
Saturday December 12. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
Page Popular Superstition CAFIASPIRINA no Philomela Serious Talk With Girls. a a this: mean Headache. By CYRILO eye sees for the first time a palm (the silver thatch o horrible, murder; the imagi. Jamaica. the leaves of which The term superstition is nation at once presents to had assumed an appearance often ry loosely applied, the mind all the details of of whiteness rough contact and so what is sometimes the tragedy; then the mind with the silvery light of the called superstition is never without fail combines all moon! My experience was as superstition at all. Of course, these detais and forms real as any thing familiar to no this is the common fate of that mental picture of the my senses could be, for words that have gained po scene that we call a concept. had seem something aplant; Instant relief pular favour. It is only tech The work of the imagination but that experience was misnical terms, it seems, which stops just here: whatever interpreted by dint of an. do not readily lend themsel happens beyond this point hypothesis that rested upon ves to foreign usuage, that must be attributed to some demonstrated fact of immune from misappli other faculty of the mind. If knowledge. In that lay my cation; for the technical mind there is any pleasure in superstition.
Aha! Just as the Jewish now you resent my interfe inate, if you would be true alone finds any interest in concept, the mind will find Here is another bit of su murderers spoke to Christ, rence, how much more you Christians.
them; outside that, it is only it and feast upon it by the perstition, which rests upon «Come down from that cross would not resent it, and hate You young ladies, who have the skilful writer of his lan use of all its faculties; if there the same hypothesis but and save yourself, if thou be me, if you knew who was. dran out of your clubs, guage that will venture to is none, then it will either which does not bring in the the son of God» the same Anyway, my theme for this because of the admission of barru. from the vocabulary banish the concept altogether «duppy question: man you want me to disclose my Week is THE EVANGELIST. some girl poor intellectually, of a technical subject. or tax itself with the duty having suspected three of self, and lead you by my Why can some of you, ought to be ashamed of Now, the trend of modern of selecting parts of it and his servants of theft, locked example. As if there are no members of our STANDARD yourselves surely you are no thought is towards changing, combining these parts into them up for a night in three good examples around this CLUBS become real evang. better than they are, looking altering, modifying, and even new wholes. some of which separate cells. He had given town, for you to immitate. If elists, and preach the gospel at your present living condrejecting that which was once may be just mere myth; but each of them a green rod; of your standard? Why not itions. Go back to your clubs, for that which may seem the imagination will have upon leaving them, he gave be open hearted, be big and and become real evangelists.
better able to fit into the had nothing to do with all them to understand that the Books! Books! Books! evangelize others, drawing mean everything say, fus present scheme of things; for this process. So, it is clear rod of the thief would shew 000 them into your ranks, swell as you like.
the present being the only that popular superstition is up a bud by morning. Now, READ: ing them for good? What Yes, you are indignant, but open door to the future, not an outcome of the ima so powerful is suggestion, sort of a Christianity do you have you a right to be? You nothing can be more neces gfnation. In what, then, does that next morning the thief The only way to im practice. when you only are not consistent in your sary or desirable than that popular superstition consist. not only did see a «bud» on there should be an evolution prove one intelligence pretend that you are broad purpose. Look at your basketSuperstition has one mea his rod, but made an open and thinking culture is minded, vvhen because a fevv ball teams, the METROPO.
of ideas and principles inning, and that one meaning confession of his guilt. His girls, not of your education LIS etc. Your baskets are fact, all buman creations is a belief on bias a belief experience was real: there to Read.
al rank not as presumably rotting in the ROMAN such as is in strict conlorm on evidence that cannot give was his green rod, and the Read good Books. modest as yourself, but who CATHOLIC CHURCH ity with the evolutionary universal satisfaction, but as node on it. but his ill found There is no book that aim for upliftment, gain ad YARD. You are so loudmouth scheme of Mature itself. So, it may be founded upon dif hypothesis of a bud existing you vvould like to promittance into your clubs, ed, instead of going rowwe look to see superstition ferent hypotheses, it extends from the time the suggestion you drew out, leaving your ing, or joy riding, why not as a human institution to many things. doubtless.
cure, that cannot be had meaning at no distant date take as my first hypothesis transform even an eyelesa by addressing Oscar Leadership. your intellectual get some of your boy friends, on pleasant moonlight something quite different from Conjectured causes node into a green shoot and Delevante; Agent tor others to try and handle? night to help you put up your what it means or ought to govern experience; and so it did. Some there are one of the largest pu Why. do you think yourself posts again, so that you can now. Before that illustrate this by telling a who will call such specie of blishing houses in the better than these new mempractice? See the interest change shall have taken story about myself. When conduct a worke of consthey have in you, not one place, let us see what the was a little boy. used to cience, but am not writing United States. Ask for bers, who are admitted to your club? And if you think to lend you a hand.
superstition of today really is. hear and to talk a great deal as a moralist so that should any Book you desire. So, why not let them feel have harder facts to bring it must be observed at the about ghosts. So, one moon have any thing to do with Agent also for the the power of your superior home to you, facts that are outset that the imagination light night as was rambling the ethical side of the matter. Searchlight» along the ity, so they can become sup: true, so read, and cut out plays a very active part in through a small chump or The man conduct was one lines. Send in your subs erior themselves. You would your criticism, but better superstition, but it must be bush in a game of hide thing, his vision, another; have a swell club. if you your situation for a better observed, too, that the ima. and seek, beheld a little and the whole sum of his cription to were not so narrow minded, Limon. Till next week.
gination is not in any way way from me what was cer behaviour was nothing short it you would not discrimresponsible for the fallacies tainly (to me) e ghost! there of rank superstition.
