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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION C3 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Phrase of the moment Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Lavora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón LÀ LINTERNA)
It would seem that the whole purpose and object of life is wound up in the Service of man to his fellows)
in disinterested self sacrifice. There is nothing that gives greater satisfaction than feel that one has given unstinted service to those who are in need of such sacrifice.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY DECEMBER 1931 NUM. 103 THE NEGRO AT THE CHURCH Philomela serious talk with girls soon An Appreciation see LODGE FIESTA The Negroes as a class Together with other ideas professions, literature and tion. What has God done are generally the most reli he was industriously taught art. They must go for him and what will the gious people in any country the text: Servants obey your on their own. Their future church do for him to bring to young man that will Hovy can you feel safe you meet them. They are master. The church needed progress needs education, the Status of Nationalism. take advantage of your vvith any young man, vvho never too poor to raise mo no supervision. It was sup opportunity intelligence Is it not time lor the negro weakness, harm you, and steals to make you presents, ney to build a new church, ported by the whites. Its and, aboee all, courage in to begin to ink for bimself then, either deny his wrongs. vvho steals to make himself and however the white people influence was safe and good. himself.
and build institutions for the or run away from his obli looking a vvell dressed man, may feel about wag:s and The coloured man learned The Negro, like the rest, education of his son and gations, is a coward. St ch so that you could be fooled, race segregation, they are to sing and pray. He was must look out for thidaughters and Hospitals for a young man should be as he is vvell avvare that always ready to contribute taug his place and he learn world. Before he robs him his aged as suggested by espurned, not being fit to you are alvvays affected to a Negro Church. have ed it well. Even after the self to increase the extrava Convention of Negroes held even look upon your sweet vvith glaringness? But these attended their services on Civil war of America, when gance of the church he in this country in August face.
are tacts that you have several occasions and noted fis legal freedom was assured, should ask the simple ques last.
Well, this is one of the never thought of, but look their religious fervour often the Negro had no place in duties your clubs should into your lives, and check reaching hysteria. Like most the leading churches. There undertake, to build a fort up. Our society would be revivals, no word of reason were white churches and around their members, mak a better one if you vyould or factor pbilosophy is coloure hes, and ere ing then ever ready to only think a little.
heara. Tae occasion is a could be no communion The officers and members of University Club wish meet such cowardly young religious orgy. Expressions even in the worship of God. to express thru this medium to the members of Alpha Li men. What does one get, Today, you are svveet you such as. Praise the Lord. The white people helped the terary Club who represented the affirmative side of the «Glory Hallelujah. and the Negro build his churches, debate and to the judges who sat so patiently and listened going around with a nicely looking, proud, tomorrovv vith earnest devotion to the controvversy, their ultermost dressed young man, just be are ema iated, humble And like are shouted at the top and even his s, gratitude and highest appreciation for their invaluable cause he can look ce every vvhy? Because today you of their voices. These words but these were «Jim Crow services and unmerrited deference.
day when that same young didn think that there vvas are seldom connected with churches and «Jim Crow man ls unable to bridle his a fall coming to your pride, any coraprehensible sentence. M, s, although both carnal desires, and unable to because you did not if they have no meaning. Worshipped the same God ALL LIFE IS ONE LIFE appreciate you for the beauty vvhere that fall vvould have they at le. st stir the auditors and read the same book. It of your soul? Hovy can you been, being blinded. And versal stand point as ad. trust yourself to be going to an emotion not unlike is not possible that the Dear Mr. Editor: tomorrovy you care nothing any other revelry. It is not whites would exclude them In this age of world vocated by Master Jesus alvvays to his home, go for repentance, because all idle curiosity that draws me on earth but would associate greatest enlightenment, is like mere words pas. rovving out with him, visit your spirit is being sapped to one of these orgies. For with them in heaven. Those where human achieve sing through a whirlwinding the movies together with by your une blowy.
