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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Hod Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment With the approach of Christmas the Signal of Peace love and Goodwill let us fouget the things that warry us. Let us substitute thoughts of the many things for which we have to be thankful. Let us forgive those against whom we have aught and incline ourselves more heavily upon the Pillar of Friendship and Goodwilk so as to become a centre of happiness and spread good cheer to all.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY DECEMBER 12. 1931 NUM. 104 Satisfaction handed out An Appreciation ane you exConduct artPoor housing Dear Mr. Editor: has performed and is conditions breed Crimes In the official Gazette the atrocity committed still performing a note of the 5th inst we note (might lead his depart On the eve of the an worthy service in that Dr. Mc Shine of Trilogically affected so soon that the sanitary Inspec. ment into a claim for niversary of the Nativity it has stimulated thought nidad in making obser. as they learn of the tor of Siquirres Il. ilegal arrest and deten of Our Blessed Lord, and discussion among vations on crime condi. prior stage in their mo defonso Martos has had tion. for this gentle. desire, on behalf of the the Negro people in this tions in Jamaica, gives ther lite. vicions cir. to resign his position, man had his Railroad officers and members of country.
It has also an information that, cle is thus set up ia the and the Department of Ticket in his pocket to the Waldeck Literary attracted the attention of while in the Jamaica vicinity so much to be Public Health has decid proceed to Cartago on and Athletic Club, to some of our best local Prison he found 80 tem deplored, and which vied to suppress the office. his business, sought to express to and literary talents as ale prisoners of which taily concerns every in This has been due to act immediately with the through you to the staff pressd in its weekly co.
90 per cent were young telligent person in the pressure brought to bear result aforestated. There of the SEARCHLIGHT, lumns.
girls between 15 to 17 Community who has any by Mr. Cərr for the ille are sometimes such in my unstinted admiration sincerely hope that years compares the fact interest in the welfare gal arrest and incarcer stances among our poor and profound gratitude there may lie betore it that on the 5th of No of their Surroundings. ation perpetrated on him illiterate people who not to you for the ardent many more years of usevember there was not a This is just the ugly at Madre de Dios a knowing how to go about and strenous efforts ful service.
single woman prisoner blotch which affects us couple of weeks ago by it or to conduct them which you have exerted Believe me to be, Sir, in the Demarara prisons in Limon, although not this officer of health, of selves in the occasion and are still exerting by yours very truly, and in Trinidad only 12; brought on by Prison which we mentioned in lose that essence of Ju. your brilliant periodical although both these co conditions, that as call. our last issue under the tice which exists in Cos to the cause of the En Harrison lonies are only about ed our attention in Dr. heading of «Very Arbi ta Rican lavv.
glish speaking communone third the population Mc Shine series of trary Act. It is so repugnant to ity: President Waldeck Lieach of Jamaica yet the articles on this kind of It is also understood one to feel that he is The SEARCHLIGHT terary Athletic Club percentage is most fa profligacy in our midst, that our Agent of Police arrested merely because vaurable to them.
and to which our corres. at that place will be ex. he acts in a manly way.
He attributes this in pondent Mr. Dolores changed with that of that he feels to commit clination to crime to the Joseph has been calling Bonifacio for his injud himself. Immagiee, you bad housing conditions attention to constantly icious participation inmoinent your train is are called just at the detention as well as to the tenby Harrison in his series goes to of dency of our judges to icles entitled «where are show what unfair treat highest authority of the It has been said that. conduct» meaning guid.
inflict heavy fines and your children» as also ment our poor people land) cant come novu. Conduct and character ance, as when we say long sentences, instead Philomelas talks with ignorant of the Laws and vyhat is it, come to me are the same thing, fac we conduct Mr. So and of applying the first her Young Companions language have to be sub if you need me my training both ways. So to such a place. Con oiteuders law, and term for which the Commu jected to at times so is appraching is the repCharacter. however, is duct also employs behapayments of fines, or put nity ought to be very unjustly. Mr. Carr being ly; for this, vvhich is an inward quality, and viour. Any man may ting them on a bond to grateful. It is hoped that a gentleman of some in termed impertinence to conduct but the outward conduct another but our come up for sentence parents of Limon would fluence responsibility the lavy, you are arrest expression of it. For own conduct must be when called upon in case be more vigilant over in the couotry, took the ed and detained from example, it is impossi. self directed. Our gisof later misconduct, these the parandeering inclina matter up at once with your journey; and at that ble for a man to give position to act in a cerlatter he claims wouor tions of their children, the Governor of the Pro a well known reponsible full evidence of his cha tain way inay be influenchave more salutory and instead, insist upon vince and the Minister man in the community. racter unless his conducted by training and eduefect and tend to give the and assist them to enlist of Public Health, this it is so absurdly ignor. bears witness to it. We cation, but the final de wayward girl a chance into the different Clubs latter gentleman appar ant that one feels mur may estimate a man cision as to the course of bettering her ways guilds and Organiza ently a bit reticent to derous at the moment. character from outward We take must lie with and become a decent tions which have as their act in the matter, the We rejoice for the cool appearance, but his con ourselves and result from citizen insted of a jail aims and objects the party aggrieved went to headedness of Mr. Carr duct must inform us cxercise of our bird, with all the gibss moral and intellectual the Minister of Foreign and his satisfaction given whether our estimate is will.
and taunts which an training and existence of Affairs, who ofcourse by those in authority.
a correct one.
