
Saturday December 19. 1391 Querries on Cricket ento Are Children Obligated to Their Parents After They Have that at that very certain Become of Age time should be released Dear Mr. Editpr: regret, if that is to be from your control and given done by the Cricketers Argumentation of the Leader of the a chance to use my own Permit me a little space of Port Limon, Cricket Negative, Mr. James Scott discretion as an independent individual vvithout being in your valuable paper will never improve it self in different forms: sometimes is obligated to his parents subject to any one who is to congratulate Mr. Roy here. Then as am per due to egotism one of the after he has become of age. not responsible for my future Chapman for his article fectly sure, would ask first weakness of men; som: No other argument, no kind welfare.
written in a week ago Why dont the Board times due to envy, some. of facts foreign to the ques The principles that have times clue to hatred, and tion of obligation vvill suffice submitted to support the issue. am much sur. spend a few Colones to sometimes even due to love to sustain and obtain a de negative side of the discusprised to see the way putit in order for the and a number of other emo cision in favor of the aftirm sion have been in existence Mr. Roy wrote, and Cricket Gentlemen) who tions; it is conclusive then ative, because the question from time immemorial, as atn put to guess itwas cannot use a shovel?
that if there was no limit to of obligation is the prin lavvs regulating human concaused from my simple Another Question When the control of parentage, the cipal, as a matter of fact duct are lost in dim ar requestin some pastissue. are we going to hear or consequences would be de the only point to be delib. quity until no man can say Athough there is alittle see the Cricket Board trimental to the progress of erated upon by your august vvhen they vvere first proMr. Chairman, Judges, society, as parents could body. If a man, after he basmulgated. Hammurabi code insinuation here and opperations for the en Ladies and Gentlemen control the matrimony of become of age could not antidated the lavis of Moses there we know that that ding of the year? We their children, their finance, conduct any kind of business, by centuries: Draco of Greece The affirmative has their business and even their would not be through in want to know wehther enter into any kind of codified the lavys of that issue, but hoping vve are going to have deavoured to convince you ambition, after they have agreement or move from one that country, but only rebecome of age. man would that the next issue may place to the other vvithout duced to vyriting the lavvs a Competition to begin that because of the apparent interest that their parents be forced to marry the girl the consent of his parents, vvhich already existed; tho Bring us sometning of a in Feb? We vvant to have taken in their mainten of his parents choice; a man then the affirmative is right Athenians said that they different nature altrogeth. knovy of the financial ance during their childhood, would be compelled to ma in its contentions; but if vvere viritten in letters of er. Mr. Roy asks the standing? We vvant to and because of other atten nipulate his own finance the the consent of a man blood, and that even at an question what about our knovv if the Board is tions which we may term form dictated by his parents; parents is not necessary for early date, about 625 years Cricket pitch, if some indebted, or vvho is inattentions of best policy. a man would be compelled him to enter into any kind before Christ there vvas a children are obligated to their because of the same reason, of transaction or business, vvell defined system of dothing is not going to be debted to the Board? parents after they have be to do only such business as enter into any kind of mestic relations regulating done to improve it, so as Wishing toget a fovour. come men and women. his parents deemed fit to agreement or to move from that of parents and chil, to improve our standard able ansvver in your Such an opinion is merely authorize; and abusing such one place to another, then dren. Justinian, the famous you vvill agree. Mr. hair nan Roman jurist, called the of Cricket here, or to next issue, and vvishing a fantasy, because it against a control, if it existed, a man would be coerced to show, if some cricketer or you Mr. Editor alongical. And the Judges and follow the trade or the proa id Judges, that the negalavv giver of civilization, and tive has refuted, beyond vylo vyrote the «Corpus (cricket fan) pa ses vvith Mr. Roy Chapman audience will be convinced fession his parents selected, every shadovy of a doubt, Juris Civilis. the body of through here at any tiine a merry Christmas and that the negative is right in even if be detested it.
