p. 4


Saturday December 19312 Traube Cerveza The Gran Portland House Lodge Fiesta.
acewis ihop House Robbery a Current new sign of the Times and had the trunk fack Under this heading we Dean Inge Sees Fall of British Empire The Gran Portland House Near, With Spiritual Bond Life Guarantee 100 yards west of Parque Morazan The surest security for preserving a healthy vigorous body is to drink always Holding Race to Englan Frente de Imprenta Alsina This will notify the public that the Lodgings formHow Significant a century hence, he said erly carried on by Mrs. Alvira Williams under the name made and distributed under the supervision of London, Nov. The he did not know hovy of the Excelsior House, has been bought OVER BY end of the British Empire the population could be Mr. LEWIS and thoroughly remodelled and renoThe Florida Ice and Farm Co.
vvas foreseen by Dean reduced but that it must vated under name of Inge of St. Paul Cathe. be done.
dral in a lecture on the «We would then live tate of empires at Uni. more comfortably. he versity College of North continued «Historians The comfort and conveniences of his many friends and Continued from pag. ties of an honorable and Wales in Bangor. After may say the last world patrons on the lines are his constant care; meals at all to him the beautifully ilumi esteemed home.
discussing the fall of the empire was the greatest hours; clean rooms at moderate prices.
Credential of ap. Bro Alfredo Sanchez lead off Roman and Spanish emand most beneficient to special home for the sick who are seeking Doc. nated vvith a beautiful address on pires, Dean Inge said he mankind the world had for Dr. Valverde and Dr. Raul Orozco Casorla the tors aid. In this respect write to Lewis who is agent preciation unanimously corded him. It reads. the beauties of married life believed the period of ever seen. We will con Dentist. San José. La Resp giving great eulogies to the tie expansion of the tinue to be a great nation LEWIS etable Logia Alma Mater No! virtues of his intended partner Consciente de los méritos in life as well as the amiabiBritish Empire has come if we keep true to our Mecanicos que adornan al lities of the Brother life and to an end.
ideals and, whether the Querido Hermano Sam. the hopes of the Alma Mater «The profigate expen nations speaking our Nation; y hondamente reco. for his and her eternal hap.
ditures of the World War, language and living largenocida por su simpatia a piness, Bro Alfredo Castro thief entered the acquainted with the con ella, que ha redundado en soon follovved in similar terms, followed by a kind of ly under our traditions government will not remain under our flag room of Mr. Cecil Clay, ditions existing at Mr. indiscutibles beneficios; en su then Bros Juan de Dios Ra.
criticise, has reduced the or not, think they will ton, during the night of Clayton home. Indicat tenida ordinaria del dia 18 de mirez, Ed. Escarré Na richest nation of the regard England, as we Friday last week, y using ions point very clearly agosto dd 1931, dictó el si. tion, Alvarado and Mr.
guiente acuerdo; a moción del Solano; but the cream of the a duplicate key. The thief on a friend who was a world to the verge of ourselves regard con.
Ano: Manuel Quirós aco addresses vvas that by Mr.
bankruptcy and deep tries like Palestine and then got hold of the very frequent visitor with gida por unanimidad de Vo Montealegre in which he showtos, se acordó; Conceder una ed the proselyte that he is humiliation. Although Greece, as their spiritual bathroom, keys rumma the owner.
Medalla de Oro al Querido only novv fulfilling his mission ged it in search of mon don wish to take a home.
Hermano Samuel Nation in life and that by adopting pessimistic view altog. Therefore do not ey an! broke open Correction como reconocimiento a sus the example of Christ vvith small box which was in ether, am afraid our view the end in a de buenos servicios en bien de his church he vvit be a better In our article by Cy esta muy Resp. Logia governor in the Alma Mater part as a world power pressing frame of mind the trunk. Finding nothOr. de Costa Rica, Valle is approaching its end. think our ing but a few small coins, rilo Pulling me to pie and to humanity generally.
empire, in Bro Echevarria responded most We have been good the old serse, is coming amounting to about a ces in the last Paragraph de San Josè, a las 15 horas appropriately to the many good few colones. The room, of column 2, at line del dia 29 de noviembre de enough, with some luck, to an end but our race 1931.
vvishes and complimentary to achieve a wonderful is not, and what is waith bath and kitchen doors he was made to say, Signed and Sealed, Alfre remarks extended him by his position in the world, keeping is in our own were left open with all Under this leading we do Sánchez, Ven. Maestro; friends and the Lodge gene.
