwent on the night of the bus launched out with a Live And Let Live 24th Aug. last on the Bakers and capitalists in the business? No, fleet of 17 ships and 1500 men in which exploration Beverley Bridge. have of San Jose in the flour whenever a stall gets he discovered the Islands of to state that am now pusi By David Luke business are in consult unoccupied it is rented Jamaica, Puerto Rico and out of the Hospitals treatment but am ation, the great idea being by the Estate of Juin various other Islands of the Live and let others live say, still convalescent. The Bread. What an idea? out all others. The soon to raise the price of José Leon, so as to keep West Indies. During his 3rd voyage in 1498 he saw for And let things move on as they should be, wounds of the head are instead of lowering this first time the American ConSo that the world from day to day healed but the fractured article of diet, with more er a government looks tinent while he was at the Would turn in perfect harmony.
to protect its populace mouth of the Orinoco. From right arm.
wheat in the world than the better. If not, she is there he returned to the Although on the way Live and let others live think, can be consumed, Will sure to invite a resentColony of Santo Domingo Would be a blessing to us all; to where there was much rerecovery will take the goverument permit ment of such abandon volts against him and his some time to recuper such a thing?
Because it will supply the link ment.
brothers, which caused the That has kept us apart e er since the Fall ate. have to thank the Another item, that Catholic King to nominate Public in General.
calls for governmental a new Governor in his stead.
The doctors, Dressers NOTICE notice is our Beef. In The new Governor perseLive and let others live feel, and Nurses of the Hos. San Jose one gets the cuted Columbus, placing an Will bring us prosperity once more, Subscribers to the Search. embargo on his properties And many would never have to stealpital.
same class of Beef as light in and around the and sent him a prisoner to The Spanish Element sold in Limon for 20 and Town of Limon, Estrella, Ca Spain. When he arrived in Nor beg their bread from door to door.
for their catholicity of 25 cents, while here in huita, Oldharbour Moin and Spain, the Catholic King Spirit and displayed Limon one man is allow. Zent are advised hereby to Live and let live will e er create, ordered his release; but did charity, the Search Lighted to monopolize the pay in their quotas and past sition of governorship to not restore to him the po. feeling of true love within; And none will ever, contemplate for its prompt and un business at fifty cents indebtednesses to Mr. B. avoid similar revolts at Sanbiassed publications.
Why should he gainst his brother sin: per pound, Is this not More of the Limon Service to Domingo And last but not least a matter for the Muni Bureau, and from Estrada to For once the trip of the Live and let live is God Command!
mine own West Indian cipality to take up, by the Linea Vieja and Turrialba genius Columbus was delay. Hence let us heed the warning cry.
Element. 19 fitting out say four stalls to Mr. Oscar Delevante of ed, This inspired many au dacious navigators. SpanAnd pass success from hand to hand SAWYERS and invite corapetitors Este docemento es propiedad de quienesa Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano deiards and Pestuguese stiasterf Xe Cultura y Juve orderica Before destruction passes by.


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