Oscar Delevante and absurdities of supersti upon started back, but tion. This, the imagination, on returning (and not very (Concluded next issue. Siquirres is purely and simply a men willingly too) with two or Limon Service Bureau tal faculty that operates as three companions to the a medium between mind and scene of my discovery, found that ANDmatter matter as it affects to my shameful surprise that BAPTIST SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY the senses. For instance, the my ghost was only a smal The children of the day school will hold their ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED ORO annual entertainment on December 15th, at their Bureau established for the greater convenience, school room.
understanding, satisfaction and protection of the En.
glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a ColParents and friends are cordially invited.
lection Department annexed for the protection of Busallomalo in Admision Adults 0. 50 Children 0. 25 inessmen against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to To all organized Clubs, As lose: a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute consociations and Societies fidence of the public for honesty and efficiernister with Communities and Towns.
over twenty five years practical experience. acquired on distinguished Worker dead the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and At a regular meeting of the under mentThe districts of Toro, tion of nevy officers on Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials ioned Club, it vvas decided to stage a MAMare records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Cuba. Creek, Zent and the 4th of November. He Counsel.
MOTH ELOCUTION CONTEST, under Estrada vvere throvvn in vvas then elected chaplain, it auspices, inviting all organized clubs, asEmiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore sociations, societies, communities and towns consternation on Tuesday and vvas to be installed Barrister Accountant November 24 vvhen the in said office on Sunday Attorney at Law Notary Publle Manager Collection Dept of the Province of the Atlantic Zone. The nevvs went around that December He was also o Aurelio Bermudez contest vvill be an open one and, therefore, Mr. John Johnson was a faithful member of the Investigator TO SA all persons desiring, are eligible to entry.
Soliciting Manager The club vvill endeavour to raise, as may Mosaic Order in Estrada.
MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Mr. Johnson took in ill be convenient, the necessary funds, to proOn Wednesday evening Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre vide the prize, vvhich may be trophies; just fourteen days ago, and he vvas buried. There vvhich vvill be allotted according to the on Tuesday he was dead. vvas never seen such a Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and number secured, endeavouring to assign He was a very useful funeral procession in any Jamaica, Li first second and third prizes, and other man in the community. In of the above mentioned California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, church vvork he had play districts.
prizes subject to conditions ed his part excellently. In No entry fee nor quotavvill be levied on He is survived by a the entrants or contestants; but applications he vvas a vvhom vve tender our con must be filed vvith the Secretary of the Happenings at Zent father, He served in the dolence.
Club, rot later than, fifteen days prior to first term as first vice The installation of offi cording secretary, a Jones the date scheduled for the function. All president for a few months LABAN ROOMS entries are binding to inake good their ap.
cers of the zent division assistant secretary, and as president acting up of the UN. took place Anglin assistant treasurer, pearance, after having applied and received to the time of the elec Zent. Costa Rica on Sunday December Allen chaplain.
confirmation of their entry. No title vvill be with Mr. Murray Morris and Mrs. Kates at risk, nor vvill any be assigned vvinners (secretary of the Matina field workers. 10 of this content. The function vvill be a There was no decoracombination Variety Concert and Elocution The officers are as tion of flowers but the Contest. It vvill take place at the Arrasty follows.
Siquirres, Monday 7th. examination are; Read Messrs Theatre on December 21st. proximo. hall was decorated in black very good programme vvill be prov.
The St. Joseph Catho. ing and Recitations, Malcolm president, Wil showing the signal of lic School of this town Writing and English, liams 1st vice president, mourning for our dear co.
ided, offering some of the bestof our local artists, knovyn, and debutantes. Very modbegan s annual exami. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geo Williams 2nd vice worker Mr. John Johnson nations this morning. metry, Elementary president, Martin 3rd who departed this life on erate prices vvill be charged for admission.
This may, therefore, be accepted as an open The written part of the Science Hygiene, Reli. vice president, Mrs. Tuesday November 24th.
exau. inations will last gious Knowledge, Draw. Thompson lady president, Whave to thank Mr.
invitation, by vvhich intending contestants through the four school ingManual Occupa. Miss Jones ist. lady Murray for the excellent are here by appraised. Enquiries vvelcome.
days of this week, while tions, Geograpay, Gene. vice president. Miss way in which he conducted Scott. Secretary UNIVERSITY CLUB, Lithe oral, which will be ral Knowledge, Vocal Foster 2nd lady vice pre the service and Miss Inez MON. EGBERT POLSON, President conducted by the Rey. Music.
sident, Miss Flemmings Franklin for presiding at SCOTT, Father Alberto Wolgar The school closes for 3rd lady vice president, the organ.
ten, will be taken on the Christmas holidays Haughton treasurer, Secretary.
Monday and Tuesday on the 15th. inst. Bryan executive se.
LABAN ROOMS Este documento es popiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cretaryentuk. OA RicRooms rezent Variety Concert Elocution Contest we want San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia School examination division) as installing offi cer.


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