Carlos Ramírez, U, Diputado rally after vvihich the Elegant but am afraid we are hands, especially in the the wearing apparel of have those forms (that is not good enough to keep hands of the younger Mr. Clayton lying around of religions) that are ca Maestro; José Vargas Dia tea Party broke up amid the cono Mayor; Escarré, Se most pleasant memories of generation to make or on the floor. Luckily, lied pagan and those cretario.
such happy Associations.
Referring to the prob nar.
a lady acquaintance of other forms that are callable state of England The Gleaner Mr. Clayton appeared ed by their devotees, etc. Translated, A:L: G: D: G: A: D: D: on the scene while the etc.
police were in char je, This should have been; This most respectful Lodge, The Alma Mater No. Realizing the ed and returned to his have those forms, that great merits as a mechanic The government of San Salvador bas fallen by a We have been advis are chiefly Jamaicans, room. Among the articles are cailed Pagan and Bro. Sam Nation; duly military movement and is ing our people to natu we have had to close stolen was a good watch those other forms that recognized by his love and novy ruled by a Military ralized themselves in down. But we hope that chain. This was returned are called Christian. sympathy displayed toward Board.
any country they may the spirit of Garveyism on Sunday evening. Mr. Now if you say that the her, which has redounded in contraband consignment find themselves will ever reign with us, Clayton having gone out Pagan torins are made indisputable benefits, has of silk vvas discovered in the to prevent such ocurren with the teachings of for a walk, returned at by their devotees. so adopted the following resoluSan Jose Custom house, by ces as the belovy, but the Hon. Marcus Gar. about 630, and they are you would be the 18th day of August 1931, vvhich the government would these fall on deaf ears; vey that the aims and found the chain hanging perfectly righr etc. etc. moved by Bro. Manuel Qui have lost nine thousand cofor their information objects of the LA. on the lock of his door. We glad make this ros and accepted by lones in duties. Eight bales. declared cotton goods contherefore we reproduce be carried on till the It appears that the per correction. as it alters unanimity of votes, it was rewhat is happening in Red, Black and the son who committed this entirely the sense of tye Medal to our much beloved concede a «Gold signed to Messrs Mnl. Sateinber and Co. vvere found to our Sister Republic trom Green be hoiste on the offence, is some one well paragraph. Ed.
Brother, Samuel Nation, in have had many pieces of Silk the Negro World. hilltop of our fatherland, recognition of his good ser placed betyveen the cotton Africa.
vices to the welfare of this goods.
Anti Foreignism Closes With good wishes for worthy Lodge. En the Rep.
of Costa Rica; in this vale of We note that the Contract Nicaragua the IA. am.
San Jose at p. of the for scavenging Limon avvardDiv.
29th of November 1931. ed recently to don Reuben Douglas At 24 Miles on 14th December see the Programme Signed and sealed.
Robles by the Municipality of According to the exisof 11 Races. Trains to and fro and all attractions. Alfredo Sanchez Wor Limon, has been held in abeyance for months by suting conditions at the shipful Master Pretty girls, jovial comrades, good sporting; dancing present in in this country Books!
Carlos Ramirez U, Deputy perior orders, to call for a nevy Books! Books!
galore and a happy day spent among your friends. Master tender, the other tender vvas which confronts tke READ: Jose Vargas Senior turned dovvn, in conséquence Negroes, the Puerto Ca.
Deacon of a relative of the proposer bezas Division has cloE. Escarre, Secretary.
being a nember of the Board The only way to im Bro Nation returned thanks hence an appeal to the Minissed. Owing to the fact of prove one intelligence Cricket in the woods to the Bros. for the very ter.
members of the division and thinking culture is agreeable surprise they had being all foreigners. The to Read.
