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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally abora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment In times of difficulties and perplexities such as these, the things that make for happiness are: to look fearlessly upon life vvhatever your circumstances may be; accept and obey the layys of nature, not vvith meek resignation, but as her sons and daughters who dare to seek and question, thus bringing peace and confidence vvithin your Souls.
YEAR III LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 19 DECEMBER. 1931 NUM. 105 Christmas Message 1931 THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS cersome resI am, came to Drof. Henry Hylton and strife and let us unite peace and good vvill shall in the worship of the Babe have filled men hearts, leav 28 Miles, Waldeck. lence it is regrettable that creed. For several years In dealing with the days of Bethlehem.
ing no vacuum for evil and there is for each a common To show that the Greeks strife.
only a partial few are He proclaimed this meintrinsic value and a speci. Romans were aiming at the As Santa Claus is represTo the Editor of the mindful of its true signi. ssage froin His native fic historic value dependent mark from the dim distance, ented carrying these things Searchlight ficance.
lard in Palestine from on some incident of extra John says, This is the true in a bag heavily charged When man fell from which place it has made ordinary importance which lig that lighteth every man and slung over his shoulder, Dear Mr. Editor: his original purity and a circuit of the world.
was consumated on that cometh into the world. coming over the snowy, it tain day. To the logical mind Jeremiah calls Him. Jehovah shovys his vvillingness to lost his spiritual kinship. He was the first great Lord bear heavy burdens over the In compliance with to his Creator, and be the association of the incid. tsid Kenu. The reformer of this doctrne, ent with the day does not Our Righteousness. Malachi most difficult vvays to reach your request respect. came an outcast. there of Universal. Brother enhance the intrinsic value calls Him, The Sun of sinful man. The same idea fully beg to submit the sprang up a divine sym hoc; for which he made of such a day, and holds Righteousness with healing transcends and impeis us following article to you pathy, a sympathy coin the supreme sacrifice.
the same relation to the in His wicgs. re iterate to reach out extra for the Christmas Num bined with love that Jesus was not a event as a man clothes to that the ancient Greeks and bounties to the criminals at ber of the «Searchlight. caused the Son of God pected man, he was not his intellectual culture and Romans did not get their Christmastide. so he delights his constructural achieve inspiration and culture by to go back over the same to vouchsafe Himself as largely adored he was ments. The thing, therefore, chance. These came to them road laden with our vyhole Your respectfully, the Redeemer of mankind not even loved by His that counts is the event; and from some other people, just year griefs, failures, vexaAnd so on that glorious own people. He came so it makes no difference if as they us from tions and strife to dump Harrison Xmas morning nearly unto His own and His Christmas were at Easter. them; and we are heirs of them far avvay, time and Easter time at all the ages in te foremost What a substitute! Surely, two thousand years ago own received Him not.
files of time. These gifts are Christmas.
said Isaiah. He hath borne We are close approach. there appeared in the But there was one thingMany modernist, religious good and their good is in our griets and carried our ing that season of the year manger of Bethlehem about His doctrine and cavillers strive in rant speech calculable and completely sorrovvs. Is then, the idea in which the Christian the greatest gift that that is, although His eneand fa. lacious literature to incommensurabl. It is in of Santa Claus so bad after world indulged in ma was ever offered to the mies lave destroyed Him vituperate those who cele. finite. It is of God the In all?
king liberal gifts to their human race.
brate the 25th of December fioite. It is transcendent and physically, yet spiritually becomes at Christmas Day: but they the blessing of «But heap on more wood relatives and friends in Christ brought a mes He lives in the hearts of offer no definite Substitute. every age and nation. Rightly Let the wind whistle as it will, commemoration of the sage to the world. It was men to this day. Those We ll keep our Christmas merry The kernel is not the Day did the Apostle James de Motiny riativity of the Saviour of that of love to all man who naile:1 Him on the but the Christ. the Babe of clare. Every good gift, and mankind. In this legitima kind irrespective of na cross little thought that Bthlehen. Was there such every perfect gift is from Happy mas, for Mr. Na.
a Birth? Must we believe above, and cornetb down te indulgence of benevo. tionality, race, colour or they were doing Him a tion the SEARCHLIGHT!
great service. a Service there was and is a Christ. from the Father of Lights Happy mas, for it numGod made incarnate. that with whom is no variable erous readers!
which was to be heralced came of miraculous concepness, neither shadow of turn Happy Xmas, for men of Dedication of a Church down the ages to the tion and birth, and as man, ing. Hence the origin of the good vvill!
generation of mankind.
lived on earth. the Saviour mas gifts.
We too give May good old Santa Claus Dedicatory Services in connection with the opening of men? We orthodox Christ gifts at Christmastide; and This gives us an idea of carry avvay in his bag, ians do so believe; and so he who can appreciate and of the Guacimo Baptist Church will be held vvars, sickness, crimes, god.
the power of spiritual we assign Apollo Day as utilize good something. oughtlessness, race hatred, politin that Church on Monday the 28 th of December. force, the power of a Chr. Birthday. Chrismas.
to appreciate Christmas: the ical embroilments and finThere will be a SPECIAL TRAIN on that date righteous cause. come, let us adore Him! Day of the best something. ancial depression and in the betwen Limon and Guacimo, leaving Limon at 30 Christmas symbolizes Christus matus hodiel And while some do eat to vvords of Corinaldi.
a. and returning in the evening.
something the God Gluttony and drink more than But who was Apollo? And May Hard time lose her It will be a big day, come along and enjoy it. the amusements and the what prompted his worship? to Bacchus and many others voice in toto, Surely it was not by chance, practise the same cult to And like the mysterious For further particulars see the Pastor.
ephemeral gifts in wbicu nor a will o de wisp, and the Devil, let us as Cristmusic in mystic Babylon, the Christiansendulge if it were even so; Pope ians keep our Mass to Christ; Be heard no more!