mpinjone that the Negroes them from white churches ment boasts to be the to be lost in oblivion. him as if he were a verit Check up, it is not too late novv, and help to make a long suffering people, and and white s will greatest in history where Do unto others as you able god; vvhen he, on the this tovvn healthy morally, in spite of my own views on of course expect them to spiritual attainment from like them do unto you other hand, is trying to physically, and intellectually.
religious questions cannot keep their place in Heaven deny a feeling of satisfaction and expect God to treat pretend to be at an alt perpetual Law of Peace, a christain stand point upon which nangs the ensnared you as be had enonThill next week.
ared others?
that for a time they seem them no better there. Those to forget their disabilities Negroes who go to Heaven itude never reached by Love, and Prosperity is and troubles. know that this will go to a «Jim row past devotees, and where sneered at as the most self. hynotism is like any Heaven, and of course the this civilization is imping abominable philosophic other narcotic, dangerous whites will take the choice ing its predecessors al odour inhaled by us.
when taken in too large of places in the hereafter as with omnifarious sarc Our presumptiousness On Mater Saunday 29th Nov.
de ses. how that, after the they do now. If there is a Brothers therefore he felt the Alma Lodge Elated by the vvelcome and exaltation, depression must God he must know and asms, the human mily cause us to think that all wenta in fiesta at pm.
come and that the net result approve of all of this. It is is still indulging its a other entities are inferior for a donble purpose firstly, cord vvhich had been extended expressions of love and Conis injurious and brings more perfectly plain that if there tions that make us forget to us, forgetting that dig. to give to Bro. Nation to him and his colleague Bro pain than pleasure.
and bis stiny in the hollow The barbarism carried production of the entity would be the last one to is a God, and He holds man that All life is one Life. nity in Lite lies in the Ex. Venerable Grand Master Montealegre vvho also honoa Testimonial of their appre ured the assembly vvith phrases interfere with their religious of his hand, then this God orgies, and am incliued to is white. No one would ever on by denizens of past and not in the refined ciation to him for his good of brotherly affection and frabelieve that for some of the conceive that this God was civilizations though conservices in opening and in ternal esteem.
or gross materialism, augurating in San Jose this Bro. Alfredo Sanchez verevelers the few hours of black What can the Negro trary to Gods plan, were that every prospect pleas Lodge without the idea of nerable master then responded forgetfulness are worth the expect of a white God who more plausible than to price. But Iam interested in has already countenanced day, because they were es, but man alone is monetary considerations. as in touching terms of affection vile. Jesus substantiated well as a Gold Medal in merit to the epithets of sympathetic the Negro as a «race» or a of his services.
concord cast out by the «people. and cannot avoid servitude through the ages? only forming the nucleus this by stating that the the conclusion that their Will he do any better or upon which we the more humble lily growing in a Secondly, it was to give to visitors. Soon after, Bro So.
our beloved Bro. Senor Lic. lano vvas asked to read for slow and painful struggle diferently in Heaven than he advanced students of hu pool of stagmant water lariano Echevarría, the actual our edification a beautiful for greater opportunities has upon the Earth?
man achievement were was more beautiful than Worshipful Master, a dis vvork of Masonic Art vvhich would be made easier if they Of course it is adaly fair to construct the formi all the glories of our charge from Bachelors life to he vvas asked to prepare were less religious. The development of any people is the Catholic, does for the Assembly of the Grand not llis dable superstructures boasted Solomon, and join the Honorable Army of Bengreater in proportion to their criminate against the Negro. compatible with Progress that the very hairs of our ried today to the amiable, Armistice Day. This lecture Lodge on the occasion of dependence on reason, and This church has earned the realising all the time that heads are numbered. The beautiful and highly esteemed sought to shovv hovv by the an ability to face the facts, respect of the Negro relig. All Life is one Life. Su socalled interior creat member of the aristocratic avaricious, ambitious inclinhowever hard the facts ionist toward Catholicism.
superstructures have Every observer of the Ne.
ures are in the same calife of San Jose Miss Mary ations of man millions and millions of lives vvere lost is gro knows that he spends been erected, but alas! the tegory in the Scheme of Brealey.
