
Saturday 12 December. 1931 Where are your children The Baptist Dispute and on ever are ones.
seare To be greatest ship afloat men Dr. Valverde Vega wwww But parent, we are compell derful home training that you, their culture, but to the imed to ask you. What of your and only you, are able to morality that existed. You Happily the long exist. and went at length into rying the pleasantest of boys? How are you teach give them. Criticize us not knovy that the fall of all the ing them to advance towards because every criticism is a great countries of the vvorld ing dispute among the the controversy, and got reminiscences of the Isle the front lines of the battle kick downward on the lad vvas not due to their civil Baptists is ended; Dr. both parties to see of Springs, possibly a bit field of life, conquer yonder der of disgrace. Put your ization, but to the cor Price of the Calabar where their errors were gratified that the knot ijad obstacles? Are you expecting shoulder under us, and help ruption of that civilization, Training College and and admitting them got arisen, so as to give them them to become generals in push us up, up, up until Teach your people to build the members of the Ja into closer relations. a monti vacation among the army of progress, or we are able to climb higher little fortified homes, vvhere Dr. Rushbroke said their friends in this little deserters, cowards yellow ourselves, or until we have that society may find its birth. maica Baptist Union are streaked artists? But it seems reached the top of our as Do not stray from the chilout post of the great to us as if you are content piration. Do not adopt the dren, but help them to be. The withdrawal of pleasant atmosphere that Empire.
ed to see us mere medio phylosophy of the superior. come the men and women Principal Price frotn the had been created, not We are glad of this, cres, by the spirit of dejec. ity of your children to your of tomorrow. Tell them that Calabar College had only for the individual because the Revd. De tion that you have all times neighbour children, because their evil deeds vvill affect displayed. Have you that nobility of birth, that even their third and fourth been asked for of the members of the contro Price is undoubtedly one stopped to ponder what will nobility of culture really generations, so they should Baptist Missionary So. versy in the Community. of the greatest educators become of us your progenies? does not exist in this little be thoughtful of the barm ciety in England by the but for the utility of the it has been the lot of Have you ever had a serious town of ours. There is always that can be done to genera Ministers of the Baptist harmonious operation of Jamaica to possess.
talk with us, and determined our mental and moral value? family, and we should not take an interest in all the Union in Jamaica on the Baptist following If you have, and you are by our ignorance, uncover social affairs of their chil. account of this dispute, and its adherents, but satisfied, then we can truly that shame; but with prud. dren, and enquire vvhat they deputation was he was leaving satisfied Disorders near say, that your mental facul enc. try to efface that stain, are all about: see that they sent out froin England that both sides were ties are bereft of all their and demonstrate to your are notbing to currupt the to investigate the matter, sorry for the incident, Mo Bay thinking abilities, making surroundings, that we minds of other children but Dr. Rushbroke and were now convinced their judga. ent very poor able to surmount that obs something for their social tacle, thus becoming superior physical and intellectual gain, and Mr. Tno of the harm that the Police under Inspec.
Thus parents, remember by our attitude.
such as Alpha aims at. mas Penny arrived continuance of such a tor Knollys had to be these little ones around you, Reverend Gentlemen, Pro DOLORES JOSEPH stringency much occa called in, from Montego do not leave them up to fessors, Social leaders, we sion to the Baphist Union Bay to quella riot their follies. Begin to infuse are beseeching you to go to in the Island and vvould among the labourers at in their minds a conscious your different communities, Life Guarantee novy resolve to labour Amity Hall property in ness of doing the right things with a heart touched with The surest security for preserving a healthy vigorous body is to drink always always, so that this conscious our spirit of aspiration, with more harmoniously than James. The old hands ness may become a a heart touched yvith the Traube Cerveza ever before. hu resented new labour being cond nature with them. spirit of our socialsentiments, After being in Jamai called in to work and We, your children, preach to your audiencees made and distributed under the supervision of ca for a month they left created a disturbance aiming for social progress, our nevy sentiments, so that The Florida Ice and Farm Co. a fortnight ago on their many arrests have been do not shake a dont care even a fevy may accept, and shoulder at us, because our strive to attain that social return voyage home car made.
success will be a star in your life that vve really ought to WWWWWW crown. Help us. And how have. Do not teach them can you help us? By strength. nationalism, because you are Dr. Raul Orozco Casorla ing our ranks with your avvare that the dovvnfall of children, children that are Sodom and Gomorrah vvas Dental Surgeon equipped with that won not due to the height of The are 250, 000 work completion, for no soonof the Royal College of Surgeons England engaged in the er than one gang walks Modern Dental Clinic construction of what will out at nightfall, does be the largest ship afloat, another crew step in to East of Imprenta Alsina. Apartado 1300 San José being built for the Cun. work all night with their Patient met at Station by his Representative San Jose ard Line, at Clydebank, silent hydraulic rams.
Mr LEWIS Scotland. Her 018 ft.
Gradaate of the University of Paris kull is fully laid; and it hold, there are four im.