In order, therefore, to uncontrolable temper the youths of the Town. seing immediately that Then there is the verb regulate our conduct we can hardly withstand and must possess strength so the nex stage is a of character, for at some second rm, then a third period or another in our and therafter a hard life we may find ourselenied criminal.
ves in an isolated posi.
He appeais thereforem este tion where it rests upon to the clergy, the social Mr. Marcus Garvey has we have made friends there necessity for great leader governments in Africa, where us alone to decide be.
workers, the Legislators returned as is well known who are not going to rest ship but he is optimistic that restrictive legislations and to Europe until the reasonable tings in MacDonald hands back barriers are set up to pre tween good and evil.
and Councillors to co and to the League of Na. we aim at are accomplished. ed by the national govern vent intelligent Negroes from In so far as our con operate with the Lond tions, where he went to en We aim at selfdetermina ment she will pull through. America and the West In duct can be described lords and adopt more deavour to create a stim tion, the right of self expres Some of the points pres dies ent ring Africa their as good or bad so homeland, for the purpose ongenial means of hous. ulus toward sympath y sion, autonmony, and right ented to the League are: among the delegates to that thinking but in the land is our character and ing the poor people so as The sufferings generally of of peacefully setting and to august Assembly with regard of our fathers, a nation of the Negro Race. The needs help in the development of reputation determined.
to secure a great meas to the sufterings of the Ne. our own; and from the shuf. of the facilities for opport their country altho this There is, however, an ure of self respect. He gro Race.
fling of the cards, and from unity for Negroes to estab privilege is granted to Euro. essential difference besuggests that by Govern There were over 2000 of the forecast of the stars, lish their own government. pean settlers.
tween Character and mental aid 1000 small his adherents who went to things are working in a way Relief for the terrible state Praying for the moral and back; the cnetamily detached welcome that hundreds of millions of economic poverty that legal rights to the rehabilita. Reputation. Character exists in the West Indies, tion of the Motherland Afri is what we are supposed homes, properly fenced crowd was so greater that it of my race need not feel any trouble much longer, in parts of Central and South ca, and as a means thereto, to be. Reputatior, there oft could be constructed agent of the boat sent a because everything seem to America as well as in South the granting to the Race, fore, must inevitably in congested areas such message to the captain ad be turning our way.
era sections of the for the purposes of racial founded on conduct rae as Smith Village etc. at a vising him to ask Mr. Gar We have to go back to Where most of the Negroes development; the mandated Cost of about 150. 000 vey to disembark as quickly the League and in the apare kept in the lowest state territory now given to the ther than on characteras he could to relieve the pointed time we shall go of Pauperism.
Union of South Africa nameAs reputation is the es.
at a rental of about ten eongestion of Traffic on the there in great strength. Mo Relief from, e discrimin ly, German East Africa, timation in which we.
Shillings per month Pier caused by the many ral strenth. It will take time ating Laws passed in Pa and German South West are held in our would be a great start. thousands of people who to summon that strength, nama against Negro immi Africa; feeling sure that if He deplores the fact visited the Dock that norn.
but our next visit will find us gration into that Republic, conceded the opportunity. munity, it is obvious that the standard ot ing.
twenty years Nethere with the Moral strength even though he was the within of these young first off His first appearance in pu of the hundreds of millions dominant factor in the con groes would prove to the credit, good name, and enders being thrown on blic was on e 18 th wben our of people, and we shall be struction of the great wat League their ability to a gov personal worth can only the Streets when releas. an immense welcome meet. there and we shall be heard; erway of that country at a ernment that would be ever be maintained by cond.
ed, with no chances of a ing was staged at Edelweiss feel sure that the hearing time when white labour could ready to assist the League uut that is beyond re Park for him. In expres. too will be good, notwithstand tbe climatic of Nations in enforcing its respectable marriage, sing something of his visit He spoke at length on influence.
civilized programme for the proach.
hence their bastard off he said: My visit to Geneva the troubles existing at this Relief from, the unfair met good of the entire human There so many springs become psycho was fruitfuf, ancaman Feel Puredelembniente inal Eiglaha abanente Siskvada mabaya kuu By the Contabiturefatmilys, Costa Rica.
Continued on pag. а own Carvey Welcome meeting.
him con. are


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