
Saturday December 1931 Be not discouraged Dr. Valverde Vega By David Luke San Jose Graduate of the University of Paris Specialist in affections of the blood and other deseases.
Surgical cases given special attention.
Treatments modern. Prices moderate.
Patients met on arrival by his interpreter, Mr. Lewis.
Further information, if required, can be had of «The Searchlight. Are we down hearted fellowmen?
Because the times are hard, And everything around about Seem to our path retard?
Dr. Raul Orozco Casorla Dental Surgeon of the Royal College of Surgeons England Modern Dental Clinic East of Imprenta Alsina Apartado 1300. San José Patient met at Station by his Representative Mr LEWIS English Spoken No! surely no we wont give up But we ll start afresh again: And scramble hard to reach the top With all our might and main.
Very arbitrary act In Defense of my Philosophy 100 YAR to board the regular passen The Burial On the sick list Madre de Dios has been left to be seen vvhat vvil come Why say that all are gone when lo!
Mr. Editor: under the canopy of this etting famous for ocurrer out of this complaint, as Just near see a Light. great hall of Negro uty.
res contrary to the Law. It this action vvas certainly And God is saying Children go!
Although it is my vont And such a stinking noise was there that Conductor most uncalled for, these are And start afresh the fight.
to treat every personal and this mixture can put up, Nuñez kicked a youngman the sort of svvellheaded ac.
abusive letter vvith con disturbing the night rests.
off his train and ran him tions that bring about intertempt, yet shall stray from of tired neighbours. Our clown through the village for national complications at thiuk, the trouble with us all, my principle, and ansvver young men, vvho should have some hundred of meters with times. Investigations have Is that we are so weak. IN DEFENSE OF THE been the back bone of such revolver in hand.
been ordered and all eyes That wether small or great the fall, not for the sake of a noble organization, as the About a fortvight or so are vvatching to see vvhat Mr. Montague, but for the is, unadulterated, We cease at once to seek.
ago, the hygiene inspector vvill be the outcome.
good that might come out vvith all the sound philosave order to place Mr. Sa Men to be appointed to of it.
sophy of that Great Negro, inuel Shaw of 28 milles in such positions as Inspecting Arise! oh brethren and believe think that you can re.
the Hon. Marcus Garvey, is the calabose and fine him Sanitary officers and Police That half has not been told.
member vvhen delivered today the tool of shylock twenty five colones for not agents to act as Judges in Of the vvealth that we ll receive ALPHA address at your looking officers and memb.
obeying his orders at the remote parts of the country last Convention, you, beingers, vvhose only aim is By keeping in the Fold.
floor of the jail however this ought to be men vvell tested chairman, styled us EGO. Dead Fund and Si Relief.
gentleman paid the fine and and found fit morally and ISTS. We have made func For God sake, do not avoided an acquaintance with intellectually for the post, tions at our Club room, and corrupt the vvord «intellithis much dreaded room.
FIGUERES pot men vvho are apt to put CLINI. have invited the ruling for gent. vvhen you have to On Sunday 15th. while their ovvn caprices ahead TH OF IMPRENTA ALSINA ces of the A. so that stoop to so lovy a means, Mr. Carr owner of a of the dictates of the Lavy to All sick and infirm persons irom ine distressing, Malarial Zones of the Atlantic they could see and knovv endangering the morals of large Banana Farm at 25 mi suit their ovvn purposes.
and Pacific Regious, who require doctors attention and up to date nursing, will do the policy of this club. Hovy your ch ren, these children les and the La Lola mandawell to go straight to the SANTIARIUM of DOCTOR FIGUERES.
have they treated us? Feeble that ought to be the officers dor house was preparing Very moderate charges. Confortable airy wormitories, coupled with sympathetic and efficient Nurses, as well as tbe skildi aid of some of the best doctors in excuses about tv visted an and members of this great San Jose, whose pleasant and arfable auspusitions lend inspiration and confidence kles, etc. We have been vi organization. Do not make ger train to go to his home to the patient. His agent Mr. Lewis will meet all patients by appointment at sitors at MASS MEETINGS a mess of the English lanin Cartago, and to see Dr.
The Stations, and conduct then direct to the Clinic.
of this great Organization, guage. Do not call yourself Facio on his suffering, he LEWIS Scheme address and vve have listened vvith a representative of this wonLa Gondola, Frente Impi enta Alsina, San Jose was called by the Sanitary keen ears to the many great derful race of ours, because Officer from Siquirres, on XNwYW Www orators, and vvhat have vve During the early part of you are a very poor specirefusing to go to this man gathered? One Chaplain men, writing such buncum.
because his train was appro itaries of the «Scheme Aslast week, some of the digncondeming religion, anoti:er But of course, you do not aching, he was ordered to be president abusing the teach. knovy the aim and object placed under arrest, locked the Judge of the Civil Courts sociation a peared before We are very please! Dr. Cordero the leading ing qualities of teachers, and of Alpha. She is based on up and fined 25. 00 and to to answer to a charge of on enquiry to find our Oceulist in the Hospital, every thing is abuses, abuses, the philosophy of the Hon.
be held for 24 hours. It ap default of payment of the genial. Supt. of the Ci but we are pleased to saying the fact that these are abuses. There is no gainsay. Marcus Garvey, and not on pears that this man had githe Seh has boiled balance due to Archibald ven orders that Mr. Carr Brown, legatee of the dec.