Revd. WILLIAM FORDE rightly says. All chance is and in thanksgiving say to themselves today. Christ direction we cannot see. our Heavenly Father. Thou mas brings us to the There must have been some who dost give us daily realization of the fact the Bread faint ray of the Guiding bread, Give us that when man was prac.
Star whose twinkling was Eternal. tically lost in his spirit.
caught by those watchers Again, the cavillers would few days hence and piness? May be not. For man efforts in the di vituperate and condemn us Christmas, so character. most of long ago. St. Paul said ual affinity to his Maker nen identify Hap rection of goodness.
Christ came to them, Him whom ye ig. for telling our children about istic of mirthfulness and piness vvith Pleasure, a norantly worship, declare Santa Claus and charge us Friends, therefore, are diator upon the Cross unto you with a deliberate lie. This jo jousness, vvill have vvhich is a degrading desirable; the true friend of Ca vary reinstated This Apollo was a deity is not a fair charge, wot made its impress on the vievv; while not a few is a sort of alter ego. man to his spiritual kin.
among the Greeks and Ro. that through ignoranee they records of Time. During others connect it with We must have a friend ship.
do it. Alie is a dirsct fa mans, worshipped as tie that period men vvill honour, vvhich is an at court. goes an old Yet in spite of this God of light and day the to deceive so as to stave off seek every kind of en inadequate view. both saying; and we shall supreme sacrifice, in spite sun god of archery, prophecy, medicine, poetry and impending or probable chast. joyment that may satisfy. being lines of thought alvvays find that mau of this wonderful gift to and music; the model of isement. Parents and friends and as they meet one that set up tvvo very greatest and best activ aumanity we find Christmanly grace and beauty: are only agents of God, or another, they will make poor standards of men: ities are exercised not endom has not yet fully called also Phoebus.
if you like it, God stewards. free use of that age long the menpleaser or serin isolation but in con interpreted the song of These ancient fathers had Santa Claus stands for St.
Nicholas Kris Kringle, which greeting. happy vingman, and the flat. junction vith other the Angels. has not yet more than a concept or vani imagination; it was the ver is a quaint representation of christmas. One vvishes terer or hypocrite mimbers of his kind. fully interpreted the spiitable percept of the Coming Jesus Christ. As Santa Claus that that kindly greeting, vyhence Happiness is And any life lacks com rit of Christ.
King. The Babe of Bethle. is painted as coming from so cften accompanied not served at all. pleteness, and goodness Since Christ came into hem whose attributes were an unknown region beyond idealized and denominated the dwelling sphere of men, shake, could come di vvith a hearty hand But it is in our human if lived vvithout friends. the world to save mannature to take kindly to In fine, friendliness kind, His love must be in Apollo with Jesus Christ is the sumum Christ, the Kriswho rectly from the heart as the good vvishes given and friendshipattain their Continued to pag bonum of all virtues. Go comes to us from the region indicative of that genuine to us; vve like to hear nighest perfection. Hap tell John, the things which beyond the stars.
friendliness and friend ye do hear and see, them. Above all vvishes, piness. vvhere comrade all be happy in the circle «The The gifts of Santa Claus ship that are the safe hovvever. of vvhatever ship is complete. And of this great Brothehood blind rece ved their sight. are symbolic of the tidings oad to Happiness. But sort they may be is the may it not be that in of Man? Be it so.
the lame walk, the lepers of great joy for all people do men generally conbrought us by Christ, vvhich exhibition are cleansed, the deaf hear, of genuine this, the hrdest of ali In addition, do vvish the dead are raised up and shall be consumated vvhen tribute to human hap friendliness. a friend perce lime years the for your paper, Mr. Edthe poor have the gospel liness born of that Peace vvorld has ever seen. itor, an uninterrupted preac ed to them.
to men of good vvill. vvhen men might be career of continued use.
Jesus Christ, the same vvhich the Angelic host empted to be more sei fulness and the realizyesterday, to day and forever, The third Yuletide of the Searchlight has arrived heralded on that first fish, stands to meet all human more self seeking, ation, therefore, of the and as a Consequence.
needs, and this season te Christmas morning. We avaricious, and aims it seeks to accomWe wish first of all to render thanks to the Great thousand fold anniversary Cause; and to extend our sincere gratitude to all may define it as a un more envious that God, plish.
of His Birth, when the mulour Subscribers, Patrons, contributSrs and readers imity cf fee ing, not as through the ministry hea enly titude of host who have been the means; as well as to all those who to fact, but as to means of His Church, is intershouted the Gloria in ExCYRIL CORNIFFE, have sent us letters of appreciation in the efforts.
and ends celsis, and men represented Happiness posing vvith that first in the shepherds said. Let Wishing for them all a very Joyous Christmas being the converging Christmas Message, Pea Master, season, and amid all our circumstances a happy 1932.
us haste to Bethlehem, let point of all acts of ce to men. because he St Josephs Catholic School, us too at this holy season NATION friendliness and, there vvishes all to be lay aside all care, sorrow Este documento es propiedad de la Bibliotēca Nacional migdel Obregón Lizbno, me Nacional endoeste daliminde de Cine nu entus costariat vve may Siquirres.
Peace to Men of Good Will Christmas greetings to all more us


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