
Saturday, November 14. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE CAFIASPIRINA Corroboration Chiclet A A MS ooooo 0000oooooo ooou00000000000 turalization.
AN ABSCONDER year moratorium on Babies Cuban Footballers very powerful team No more Children Until of the older children, and Rheumatic of Footballers trom CuIndustrial Situation Is Nor adding a presumably illnourmal Again.
ished puny specimen of ha are now playing in pains. humanity to a world al Kingston Jamaica. There New York Correspon ready overburdened with is hardly one of the dent of the Daily Express, defectives.
team that is not consisaid recently: This moratorium should dered a champion of the «Let us declare a moro apply not only to the torium on babies!
very poor, but also to the game, either in Cuba This proposal, made here well to do. This is a period Spain or the A, Immediate relief by Margaret Sanger, the of anxiety for the rich as Hetice it will take a famous birth control advo well as the poor. mighty good team in cate, has startled all the Although Miss Sanger United States, the centre of activities on behalf of birth Jamaica to get a game moratorium proposals control have been radical from them. No woman should have enough to bring her into The Editor, an old resident of this from so sane a step and any more children this court on several occasions, SEARCHLIGHT, place on the necessity the entire good to the year or until the indus this is the most sensational trial situation has return proposal she has ever put Racing in Jamaica Dear Sir: on the part of the Ne national polity. Still he ed to normal. Miss San forward.
groes becoming natura. would not be convinced.
ger said in a message Mr. Castro a Porto She is the mother of tvvo Just two hours before lized citizens of this After leaving him to American women. children, and is the author Rican sportsman who the SEARCHLIGHT country. endeavoured received the SEARCH «Every child born now, of many bouks on birth has done considerable reached my hands yest to show him the benef LIGHT and was very she said. will only add to control and related subjects: racing in the erday, was talking to its that would the financial disasters of the and the editor of propa. Havanna and Panama accrue pleased to see the arti family, imperilling the health ganda publications.
cle by Miles Militante has brought down three accompanied by your American thoroughbreds Dr. Raul Orozco Casorla to timely reflection. It is to try conclusions in the Life Guarantee really a pity that so few December and January The surest security for preserving a healthy vigorous body is to drink always of our people are given Dental Surgeon meets in Jamaica. The 29 to reading and still few.
of the Royal College of Surgeons England names of his horses are er to thinking. may. Ah There. Miss Gret made and distributed under the supervision of however, add by may of Modern Dental Clinic chen» and «Lady Gantee The Florida Ice and Farm Co. correction, that the East of Imprenta Alsina. Apartado 1300 San José all first class bred animquotation which Miles Patient met at Station by his Representative als he claims.
Militante attributed not Mr LEWIS 0000000000003 8000 Oooo Shakespeare was used by Shakespeake, English Spoken Attention!
but by Sir Walter Scott 10. 000 in Prizes on «Patriotism: There are two very Ask for Chiclets but say Adams important things that Occulistic Clinic the Negroes of this of Doctor Jose Corvetti country seen to over look entirely; GRADUATE OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY namely Specialist on deseases and afflictions of the eyes the study of the SpaSurgical cases given special attention The only legitimate Chiclets lookout for the coupons with Prizes in the Packages PRICES MODERATE UNDER MODERN TREATMENTS nish Language and naGlasses of all kinds fitted to suit the vision As these Apartado 1123 English Spoken two questions were disThe Clinic and Sanitarium of Dr. Figueres Patients met on arrival and directed by his Agent Mr. Teofile Lewis cussed at the Local convention held in August Stephen Mc. Leod, of Criminal Procedure. been his best friends last, under the auspices Board of King Alfonso alias doctor Mc. Leod, of the Limon Division, The complainant, John and in payment for conI hope something tanalias Hugh Mc. Leod, Boyd, who was formerly sultations with some or Directors hold of Spain considered, in the pu: managing the Dawsons, the best legal brains in gible will be done in the While the Deputies blic opinión, as the estate, was dismissed the country.
near future to bring meeting in air them about. Where there and Minister are prop. most audacious and de from his employment by Bar Reporter is no vision the peo.
