
Saturday December 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE From 28 Miles, Waldeck CAFIASPIRINA Alpha Literary Club wins from University Club by Absolute Majority vote in Debate Current news Earache. At the last meeting of the the time of his death. He attention, the disease devel Waldeck Literary an Athle was at the Commissary on oped and at o clock a.
tic Club, Miss Édna Allen, Tuesday night up to 30 and he breathed his last.
the Librarian, gave a very showed no sign of sickness. His remains were intered Interesting and inspiring ad. At about o clock on Wed at the local cemeary at dress on Athletics. She said nesday morning he took in. o clock on Thursday mornthat the ancient Greeks were The doctor was sent for ing amidst a large gathering great Athletes, with them life and prescribed his case to of lis relatives friends, and consisted for the greater part be an attack of pneumonia. simpathizers.
Relieves instantly of sport and games, in fact Despite the keen medical Reporter they looked upon them as part of their religion; especially the foot race with which In Memoriam was associated betting and staking of a deposit on the Green James.
one thought likely to be the winner. So important to them In loving memory of our dear Father who departed were these games that time from this life on 2nd. December 1930.
was measured not by the movements of the Sun, but Often we pause and think of you by the recurrence of games. Judges decide that: Chil. representing the negative, And think of how you died; dicision of the judges, and the behalf of University Club. congratulated the vvinners for To think you could not say goodbye by miles but by the length dren are Obligated to Before you closed your eyes, the able manner in vvhich of the foot race. The games No one knows the silent heartaches, with their accompanying bet their Parents After they Clarke Leads With Eloquence they conducted their side of the debate. Alpha Club has Only those who ve lost can tell ting were a part of their Of the grief that ours in silence religion, for from early mornHave Become of age Mr. Cleveland Clarke ex grandly won. they said.
celled in his defence of the Mr. Scott, the leader for For our dear Father whom we loved so well, ing worshippers might be seen affirmative. During the course the negative also gave a thronging the Temple and ETHEL and MILDRED The long looked for debate of his argument, he quoted good account of himself He white robed priests chanting between Alpha Literary Club their litanies, and filling the several passages of scripture, quoted Blackstone. Webster and University Club of this air with the smoke of their city finally came about last in support of his theory He and other authorities.
also cuoted Coriolanus, who The debate, on the vvhole sacrifices.
Thursday night in the spa having refused the request of vvas most interesting, and it As the hour approaches, this cious hall of the Costa Rica gorgeous procession leaves Burial Scheme Association.
the leading men of Rome; is hoped that this vvill act withdrevy his beseiging army as a stimulus to the young the temple headed the priest of Dionysius and wends Public Showed appreciation for to vvhom he said these words, tinue in their efforts for the at the entreaties of his mother, people of this town, to con Arrival of School Plane His Britanic Majesty Minister to Cenits way to the scene of the Literature «Mother, thou hast saved social and moral uplift of all On Wednesday there tral America resident in contest each taking up his Rome but lost thy son. concerned.
place and according to the arrived in San Josè from Panama arrives today on The fact that a charge of In an intervievy vvith «The Body laws of the game must run of the argu California the ments of the Leaders for both «Great Lakes Training» Josiah started his diploairplane a tour of inspection. Sir twenty five cents was made Messrs, Bermudez and Pola straight race. breathless hush falls for admission to the auditory, son, of the University Club; sides will be published in our did not seem to have had any both these gentlemen expres next issue. piloted by the young ame matic career in 1904 as over the spectators, and as the start is given the coneffect on the public, Limonites sed their appreciation of the rican aviator Robert Fors. simple interpreter in Siam testants dashed away with the rather expressed their appreblade in company with and has risen swiftly in the speed of the wind and with sembling from the early hours ciation for literature by asour national aviator Ara Consular service till now movements of incomparable of the evening to enjoy and Carlos Manuel Fernandez na. With this airplane he boasts of the Title of grace, each striving for the the DENTIST the National School of Knight Commander of the mastery, one leaps forward, give encouragement to then another until the sil.
occasion; and at 10 Aviator of which we spoke British Empire and Com ence is broken with shouts when Mr. Egbert Polson, Pres.
Specialist in movable bridges of the Akeres or Deefour type in our last, will be open panion of the Order of the ident of University Club, who and sobs and the excitement Plates or bridges of Inlay type without crowns and without any ed immediately under the Indian Empire.
acted as Chairman pro tembecomes an anguish intole.
inconveniences for the patient.
direction of Mr. Sheldon. We wish him a hearty rable. Men faint aud swoon pore. pending the arrival of Teeth set in Hecolite, Gold, Porcelain, Aluminum, and Rubber until at last a mighty shout the appointed Chairman Prof.
welcome in Costa Rica Office in front of the 2nd. Section of Police in Av.
Henry Hylton) announced Hours to 11. 30 and to p.
Adiplomat and an enjoyable stay in goes up. the race has been won, the victor acclaimed.
the opening of the function, it San José. Box 1252 Telephone 4201 the Switzerland of the He is then led to the High was noticed that the seating Sir Josiah Crosby Americas.
Priest who adorns the brow capacity of the locality was insufficient for the gathering, of the victor with a laurel wreath, cut from the sacred tree. Continuing, she said Preliminary programme ti. Greece is no longer play.
Under the Chairmanship of By Dolores Joseph The Editor of ing the most important part from Off Brake about in the affairs of the world but Mr. Polson, the preliminary have been agitating the Marcus Garvey, designed.