the contentions of the affirm the Roman lavvs, embodies they would say that we a Prosperous Nevv Year. it contentions, as soon as It may be of interest, Mr. ative, and the negative side all the rules of the ancient you are reminded that the Chairman and Judges of the debate must be susare trying? Well Mr. Roy Romans in connection vvith Status Familie and the FiI will answer, but with DROMMOND first desire of the boy or girls enter into the definition of tained. think it is due as soon as he or she becomes the term obligation which time to ask the affirmative lius Familias, vvhich is the of age, is to organize is the substance of the ques. this question. Are parents subject novv under consihis or her own family. And tion in dispute, and shall obligated to their children deration, to such a magni Carlos Manuel Fernandez what is the basis, the prin define it as it is understood after they have become or tude that Napoleon reprocipal factor in the formation generically and in law. Webs age? negative response is duced them in his ci il code, DENTIST of a family? The response is ter, for instance, defines obli inperative. Parents are not and Blackstone comentanecessarily their children; and gation as that which a person obliged to maintain, protect ries to vvhich have referSpecialist in movable bridges of the Akeres or Deefour type after this family is being is bound to do or forbear. and educate their chi dren, red are simply an explana.
Plates or bridges of Inlay type without crowns and without any formed the instinct inter. Any duty imposed by law after they have become of tion of Justinian Corpus inconveniences for the patient.
venes, egotism intervenes, and promise or contract. Whor. age.
Juris Civilis; and all those the attention of the new ton, Teeth set in Hecolite, Gold, Porcelain, Aluminum, and Rubber an English jurist, in To sustain this theory lavy givers and commenta Office in front of the 2nd. Section of Police in Av.
parents is then dir cted to his law lexicon 12th edition shall quote the following tors uploid the doctrine Hours to 11. 30 and to p.
their own progeny, to their 1916, page 615 published by from Blackstone Commen that after one has become San José. Box 1252 Lincoln Ion, London, defines Telephone 4201 own offsprings, and consetary the commeatator of the of age he is Sui Juris, vvhich quently there is no time for it as an act which binds English laws «page 113» In means that he is possessed meditation upon what their a person to some perfor dependently of the express of his full Civil rights, not parents had done in the mance, containing a penalty enactment in 43 Elizabeth under any obligations nor past There is not a single annexed, if the performance chapter 2, and other subse dissabilities, to anyone, mo.
person in this audience who is not executed. It is clear quent statutes, there is no ral nor legal, except such is a father or mother that then that an obligation is legal obligation at common as society have seen fit tu will deny these facts. Every mandatory. comanding which law on a parent to maintain expressly prescribe, and that The long looked for day ween Mr. Nation Tico, father and mother knows is right and prohibiting what his child after he has become he is possessed alen of full among Turfites arrived and Mr. Schand Mek em talk, what their feelings are to is wrong: in scripture every of age, shall quote further capacity to manage his ovvn the sporting people from all and Mr. Robb French Lad, ward their own children in re mandatory action which is from Blackstone page 114: business irrestrictively, vvith sections arrived in numbers this was a pretty race Tico lation to their parents. There equivalent to an obligation «The legal power of a father out intrusion or control.
from East and West by the went avvay with the lead but has never been a father or is expresed by the phrase over the persons of his In conclusion, vvish to Excursion Trains from Limon could not maintain it in the mother who was willling to «Thou Shalt. and such being children ceases at the age submit to the Honorable and the Linea Vieja, which mud, Mek em talk came in sacrifice e interest of their the case, permit me to invite of twenty one. Take notice Judges that reverence had been announced.
the winner with French Lad children for the benefit of your attention to the com that the mother is excluded; respect is not the questior It had been raining for some second. Time 25. 1000 yds. any one else; society has long mandments as they are writ for a mother as such is en at issue; the question days before which rendered The great race now canie realized this, and every legis ten Exodus 20th Chapter, on titled to no power but only issue is obligation: Reverence the Track a bit sloughy but on between the thoroughbreds lative body has made pro. which all huinan lavvs depend; reverence and respect even is to regard vvith honour, father Sol came out in his Mr. Littleton Cameroonian, visions to protect children thus you will find that there during the minority of the to treat vvith deference, to splendour to encourage the Mr. Roman Robinhood and after they have become of is cot a single commandment child. This principie shows venerate; respect, is to regard hipic events arranged for by Mr. Perry Coat of Arms; age against te intrusion and from which one could infer clearly that a change of attentively; and it is only to the promoters.
Cameroonian came in an easy egotism of their parents; no that there is an obligation status between parents and these tho merely ceremo.
