p. 4


Saturday November 14. 1931 Briffe Story of.
LOCAL CRICKET Dr. Valverde Vega Variety Concert Elocution Contest our or ex Notice Continued from page vvhich to day is called Escri The Construccion time, Leon took over from banos in the territory of Pan humiliated their opponerts Stevvart hehind the sticks.
San Jose ceived the Indians with much sympathy and ordered that amá, also pertaining to the the Motive Power on the This shovvs that he is an all they be given necklasses of Republic of Panamá, here he ist. inst this beingout for 44 rounder (note hovy he uses Graduate of the University of Paris glass, chorals and other cheap abandoned his previous in runs and then collared their his pads) Passmore gets Specialist in affections of the blood and other deseases.
things; but the Indians retention and returned to Spain. attack, collected 75 runs the ball as usual to keep very Surgical cases given special attention.
rurned all that was given Columbus created great for wkts, with a pair of lovy on the pitch, but, vvithTreatments modern. Prices moderate.
ilusion over Veragua for he going batsmen, Capt. Delthem seeing that the Spanout success. Capt Clayton Patients met on arrival by his interpreter, Mr. Lewis.
Further information, if required, can be had of The Searchligh1.
iards would not accept any. imagined it was the richest pratt Rose. The former made the vvioping stroke thing in exchange. Mr. Bar of all the countries he had is one of those batsmen, who bringing off an up hill victtolome Columbus, the bro discovered. For many years can punish most any bowlersory by making 114 runs for 00100 ther of Cristobal disembarkall Central American coast around lere. wish him luck vvickets, vvhile the Brothed with some soldiers in explored by the Admiral vvas for the coming season, with ers vvere all out for order to visit their forts and called Veragua up to his his team. advise that 108 runs.
was well received by the fourth voyage. It is probable he will move himself up on have noticed that a hundCacique Indians. The inha that this country (Costa Ri his batting list. He and his red and odd runs is becom To all organized Clubs, Asbitants of Cariary (Limón) ca) vvas so designated by partner, were undeteated, ing very prevalent in sociations and Societies were related to the Caribs the Spaniards.
when rain closed the play. midst vvhat is the cause?
Communities and Towns.
race and vvere later callep At the end of the year The styliest of the Side is presume its the kind of by the Spaniards «Tareacos) 1504 the Admiral returned to Roman, he plays with a vvickets we are playing on «Cariacas. names no Spain. Shortly after his ar Straight bat can score all novy. vvhom shall vve laud At a regular meeting of the under mentfor the initiative. in condoubt, derived from the Ca. rival, his protectress Queen around the wickets. He it ioned Club, it vvas decided to stage a MAMribs. Columbus admired vvith Isabel died and Fernando was, that took the edge off clusion vve are anticipating MOTH EL OCUTION CONTEST, under interest their ability, intel the Catholic King vvould the bowling, gave it to the a real rollicking competion it auspices, inviting all organized clubs, asligence and good judgment not comply with his con Axemen, great things are ex next Season.
for vvhich he took tvvo to soci. tinns, societies, communities and towns tract. On May 20th 1506 pected of him next Season On the 9th the Eleven serve as bis guides. Colum.
of the Province of the Atlantic Zone. The Cristobal Columbus died at Banton was the most suc. Brothers again tackled one bus sailed from Limón on Valladolid, poor and unho cessful bowler, for the iron of our leading Clubs, the contest vvill be an open one and, therefore, the 5th of October and the noured vvithout knovving side Bryan, was the (dem Construction and nar all persons desiring, are eligible to entry.
follovving day vvas anchor that he had discovered on. Crearovvly missed giving them The club vvill endeavour to raise, as may ed at the lovely Bay of «Zo nevy vvorld, because he al On the 8th. inst witnes a lacing. The great Consbe convenient, the necessary funds, to prorobaró vvhich is novv pam vvays thought that the lands sed the match between the truction being crippled for vide the prize. vvhich may be trophies; ed «Almirante» in his honour. he had discovered belonged XI Bros the cc only 46 runs before the From there he passed the Oriental India.