Deep down in her English Spoken Specialist in affections of the blood and other deseases.
is proudly claimed that Surgical cases given special attention.
Treatments modern. Prices moderate.
they will be able to mense gear wheels, each Patients met on arrival by his interpreter, Mr. Lewis, drop the «s. Bremen) of fourteen feet diameter, All Trades Further information, if required, can be had of The Searchlight. in when ready. With to drive tour independher eleven decks, she is ent propellers and in Mr. Beecher the with Miss Rodriguez styled the Skyscraper each of these will mesh very thoughtful Organizer as Chairman, Miss Goof the seas, having eight four powerful Parsons of the All Jamaica Trades verley as Hon. Secretary rows of Port holes above turbines fed from oil. Exhibition which comes off Misses McDougal and Continued from pag. community waterline, and her three fired high pressure boil some time in February is Black as 1st. and 2nd.
things that go to make Conduct is to a large darkened decks below ers. She will be able to rushing all preparations Asst.
up perfection of Con extent a matter of duty. water. Her dead weight be driven ahead or a.
for his Exposition of the duct, that when we be True conduct is marked will be 73000 tons being her four sets of Engines. artizans proficiency in of the best people of the one of Jamaican tradesmen and He has the cooperation gin to enumerate them by goodness which we are at a loss where always consistent with the Europa; her speed Her rudder weighs 140 works of art and culture, land, and is raising funds to stop. In one respect, itself, that course being will be 30 knots an hour. tons, which is twice the as well as the self help to carry out his great prohowever, there seems to always the most fit and She is being rushed to weight of the aquitania prog. ess of our Ladies. ject by entertainments all be a sort of universal reasonable which tends The ladies Dept has been over the Island by the agreement; that good and towards it. These rules a live wire around Mr. leading talent of the Comwise conduct consists of conduct are beauti.
Beecher efforts. He form munity. He deserves great JUAN MEZA DENTIST in the faithful perform fully summed up by Thaed a powerful Committle commendation for his far CARTAGO COSTA RICA of ladies on the 23rd. inst. visioned scheme.
ance of duty, in think ckeray when he wrote: Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building ing not of ourselves Be honest, be gentle, Central Street 325 Yards East of Market but of others, in doing be generous, be wise, to others as we would and possessing these Preference given patients from Limon and other The Gran Portland House be done by, and in acting qualities, exercise them points of Atlantic Zone.
not as the individual, but in the most graceful Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed 100 yards west of Parque Morazan as member of the outward manner.
Frente de Imprenta Alsina This will notify the public that the Lodgings formerly carried on by Mrs. Alvira Williams under the name of the Excelsior House, has been bought OVER BY Mindful of a duty out of Mr. LEWIS and BARRETT and thoroughly riendship the most popular According to the Glean health Certificate, but remodelled and renovated under name of PALMERA SOAP Chief Justice of Jamaica, wili, perhaps, render reHas arranged to distribute a value of almost Sir Fiennes Barrett Len sidence in a temperate double the former value of the wrappings as a o nard will not be return and sub tropical country The comfort and conveniences of their many friends and benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before ing to Jamaica to his for a time, essestial.
patrons on the lines are their constant care; meals at all hours; clean rooms at moderate prices.
All No. wrappings have a much greater value po post of duty, he has got than No. and others.
extension of leave again home for who are for Dr. Valverde and Dr. Raul Orozco Casorla the of Titled Bride Dentist. San José.
the information reads.
Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts The Chief Justice will Mr. George Anthony LEWIS BARRETT will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
not be returning to Ja Reginald Williams, Distributor in Limon naica, if at all, not be native of Castries St.
Armando Heilbron fore February next. Lucia was married to CLINICA FIGUERES The severe Hemorr. Lady Mary Heath noted 100 YARDS TO THE NORTH OF IMPRENTA ALSINA Distributors in Turrialba, hages of last December, British Aviatrix at Lex All sick and infitm persons from ine distressing, Malarial Zones of the Atlantic and Pacific Regious, who require doctors attention and up to date nursing, will do Rojas, Cortés Cía. for which the London ington, Kentucky, by Dr.
well to go straight to the SANITARIUM of DOCTOR FIGUÉRES.
o doctors have failed to Ecton, a Baptist Very moderate charges. Confortable airy dormitories, coupled with sympathetic INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
assign natural cause, have minister, the Governor and efficient Nurses, as well as tbe skihal aid of some of the best doctors in San Jose, whose pleasant and alfable dispositions lend inspiration and confidence greatly weakened him. Mr. Sampson gave to the patient. His agent Mr. Lewis will meet all patients by appointment at Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 The Chief Justice, until the bride in marriage.
the Stations, and conduct then direct to the Clinic LEWIS a very short time ago, Mr. Williams is also an La Gondola, Frente Impiunta Alsina, San Jose clean 000 0 0. 00 fully expected to documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del aviato racional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de mesa QCARROS Exhibition Conduct. 0a The Gran Portland House 000 0 0 0 0 a address a


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