The Committee must be vvinner the 1200 yards man or woman loves his on the part of a child to children is brought about nious policies that the Affirm congratulated for their great striding at his ease. Time 24. father or mother more than vvards his parents; vve sim generally, at the age of ative have directed their efforts to bring the event off The next vvas betyveen he or she loves his or her ply fiad in verse 12 a sug twenty one when they are attention; they have not under such distressing cir Dorris and vvhalevvhip in a own children. This is ins gestion that one should supposed to have matured; established in your mind cumstances. Messrs Damian 700 yards gallop, vvhalevvihp tinctively so. Nature will not honour his father and mother society does not want to am venturiog to say, the Littleton, Clarke, Armstrong, fell in the heavy mud thus permit otherwise, and this is so that his days may be keep parents in perpetual existence of any covenant Scarlett, Augustine worked Doris vvon time 15.
precisely the reason for the long on earth: Honour thy obligation to, nor control agreement or promise exis with Herculian energy to make The next vvas betyveen barrier to the parents con father and tliy mother that over their children after they ing, expressed or impliedly, the meet the success it was; Mr. Damian Headlight Mr. trol over their children after thy days may be long in the have reached a certain age; betyveen parents and chilbut especially was the deter James Persimon and Mrs Da they have become of age, land vvich the Lord thy God as it is being felt that the dren, giving the former the mination and diplomacy of the vis Little, 900 yards, Headlight because if the obligation exis giveth thee.
child has acquired sufficient right to control the conduc honorary Secretary Mr. Pedro coming in first, Persimon 2nd. ted these children after ma Is honour an abligation? discretion, strength and of the latter or to demand Damian most commendable, Time 15.
jority and after they have certainly not. There can be koowledge, to steeer his own the performance of any indeed had it not been for his The last vvas betyveen Mr.
formed their own families, no obligation where there is destiny: and with his idea specific duty, after they aave patience with the many com Dunn Little boy, French Lad would be forced to abandon no coerción: mean vvhen in view, parents are released become of age, vvhich are plaints of the different horse Patch vvork, and Sam boy their own progeny so as to there is no mandatory order, from all responsabilities as the elements constituting a owners there would have been in vvhich Mr. Cecil Dunn Lit satisfy the demands, some vvit a punishment annexed the supporter, protector and obligation; hence, tne affirmno Race.
tle boy vvon in a vvell con times unreasonable, some if the order is not fulfilled; educator of teir children. ative have not provet The Crowd was not as tested Race.
times extravagant and, more vvhere there is no you shall And what is the alternative? their side of the issue as great as on the former oc The next meeting on this often than not, unecessary where there is no thou The alternative is this: Since they are bound to do, and casion but it was fairly large course vvill be sometime in of their parents. You know shalt, vvhere there is no you who have brought me therefore, must respectfully There were as generally, se March or April 1932. am right, ladies and gen agreement to do or not to into this world innocent of request that it be resolver veral small fights on the tleman, particulary those of do a particular thing, there my origin, ianocent of niy Children are not obligati ground but these were quickly you who are fathers and is no obligation. And novv existence is relieved at a to their parents after they quelled by the intervention of correction mothers, and therefore there it is up to the aftirmadive certain tline of the burden have become of age. than friends and the Police.
could be no rule of civil to bring to the understadiog of responsability which you you, Take Notice that the action obligating an indivi The galloping started at of the Chairman and Jud. had impliedly undertaken at Ed. Note. e affirmativ one pm. being opened by a Debate between the Alpha dual to his parents after he ges, some rule of action, the time of birth relieved has been delayed bu.
pair of favourites Nr. James Literaty Club and the has become of age.
civil or othervvise, some from your parental duties vvili follovy in our nex Persimon and Mr. Armstrong Catholic Athaerium will Remember that we are all precedent, some doctrina, or at a certain time, it is just issue.
Cricket. These two horses had take place on the 29th inclined to commit ourselves human and as such we are even a maxim, vyberein it been old contestants for suis prescribed that a child premacy, one winning here inst. and not on the the other winning there; Pers. 28th as erroneously imon took the had and main printed on the fly sheets.
tained it for a half way round of London The subject for debate when Cricket superior care is. that the moving 100 yards North from the corner preparation enabled her to Christmas is near and you must visit Limon, dispute the lead and maintain Picture is more harmful of Imprenta Alsina. SAN JOSE ed it coming in an whenever you do, remember the only place you can easy than beneficial.
get a real good meal and feel perfectly at home is Special attention given to patients from the winner without a stroke of the at AIDA CAFETERIA at the The Races at 24 Miles Dr. Roberto Quesada AIDA CAFETERIA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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