Juniors. The game was an boyvling of this infant Club. vvhich vvill be allotted according to the on to Veragua, There the ideal one, the Conduct was Who in turn vvere bovyled number secured, endeavouring to assigr Indians dressed vvith STANLEY LETIMAN every thing that could be out for 36 Runs.
first, second and third prizes, and other pensive things, gold medals desired the losers acquitted For the the around their necks etc. He prizes subject to conditions.
Limón, October 12, 1931. themselves as sportsmen, chief scovers vvere Roalso visited the Port of Retret Their batting wasn the man made 28 runs, EdvyNo entry fee nor quotavvill be levied on worst off but their feilding ards 24, Bernard 17, the entrants or contestants; but applications was indeed very poor will Maxvvell and Cecil Clayton must be filed vvith the Secretary of the advise them, to practice not out; vvhile for the XI Guide to visitors and Information Bureau Club, cot later than, fifteen days prior to throwing picking up the Bross. Coltas made 34, the date scheduled for the function.
ball around the ground reg. Leuie 19, Little 11, Caine All In times of crisis, there generally springs into existence the ularly.
11; Bovvling for the Excelentries are binding to inake good their ap.
trickery of unprincipled persons, who misinform and fleece the innocent ones. It therefore is to the interest of all visitors coming think Coltas batted sior. Taylor look wic pearance, after having applied and received to San Jose, who are in want of information, as to Legal matters, well for his 34 runs, le kets and Maxvvell While confirmation of their entry. No title vvill be their health, Commercial or Real Estate questions to come straight should have been stumped Little took 3, Young 2, to Mr. Teofilo Lewis who will guide them profitably and intat risk, nor vvill any be assigned vvinners elligently on all points of interest around San Jose, Heredia and early in the game off Leons Bingham for the Brothers.
of this conte The function vvill be a Alajuela for an infinitesimal consideration.
bowling but Amos Stewart.
Best of references your confidence protected. Address Off Brake the (keeper) misjudged the combination Variety Concert and Elocution T, LEWIS flight of the ball by jumping Contest. It vvill take place at the Arrasty La Gondola, in front of Imprenta Alsina, San José.
back; vvhat most of us vvant Theatre on December 21st, proximo.
to learn, is anticipation.
Leuie Little contributed general meeting of very good programme vvill be prov.
19 11 respectively Tay all Shareholders of the ided, oftering some of the bestof our local Notice of business purchase artists, knovvn, and debutantes. Very modlor again the (destroying Agricultural and Build.
Angel) capturing vvkts. ing Corporation of 28 erate prices vvill be charged for admission.
for 43 runs George Roman Miles, will be called at This may, therefore, be accepted as an open This will notify the public in general that have this day vvas as usual good shovving bought the Lodgings formerly carried on by Mrs. Alvira Williams invitation, by which intending contestants great form he follovved up ten oclock at Madre de in San José known by the name of Excelsior House and will his 13 runs (V. S) the Con Dios in the usual place, are here by appraised. Enquiries vvelcome.
carry on as a Lodging and Boarding House under the name of Portland House in future.
struction by compiling 28 Scott, Secretary UNIVERSITY CLUB, Lion Sunday 22nd novemSpecial attention, clean and comfortable rooms to my patrons.
runs. Edvvards also found berfor the purpose of con MON. EGBERT POLSON, himself on top of the bowl.
President T, LEWIS ing appeared to be in for sidering the appointment SCOTT, a big Score, when he unfor and duties of An Agent In front of Imprenta Alsina, San José.
tunately got run out his con. gerente) and other very Secretary.
tribution vvas 24 runs, him important matters of inself Roman staged a 1st. terest, such as, the reCLINICA FIGUERES.
that is so bad a record, XI regular Scripts of Stock, 100 YARDS TO THE NORTH OF IMPRENTA ALSINA Bros also shovvs vvkt for the matter of Inscription Continued from pag. All sick and infirm persons from the distressing, Malarial Zones of the Atlantic 39 gruns. Bernard is a of the Corporation, and change as from the 23rd. Plan For Montego Bay Pier Held and Pacific Regious, who require doctors attention and up to date nursing, will do dashing bat he collected 17 the Property which was inst. It is understood that well to go straight to the SANITARIUM of DOCTOR FIGUERES.