On Sunday 29 ultmo the runs. Principal scorers for sprung on him that date, by OBITUARY cornpany does not emRead good Books. XI Bros of Limon the Fearless were conferring on him such unR.
ploy at present any for. There is no book that journeyed to merited honours; greater hoCosta Rica has lost one of Bearsem Brown 30 runs. Coll nours than those found in the her most able men by the eigners trom Merchandyou vvould like to pro East by way of westphalia ters 19. Mc. Donald 11. order, being the applauses death of Mr. Oscar Rohrmoser ise Dept. to the Farm. cure that cannot be had meeting the Fearless Harry Browlers for and appreciations of the gen. in California. He vvas in failing You are not want by addressing Oscar newly formed club of the homesters ed. The company. has Delevante; Agent for Beverly on the Bearsem Mc. Donald who captured lived and moved, indueed he now and vvent abroad for an sent away to the dit one of the largest pu. East Oval. Callvin the Wkts. for 23 runs felt that no higher honour can operation.
be bestowed on mankind than He has been a much resferent places nearly 500 blishing houses in the skipper of the home team Kelly Wkts: for 26 unsolicited West Indians, Costa Ric United States. Ask for won the toss and send runs. We beg to congra appreciation of pected President of Congress one unselfish services. This for tvvo terms novv, hence ans respectively. These any Book you desire. the visitors to the bat intulate the members of the outburst of affection he said the country has been declared were the people, that Agent also for the which the undefeated score Fearless for their would be sufficient gratificat in a state of mourning for comprised the Puerto «Searchiight» along the of 91 runs for 11. Wkts treatment towards the viion to go down with him in three days.
Cabezas Division. There lines. Send in your subs the winter of his days; and were made by the Bros. sitors which shows that he hoped it would be a stimisn one Nicaraguan who cription to Principal scorers for the they are true hearted ulus to the young members Church has been enrolled as Bros. Were Brown 19 sportsmen. sincerely hope of the Craft to so live in the a inember of the Division. Oscar Delevante Harrison 13 Rob. that, the same good spirit that when they too had arrivTherefore, since all her binson 13 Young may ever exist among ed in the winter of their days, members and officers Siquirres PO.
This will inform the public Harris C. Banton them. also have to thank they would hear that voice that owing to financial pronot out. Bowlers for the the sisters and wellwishers of appreciation by their as blems the school was closed.
Bros. Were Young who of the XI Bros who ac sociates saying «Well Done Matters however have been captured Wkts for 30 companied us in the days Good and faithful servant arranged and school de Juan Bta. Ortiz Farmacist runs Harrison Wkt for outing hoping that they Thy Labours.
enter Thou into the Joy of reopened on Monday Nov.
30; Parents Guardians are 17 runs. Caines Wkt will always be vvith us.
Avenue de las Damas, from the Atlantic Station After complimentary ex asked to pay their school tary en for 14 runs. At the close On Dec 21st the Matina changes from all present the fees to the treasurer Mr.
oposite corner of the Imprenta Alsina Makes a specialy in the despatch of Prescriptions, Pharmaceutical of the Bros. inning at 40 and the XI Bros ceremony was closed and all Moffatt and get admittance preparations, and Patent Medicines of all kinds. Attends all orders Oclock they were invited are expected to meet on repaired to the antesala, tickets as usual.
by Post. The direction can be shown by his Agent along the lines to lunch. he homesters the Limon Ovalin a friendly ed, as a send off (despedida)
vvhere a festival vvas prepar Mr. LEWIS Cash Deposits The School Board after went to the wicket game of cricket.
Apartado 510, San José, Telefone 2106 from a life single blessedness and could not exceed 73 BROTHER to that of the syveet anxie. Nov. 30 de 1931.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
so as a Races! Races! Races!
School reopens BOTICA CENTRAL was

    EnglandWorld War

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