osing, some exccution, ceptive negro that ever Mo. Leod and denied the New York, Oct. 15 (By Gleaner Wireless. board some life imprisonment landed on the shores of right to remove a mule ple perish. These ques.
of directors will meet in an for Altonso on a charge Costa Rica, was forced an other cattle which The Standard and to the arbitrary bjuggt aeroplane above New York of High Treason should to abandon the country he was keeping on one this evening ment of the unthinking he ever attempt to land for an unknown desti of the Dawsons farm Producers mass for solution; but The Board of Directors of foot on Spanish soil, this nation said to be. Ma while he was forced to the Pan American Airways Ex. Monarch busily re meet at nagua, so as to escape live permanently on this Working arrangements they should be taken up has been called to p. in the aeroplane conditioning the old ro. arrest on charges of cat farm; Boyd was obliged seem to be on foot bet. by leaders interested in Minnie May, which will be mantic Castle of Lublau tle stealing.
to seek protection from ween the Jamaica Bana the welfare of the race flown over New York while on the border of Czecho Orders for his impris, the Courts, after having na Producers, The De and presented to the the meeting is in progress. Slovakia and Poland it onment was issued by failed to have the cattle. Giorgi Co. the Stan people from time to Radio the Carpothian mount the Criminal Court, fol. returned to him by Mc. dard Fruit Co. from the time until success in ains, recently bought bylowing the preliminary Leod voluntarily, it being fact that all the Banan. achieved.
hearing of the charges, discovered after an in as for the American Continued on page Death o, Dr. 250. 000, where his fab: which resulted in an investigation was conduct Market have latterly Moseley in ulous treasure and family dictment being issued ed that Mc. Leod had ex been shipped in Stan is being shipped in the heirlooms, which were against him and his changed a mule, proven dard Ships, and now the Di Georgi space on the England smuggled out of Spain arrest ordered simultan to be the property of Standard European fruit Producers boats.
of the eve of the revo. eously, in conformity Boyd, to a Mr. A, Former at Port lution are being placed with sections 323, 324, Lewis of La Africa for Antonio Passed away in order.
325 and 326 of the Code pigs amounting to in nursing home 250. 00 Limon Service Bureau 00 0 0 0 Stephen McLeod is ANDIt is with deep regret that Mindful of a duty out of the negro who came to the Gleaner records this BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY riendship the most popular this country some six morning, the death of Dr.
ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED former at Port Ancultured man and pret. Bureau established for the greater convenience, understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Entonio, and father of Dr.
ended to be a graduate glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Col. Moseley of the firm of Has arranged to distribute a value of almost from three of the best lection Department annexed for the protection of Busdouble the former value of the wrappings as a inessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
Drs. Levy, Moseley Swaby.
benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you Universities in America, Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to The sad event ocurred in can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before London on Wednesday night, lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute con All No. wrappings have a much greater value namely: Mc Gill, Har.
and the news was received than No. and others.
vard and Columbia, with now operated under the direction of a Barrister with in a Cable sent to Dr.
the titles of D; B; over twenty five years practical experience.
acquired the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Moseley.
PALMERA SOAP M; Ph. D; L; Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Mrs. Moseley left Jamaica and other letters too Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and some time ago, and the docIs always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be numerous to record; was Counsel.
tor lett the Island on the exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts 22 2nd of September for Enfortunate to get in maEmiliano Odio Mendez will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
Edmund Moore gland, The pair were maktrimony the hands of a Ono Barrister Distributor in Limon Accountant ing arrangements to return girl of a wealthy and Attorney at Law Notary Publle Manager Collection Dept: to the Colony, when the Armando Heilbron decent family, which he Aurelio Bermudez Doctor suddenly became ill Investigator ruined, after spending a and passed away Wednes Distributors in Turrialba, Soliciting Manager day nignt in Nursing Home.
capital of approximately MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Rojas, Cortés Cía. 360. 000. 00 all of which Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre he spent in lawsuits To advertise INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
Correspondents and Agents at the principal parts against persons who had and cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, is to double your Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 To advertise is to California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, business cional Miquel Obregón Liz del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Culture Juventud, Costa Rica.
double your business Charles Albert Moseleyen PALMERA SOAP a OF0000 on 50 00 0 0 San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia te documento es prop


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