p. 4


Saturday December 12. 1931 Solving the problem News of the World Some Funny Tings and will take the cities Do your and a little more it the me to do Races! Races! Races!
Financial Conference Finances of Columbia Limon, December 5th, 1931 same way, an about dozen o de sheep an ram In conjeceturing as the whole Then he says on Saturdays Mistah Hedita, dress in white, wid red an London Mc Donald Bogota decree country is doing at this mo. the offices are closed for «The Sarchlite.
grean sash. Two o dem old ment the means of solving halfday so vye have another proposes in the house of has been issued which Cartago, a barner over de Steppal the financial difficulty which 26 days to be deducted from Commons that the gove prescribes the admission head, an two more carry conf onts the government, the 55 leaving only 29 days ernment considers a pro in the Bank of the RepuDear Mistab Hedita: piece o tick, bout foot long, we have come across a For of pay. neber does write in a vvid candle pon dem.
mula in «La Tribuna of the buat he does not stop there ject to convene an inter blic of all arrears relative Well, Sah, dem go right newspepah befo a my life, 10th inst, which so tickles because, each employee takes national conference to to foreign debts, this mea but ha fi do ie now, bedonga de Gobna Orifice.
us that we reproduce the at least an hour and half study the causes of the sure is considered a veri Ater dem finish dey, dem caus tings gwine bad.
translation for the hilarity for breakfast daily hence economic stringency of the table suspension of all Las week We nsdy bout procesh up de 3rd treet and of our readers.
14 hours of 365 days give world, he suggests that payment to foreign credit a clack, let me house fe go back up to Miss Arnal The Caricaturist brings you 22 days to be deducted the financial experts of the ors if the Executive con go dong tong. When Ah got hill side, vvhey dem na Don Cleto and Don Fabio from the 29 surviving days Bank of Basle Switzerland siders it necessary. a de baseball grong. Ab see dem tabanacly. Dem hab Baudrit his Minister of Fin vvould leave him days to one big fiesta u deh, de ance seated in consultation be paid for, that is if old be asked to send an opi It is also considering a crowd o people up a de vhole nite, an plenty people over the Crisis, and he says, Pithagoras does not internion in the matter.
the means of augmenting topo de trete Me ax wan here is the formula.
vene, then as every offici the circulation for the pur tell me say, is de Revival woman a wha happen. She go look pon it.
Fe me fe tell you une There many things in this life has got his Saint Day or Foot Ball in England we cannot get to understand; his Birthday to drop in in pose of strengthening the Sheppad a go marrid. Well, ting; but if you did see vvhat see, you vvud a laugh till among others, he says why which he is given indulgenLondon Fifty five bank of the agricultural Ah wait an de crowd start are three gentlemen disput ces, or possibly he may not thousand persons witness Credits, and opening up fe come dong de treet; but you ribs bus. Ah vvish de ing the Presidency of Costa feelvvell and so take a ed the Foot Ball match at Public Works, Ah notice dat dem top at Sheppad could a hab a it all de cross treet, an de vvedding every vveek; Rica which at this moment purge, yielding another day the Arsenal grounds betwe.
Sheppad prafesigh disaster vvud help ve fe figet de is not a very desirable Bone to be discounted, hence for Sandinos men advance hand time.
en England and Spain, and to pick at? Which thing the life of us, one cannot see an venjance pon de lan.
Do, Mistah Hedita, put dis came first, the egg or the hen vvhy Don Fablo is suveating there were 20000 who could. When dem come clos, Ah that layed the egg? Who put drops of blood to find money not gain admittance for Mexico, The repressee de Sheppad dress up in in de Sarchlight; because a red night gown an a red Ah knovv plenty people the water in the Coconut, to pay these great want of space; The English entative of Sandino, says cap, wid a little tick in him vvho no ben see dis sight, and by what means did he vagabonds vvho never at men beat the Spaniards he has received a mes han, rap vid red and black vvud a like fe hear bout it.
get it in there? and why best do anything as we sage from the rebel Chief tape. De lady him gwine Tenk you, Sah should the seed come on the have demonstrated by logical by seven goals to one.
in which he states that his marrid to. she dress de (BACKRA TAMAS)
outside of the Cashew? but reasonings borne out by the the strangest thing of all is, mute and extraordinary eloforces control the rural why should Don Cleto and quence of figures, and anyone OG IMPRENTA districts of departments.
Don Fabio be going cra y vvho can refute this has the Falcó Hermanos how to get the money to right to do so.
when it is considered conpay the public servants?
venient they are approThis is really vvhat we canlittle more that counts not understand, because to oaching Leon and Managua.
tell the truth, the public emThe President, General To do his duty and a der to know just how ployees never vvorkl and vve Moncada narrowly escaped little more should be the many minutes more he has are going to demonstrate it in being captured by the ins end in vievv of every vvell to be at the deck, or at a conclusive manner. Here is the prescription vvhich At 24 Miles on 14th December see the Programme urgents.
thinking person who ac his work, whatever it might vve give to Don Fabio vvith of 11 Races. Trains to and fro and all attractions.
cepts a position as an em be, so as to be ready to for it, so long as he promises Pretty girls, jovial comrades, good sporting; dancing Panamanian Drastic ployee, vvhether the em dash through he door as to put it in practice with galore and a happy day spent among your friends.
emergency Law ployment be from a Gov. the hour hand points to all his intelligence.