THE SEARCHLIGHT batsmen performing in she has bequeathed to the programme of the evening beg. importance of a life of as Parents, you boast of the Dear Sir: an with a duet rendered by piration, a life of social earning value of your son, nations the spirit of her ol.
a polished and dashing ympic games which still surPlease give me space style (What a big jukel)
Misses Myers and Rogers, fogreatness, but my agitation but your daug ters are gen in your valuable paper How car a batsman time vive among the nations of llowed by an elocutionary item bas hardly touched, the erators of iniquities. You Europe and in several other given by Mr. Ernest Wright. right cliord on the instruto call the attention of the ball, play correctly, parts of the World.
a violin duet «Melodies was mental miuds of my people. by an elephant, you preach the sport loving people in fact, be at ease on a She expressed her deep rendered by Messrs Stanley or it has just flown harm sanctity, and practise corrup of Limon to an impor. pitch that sinks in the regret that since the forma Lettman and Albert Delpratt. lessly by, without disturbing tibleness.
tant matter, which effects centre, has rises here tion of the Waldeck Club, At this juncture Mr. Hylton, the quietude of a dormant Thus, weask you,«Where are us generally. Through the there. It seems that Otf the people of 28 Miles should the permanent Chairman encommunity.
And now a yours ons. Do not claim that efforts of Mr. Ferris, Pre Brake leaves the vital maintain such a strict callous tered and assumed his post. days, things are getting from they are bad! because you ness to so us ful an insti. piano solo was then given bad to worse until they have will be admitting to us, your sident of the Cricket points of Cricket severe.
by Miss Inez Gillings and the grovvn into final item of this part of the state, making existence in a delapidated children, that you, our ge Board of Control; a car ly alone, for individual Captain Reid was the next speaker. She said that she programme was rendered by this community, boresome. of retrogression; you culti for the purpose of mak nerators, are the ancestors load of clay was given praises.
Thanking you for space, was very pleased to notice Mr. William (Bill) Walker, who Looking towards the four vate immoralities, therefore ing a pit h, for use dur Sir. remain, through the columns of the rendered a popular song, cardinal points. and cover you are spiritual paupers.
Search Light the activities Take up the birth regis ing our past competition. Yours, for the cause of of the various clubs in Li Debate Begins under Public ing everything that can be our mind tries of all the religious bo With the heavy showers Cricket?
mon She paid a warm tri Anxiety eyes, we fiod our churches dies, and oh? at a sight. and heavy trampling of Roy Chapman bute to the Editor and asked ctating to an hipocritical, Let the Rev. Gentlemen in tootballers, it is entirely the members who are not The anxiety of the public community: our lodges, this community subscribers of the Search to listen to Lignt to do so at once as controverted was patent; and sound, are being ruled by are written on the pages.
es; yet has that paper was a sine qua when the Chairman announced powers who abuse it by the What are you allowing us.
done by way of repairs. Continued from page non to the reading public. that the time had come, the mode of life they are living, your children to become. It is a shame to see rovvminded to appreciate my special meeting is arrang sighs of impatience disap by the kind of brotherly love What will be our value in ed for Wednesday night the peared.
they manifest at all times.
cricketers, who claim to endeavçurs As said before, we all 23rd. December, The question for debate We find our schools, driving will you derive from us? know better, and who cannot be leaders, someone and the Judges were then a Latin, a French, a Greek These are queries Wnich will have played on a better must lead, and am preparDEATH introduced, followed by the or an English subject into surely tantalize you, if you pitch» than this, conti ed to follovy the true leadintroduction of the debating the miods of bardened pup: should try to answer them, nue to use it avery Sun er. The leader vvho vvill The grim reaper has again teams, which consisted of ils, that will do these pupils How delightful it is to be day. One hears almost not be biased and ignorant.
claimed another victim, to Messrs Cleveland Clarke, no good in time to come. in a community of great every day, We don want nothing for a land vvhere When said that care increase the ranks of the Egbert Dobson and Amos We find the ruling forces men, Rev. Gentlemen, teachdeparted for 1931. in the Hall. representing the af of the IA. not repres ers, Journalists, Doctors, a clay pitch. Why can vve have no hpes to reach, person of Lionel Dunkley offirmative on the behalf of enting that sound philoso Musicias, artists, oh great not the cricketers get mean it, and that is the this vicinity. The deceased, Alpha Literary Club. and phy of improvement, that men and women, and re together and do some. sentiments of millions of though not of robust health, Messrs James Scott, Albert that great agitator, that that member that they have been thing for the benefit of negroes scattered through was apparently well up to Delpratt and Felix Rivers, great master mind, the Hon. children, just as yours; but themselves? Do they exout the globe, including yourself. If you vvill read oooooooooo000000000000000000000 0000 foro somer purpose ain life.
pect Mr. Ferris, or the the PANAMÁ TRIBUNE, of How justified would a paBoard of Control to do vvhich am the Agent, you Attention!
rent be, if after seeing the everything for them? For vvill understand the sent. 10. 000 in Prizes fruit of her sufferings, should instance; suppose we iments of the able minded exclaim. These are testiwere called upon, unexnegroes over there, who Ask for Chiclets but say Adams feel vvhat it is to be premonies of my desires, have not suffered in vain for hu pectedly to entertain a pared at home. Are you pre manity. My children have foreign tean liere. What pared?
found a place, an auspicious Would we do?
Mr. Editor, hope that place in this community, These are a few things have not used much of your and now can answer my that should, interest us valuable columns to ansvver The only legitimate Chiclets lookout for the coupons with Prizes in the Packages God with a safe conscience.
so vvonderful a «FEDI DEgreatly. Recently, we FENSOR. beg to be sooooooooo 0000000000 000000000000 Sistema Nacionaydr Biblibtecas del Moiterie t) Cultura haved, beard much noise Dolores Joseph Where are your Children?
Our Cricket oval the question whose philosophy may be what they think of what unfute for playing gas been In Defense. Chiclet A A S


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