Up The Pressent Very moderate charges. Confortable, airy dormitories, coupled with sympathetic runs in fine style. Winning arbitrarily occupied bey effective from that date, and efficient Nurses, as well as the skilful aid of some of the best doctors in San Jose, whose pleasant and affable dispositions lend inspiration and confidence sent his opponents to bat Mr. Shaw being regist there will be no Sunday We understard that the to the patient. His agent Mr. Lewis will meet all patients by appointment at on a sun baked pitch. ered in the name of the train running from Guapi. project for a deep water pier the Stations, and conduct then direct to the clinic.
Coltas and Young vvhere Corporation.
address LEWIS les and back, which will at Montego Bay to be erectLa Gondola, Frente Imprenta Alsina, San Jose deputed to face the attack The Directors will be an enormous blow to Co. is at present held up ed by Messrs. Fletcher and of the spinners. Tavlor and Leon vvith a heavy vvind proceed as deemed best our Passenger Traffic.
ovving to unsettled conditblovving across the ground by the presence of those Capital punishment ions here and in England. con robo. vvhich gave the bovvlers a Shareholders found preThe promoters of the little bother. The former bat. sent at this meeting.
Following the example scheme have a representatContinued from pag. sman then took charge of GIBBS of her former colonies. ive at present in England the attack and vvent on to All subscribers Spain has abandoned ca who «Man is not man unSecretary score in rapid fashion he is a have hitherto been gett less he citfzen»
vvas finally deceived and NATION pital punishment and Life purchase of materials, etc.
for the construction of the imprisonments, the maxi.
ing their supplies of the said Aristotle; and this bovvled by Taylor. Al this President.
pier, but ovving to the mum will be 30 years im very bad state of the baSearchlight» from Mrs. feeling should be firmly prisonments.
nana market in England Kellerman of Siquirres impressed on the minds Carlos Manuel Fernandez and America it is likely that will in future do so by of the coloured people Silver Could End the project will not be applying to Mr. Oscar of this coudtry. With DENTIST proceeded with at present.
Delevante of Siquirres.
the coming of another Depression Says new year, let us buckle Specialist in movable bridges of the Akeres or Deefour type THE GLEANER Sir Cunliffe Owen Those in and around on our armour march Plates or bridges of Inlay type without crowns and without any inconveniences for the patient.
London, Oct. 20. Sil 400. 000, 000 people.
the City of Limon will forward determind, und.
Teeth set in Hecolite, Gold, Porcelain, Aluminum, and Rubber ver could remedy the deal God s, to put the Sir Hugo suggested with Mr. Edmund er Office in front of the 2nd. Section of Police in Ay.
in his present world situation, that Great Britain and Moore Apartado 206 coloured man Hours to 11. 30 and to p.
Limon. Please demand of right place by giving San José. Box 1252 Sir Hugo Cunliffe Owen the United States call a Telephone 4201 told the Islington Cham conference to consider him and no other your him his national status.
ber of Commerce today. whether bar silver might Receipts for payments Harrison «It could not only be not be kept by their made on behalf of this 28 miles, Waldeck 11 31.
employed to help out central banks either at Journal.
de Juan Bta, Ortiz the declining supply of the market price or at To obtain results Farmacist gold, but it could, by a fixed ratio to gold and Copies of the «Daily Avenue de las Damas, from the Atlantic Station recovering its value, set also to constitute part Gleaner» can also be had oposite corner of the Imprenta Alsina rade in the East in of their metal reserve, by persons along the in your business, Makes a specialty in the despatch of Prescriptions, Pharmaceutical action again, he asserted. which would then be lines from the underpreparations, and Patent Medicines of all kinds. Attends all orders by Post. The direction can be shown by his Agent along the lines Approximately half the available in part pay.
signed at the rate 50 cents advertise in THE Mr. LEWIS Cash Deposits world has silver as its ment of international per copy.
SEARCHLIGHTeda NATION Tedad de la Biblioteca NaciApartado 5:10. San Joséna Telefone 106 del Ministerio de Culturpaq saventud, Costa Rica.
basis of value, including debts and restore the China, representing price of silver.
yielded 62 runs. dont think demption of Receipts for Current News.


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