God, whať reason has the eno much of his meager in builders imbibingthewine Things before the Crea called to orderand the honours uvar, the cessatión of vvhich and the Negro to praise him? Is come on the church. In of ost ntation, egoism, tor as the greatest man of merit done to Bro. Nation, is celebrated annually on that God his friend? If so, why our big cities they are trying and vaingloriousness, or woman. And right she was declared in recess, date; how the churches had has he made Negroes the to imitate the whites. Not a ve transformedthat here cannot help but when the visit of Miessrs failed, hovy all organizations hewers of wood and drawers only have some organizatof water through all the long tions succeeded in building which represent the glory reiterating a phrase from Noe Solano and Mon claiming brotherby affections and dreary past? And why elaborate churches, but, of God in miniature to theimmortalShakespeare Worshipful Master of the Reg. fillial affection had failed is it that even today men am informed, thev have the crumbling magnific where he said eneration Lodge of the Freeand amongmen, by permitting the and women of courage and «paid» choirs.
While tens ense of boastful man. Adversity, accepted Order of Masons and Amibitions of a few powerful intellect are forced to de of thousands are standing We do not seem to rea Sermotis in in bread lines, the contribustones, Officers of the Grand Lodge of Nobles of this earth to have gradation and humiliation Jise that unless we flooded this earth with so because of the colour of their ions to extravagant churches books in running brooks, this Order in Costa Rica was Skin? God could change it go on. It is not easy for an cognise the oneness of and Good or God in came to attention and these showed that it would only be annuonced, vvhen the Bros. much suffering. Finally he all in the twinkling of an outsider to see how any Life, so that righteous every thing. Unless we distinguished members of the by true genuine Love and eye. In fact, it was only by luxury or extravagance is ss from the basis or come to the realization Fraternal entity vvere admit charity displayed in the his will that this suffering needed for the worship of toundation stone may that All Life is one Life ted and welcomed in a bef hearts of man, as taught was ever forced upon the God.
The Negroes need almost impregnate the whole of readjust our affairs rela itting style, both of whom by fraternal traditions that we can understand the cause everything that modern ci our culture, inevitable tive to righteousness on responded in gran eloquence; can avert another such catamong other beautiful and astrople but not the hypocritthat made the Negro relig. vilization demands. They destruction is at hand. behalf of such, the op. afectatious expressions, Bro ical avowals of any such ious. During his long serhave but one medical school Though we wink at facts probrium of the cons Solano said, that «certain Reg. Society as that now in Vogue vitude in bondage he was in all the Southern States and harden our hearts cience will still be heard ulations of Associations pre as the League of Nations, taught religion. He was close. They are almost without hos.
each one speculating on the ly watched to prevent the pitals even to here in Cos the Small Still Voice above the din, and the vent us from those free interta Rica, he must beg ad condemns. Disadvantag: Divine Fingers will ever and actions vvhich ought to íecturer was changes of loving expressions formidability of the other; The growth of any organization greatly apthat might by chance teach missison. They have reaches and cruelties incurred write on the Walls of be evidenced on such an oc plauded for his most comprehim independence. There was ed the point, where they on weaker peoples and Reciprocity. Man, What casion as this, but he cannot hensive work, after which only one place where he and can not much longer rely lower Order of Creation so er Thou sowe t, that but say that yvherever he Bro. Alfredo Castro his kind could meet, and upon the aid of the whites.
are nothing in our cont is was the church. The They have already come to Also shall ye reap.
meets an Assembly of gentle asked to pin the Gold men in vvhich he finds exhi on the breast of o master knew that he could be competitors of the whites sideration. TheFatherhood DAVID LUKE bited the Square Compass and Bro Nation; a learn no sedition there. in industry, and even in the of God from a uniAlba Farm the Bible, he feels encicled by Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Continued o may be.
on re

    Civil War

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