marrones Fruit Co. Mr. that with the skilful he! not true.
dovun to a fine point, his should have made some al.
eased Beatrice Burke. Odel recruiting of Dr. Cordero, he is on have seen my brother intentions, and she has in.
te ration in the manner in It is alleged that this as nicely in the Hospital the safe road to recovery. youths idleing avvay their terpreted the building of the which his Sanitary Convetime uuder street lambs at African nations to the pre sociation through a respuns of the Co. whither Mr. Bedward is loud in vrience was built, which work ible officer, advanced the he has been as an in lis protestation of con is no where interesting, other course you care not for your nights, just because there paredness of the home. Of vas carried out, without going sum of 680. 00 to the said mate to find out whether his not legatee, but for some special weeks, he went under a ability, honesty and con have seen, after quiet going to sing and preach a now some five fidence in Dr. Cordero than the movies, to go. home, as see. She is not he ordered the arrest and to pay up the balance of very technical operation, geniality; he says certain. meetings, the officers and thing that she cannot prac.
incarceration of this gentle this death grant to which but by the skill and ly there is no Occulistin members atanding in the tise, but she is starting as streets, quarreling and but a child, creeping, creeping, Mr. George Sheddon vvho this gentleman is entitled. attention of the doctors the country as Dr. Corfor the early arrival of the creeping, until she shall ex We understand that Sol and nurses of that ins dero and thanks to don happened to be passing he cop, vvould have come to pand herself, covering the icitor Egbert Browne, of viould have been made to whom it is said «he never titution he is getting Manuel Soto for his rec fists; and have heard it vvhole Republic. really spend the night in this filthy do not need to see you, as fights to lose» is prosecut back to his former good comendation to him, and said repeated by my youth.
room. He gladly paid the ful companions, of do not care to converse 625 00 so as to avoid the ing the Association on behalf health again. We sincere will now reccommend these officers and members. vvith you except on straighof Mr. Brown.
horrors of such a night.
ly wish him a speedy all sufferers to him.
THESE GARVEY PEOPEE Developments will be close recovery and return to ten up of your home. But He bas made representaARE ALL THE WHILE shall alvvays remember tions to the Governor of the ly, watched as it is supposMiss Ruth Delpratte FIGHTING. you vvhenever yve vvill be Province and the Minister of ed that the phases of this his post of duty.
has recently undergone Then comes our REGE. having a function, so that Public health relative to such suit are both ludicrous and interesting.
Then, have seen how gladly you may understand some.
Mr. Percy Bedward an operation for apend these youthful companions thing of our creed. ain illegal arrest and arbitrary proprietor of the Bed icitis by Dr. Facio, and vvelcome the strains of the iniprisonment and if nothing SHADOW sure that you shall be sur.
is done by the government ward Drug Store of Si is recruiting steadily. She Jazz Bands, telling of the prised to see the number of in the matter, he vvill appeal quirres, had a very ser considers Dr. Facio her glad tidings of a REGE intelligent people vvho are to the His Britannic Majesand interested in us.
tys Consular Service. There To obtain results ious affliction of his eyes, Saviour, and is very grate. ĎANCE TONIGHT; tickets are Would you not like to know have been several complaints and had to rush away ful to him for having how quickly being sold to prostitutes that the great Hector Con.
landed actions in dealing vvith the sons of these de ideas? But you are too nar vith many citizens along the cent mothers and fathers, Continued on page lires, but no redress has been advertise in THE JUAN MEZA DENTIST given, in consequence of the freat pull he vvields vvith CARTAGO COSTA RICA the Minister of Health; it is SEARCHLIGHT Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building Central Street 325 Yards East of Market Service Bureau ANDPreference given patients from Limon and other Mindful of a duty out of points of Atlantic Zone.
BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY riendship the most popular Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Bureau established for the greater convenience, understanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of BusHas arranged to distribute a value of almost inessmen against unscrupulous debtors, double the former value of the wrappings as a Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute concan get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before We are proud to an light, did remarkably well. fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency Both All No. wrappings have a much greater value nounce to the public that Francis overs now operated under the direction of a Barrister with than No. and others.
a New Cricket Club has Maiden 17 runs. Wic over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as been organized here. kets. Wilson overs Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and 18 runs Wickets; for Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be THE BANANERO the Bananero. Beckford Counsel.
exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts overs runs, WickEmiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
She has played her ets. Taylor overs, Barrister Accountant Distributor in Limon Maiden match against the runs wicket.
Attorney at Law Notary Publle Manager Collection Dept Armando Heilbron Starlight of Germa We also beg to ask Aurelio Bermudez nia which ended in a fa that the Other Line Clubs Investigator Solielting Manager Distributors in Turrialba, Ovourable drawn to the with consider that we are MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Rojas, Cortés Cía. home team who batting taking a place with them Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre first, Made 50 runs. Vi in the sporting world and sitors followed and lost.
ready for challenges.
Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua. Cuba and Wickets for runs.
Jamaica, ado 271 Teléfono 3103 Rain intervened; game Pemberton, President.
California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, drawn. Top score Dai Beckford, Secty. 0 ley Bowlers for Star) Jacks, Treasurer.
AAAAAAAAA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica sons mnade gated to be many higher in your business, to San Jose; to consult helped her back to health, from the Belize Beningle rin simpathy voit my Limon PALMERA SOAP Cricket at Cairo PALMERA SOAP San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia


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