SI ernment or a private con the knocking off hour, is Here it is: The year has 365 On that 2nd inst the cern.
almost always the one to days, good; The government Panamanian government When one performs the come latest to work. Such employee sleeps hours ea put a new law in force duty for vvhich he has an employee has no time day, vvhich makes 122 days BOTICA CENTRAL which is that none but been contracted or employ to do a little more, he can in the year vvhich he remains in bed leaving then de Juan Bta, Ortiz Farmacist persons travelling by first ed he is entitled to the scarcely even do that for to be paid for 243 days.
class passage can enter emolument agreed upon which he is paid. EmployAvenue de las Damas, from the Atlantie Station Then his employee takes Panamanian territory, be for the service rendered ees of this sort scarcely another hours ofrest daily, oposite corner of the Imprenta Alsina vvhich makes another 122 Makes a specialty in the despatch of Prescriptions, Pharmaceutical sides, every passenger who and nothing more. And the ever climb to higher posts.
days of the 243 vvhich he preparations, and Patent Medicines of all kinds. Attends all orders vvants to remain for thirty fact of having done the On the other hand, the by Post. The direction can be shown by his Agent along the lines passes resting having 121 days or more must have duty vvell is no argument servant who, after the hour days to be paid for.
Mr. LEWIS Cash Deposits on him or her at least for expecting any further strikes for knocking off Then vve have 52 Sundays Apartado 510, San José, Telefone 2106 five hundred Balboa, and recognition; forno one hangs around, brush his in the year, in vvhich no one two hundred and fifty for vvould think of employing desk and probably some vvorks, hence discounting these vve leave 69 days for each dependent of his. another to do the task as body else desk, finds actual vvork.
Circus, Theatrical Cos, he (the employed) might this or that little thing to On the Almanac hovvever professional men, patients best choose, It is always, give a last touch to, is vve find that there are 14 Several of our readers three, four corrections at going to Hospitals, the without so expressing, sure to be noticed by his days feriados (Holidays) at have been complaining times, and at times vvhen vvives and children of tacitly understood the superiors and in due time cial. thus deducting these he of the printers devil the last proof is corect people of independent work is to be done well, he will receive the just has 55 days to be accoun that has been so med ed, it is nut properly ineans already domiciled unless in cases where one reward.
ted for, dlesome at times in attended and miss our there, students and Tourists is taken on for trial, to When a servant starts our impressions, but we eyes at the last moment, are exempted.
be retained if the service in a bank to work as a will ask them to be a vve therefore appologize rendered warrants reten duster or a floor sweeper An old bit considerate, from the tor these omissions and Troubles of Uncle Sam tion.
and a few fact that vve operate in pray yonr indulgences But if an employee does climbs to the post of cas an office in vvhich none until vve can secure our Churchworker Washington, Pres. his duty well and then does hier of that institution it of our vvorkmen knovy ovvn office vvith your ident Hoover asks the a little more than he was certainly was not because a vvord of English, vve assistarice.
country in his Annual contracted for, while he he dusted well or was a The many friends of therefore have to make message to Congress to may have done the little the Revd. Canon Henry clean sweeper; he most accept for two years an more without a thought likely did «a little more Thornton who was for increased rate of taxation of further recognition, his every day.
many years connected with And so, the carpenter, the Honduras Diocese in of the revenue. The deficit devoid entirely of the sense who will leave his tools Toro will be pleased to From the different let our Nevyspaper; vve so far is 2, 123, 000. 00 and of justice and right if he whereever he is found know that after his vaca ters of appreciation therefore beg of our as a consequence of which failed to take note of that when the clock strikes tion in England he is so vvith vvhich we have Subscribers and Agents the public debt has been done by his employee over much rejuvenated that the been favoured from time along the lines to for increased by the sum of and above his duty. It is carpenters mechanics or eleven is not the kind of has been sent on to Be to time, vve realize that vvard their contributions 700, 000. 000. He also always the little more that engineers one ought to lize Honduras, to take up our efforts during the regularly nonthly to asks Congress to formul counts.
look work there in the rebuild past tvvo years have enable us to carryon.
ate an important financial The servant or hired And so it ought to be ing of the Churches which been appreciated; but Estrada, 28 Miles, Li corporation to reconstruct man who always taking in every walk of life; there have been destroyed or mere appreciations mon and Old Harbour national finances. a look at the clock in or ought always to be tha damaged by the recent vvithout monetary assis. are very much backvvard, Catastrophe in that Co tance vvill not assist us vve therefore beg of our spirit in our works and lony.
to cortinne the issue of subscribers in these plaA NOTIFICATION engagements that stimula ces to pay up to cur tes us to do, not only 12 that for which we receive Agents, so they cando The many Shareholders of of Mr. Shaw. Persons intCarlos Manuel Fernandez their duty by us.
the Agricultural Building erested will therefore look pay, but JUST LITTLE MORE Corporation of 28 miles will up all these receipts to be if we hope for success in DENTIST be pleased to know that the presented when the date of our endeavors.
To obtain results tered and the Document is same time please bring mo Corporation is now Regis the meeting is called, at the Specialist in movable bridges of the Akeres or Deefour type Plates or bridges of Inlay type without crowns and without any in our hands, general neys in hands to defray all Shareholder will be neces inconveniences for the patient.
in your business, Shareholders meeting will these expenses which will be called at an early date to amount to about 250. As these scripts and other expsary to pay for printing ct Teeth set in Hecolite, Gold, Porcelain, Aluminum, and Rubber Office in front of the 2nd. Section of Police in Av.
hand out the Shareliolders there are no funds in bands advertise in THE Scripts which are being print Mr. Saw having forcibly enses incurred since May Hours to 11. 30 and to p.
San José. Box 1252 Telephone 4201 ed now, to redeem all rec taken the Administration of NATION SEARCHLIGHT de sisintsaduhiclajauhere given fquiturdhoveRES petty since May last.
moneys paid into the hands At least five colones per President REQUEST years later To our subscribers caused by the falling off uld, indeed, have to be the mechanie, the engineer last.
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